Abuud: the One-Eyed God (33 page)

Read Abuud: the One-Eyed God Online

Authors: Richard S. Tuttle

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: Abuud: the One-Eyed God
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"He will need one," nodded Arik as he reached over and rocked Wylan gently. "I am sure his stomach is well emptied."

Wylan blinked his eyes several times and then sat up weakly. "I could do well to live without ever having another boat ride," frowned Wylan. "I need something to drink."

Tedi handed Wylan a flask of water and a chunk of bread. "I got our provisions off last night," offered Tedi. "We were very lucky to land here."

"I can see that," remarked Arik as he drew the Sword of Heavens, "but where are we?"

"Someplace other than a boat," commented Wylan. "Wherever it is, I am prepared to spend the rest of my days here."

"Sailing is not always so bad," chuckled Tedi. "That was a pretty nasty storm last night. You did fine."

"I am not a sailor like you two," frowned Wylan. "When it comes time for warrior skills, I will redeem myself. You two take care of me on the water, and I will take care of you on the land. At least I have had army training."

"This can't be," frowned Arik. "It is impossible."

"What is impossible?" asked Tedi as he watched Arik struggle with the Sword of Heavens.

"The Diamond of Edona is closer to us now than it was when we were in Tagaret," replied Arik. "That cannot be."

"What is Edona?" asked Wylan.

"Edona is one of the original Universes," answered Arik as he sheathed the Sword of Heavens. "It was the Universe of humans. The Diamond of Edona is the gem that represents that Universe on the Sword of Heavens."

"There is no sea close enough to Cleb to make the Sword of Heavens react that way," puzzled Tedi. "Is it possible that Azmet is on the move?"

"Azmet could be on the move," nodded Arik, "but I find it hard to believe that he could move thousands of followers as quickly as the three of us have traveled. Still, the Sword of Heavens has not been wrong yet."

"Is this the Island of Storms that we were heading for?" asked Wylan.

"I don't know," admitted Arik. "Bin-lu did say that the island had steep cliffs that we would have to climb. I think we should assume that it is until we find out differently."

"Well if we are not going to take to the sea again," suggested Tedi, "then we should secure the scow."

"I don't think I am ready for another sea voyage just yet," remarked Wylan. "I vote that we explore this island and find out where we are."

"We should anchor the scow beyond those rock outcroppings," stated Arik. "I do not think it will be safe where it is."

"And repair the sail lines that I cut," added Tedi. "Do you think we can pull it by swimming?"

"If Wylan will help push it off the beach," nodded Arik. "The sea is calm and there is almost no breeze. We can do it. We should take any rope that is not essential to the ship as well. We may need it for climbing."

"Well I want to scout out the beach for a bit," Tedi said as he grabbed a chunk of bread.

"Not a bad idea," agreed Arik. "You go one way and I will go the other. That will allow Wylan some time to wash up and recover from his ordeal. No more than a half hour, though. I do not want to spend another night on this beach and we still have the scow to take care of."

Tedi nodded and started running gently along the beach. Arik watched Tedi pass the scow before he turned and headed off in the other direction. The exercise felt good as Arik jogged along the beach. Most of the shoreline was similar to where they had come ashore. There were sections where the beach was eroded and the water lapped right up to the cliff, but he did not find any coves or breaks in the cliff wall. After he had gone what he thought might be a half hour, Arik turned and ran back to the scow.

"I found a cove," greeted Tedi as Arik returned. "It is a nice, safe little harbor, not much bigger than the scow, but it should be protected."

"That is more than I found," responded Arik. "Let's get the sail lines repaired and see if we can sail there."

"I will follow by land," offered Wylan sheepishly. "Perhaps you can tie a rope to the boat and I can guide you if the wind is not strong enough to sail."

Tedi chuckled and ran to the scow. He repaired the sail lines and gathered all the spare ropes that he could find. He tied several ropes end-to-end and then tied one end of the long rope to the bow. He tossed the free end of the line onto the beach as Arik and Wylan arrived.

"There is your guide rope," Tedi smiled to Wylan. "We are ready to shove off."

Arik threw his swords onboard and then helped Wylan push the scow off the beach while Tedi tied two ropes to the stern. When he felt the scow float free, Tedi shouted to Arik and then jumped overboard from the stern. Arik swam out to the stern and grabbed one of the improvised towropes while Tedi grabbed the other. Wylan held the long guide rope while he watched the boat move slowly out to sea. Arik and Tedi were both strong swimmers, and the scow moved smoothly between the rock outcroppings. Arik felt a soft breeze once they were away from the cliff and he climbed the rope that he was holding and hauled himself over the rail. Tedi kept towing the scow out to sea while Arik raised one of the sails.

"Time to sail," shouted Arik as he raced for the tiller.

Arik gazed at Wylan who was wading knee deep in water so he could hold onto the long line Tedi had made up for him. Tedi scrambled aboard and raised the other sail as Arik held the tiller hard to port. The scow turned slowly and sailed parallel to the coast. Arik looked ahead and saw the small indentation in the cliff face. He shouted for Tedi to make the anchor ready. Tedi strode to the bow and unstrapped the anchor. He chuckled when he saw Wylan trying to run knee-deep in water to keep up with the scow.

"Don't let go of the rope," shouted Tedi. "We will need you to pull us in when the wind dies close to the cliffs."

Arik eased the tiller starboard as they neared the small harbor, and the scow turned towards the island. Wylan now had enough slack to regain the small beach, and he started along the beach into the cove. As the scow entered the cove, the sails fell limp and the scow slowed to a halt. Arik stripped off his clothes, ran to the bow, and dived into the lagoon. He swam to the point farthest from the entrance and met Wylan. Together they hauled the scow into the lagoon. When the scow reached the center of the lagoon, Tedi dropped the anchor overboard. As the scow settled, Tedi untied the bowline that Arik and Wylan were holding and tied it to the stern. He signaled to Arik, and Arik nodded. Arik walked the free end of the line around to the side of the cove. While Arik pulled the stern close to the shore, Tedi gathered up the belongings that they had left onboard. When the stern got close to land, Tedi tossed the belongings to Wylan. Tedi untied the stern line and held it as he jumped to shore. Arik shoved the scow back into the lagoon and got dressed.

"You two sure know how to handle boats," declared Wylan. "What do we do now?"

Arik looked up at the overhang surrounding the lagoon and said, "Now we climb the cliff, but not here. Let's find a place where the cliffs do not present so much of a challenge."

"Right around the bend is not bad," offered Tedi as he pointed towards the spot where the scow had beached itself the night before. "There is a crevice there that goes up half way."

"Did the army teach you to climb?" Arik asked Wylan.

"No," answered Wylan, "but I love climbing trees. It can't be too much different."

Arik exited the cove and found the spot Tedi had mentioned. While he waited for his two friends to gather their belongings, Arik tied one end of a rope about his waist.

"You going up alone?" Tedi asked.

"I figure it is the safest way," nodded Arik. "I will tie the rope off up there and then you two can climb the rope."

"Shouldn't I go up first?" inquired Wylan. "There might be animals or people up there that do not wish us on their island. I at least have the military training to fight them off while you two climb up."

Arik shook his head and smiled, but Tedi replied, "I think Arik will be alright. He is a good climber, and I think he can take care of himself if something nasty comes along."

Wylan shrugged as Arik moved into the crevice and began climbing.

"Arik and I do know how to take care of ourselves," Tedi said to Wylan as they watched Arik progress up the crevice.

"Oh I am sure you do," nodded Wylan, "but training can make a difference in a critical situation. At least that is what the instructors pounded into our heads. I think if you two follow my lead, you will learn the tricks in no time. You both seem to pick things up quickly."

"We try to learn the skills needed to survive," Tedi chuckled. "Just remember, no matter how good you are, practice will make you better. That is what my instructor taught me. I learned that lesson no matter how much it hurt."

The friendly banter ended as Arik signaled that he was on top and the line had been secured. Tedi told Wylan to go next while he tied the packs to the end of the rope. Tedi waited until Arik signaled that Wylan was safely up the rope before he grabbed the rope and climbed to the top. When he reached the top he pulled the packs up and untied them from the rope. He coiled the rope and looped it over his shoulder.

On top of the cliff was a massive plateau as if the whole island had been raised out of the sea, and the cliffs had grown downward to protect it from invaders. The edge near the cliff was barren, but the rest of the plateau was a dense jungle. Off in the distance, Arik saw a mountain rising out of the jungle. It had an ominous look about it, and Arik shivered involuntarily as he felt that somehow their journey would culminate there.

"What do we do now?" asked Wylan.

"We find a path," suggested Arik. "I do not intend to dull my sword cutting a path through this jungle."

"But where are we going?" Wylan persisted. "How are we going to find a statue in this jungle?"

"Two good questions," admitted Tedi. "I do not have a clue as to how we should proceed."

"See the mountain rising out of the jungle?" asked Arik. "I have a premonition that mountain is where we need to go."

"Why?" persisted Tedi. "Just because it is the only thing visible that is not jungle?"

"Perhaps," shrugged Arik. "I can't explain what I feel, but it is as good a destination as any other. At least from on top of it we will be able to see the rest of the island."

"That is something that makes sense at least," agreed Tedi. "Do you really think there are cannibals living in this jungle?"

"I hope not," frowned Wylan. "That mountain might take days to reach. It must be clear on the other end of the island."

"Well, we will not reach it by standing here talking," decided Arik as he started walking along the edge of the cliff.

Wylan and Tedi quickly followed as Arik searched the edge of the jungle for anything that resembled a path. Several times pebbles tumbled over the edge of the cliff and each time Arik looked down. He did not like the thought of slipping over the edge. He eventually turned into the jungle when he found the slightest parting of plant growth.

"You call this a path?" chuckled Wylan. "You may have to dull that sword of yours yet."

Arik stopped instantly. "Make no noise when we are on the trail," admonished Arik. "If there are creatures in this jungle that wish us ill, I do not want to give them the advantage of hearing us coming."

"Sorry," whispered Wylan. "I guess I wasn't thinking."

Arik nodded and turned back to the narrow break in the foliage. While he very much wanted to find a path, it troubled him when he actually did find one.

"Something certainly lives on this island," Arik whispered. "This trail is too wide to have been made by small game."

Tedi knelt on the path and examined the soil. "Humans, for sure," whispered Tedi. "They go barefoot. And other creatures, too. Some of these prints I have never seen before and they are large, very large."

Arik gazed at the distant mountain and tried to decide which way to go on the path. Neither direction headed towards the mountain, so Arik decided to go to the right. Tedi stayed behind as he gathered three small rocks and placed them at the edge of the trail in the shape of a triangle. When he was done, Tedi ran softly to catch up to Arik and Wylan.

The trails grew more numerous and Arik continued to seek the direction that would bring them closer to the mountain. Tedi marked each intersection so they could follow the path back to the ship. When they came to a clearing with a fire pit in it, Arik halted the group. He cautiously checked the fire pit in an attempt to determine if it had been used recently.

"Look at this," Tedi called softly.

Arik turned and saw Tedi at the edge of the clearing. He walked over and knelt next to his friend as Tedi pointed at a pile of bones.

"These are human," whispered Tedi. "Look at all the skulls."

"And they have died violent deaths," concurred Arik as he looked at the cracks in the skulls. "Perhaps the stories are true."

Tedi held up a femur bone. "Look at the teeth marks," scowled Tedi. "I don't think there is any doubt about cannibals now. This is not a place that we should dally."

Arik nodded, rose, and smashed into Wylan as he turned towards the path.

"Ow," yelled Wylan as his hands went to his nose.

Arik started to apologize when he heard distant sounds of people moving swiftly through the jungle. "We need to hide quickly," Arik whispered. "Something is coming."

Tedi moved silently into the jungle past the bones he had been examining. Arik dashed across the small clearing and slid into the verdant growth. Wylan ran to the trail and started to run back the way they had come. As Wylan was running, his vision caught sight of movement off to his right just before he tumbled to the ground. Wylan tried to pick himself back up, but a foot slammed into his back and his face hit the trail again. His eyes opened wide as two pairs of bare feet moved into his field of vision and stopped in front of his face. Wylan felt strong hands grabbing his arms and bending them behind his back. Before the threat could register in his mind, Wylan was hauled upright.

He saw three nearly naked men standing before him and felt another holding his arms from behind. The men had necklaces made of bones and their bodies were smeared with blue pigments. Their long hair was towered up on their heads and held in place with short bones. Around their waists were simple belts made of vines, and a crude knife hung from each belt. One of the men bent down and retrieved the spear that had tripped Wylan.

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