A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball (6 page)

Read A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball Online

Authors: Marie Mason

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Holiday, #werewolf romance, #wolf, #Shifter

BOOK: A Wolf's Desire (A BBW Paranormal Romance): The Holiday Ball
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“My turn.”

Even though she had just satisfied him as never before, hunger still burned deep within him. Because of this beautiful woman in his arms. Only for her. He had to have her now, had to mark every inch of her with his scent. He kissed his way down her body until he could kneel between her legs. She looked at him with those dark brown eyes, opened so wide, glazed with such heat and want.


He inhaled her scent. Her scent was already changing. She smelled wild. She smelled like him now. He lowered his head and swiped his tongue up the length of her pussy, his tongue flat and broad against her center. She bucked in his arms. He pushed at her knees, spreading her wider. He kissed her inner thighs, nipping gently with his teeth. He tasted her again with another long lick, stopping at the top of her mound and flicking the swollen flesh of her clit.

Very slowly, he ran his tongue over the rose button of her ass.

“No,” she protested when he touched her there.

“Sssh, it’s all right,” he whispered. “Relax for me.” His eyes met hers. There was trust there. She swallowed and she nodded her assent.

He lapped at her, taking the same path, ass to clit, lingering here once, there the next time. Using his teeth, his lips. Each time, he raised the intimacy level, doing things to her he knew she’d never thought to allow, much less enjoy. Now, she was begging him never to stop.

He let go of her legs and used his fingers to drag an even deeper response from her. He rubbed the brown star with his thumb as he licked her pussy, drinking in her desire. Again and again, stroking, licking, until he was about to go insane from her taste.

“Now, baby. Come for me now,” he ordered as he plunged his thumb inside her ass and bit down on her clit at the same time.

Daphne screamed his name as the flood gates opened. In seconds, he was on top of her, his cock plunging into her heat. Her pussy spasmed, making her so damn tight he had to force his way inside between waves. His hard, ramming strokes made them both groan. His possession restarted her release and he rode it with her. A few strokes later and he was joining her, pumping her full of his seed once again.

When it was over, he barely had enough strength or wits to move off her before he succumbed to the exhaustion overtaking them both.


The next time Kade became aware of his surroundings, he sensed not much time had passed since Daphne had awaken him with her soft hands. He slid his hand across the expanse of the bed wondering why she wasn’t still in his arms. When his hand encountered nothing but a discarded pillow, he came fully awake. “What the fuck?”

As he threw away the covers he listened for the tell-tell sound of water that would indicate she was in the shower. His animal grew still when he heard nothing. The bedroom suite was empty.

His wolf slammed against his chest as he found his tuxedo pants and pulled them on, not bothering to zip them all the way. They hung low on his hips almost exposing his semi-hard dick. He didn’t care. All that was important was finding his mate.

Mate. Find. Claim.

Anger boiled inside him. What the hell did she think she was doing leaving their room? He threw open the door and took a deep breath, instantly finding her scent. She had headed downstairs. So his mate wanted to play games, did she? Well, it would be that much sweeter for the chase. He couldn’t wait to spank her ass until it turned bright red.

This alpha was on the hunt.

As he neared the staircase, he remembered the party and thought twice about his state of undress. Then thought what the fuck. He only cared about finding his mate. She’d spent the night in his arms and then fled. As he jogged down the stairs, he cracked his neck trying to loosen the tension rising inside him.

Her trail led him toward the kitchen. She was either helping the catering crew cleanup or slipping out the back door. He’d never told her much about himself last night, he’d been too focused on fucking her. But she should have realized he wasn’t a man to let something of his simply walk away. His cock rose in his pants. When he found her, he was going to fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight for a week.

As he neared the kitchen, he heard a click of china from his right and turned his head. In the doorway of a small family dining room, Hayden Barringer stood sipping a cup of coffee. The fragile china cup and saucer should have looked damn silly in his big hands, but he somehow managed to look elegant. As always.

Hayden was a player but last night’s ball had seen to his fall.

Just as it had Kade’s.

“I didn’t expect to see you this early, Townsend.” Hayden took a sip of coffee and Kade had the feeling he was trying to tell him something.

“What do you want Barringer? There’s something important I need to do.”

“I would imagine so.” He took another slow sip and Kade wanted to pull the cup from his hand and smash it against the wall. The wolf was up to something and he didn’t have time for this shit. He had to find Daphne.

“What do you want?” he almost roared the question, his fists clenched at his sides.

“I didn’t think you were the type of man to make your latest conquest walk the walk of shame. Much less your mate. I thought you had more class than that.”

Kade was on him in a minute. The cup and saucer tumbled to the floor, spilling the dark liquid on the luxurious carpeted floor. He backed Hayden up against the wall then slammed his hand down. The other alpha didn’t flinch and Kade got no satisfaction from the fact that the wall now carried a hole roughly the size and shape of his fist.

“Where is she?”

“Easy there, buddy. No need to get all worked up.”

“I want to know where my mate is. Now.”

“So, she is your mate?” Hayden calmly asked, even though Kade’s other hand was still wrapped around his throat. “The curvy human dressed, ummm,
dressed in black pants and a white shirt. Is that your mate?”

Kade’s jealousy ate at him when he realized Hayden had seen Daphne in a state of undress. He’d almost shredded her pants getting them off her last night.

Hayden continued. “The one that came downstairs looking like she’d been crying? Is that your mate, Townsend?”

Kade cringed under the harsh tone of Hayden’s words even as he was trying to puzzle out why Daphne would have been crying. Had someone hurt her?

“Damn it, where is she? Is she hurt?” Kade’s hand tightened around the other wolf’s neck.

“Do you love her?”

“Yes!” he shouted, giving a loin shifter a run for his money in the intensity and strength of his roar.

“Just asking, don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

Hayden broke Kade’s hold. When the other man smiled, Kade realize he’d just been toying with him.

What the fuck was going on?

“Hayden quit playing around and bring him in here. I’m sure he’s hungry.” The black haired woman Hayden had danced with the night before stood in the doorway of the dinning room, a chiding expression on her face. The woman was definitely Hayden’s mate if the big, red hickey, aka mate mark, on her throat was anything to go by.

The other alpha was wearing the same mark of passion.

So was Daphne.

Now that his brain wasn’t so heated with rage the other wolf had provoked, he caught her scent again. It was coming from inside the room. Striding past the other couple, he stopped cold when he found her sitting at the table, an older woman he vaguely remembered from the night before by her side. The woman’s arm was wrapped around his mate in a comforting gesture. Daphne looked up at him and his heart broke when he realized she had been crying.

“Daphne? Honey, what’s wrong?” He dropped to the floor beside her chair, turning her to him.

“Apparently, you forgot to mention that you loved her. Women like that you know.”

Hayden had taken a seat at the head of the table, lounging back in the antique wooden chair as if it were a comfy recliner. His mate, Autumn, was perched on his lap, feeding him what looked like sugar coated grapes. Damn, the man looked smug. As if to prove it, he spoke directly to Daphne. “If you want, I can ask my wife and her mother to turn Townsend into a toad for you.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Kade ordered. He blinked and looked around, realizing he was surrounded by the Barringer family. Gunner also held his mate on his lap, the pixie Kade had danced with last night. The wolf gave a low growl as Kade’s gaze roamed over her. He caught the flash of pink as the woman patted the scarred wolf’s shoulder, no doubt using her pixie powers to calm the savage beast. Adam, the former alpha of the Barringer pack sat next to the woman comforting Daphne. A woman who looked suspiciously like Hayden’s mate. The older wolf seemed completely at ease and in complete control.

When Kade sent a questioning glance his way, the man’s brow arched and he said, “Love is not only for the young, dear boy.” He bent over and kissed his mate on the top of her head.


“Daphne, baby, tell me what’s wrong? I’ll fix it, I promise.” The rogue had taught him an important lesson. To ask for help. And if he had to ask for help from every damn wolf in the room, he would. He’d do anything to keep his mate.

Daphne bit her lip feeling foolish at all the fuss that was being made. She’d woken up this morning, sore and satisfied. But when she’d seen Kade sprawled across the covers in all his masculine glory, doubts and insecurities had risen up, threatening to choke her.

She’d slept with a man she hardly knew, even though her heart was telling her she’d known him forever. She’d panicked and ran, barely taking time to pull on her clothes. She’d been trying to sneak out of the mansion through the kitchen when the Barringer pack alpha had stopped her. She’d figured she would blend in with the rest of the wait staff as they left. If she hadn’t fallen into bed with her handsome shifter, she would have still been helping. Again, panic threatened to overtake her. They were worlds apart. Last night seemed surreal. How could this handsome wolf want her for a mate?

“Because I fucking love you!” Kade yelled when he read his mate’s thoughts. She had yet to realize he could do that despite the many times he’d done it last night.

As he looked at her, he still saw the shadow of disbelief coloring her beautiful eyes. “Damn it, Daphne. Why won’t you believe me?”

He resisted the urge to take her by the shoulders and shake her. Trying to get through to his stubborn mate was like trying to walk through a wall of granite. He cupped her face with an almost bruising force as he kissed her as if his life depended on it. As she continued to hold herself rigid and away from him, he realized that it did. Because if Daphne left him, didn’t accept him as her mate, his life would be over. If she rejected him, for any reason, he would die. Go insane. Go rogue. A horrible fate for a shifter as he knew oh so well. He ended the kiss.

“I’m in love for the first time in my life. The only time in my life. This is forever.”

Kade bowed his head touching her knee with his forehead. He didn’t care there were other people in the room, other wolves, watching. Didn’t care how this might make him appear weak before the other alphas. All he cared about was the woman who was breaking his heart, destroying his wolf.

“Kade.” The soft whisper of his name was followed by the softest of touches on his head. He froze, praying he wasn’t imagining that touch. His hands tightened on the fabric of her pants. When her fingers speared through his hair and gripped it, trying to force his head up, he thanked the universe once again for this woman. For his mate.

Daphne looked into the golden brown eyes of the man who had just stolen the last piece of her heart with the sweetest words that she’d ever heard.

She stroked the side of his face, letting everything inside her pour out through her touch and her gaze. “Forever, Kade.”

“Forever,” he echoed. “I am bound to you. Forever bound to you, Daphne. Nothing, nothing can ever change that.”

He gave her a kiss so sweet and stirring that she could never doubt him again.

“Now do you believe me? Because if you don’t I’ll bend you over this table right now and take you like I did last night.” Around him, Kade heard the women gasp and the men give loud knowing chuckles. Even Gunner. He saw the faces of the men who, in the past had been his friends, adversaries, and now apparently his cupid. He owed them a debt he might never be able to repay for preventing Dapane from leaving.

“Now tell me you love me.” He pulled her off her chair and sat back down with her on his lap. When she struggled, he gathered the thick curves of her ass in his hands and ground her against his hungry cock. She added a few twists and turns of her own before settling down and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I love you, Kade. But I hope you don’t regret this, wolf, because I might not be as easily tamed as you think.”

Kade realized he wouldn’t have it any other way.




Marie Mason has always known, somewhere deep in her soul, that being a writer was what she was born to be. Thanks to the new and exciting world of self-publishing, Marie was finally able to make her dream come true. Part two of the dream is to be a full-time writer, spending the wee hours of morning creating new and exciting characters for her readers. That part might take a little longer. If you’d like to contact her with a comment or suggestion, her email is
[email protected]
or you can find her on Facebook.

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