Afire: Entire Blinded Series (2 page)

BOOK: Afire: Entire Blinded Series
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It's only Lee. It'll be just like old times, like I've never been away

But what if it wasn't? What if their easy camaraderie on the phone drained away once they came face to face? What if Lee was busy and Ryan couldn't stay there? Shit, he should have asked to come. Springing it on Lee wasn't the best plan he'd had. Indecision warred inside him, and he pulled out his phone.

I'll ring him. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Ring him and see if he fancies a visit

He pressed the speed dial button for Lee's number and listened to the ringing in his ear and the dull peal filtering through the cabin window.

"Hello, mate,” Lee said, sounding chipper and pleased to hear from him. “How're you doing?"

"All right. You?"

"Fine, fine. Watching a bit of TV. You?"

"Um, just been for a long walk."

"What? Tell me you're taking the piss."

"Nope. Hill walking."

"You? Fucking
hill walking

"Yeah. Listen, I was wondering, d'you feel ready for a visit yet?"

"What, from you?"


"Fuck yeah. When were you thinking of coming?"



"Yeah. Open your front door."


"Just do it."

The shuffle of Lee moving came down the line, and a light flicked on, glowing through the glass in the front door. Lee's figure stood behind a netted curtain, the same broad shoulders—broader, even—than Ryan remembered. Ryan jogged toward the cabin, stopping a few meters away as the front door opened, showcasing the man he'd missed and thought about for such a long time. The white T-shirt, tight on his biceps, showcased muscles he'd grown since coming here. Blue jeans moulded to the tops of his legs, and bare feet poked out from under the hems.

Lee squinted, phone pressed to his ear, and Ryan grinned.

Lowering the phone, Lee said, “That you?"

Ryan laughed and stepped closer, cutting the call and slipping his phone in a pocket. “Yep."

"Fuck me! How...? What...?"

"A beer would be nice.” Ryan walked up to the door. “But a hug'll do."

Lee's smile tamed Ryan's nerves but sped up his heart, had his stomach rolling over. Lee's arms enveloped him, and the pat on his back cemented their friendship once more.
It's going to be all right. Shit, everything's okay.

Ryan pulled back, the urge to kiss Lee's lips like a tangible thing, as though it had hands that pushed their heads together. A brief brush and then Lee stepped away, ushering him inside.

"What a fucking shock! But shit, it's good to see you,” Lee said, closing the door and walking down a short hallway with stairs to the left.

Ryan followed and entered a kitchen, the wooden worktops looking like they hadn't been changed for years. Happiness bubbled up inside him. To finally be here with Lee after all this time! Christ, it was like they'd never been apart.

"Want a beer, mate?” Lee asked, putting the phone on the side and opening the fridge. He nodded at Ryan's bag. “Dump that on the floor. I'll sort out the spare room later. I don't have many guests. Sheets need changing.” He handed Ryan a can of lager, grin filling his face. “Can't believe you just
that to me! Nice surprise, though. Shit. Come here!"

Ryan stepped into Lee's arms, the coldness from the fridge seeping through his coat, and he felt absurd for having tears in his eyes. He blinked them away and rested his cheek on Lee's chest, where he needed to be, wanted to be since the day his first love had left town. Lee's scent, a woodsy aftershave and the unique smell that belonged only to his friend, wafted up. Ryan took it in, unable to quite believe he was here. He smoothed his hands up and down Lee's back, the breadth wider, the muscles more defined than before, and wondered if his thighs and calves had grown too. Their close proximity and the sheer excitement of being here got to Ryan, and he wanted to laugh it out—really laugh until his ribs hurt.

He raised his head and looked at Lee. “Shit, I've missed you."

Lee's eyebrow rose, and he smiled, a lopsided grin that had Ryan's stomach flipping.

"Didn't realise how much until I saw you, but I've missed you too.” Lee gripped the tops of Ryan's arms and squeezed. “Come on into the living room.” He let Ryan go, handed him a beer, and closed the fridge, leading the way back down the hall and opening a door on the left. “Got a lot to catch up on."

Ryan stepped into the room, taking in Lee flopping onto a black leather recliner in his peripheral vision—and a man sprawled out on the sofa straight ahead.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Two

The bottom fell out of Ryan's world. Hadn't he known this would happen? Hadn't he
himself Lee would have found someone by now? God, he wished he hadn't come. Wished Lee had told him before now he'd got himself settled. And why hadn't he? Did he think Ryan wouldn't be able to handle it?

"Take a pew,” Lee said, clearly oblivious to the turmoil raging inside Ryan. “Budge up, Josh."

Ryan, feeling awkward and young again, stepped toward the sofa. Josh swung his feet off and sat at the end nearest Lee. He nodded and watched Ryan sit at the other end. Anxiety spiralled inside him, and he had the urge to run, get the hell out of there and not look back. After all, he still had his coat and hat on, and he was buggered if he was going to take them off. He'd feel exposed—more so than he did already. He affected nonchalance and stared at Lee, who picked up a can of beer from a small table beside his chair and sipped.

"Shit,” Lee said. “Should be introducing you, shouldn't I? Ryan, this is Josh. Josh, this is Ryan."

"All right?” Josh said, his bright smile and twinkling eyes a punch to Ryan's gut.

Ryan nodded and opened his beer, taking a mouthful. It tasted sour—or was that the bile at the back of his throat? His stomach clenched, and he gazed around the room for something to do. Tongue-and-groove covered the walls, glazed with a pine-coloured varnish. A large canvas, a reproduction of something by Monet if Ryan guessed right, hung over the TV in the corner beside the window. Wooden floors matched the walls, and a black shaggy rug covered the floor in front of the sofa and chair. Ryan wondered if they'd chosen the decor together, and a stab of jealousy took his breath away.

I need to go. Shouldn't have come

"So, you're Lee's friend from years back, yeah?” Josh asked, lifting one ankle up to rest it on his knee. “Heard a lot about you."

Ryan swallowed. “All good, I hope.”
What the fuck did I say that for?

Josh laughed. “Yep, all good. So, what prompted this surprise visit, then?"

Like I'm going to be telling you.
“Uh, I just came on a whim. You know, to do something different for a change.” Jealousy gripped Ryan harder, squeezing his guts, and he couldn't stop himself asking, “Known Lee long?"

"Long enough.” Josh laughed again, the sound irritating as hell, tinny and smug.

Ryan looked to Lee for support.
Come on. Out with it. Tell me he's your bloke and I'll fuck off. Get out of your way.

Lee drained his can and put it back on the table. “Josh, didn't you say you had stuff to do?” He gave him a look as if to tell him to go into another room. “Me and Ryan have got a lot to catch up on. Old times to talk about."

Josh lowered his foot, a lazy motion that pissed Ryan off, proving Lee's bloke didn't relish leaving them alone and being out of the picture.

"Ah. I
, you want to be
.” Josh winked and stood. “Anyway, I've got to be getting back. Sue'll be wondering where I've got to."


Josh turned to face Ryan. “Nice to meet you. You staying long?"

Ryan blushed, realisation dawning as Josh reached down the side of the sofa, brought out a coat, and slipped into it.

"Um, I'm not sure. Depends on Lee."

God, do I feel like a bastard

"Stay as long as you like, mate,” Lee said. “And Josh? Hurry up and piss off out of here. I'll see you at work on Monday."

"All right, all right! Jesus!” Josh winked at Ryan. “You just hope he doesn't treat you like this. Nice meeting you. Safe journey home if I don't see you before you leave."

He held out a hand, and Ryan reached out to shake it, guilt and shame flooding his cheeks. Seemed like Josh was just a friend, and straight if the name Sue was anything to go by.


Josh left the room, hand raised, and his footsteps receded, disappearing as the front door closed. Ryan looked at Lee, who flung a throw cushion at him, a great big smile on his face.

"You thought he was my bloke, didn't you?"

Ryan's face heated further. “No, not at all. Don't know what you're on about."

"You did, didn't you? Aww, shit!” Lee got up and plunked himself down beside Ryan, face serious. “I haven't been with anyone other than you, you know."

“Um, really? How come?"

"Because...well, I needed to find myself, didn't I? Told you that when I left. Couldn't do that with a man in my life, but now? Yeah, I think I'm ready to start again."

Bet he's got someone in mind
Someone he's met at work or someplace
. “Good for you. Someone nice?"


Ryan stared at the Monet, emotions swirling through him: guilt at thinking Josh a jerk, shame at realising he wasn't, and envy toward the man who Lee had chosen as a partner.
I'm too late. I waited, thinking we had something back then, and now it's all gone to shit.

"You,” Lee said, nudging him in the ribs. “If you'll still have me."

Ryan turned his head, staring at Lee wide eyed and open mouthed. He hadn't heard right. Couldn't have, because Lee had said—

Lee leaned across, his nose bumping against Ryan's, and smoothed his hand up Ryan's coat-covered chest. Their lips met, and a burning fire took over them. Lee undid the coat, and Ryan shirked out of it, his movements awkward while they still kissed. Lee broke away and straddled him, sitting on his thighs. He slid his hands beneath Ryan's T-shirt, fingers and palms gliding up his belly and back down again. Ryan's cock hardened, strained against his jeans, and Lee must have sensed it. He popped open the button and lowered the zip, freeing Ryan's cock with long fingers. They curled around it, the touch sending Ryan dizzy. He stared at Lee, willing him to move that hand and make him come hard and fast. This wasn't how he'd expected it to be, but it didn't matter. Urgency gripped him, and he wanted to touch and taste every part of Lee all at once.

Lee released Ryan's cock and stood, pulling Ryan upright with him. They stared at each other, the silent message saying they needed to get undressed. Now. Helping one another out, they shed their clothing, tossing it to the floor then moving together into an embrace where cocks and chests met. Hands roved asses, hips circled, and bollocks brushed together.

God. God, this is so fucking intense

Ryan crushed his lips to Lee's, and their kiss grew frantic, a coupling of tongues that set Ryan's cock to throbbing. Lee guided his hands up Ryan's back, settling his palms on his shoulders and pushing Ryan down. Ryan kneeled, and without hesitation took Lee's cock into his mouth. Lee's hands on Ryan's head set the pace, and Ryan gripped the other's ass, kneading the soft yet taut flesh. Lee's girth stretched his mouth wide, the tip of his cock skating against the roof of his mouth before butting the back of his throat. Lee moaned then muttered curses, and Ryan sucked harder, wanting to taste his cum for the first time.

"Ah! Wait!” Lee hissed, easing his cock out and kneeling before Ryan. “This way. Please."

He lay on the floor, and Ryan sunk that cock into his mouth again, hand slipping between Lee's legs to finger the soft strip between ass hole and bollocks.

Lee whispered, hips bucking, “I want you to do something. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. Thought about it at night. Wondered...ah...if you'd be up for it."

Ryan pulled up on his cock and took it from his mouth, turning to face Lee. “What is it?"

"My belt. On my jeans.” Lee blushed. “Would you tie my wrists?"

Ryan stared at him, unable to believe he'd heard right. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it or that the request shocked him—more along the lines that tying Lee's wrists would have him shooting his load right now. He scooted over to the jeans and yanked the belt from the loops, returning to kneel beside Lee, his cock throbbing to a painful degree. Lee held his wrists up together, and Ryan wrapped the belt around them, securing the buckle.

"Come here.” Lee raised his arms and patted Ryan's leg. “Give me your cock."

Ryan moved over Lee, knees either side of his head, cock pointing toward Lee's mouth. His guts lurched with excitement, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. He lowered as much as he could without lying completely flat, and Lee took him into his mouth. God, that felt so fucking good, and he sucked Lee's cock the way he wanted Lee to suck his, with hard, unforgiving pulls.

Pressure built, and the combination of Ryan sucking and being sucked proved too much. The base of his cock throbbed along with the vein in Lee's, and Ryan came, his groans and murmurs muffled around Lee's hardness. On Ryan's second shot, Lee's cum filled his mouth, and he swallowed to make room for more. Ryan spilled into Lee again, two gushes in rapid succession, and he juddered above him, the rhythm he'd acquired going out of beat. He pulled up on Lee's cock, milking the rest of his cum, tongue flat against the shaft, lips tight. He raised his ass, easing himself out of Lee's mouth, that soft wetness too much now on his sensitive tip. He lifted his head, and Lee's cock left his lips with a soft pop.

Heart beating wildly and bubbles of exhilaration in his gut, Ryan manoeuvred so he rested beside Lee, the rug soft on his skin. They lay on their backs, panting, sweating, legs knotted together. Ryan put the back of his hand to his brow, waiting for his breathing to settle. He laughed, then said, “Fuck, that was good."

"It was.” Lee turned his head to look at him. “Better than our first attempt."

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