After Dachau (23 page)

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Authors: Daniel Quinn

BOOK: After Dachau
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I wonder what Mallory will think when I tell her my first offering as a publisher of original material will be the diary of another young woman who was hunted down for extermination, a Jewish teenager named Anne Frank.


The story of Mary Anne Dorson was based loosely on that of Lurancy Vennum, born in Watseka, Illinois, in 1865. Lurancy’s story was told in the local newspaper, in the pages of many spiritualist magazines, in the book
The Watseka Wonder
by E. W. Stevens (one of the physicians involved in the case), and in a modern retelling,
, by David St. Clair, published in 1977 by Playboy Press but currently out of print.

Knowing how interested readers are in my beliefs, I should add that, although I employ fantastic elements in my novels when they serve my purpose, this shouldn’t be taken as an assertion of their reality. For example, I have no personal belief in reincarnation or in the transmigration of souls, and it’s no part of my intention in this book to promote these beliefs.


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