Access Granted (21 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Access Granted
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Chapter Forty-Two



“I can’t believe you waited until now to tell me this, Jax,” Sahara shouted, trying to get out of the bed. “You should have told me as soon as you found out. I’m not a child. I can handle the truth.”

Grabbing his wife by the arm, Jax flung her back down on the mattress covering her body with his. He ignored the draggers from her beautiful brown eyes. They had too much to discuss for her ‘I’m pissed off at you look’ to get under his skin tonight.

“Sahara, I didn’t want your entire day to be ruined by this asshole,” he said, trying to keep her struggling body still. She was getting stronger each and every day since he’d changed her.

“I don’t give a damn. You should have told me the second I came back from Zander’s office with Raya. I’m getting sick of this guy and his threats.”

“Sweetheart, I was going to tell you but when I saw how happy you were with Raya, I couldn’t do that to do. Don’t you understand how much I hate this,” he asked. “I’m four hundred years old. I have seen things most people have only read about in their history books, but I can’t stop this bastard from threatening the most cherished person in my life.”

Sahara stared at him and slowly stopped her struggles. “Baby, you don’t think I’m blaming you for not catching this demented SOB, do you?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Letting go of her, Jax rolled over on his back throwing his arm across his eyes.

“Jax, don’t you dare let him get into your head. Isn’t that one of the first things you told me when I was about to give up?”

“Yes, but it is my job to protect you and I’m not doing it,” he snapped.

“Jax, I hope you aren’t doubting yourself. Where is that arrogant, cocky, too domineering and sexy vampire I fell in love with? Is he gone? If so, I guess I need to trade you for another vampire.  Do you know of any vamps that are looking for a talented

Jax slowly eased his arm away from his eyes. His hand shot out and dragged Sahara on top of his body. “I have warned you about teasing about leaving me,” he said, slapping her on her bare ass. “I know you love me way too much to ever do that.”

“I’m glad that you do,” she grinned then kissed him on the mouth. “You’re being way too hard on yourself. We will get through this together.”

Moving her mouth his mate planted kisses along the side of his jaw, Sahara stopped at his earlobe sucking it between her teeth. Jax blew out a hot breath running his hand up and down her smooth body.

His cock throbbed and his balls tightened as Sahara ran the tip of her tongue along the side of his neck. “You’re going to make me really lose control if you don’t stop doing that to me,” Jax warned.

“What makes you think I want you to hold anything back from me? I love everything about you even the rougher side of you.” Pushing her body up, Sahara straddled his waist. Her sweet feminine arousal filled the air between them, wrapping them up in a sexual haze of passion and need.

“You know once I get started how hard it is for me to stop. I always want to be gentle with you. You seem to forget how much smaller you are than me.”

Using her nails, she scraped them down his torso until they stopped right above his navel. She was driving him wild and knew it. His beautiful Sahara was playing with fire and she was so close to being burnt without even knowing it.

“Jax, you worry way too much. All I want to do is make love to my handsome husband.”

Reaching up, he slid his hand behind Sahara’s head causing the ends of her hair to brush against the back of his hand. He loved how she decided to let her hair grow out for him and the addition of his blood helped the growth, but he found her extremely sexy even with her shorter hair.

“Baby, I want to do more than make love, I want to devour you.”

She turned her head away then looked back at him with a flirty smile playing at the corners of her luscious mouth. She held his gaze like she was challenging him to prove it.

“You don’t have to hide that side of yourself from me. I love when you let go. I miss that hotter side of you, sweetheart.”

Sliding her hand further down, she wrapped it around his cock. “I can feel how much you want it, so why don’t just do it?”

Growling, Jax flipped Sahara over wedging his big body between her slim, smooth silky brown thighs. He kissed the hollow of her neck as his fangs descended and his voice grew deeper.

“Sweetheart, this is going to be fast and hot.  You’ve gotten me too worked up to do anything else.” He felt the tension humming through his mate’s body. She was already close and he would make sure he pushed her over the edge while screaming his name.

His hand covered her mound before he eased one of his fingers between her plump folds. “Oh, darling.  You are so wet. Is all of this for me?”  Using his knuckle, Jax brushed it over the engorged nub of her clit driving her cream to pour over his fingers.

“Yes!” Sahara screamed, her fingernails digging into the sheets beneath their bodies.

Jax didn’t waste another second before he plunged deep sliding their bodies across the mattress. He continued to thrust harder, faster then sunk his fangs into her shoulder and drank his mate’s blood.

As Sahara wrapped her legs around his waist, Jax got high on the taste of his woman’s blood and her tight pussy wrapped around his dick squeezing it for all it was worth.

He took one last taste before he removed his fangs and ran his tongue over the puncture marks. Capturing Sahara’s mouth with his, Jax kissed her as their releases raked through their bodies.


Holding the calendar in his hands, he marked off another day with the red marker. The day of Sahara’s death was getting closer and closer. All he had to do was find a way back inside the house and he wouldn’t waste another golden opportunity like the last one he allowed to slip through his fingers.

Laying the calendar and marker down, he picked up the framed photograph of his only child, a son who  he wouldn’t never see graduate from college, get married or experience the birth of his first child because of that bitch Sahara.

“Tyler, don’t worry. I’m going to take her life the same way her Uncle Frank did yours. So, she better enjoy the next couple of days because they will be her last.”

Chapter Forty-Three



No matter how much Zander tried to pay attention to what Jax was telling him, he couldn’t keep his thoughts from wandering back to what Sabrina told him last night before she fell asleep in his arms. How could one night be the happiest and one of the worst times in his life? His mate finally admitted she loved him and wanted to be in his life, but only up to a certain point.

Sabrina didn’t understand that she had to give her all to him, not only a tiny bit of herself. He couldn’t go on if she didn’t allow him to change her. Every day he would live in fear that something would hurt her and take her out of his life forever.

Are you even listening to me
? Jax’s thoughts touched his mind.

“I’m sorry,” Zander answered, looking over at his brother who was standing under one of the security cameras. “My mind was a million miles away. I have a lot going on and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“Why don’t you tell me about it?” Jax suggested. “We haven’t talked in a while. How are things going with you and Sabrina? Has she come around any since I last saw you?”

Zander slid his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. He wanted to confide in Jax, but he wasn’t up for a brotherly lecture about how he should handle the situation, but if he didn’t tell someone he was going to lose his mind. He was at a crossroads and he wasn’t sure about what he should do.

“Everything is so much better than before. Sabrina and I made love last night and she told me that she loved me,” he said, smiling at the memory at how good it felt to hear those words.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jax asked, patting him on the shoulder. “I’m so excited for you. I know how long you’ve been waiting for her to see you as a potential mate. When are you going to turn her? Its better if you do it sooner than later. You know how it took me about a month to get Sahara to agree to the change.”

The smile slowly left Zander’s face as he remembered the apprehension in Sabrina’s voice when he brought that same topic up to her. She wasn’t interested in living forever as his mate. She loved him. He was sure of that, but not enough to give herself completely without any lingering fears about the unknown waiting for her.

“Zander, what is wrong with you? You aren’t acting like a vampire who has everything now. One minute you looked so ecstatic and now you look like you’ve lost your best friend. How can you still be troubled if Sabrina is with you now?”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Zander corrected. “She isn’t mine because Sabrina hasn’t agreed to let me turn her. Actually, she’s scared of the thought of living for eternity without any of her family with her. You know how close she was to Avery and she talks to her mother all the time.”

Jax frowned at him. “What are you talking about? Didn’t she care about the sleep of the dead?” he demanded. “How can she be so selfish? I thought you told me she confessed her love for you. Let me talk to her. I’ll make her see a clearer picture. I knew you allowed her to get away with too much. Sabrina needs more direction and a firmer hand. You’re older than her, its past time you showed her who is boss.”

“Stop it,” Zander snapped, taking his hands out of his jeans pockets. He was fed up with Jax’s advice. It was reminding him of when the two of them were younger. He was a grown man now and he could handle this on his own.

“Sabrina doesn’t know about the sleep of the dead. She only thinks I want to turn her so we can be together for eternity.”

Sighing, his brother threw his hands up in the air in disgust. “Do you want to tell me why you haven’t told your mate everything by now? What in the hell are you waiting for? You aren’t getting any younger. Isn’t it driving you crazy knowing how unprotected she is? Anything could happen to her before you turn Her. How would that make you feel?”

Zander moved so fast that Jax didn’t have time to move. “Are you threatening Sabrina?” he growled as his voice grew deeper from rage. “Nothing is going to happen to my mate. Why would you even hint about her being in any kind of danger?”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. It’s just with everything going on with Sahara I just was projecting my worries on to you,” Jax said. “It’s just this new letter her stalker sent Frank seemed more menacing than the others, like he really has plans to kill her.”

Taking a calming breath, Zander took a step back from his brother. “I can’t force her into getting turned and we both know how the rules work. It has to be something Sabrina wants to do freely and on her own. Now, let’s get off of my problems and talk about yours. Are you going to hire any more guards at the house?”

“I’m considering it, but I think I’m going to take Sahara on another vacation for a while. I just can’t have her here anymore with this guy still on the loose. He’s getting more desperate and she’s tired of running. Sahara wants to fight back.”

“Jax, I don’t think Sahara is going to let you take her away anymore from this. We have to figure out how to get this guy before he gets bolder,” Zander said. “Tell me what you want and I’m there for you. I need to get my mind on something else or I’ll go crazy thinking of ways to seduce Sabrina into doing what I want her to do. I mean I’ve tasted her blood and it was so sweet like honey. I hated leaving her this morning at her house, but she had some personal things she had to take care of and I thought she needed some space.”

“Are you really going to let her not get turned by you?” Jax questioned, watching him closely.

“Hell no,” he answered. “Sabrina is mine. All I have to do is make sure she thinks she was the one who suggested it instead of me. You know me.  I always get what I want.”

“So you are going to trick her?”

Zander already had several ideas racing through his head, but he just had to make sure he picked the right one to get the ball rolling in his favor.  “I wouldn’t say I was going to mislead her, but I will do everything in my power to make her see how incredible being my mate can be for both of us.”

“I wish you the best of luck,” Jax said. “I think you might have a harder time than you think.”

“I disagree with you, big brother. Sabrina is already halfway there to accepting who she is. All I have to do is give her a reason to take those final steps and don’t worry, I’ll find a way to make her do it,” Zander promised more to himself than to Jax.


Sabrina hung up the phone after talking with Mr. Hayden trying not to let her disappointment take over, but she was upset about the freelance job not working out. She knew it might be a long shot since his client was giving him the run around. However, she had to push those emotions to the side because she had more important things to consider concerning her future especially when it came to Zander.

Late last night, she had woken up and watched him sleeping next to her. He looked so peaceful and relaxed with his long, thick eyelashes lying against his cheeks. She was so in love with him, but it was challenging for her to envision herself never growing old. She didn’t miss the hurt on his face when she turned down his offer to change her.

Even this morning when he dropped her off back home, Zander acted like the perfect gentleman and never once brought up the topic again but she sensed it was still there inside of him.

Was she being selfish by only thinking about herself?  All she had been talking about was how changing her life would affect her, but what would it do to Zander’s if she stayed human?

She saw the closeness Sahara shared with Jax. The two of them looked so in love anytime they were in the same room. Sometimes she felt like a voyeur sneaking a peek into their own private little world.

Could she be missing out on that because she was scared of the unknown? One thing Avery never let control him was fear, and he took things on without batting an eye. He was a daredevil in every sense of the word.

How could she have the same blood flowing through her veins when she constantly let the simplest things give her pause? Was she willing to let the love of her life go because she wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility of become a

The way Zander spoke about her birthmark and the meaning behind it was stirring, something she would never forget for the rest of her life and the idea of living forever with a man like that didn’t seem as scary as it had the other night.

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