AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories)
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“Tell me something about your fiancé that would make people cock an eyebrow.” His lips were starting to move, but he was trying his best not to say anything that would put a bad light on his fiancé.

I stole that secret from him, by cradling his balls and giving them a squeeze. “She used to be a stripper in Georgia. She changed her name a year ago, after we met.”

I wasn’t sure that I was going to use that against them, but it was nice to know that he was easily manipulated. Those muscles were amazing and I traced each one with my hands, until I was grabbing him with both hands and using his cock, as a makeshift leash to pull him from the shower. I walked ahead of him with my hand giving him incentive to follow along like a good little puppy dog.

I turned suddenly and pushed him up against one of the lockers. The clanging of the metal, and then him looking at me as I sat down on the bench in front of him, was priceless. I took ahold of his cock and pulled it down towards my mouth, until he could almost taste it about to happen. “Nobody really knows about your childhood. Maybe it’s about time that you shine a light on it. The more that you keep these things to yourself, the more that people think that you are hiding something.” My tongue outstretched and I was close to touching him, but not until he laid his heart bare.

“I haven’t told anybody… at all…damn, I want that fucking tongue.” The only way that he was going to get it was by unburdening his soul. “I was a scrawny little kid. I saw my father beating the holy hell out of my mother and I began to work out like a demon. I would put my body through untold pain, just to make myself tougher.”

This was getting to the heart of the matter. I stuck his cock in my mouth down to the first four inches and then I pulled back and let him stay there struggling on the edge.

“Oh my…did I distract you? Please continue…you have me at the edge of my seat.” My clothes were sticking to me. They were soaked right to the skin. I think that he was actually having a lot of fun and enjoying the view from his high perch in the clouds. He didn’t know how the real world worked, but maybe his experience in his youth had shown him that there was no exception to reaching out and taking what you wanted.

“I watched my mother cower in fear of the man. I finally had the courage to stand up to him. He thought that it was a big joke. He punched me in the face and I turned the other cheek. He punched me again and I began to laugh in his face. He became irate, striking me one after the other, until I finally had enough. The last fist came towards me and all he found was my hand gripping him. He called me every name in the book and then I squeezed and heard his bones breaking. He screamed and my mother screamed for me to stop, but there was no way that I was going to allow him to put his hand on her again. I didn’t care about myself, and I had all but resigned myself to the fate of his fist every night.”

I was feeling something of remorse. I didn’t like where this was going, but I had opened up this Pandora’s Box and there was no closing it again.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through that. No little boy should see their mother in that way.” I’ve heard of these things happening, but I was sheltered as a child. I had what most people would consider a normal childhood. There was no drama and nothing that could even scar me in any way. He was wearing his wounds as a badge of honor and that was something that I could admire. “You’ve come a long way from being that little boy. Whatever happened to your father and mother?”

I knew part of the answer, but the rest was swept underneath the rug by the court system. He was still a minor and that infraction had been buried under enough red tape that not even I could find the truth.

Even though he was going through an emotional moment, his cock did not diminish or go slack in any way. I think it had more to do with my tongue licking around the surface of the knob and making him jerk and buck against my face for more penetration. He wasn’t going to get it…at least that was what I was trying to convince myself. I was losing this battle and my libido was highly charged and ready to jump into his lap.

“I think you know that my father died. What you don’t know is that he died by my hand. When I had him on the floor with my hand crushing his fists, I didn’t stop there. The only thing that I could see was rage and that rage turned into a pummeling that made his face into mincemeat. He died in the hospital three days later and I was tried as a minor. My mother’s brother had some influence and they were able to make it all go away. I joined my team, because my uncle held the secret over my head.”

He had joined the Chargers, because his uncle Phillip had decided in his infinite wisdom that he was going to guide the young man by the hand. I heard the angst in his voice. It tugged at my heart in a way that I wasn’t expecting. I actually felt for him and I started to cry with him holding my shoulders.

“That’s terrible and I don’t even know what to say. I feel so ashamed that I’ve made you relive the ordeal all over again. I think that I should go, before I make more of a fool of myself.” For the first time in my life, I felt like I had gone too far. I didn’t even know that was possible, but seeing his face had made me believe that using my sexuality in this way was wrong.


Chapter four

What had started as my version of a Hail Marianne had turned into something even more. It was revealing and I didn’t have it in me to make him a public spectacle in this way. I still had a good story about his childhood, but I was going to leave out some of the pertinent details. The mood had changed. I got up and I turned to walk away, only to have him grab my wrist.

He kissed me in a feverish passion that was unlike anything that I had felt before. This guy was a consummate lover and he was not going to let me go that easily. “I hope that I can rely on your discretion, Marianne. I shouldn’t have said anything and those records are sealed for a reason. If you are going to say anything, then I will deny it, until the day I die.”

He didn’t have to worry about that. He took my hand and placed it over his cock and suddenly I was back on that bench giving him an oral exploration.

My lipstick smeared along him, as I marked my territory. I enjoyed the crimson color combined with his chocolate snake. His brown skin was darker than my own, making him a true African transplant from where my race originated. He was black as night and had these very seductive eyes that made me want to commit every sin in the book with him.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck your face. You caught me in a vulnerable position.” He was pushing his knob into my throat. I had no gag reflex and I think the gasp that I heard from his lips was his way of proclaiming how good I really was. “My cock has never felt this good. My fiancé could take some lessons from you and maybe I should have you over for dinner and see what happens. I think that after a few glasses of wine, we can loosen up her inhibitions and see if we can’t get that stick out of her ass.”

He was obviously saying that she was conventional and a little too vanilla for his liking. I didn’t have any problem showing the girl that variety could be the spice of life.

He finally had enough, grabbing my hair and pulling my face away from him, so that he wouldn’t go off in my mouth. I didn’t know how I was supposed to walk away from something like this, but apparently he wasn’t going to allow that to happen. He lifted me easily into the air, so that my pussy was now right there for the taking.

“I’ve been sitting around for a long time waiting for you to come to your senses. I thought that it might be time to move on with somebody else. I’ve had time to think it through and I thought that maybe you were too good for me.” I could feel something inside me begging for his cock and then he was preparing to give it to me. “This is a dream come true. This is something that I will never talk about. Whatever we do behind closed doors is our…BUSINESSSSSSS!” I screamed, as he gave in to that desire with one long stroke that had me practically at a loss for words.

“I’ve always had a fantasy of doing you in the locker room. I’m sure that a lot of guys that have been interviewed by you have had that same fantasy. I just don’t think that a lot of them have been able to make it a reality.”

What he didn’t know was that none of these players had gotten close to me in that way. I always got my thrill from those at the club, but this was the ultimate way to break through those barriers.

He was balls deep and those heavy grapefruits were full to overflowing with a goodness that I wanted to feel for myself. “Xavier, you are all man and there’s no way that anyone could hold a candle to you. There’s nothing that I would have done any differently. God damn…your fucking cock is something that a lot of girls have craved and I’m the one that is getting it good.”

I was riding him hard and fast, which of course made him fall backward against the locker with his hands up underneath my ass to keep me in place. The slickness of my hole was now caressing the entire length of him, pulling him into my embrace and making him mine. He wasn’t going to pull away without finishing what he started.

“You are unlike any other woman that I’ve met in my life. My fiancé was the woman of my dreams, but now I’m thinking that there might be somebody else. Your body and your lust for life is something that I have been lacking in my life. I’m through bending to conventional thinking. I’m only marrying her because of perception. Yes…take it all…take my black cock you nasty little whore.”

I loved the way that he talked to me and maybe I didn’t have to teach his fiancé anything. I wanted him for myself and he had just admitted that I was the one that had made him look at things differently.

“Give me your seed… Give me your seed…fucking cream into my hole. Take me you nasty bastard.” We were made for each other and then I felt myself squeezing down on him and then throwing my head back in obvious enjoyment. I came with an intensity that burned through me. I took him into his own pleasure.

“You fucking take that cream bitch…you’ve got it…you fucking got it…YESS.”

He was the little engine that could and then suddenly I was feeling the hot essence shooting up into me. I glanced down to see that my own sticky sauce had now stuck to him and made us more than casual acquaintances. He finally came to the end of his rope, pulling free and then sitting back down with his hands holding onto my legs and placing his face against my stomach.

“I don’t think that I’ve ever been more satisfied with a man or woman for that matter,” I told him. “You really outdid yourself and I doubt that anybody will be able to measure up after that. Perhaps we should think about making this a long-term arrangement that will benefit us both greatly.” He looked up and smiled and I had a feeling that this wasn’t going to be his dirty little secret.

I married that man, after he broke off the engagement with his fiancé, and then I found out that I was going to bring his legacy into this world. There was nothing that was predictable about our relationship. Whether it was a new sex toy, some new position, or even something that would make tongues wag, there was nothing that we wouldn’t do for a cheap thrill. I loved that he had an open mind and was willing to look beyond what most people considered normal. We found new ways of turning each other on, including bringing his old fiancé into our bed…but that’s for another story.



For the Love of a Thug

Throwing the last of my moving boxes into the garage, I let out a sigh of relief. It felt good to be done with all of this and good to be able to actually relax for a moment. Not that I had much time to relax, of course. Do you know how much work it is getting yourself set up after college? It’s tough, and not just because a hundred other marketing and advertising majors had graduated at the same time as I did.

Everyone was vying for a job in this city, and as a twenty-three year old graduate with only a handful of internships behind her, why should I be the one who stood out?

I went over all my achievements again in my head, my usual way of calming myself and bringing myself back down to earth. I had entered college at nineteen after interning at a copywriting firm for a year, then wound up head of a sorority before graduating Summa Cum Laude. That was surely enough to get some unsuspecting agency interested in me, right?

I sighed to myself as I pushed the key into the lock of my brand-new, just-moved-into apartment. I’d be lying to myself if I said I hadn’t wondered if my race would come into the equation when it came to job hunting. I was one of only ten Black students in my course, and I figured that the industry was probably going to be pretty snow white. I really hoped that it wouldn’t be an issue, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it might be.

Stepping into my apartment, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head and took a deep breath. It was all so clean and fresh in here, so bright and airy. Sure, the place was small, but it was mine. After sharing a sorority house with a bunch of sisters for the last four years, I was looking forward to having a place to myself. I’d picked up a few extra shifts over at the campus coffee shop in preparation for graduation, certain that even if I didn’t have a job I would have a kick-ass place to live. And here it was. All I needed now was someone to share it with.

Sighing, I flopped myself down on my couch and tried not to let my thoughts linger for too long on my serious singledom. It was probably for the best, after all, I didn’t want to be juggling a graduate career with attempting to nurture a fledgling romance. But there was still a part of me that missed having someone to cuddle up to at night, even if I knew I was being completely ridiculous.

I had dated all the way through college, a series of White, middle class guys who’d always treated me well and taken care of me, then vanished as soon as talk moved to something more serious. I couldn’t believe I’d kept falling for their little tricks, and found myself just rolling my eyes when I heard the usual, “I really like you but I’m not ready for (insert arbitrary relationship milestone here).” In some ways, it was good not to have to worry about where my boyfriend was in the relationship, but I missed that physical affection. And by that, yes, I mean the sex.

I always seemed to have a much higher sex drive than most of my boyfriends, and I found myself getting angsty for it after only a few nights without. Being head of a sorority meant that I was never short on guys to discreetly hook up with, and I wound up sleeping my way around most of the campus without anyone ever really realising it. It felt liberating to let go and just let my sex drive run wild and free, not having to rein in my flirty eyes or suggestive talk, but things didn’t work like that out in the real world. I wasn’t the head of some prestigious organisation any more, and I couldn’t expect dudes to just come and hurl themselves down at my feet.

No, I would have to actually go out and try to find people, head to bars and chat up the barflies. I was already planning what to wear and whether I should have my hair up or down before I had a chance to stop myself. Damn, I must really be horny.

There and then, I made a promise to myself: no random hook-ups for the next two weeks. That would give me time to focus on getting settled in to my apartment, as well as getting ahead on my job hunting. I knew most of my sisters were still lurking around the sorority house, drinking and crying at the thought of saying goodbye to each other, but I couldn’t have gotten out of there fast enough. It might sound callous, but I was more than happy to bid goodbye to my sisters, not because I didn’t like them, but because I needed to get out and start on my own. They had always felt like somewhat of a hindrance to me, and I knew that I wouldn’t be one of those who hung around the house till the fall semester had practically started again, begging to have just one more party. No, I loved those girls, but I knew when it was time to move on, and that time was now.

So the next couple of weeks were spent job hunting, getting dressed up in my nicest businesswear (if there was one thing I was guilty of spending money on, it was clothes, but it meant that I always had the perfect wardrobe for any given occasion), and heading out to offices to hand in my thick, printed CV with a smile plastered on my face.

Every time I came in, they seemed impressed that I’d actually made it down in person as opposed to typing out an email like everyone else, but I knew that it was such an easy touch to help you make a good impression that no way was I going to pass that up. By the time the two weeks were up, I already had a couple of interviews arranged, and I was feeling good about my prospects. I had spotted a bar down the road from me, and decided that it was only right to support local businesses and lavish a little attention on myself to celebrate.

Pulling on a pair of kitten heels and turquoise halterneck dress, I inspected myself in the mirror, pulling my dark hair into a ponytail and brushing on another coat of mascara. I was all set to hit the town. I had called up a couple of my college sisters, Sam and Thea, and they’d agreed to come help me celebrate, on the condition that I would do the same for them when they graduated the following year.

Tottering down the road in my heels, I spotted them hanging out round the entrance of the bar, talking animatedly with a bouncer outside. What was this now? As I got closer, I could hear them asking about being let in, demanding to know why a bar like this wouldn’t let in a couple of college girls. But the bouncer stood firm, shaking his head and refusing to talk, no matter what they said. Even as I approached, and they turned to shrug their shoulders at me exasperatedly, the bouncer didn’t take his eyes off the middle distance, as if refusing to admit we even existed.

I stood in front of him, working my best diplomatic tone, and spoke. “Come on, man, I live just up the street, I’m good business for you. And my friends and I won’t cause any trouble, we just want a couple of drinks and then we’ll be out of your hair.”

At that moment, a man stepped out from inside the building. He was tall, maybe six-five or even six-six, and ripped as hell, his muscles showing through the tight shirt he was wearing. He glanced over at me, just as I finished talking, and my heart sprang into my mouth. Damn, that guy was cute. I didn’t usually go for Black guys—some kind of internalized racism, one of my friends called it—but this man was gorgeous. His eyes were a deep hazel, his hair cropped tightly around his head. Everything about his clothing was expensive, even the whiff of aftershave I could make out on his neck.

His eyes flicked down over my body, and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I usually wasn’t keen on guys checking me out that blatantly, but there was something about him that was impossible to resist. His easy confidence, maybe, or the way he held himself. Either way, when he leaned in to the bouncer and murmured something in his ear, the man keeping us out of the bar stepped aside and gestured for us to go in. Raising my eyebrows, I shot him a grateful smile as Sam, Thea and I walked into the crowded bar. Whoever he was, he had some serious influence around here.

“Fuck, I didn’t realize
was back around here,” muttered Thea as we sat down at a booth, picking up the menu to glance through the prices. My ears pricked up.

“Wait, you know that guy? The guy who got us in?” I wondered if his act of kindness had just been because he knew Thea, and nothing to do with that look he gave me. The thought was strangely disappointing. 

“I don’t know him, so much, but I know
him,” she said mysteriously.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, quit being so evasive. Who is he?”

She looked around, then gestured for me and Sam to lean in closer as if she was letting us in on the biggest secret she’d ever heard. “He’s Randy Paulson. He’s probably the most influential drug dealer in this part of town, and he’s bad news.”

Drug dealer? I’d never so much as taken a toke of pot before now, and here I was giving a well-known drug kingpin a second glance. I blushed at the thought, but pushed it out of my head. What were the chances that he’d be interests in me for more than an appreciative look, anyway? I was a broke-ass sorority girl with a marketing degree and a hefty chunk of ambition that tended to get in the way of me dating known criminals.

“Huh,” I replied, keeping my thoughts to myself.

“Well, I don’t care if he’s Obama’s illegitimate stepchild, he’s really cute,” declared Sam.

“Sam! Come on, you wouldn’t, would you?” asked Thea, her eyes widening.

Sam rolled her eyes. “Of course not. He’s bad news. But a girl can window shop.”

“There’s window shopping, Sam, and then there’s sitting with your face pressed against the glass and drooling,” I replied fondly as Sam’s eyes scanned the room for him. “Anyway, how do you know that about him, Thea? I didn’t tag you as the type to keep tabs on our city’s criminal underworld.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess these things just get back to you, you know? With someone as well-known as him, I’m surprised the whole city doesn’t know.”

“So what does he deal?”

She looked at me curiously. “You don’t partake, do you?”

“No. Just curious,” I replied nonchalantly.

“I’m not really sure. I know he refuses to handle heroin, because it’s too messy, but a couple of girls from the house were buying molly and coke from one of his sellers.”

“In the house?”

She blushed. “Yeah, a couple of the younger girls. We figured it was best not to tell you. Plausible deniability, you know.”

“And I’d have made you get that shit out of my house.”

“Well, that too,” she nodded. “Anyway, what’s your interest in our drug lord?”

I shrugged, putting my menu down. “I don’t know. I haven’t been laid in a while, maybe I’m just horny and looking for someone new to rub up on.”

“You don’t have to be so gross about it!” Thea wailed, waving her hands overdramatically in the air.

“Well, that’s what it is, and you know it.” I found my eyes scanning the room, looking for him, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. “Anyway, are we going to order or what?”

So we went up to the bar and got a drink, then another, then another. It felt good to let loose like this, even if it had only been a few weeks since I’d been living with these women. Something about being off campus, with my apartment just up the road, seemed to make things even more crazy than usual. So we drank, and we drank
We put away pitcher after pitcher of beer, all my careful budgeting down the drain, because I was just having way too much fun to stop. And every now and then, I would catch sight of Randy making his way around the bar.

I wondered if he was dealing, or if he was just here for pleasure, or a bit of both. Either way, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and I caught him glancing down at me a few times too. Every time he caught my eyes, I averted my gaze, only to sneak it back to him moments later to see if he was still looking. I felt like a teenager, peering over at my crush to see if they were staring at me. It felt kind of good to have someone to flirt with, even if I was adamant that it wasn’t going to go any further than that. I already had enough to deal with without bringing a drug kingpin into my life.

So we sat and we drank, and we laughed and exchanged stories about what had been going on in our lives since we’d last seen each other. Two weeks seemed to stretch out into infinity as they shared the gossip and the hook-ups and the break-ups with me, and I couldn’t believe that I’d been living in that hyperactive bubble for the last four years. But by midnight or so, I could see the two of them were flagging, glancing at their watches with sudden interest, and I knew that they would be calling up a taxi and making their moves soon.

“If you guys are thinking about calling it…” I began, watching as Sam snuggled her head down against Thea’s shoulder.

Thea yawned widely, then nodded. “I think I need to get back soon. Do you want us to walk you home before we head?”

“Nah, don’t worry about it,” I waved my hand in the air. “I’ll finish my drink and then I’ll head out, it’s only two minutes down the street.”

I had ulterior motives, even if I didn’t want Thea and Sam to realize them. Sure, I’d been drinking, and it probably wasn’t the best time to be trying to pull this shit off, but I had to go over and just talk to Randy. Even if nothing happened, there was something about getting that ego-boosting flirt from an alpha male that really put a pin in an already great night.

Thea followed my gaze straight to Randy, who was sitting at the bar surrounded by a group of men and women, and raised her eyebrows. “Careful, Renee. Don’t get yourself into trouble.”

I appreciated her concern, but that didn’t stop me rolling my eyes just a little bit. “Come on, I’ll be fine. You know me.”

Thea nodded cautiously before gently shaking Sam and picking up her cell to call a taxi. Leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek before she left, she whispered in my ear.

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