A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball (3 page)

Read A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball Online

Authors: Marie Mason

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Holiday, #werewolf romance, #wolf, #Shifter

BOOK: A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball
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“Why don’t we go somewhere more comfortable and discuss it.”

Daphne couldn’t believe how calm and collected the man appeared. They’d just made out in the kitchen like two randy teenagers and seconds ago he’d been furious with her. Who was this man?

Your mate.

“No.” She didn’t really comprehend that Kade’s voice had sounded in her mind and not her ear. She just heard his deep voice.


The sudden shift in her equilibrium was the only warning Daphne got before Kade lifted her high in the air. What the heck? She realized the wolf was carrying her out of the kitchen toward a small staircase near the bar. “Put me down,” she hissed, seeing the grins on the faces of the men lingering there. She kicked her legs trying to get away, barely missing the arm of a wolf drinking a beer. He started to snarl at her, but one look at the man holding her stopped him mid-growl.

Oh, crap, Daphne thought, she was in trouble here. They would take away her feminist card if she ever admitted a
man, especially this big strong one, was her weakness. It may have stemmed from carrying the responsibility of her sister all by herself for so long that made his take charge behavior so appealing, but it was what it was.

And it was h-o-t.

“Hold still, mate,” the wolf growled as she continued to wiggle in his arms, trying to loosen his grip and make him let her go.

“If you don’t let me down right this minute—”

Her words were cut short by a hard swift kiss on her lips.

“And be quiet.”

Yes, sir,
Daphne thought to herself, finally letting herself relax in his arms.
Yes, sir.

She knew by not continuing to protest she was, in fact, agreeing to whatever this man had in mind. She didn’t even feel a twinge of guilt at not racing home to her sister. Since they knew Daphne would be working late because of the dance, Lucy had made plans to spend the night with friends. Right now, five teenaged girls were having a Christmas movie marathon and eating chocolate, pizza, and popcorn.

Looking at the hard set of the man’s jaw as he carried her away, her pussy tingled. Would she be having a marathon of her own? A marathon of sex with this hunk-a-licious shifter? Somehow, she knew just one time wouldn’t be enough for either of them.

As Kade carried his mate from the room, he debated calling for his car and taking her directly to his house. He knew he was pushing her too fast, too soon. He wasn’t giving her enough time to process what was happening. His wolf had known immediately this was the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with. As a human, Daphne didn’t have those instincts. All she had to measure anything by was the instant attraction that had sprung up between them.

He thought about slowing down, trying to explain, maybe woo her—until he smelled the perfume of her arousal filling the air around them. There was no way he could make that thirty minute drive and not claim her in the back of the car. Hell, he was going to be lucky if he made it to a bedroom.

It sounded cold and calculating, but Barringer had made some of the mansion’s bedrooms available in order to, umm, consummate a mating. Once a couple was done, so to speak, a member of the staff changed the sheets and the room was ready for another mating. Or just a horny couple who wanted to hump each other.

Thankfully, Kade had a private room at his disposal so he didn’t have to worry about intruding on anyone else or using a room that had just been occupied.

He was grateful that his mate had stopped struggling. His wolf was rising inside of him, eager to dominant her. He had to fight the urge to shove her up against a wall and take her. Simply take her. Sink his cock inside her, feel her warm wet heat…

Shit, if he wasn’t careful he was going to cum in his pants just thinking about taking his mate.

He took the stairs two at a time, reveling in the weight of his mate in his arms. He was still pissed at the way she’d described herself earlier. She was anything but plain and he loved the fact that she was a bigger girl. He thanked the fates for giving him such a mate.

And that they had seen fit to give him one now. It had been over a year since he’d taken a female to bed, and only then because he’d grown too aggressive. A male shifter had to have an outlet—either fighting or fucking. His enforcers had refused to train with him until he’d gotten laid. So, he’d found a woman and had taken care of business. It had been fast and vastly unsatisfying.

Taking this lovely morsel in his arms would be anything but. He planned to savor every inch of her. Every fucking, curvy inch.

He wanted a woman beneath him who could take his hunger, his passion. His aggression. To others he might appear laid back, but he wasn’t. Especially in the bedroom.

Juggling the basket the cook had handed him and the firm ripeness of his mate’s ass, he managed to open the bedroom door. It was unlocked and opened easily beneath a twist of his wrist. An inside bedroom, it had no windows. Soft, low light glowed from the lamps on the bedside tables and the small reading nook in the corner. They were ion lamps, made of salt crystal. They gave off a soft orangish glow as well as healing properties and positive energy.

His lips quirked. Had the Barringers thought he needed the positive energy or the healing properties? He probably needed both. Having a rogue in his pack that he couldn’t control had made Kade fucking mad. His inability to protect the ones the wolf had destroyed had torn away a piece of his soul. Some alpha he’d been.

He placed Daphne on her feet, vowing to everything that was the universe that he would protect this woman from this day forward. He walked further into the room and put the basket on the table by the chairs. “We’ll stay here—”

The click of the door told him his mate was trying to run. Before she could do more than put one foot across the threshold, he pulled her back inside, her front pressed against the now locked door. Placing his hands beside her head, he caged her in.

“Tut, tut, tut, little mate. Were you trying to run from me?” He pressed his open mouth against the soft spot under her ear. “Don’t you know a wolf likes nothing better than a chase?” He sucked her tasty flesh into his mouth and was rewarded when her hips pushed back against his front, bumping his rock hard cock. He felt himself start to drip with cum he was so damned aroused. He moved his left hand, spreading it across her lower stomach. He rubbed his crotch into her ass and groaned with the pleasured pressure.

After a few more moments of torture, he stepped back and turned her around. Defiance still burned in her brown eyes. His first instinct was to yank down her pants and shove himself inside her, punishing her for trying to get away. Or spank her and take her ass. But an ember of uncertainty still shining in those eyes made his wolf back off.

He had no desire to frighten or overwhelm her.

For now, his shy little mate needed some coaxing to give herself over to the big, bad wolf.

Slowly, he lifted one of her clenched fists to his mouth and kissed the knuckles. He stroked her wrist with his thumb, soothing the rapidly beating pulse as he nibbled on her fingers. One by one, straightened them out, measuring his much bigger hand against hers. He’d known the touch of his mate would be devastating, but he hadn’t realized how much. Or how much it calmed him. While his wolf was burning to mate with this woman, his mind was clear, at rest for once in a very long time. He linked their fingers together and eased it behind her back.

“We can’t,” she moaned.

“We can. And we are. Just feel, mate. Feel and enjoy. Let yourself go and see how good it will be between us.”

“Stop calling me mate,” she whispered.

“Sssh.” He kissed the side of her throat, biding his time until he could sink his teeth into her sweet flesh and mark her as his.

“You are so beautiful.” He brushed his other hand along her cheek, the softness of her skin a touch of heaven beneath his fingertips. “And you are mine.”

She actually blushed at his comment. And the heat behind it. He fingered the blush, followed it down her throat where he stopped to touch her pulse, delighting in the excited thumping of her heart. He leaned over and ran his lips along the part of her collarbone revealed by the open neck of her buttoned up white cotton shirt. She moaned. The low sound reverberated through his body, straight to his cock. He pulled back. Tasting her was too dangerous to his control. She tasted too damn fucking sweet. The blush on her face and body deepened and he wanted to finger that flush all the way down past the mounds of her breasts and the softness of her belly. Lower, into her wet heat.

His mind kept straying to what she would taste like between those rounded thighs he’d held pressed against his chest as he’d carried her. He ran his tongue along her jaw. She gasped, making him wonder what sound she was going to make when he licked her pussy for the first time. He would find out before the night was through.

He continued to touch her, tracing along the tops of her breasts then stroking the exposed flesh with his thumb. Unable to resist, he took another taste, locking his mouth on the creamy skin of the top her breast and pulling it inside his mouth. When he pulled away, the redness remained. He had marked her, at least temporarily.

Her nipples had peaked against the stiff cotton of her shirt. Stiff. He grunted to himself. His cock was stiff. In fact, it felt like a piece of forged steel. He had never been so hard in his life, even as a young pup, enjoying women for the first time. The sight of her body’s reaction to his touch excited him beyond anything he’d ever experienced. And he hadn’t even touched her pussy yet.

“I, umm, I thought you were going to feed me.”

Kade threw back his head and let out a low howl. Any other male in the vicinity hearing the sound would know he’d just been cock-blocked. There was very little on the face of the earth that could have stopped him from taking her right then and there, pressed against the oak door.

Nothing except seeing to her needs. Ensuring her well-being and safety.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, trying not to groan—or double over in pain—when he drew away. His cock protested the movement, strangled within the confines of his tuxedo pants.

“Yes. I did.” He entwined his fingers with her, drawing her behind him as he walked the short distance to the table where he had placed the food.

With great reluctance, he let go of her hand. “Sit.”

Daphne was more than grateful for the feel of a solid chair beneath her. Her legs were shaking, along with every other part of her body. Except the ones that were pulsating with heat. Like her nipples. And her pussy.

She watched as Kade carefully unpacked the basket. She had expected plastic containers with pop-off lids, but instead he pulled out the crystal and china that were of an even better quality than what had been used for the party. And real silverware. Apparently, preparing an impromptu picnic was not out of the ordinary for the Barringer staff. In minutes, he was handing her a plate filled with an assortment of canopies, cheese and crackers, and—damn it, her weakness—chocolate covered strawberries. Nothing fancy, no drizzles of white chocolate or a coating of nuts or chocolate chips, just a ripe, red berry dipped in milk chocolate. There were more than a few of those on her plate.

Unable to deny herself, or her growling stomach, a taste of the delicious looking food, she ate. Always one to save the best for last, she skipped the strawberries and bit into one of the appetizers. Warm cream cheese filled her mouth and she eagerly chewed and swallowed. All the food except the strawberries disappeared at an alarming and thoroughly undignified pace.


She looked up embarrassed by her behavior. One would think she hadn’t eaten in days, rather than hours. She took the proffered glass of champagne, eyeing it once, before deciding what the hell. She was in a strange bedroom with a horny wolf and she was afraid of getting a little tipsy? Maybe that’s just what she did need. A little liquid courage. Putting the glass to her lips, she threw back her head and gulped down the chilled, bubbly liquid.

Come to think of it the hors d’oeuvre had still been warm. Had the basket been charmed like the serving trays to keep what was hot, hot, and what was cold, cold?

Seeing the wolf watching her with hungry eyes of his own, she decided not to question anything about this night. It was filled with magic.

Setting the plate on the table, she picked up a strawberry. She opened her mouth, licking her lips in anticipation as she lifted it to her mouth. With brown lashes fluttering down, she saw the look on Kade’s face seconds before she took a bite of the big, plump berry.

Even though she hadn’t planned it, she groaned in pleasure as the taste of chocolate and sweet ripe berry exploded on her tongue.

Fucking shit
, Kade thought as he watched her eat. The woman was sensuous without being aware of it. Which made her doubly appealing. Her eyes opened to find him staring straight into hers. He knew she saw his wolf. If the animal had been any closer to the surface, he’d have already shifted.

“Again,” he commanded.

He saw the hesitation in her. Longed to assure her that he’d never hurt her. But his cock was too damn hard and his mind was too damn muddled. Right now he was working on instinct alone.

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