After Sundown: Redemption (38 page)

Read After Sundown: Redemption Online

Authors: Eden Robins

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: After Sundown: Redemption
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Something close to admiration flashed in the man’s eyes for a minute. Then he slowly ran his gaze down her body. By the time his eyes came back to her face, she felt like he had completely undressed her with his eyes. The look he gave her was so hot it felt like she was going to burn up. In response, she put her free hand on her hip and gave him her best scolding look. A wide grin spread across the man’s mouth. Amusement lit his emerald green eyes.

“Christian mentioned you were feisty.”

Then his gaze moved past her in question.


Alyssa turned around. Vlad was standing right behind them holding Amy by his side.

“Alyssa, this is Eric, uh, Dragonslayer. He works for me. You must go with him now. We don’t have much time. Bazhena wants you dead. It wouldn’t be safe for you to go to her lair.”

Alyssa yanked her arm away from Eric. Surprisingly he let her go with a knowing chuckle. She gave him one last glare before turning back to Vlad.

“Sheesh! Are all the guys working for you good-looking? Is that a prerequisite or something?” Alyssa asked in a huff.

Vlad just lifted one eyebrow and stared silently at her.

“I’m going with you, Vlad. I will
stay behind knowing Christian is in such a state of pain. You may need me. I’m in touch with his feelings in a way you’re not. I may be able to help you because of that.”

Alyssa knew she was grasping at straws, but she couldn’t sit back while someone else rescued Christian. She had to know she had done everything she could to help him. She could do no less.

“No, Alyssa. You’re The Light that Bazhena wants. She would do anything to get a hold of you. That’s probably why she’s torturing Christian right now. She’s trying to lure us to her, so she can get to you. It’s a trap. You are the key to her power. If you’re anywhere in her proximity she would become even more dangerous, because she wants you at all costs.”

“You’re wrong.” Amy said the words so quietly. They almost didn’t hear her.

“What did you say?” Vlad asked as he leaned closer to her. Eric and Alyssa followed suit, forming a tight circle around Amy.

“I said you’re wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that this woman is not the key or The Light Bazhena seeks,” Amy said, looking at Alyssa.

Vlad’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“If she isn’t, then who is?”

“Christian. He is the one. He is the key to the legend.”

Vlad’s eyes widened in shock.

“How do you know that?” Alyssa asked as her mouth fell open in disbelief.

“When we brought Christian to her, she and my boyfriend spoke quietly to each other. They thought I had lost consciousness after Bazhena fed off of me, but I hadn’t. I heard their whole conversation,” Amy explained with a shrug.

“Bazhena said how happy she was to have the key, but how sad it would be that Christian would have to die because of it. She told my boyfriend how she wished she could keep Christian as her pet, as she had before, but how it would be impossible if she were to attain full power. She said that the only way she could attain full power was through his death.”

They all stood in stunned silence for a minute. Alyssa was the first to move into action. She grabbed Amy’s arm and started pulling her towards the club’s exit.

“You are taking us to Bazhena, now. Let’s go.”

“But I don’t want t—”

Alyssa stopped short, swung around and stuck her face as close to Amy’s as possible.

“Tough. You either take us there now, or I kill you myself. Got it?”

The deadly calm in her voice brooked nor argument.

Amy just silently nodded her head in agreement and let Alyssa lead her outside.

Alyssa missed the look of male amusement that passed between Vlad and Eric as they followed close behind and got into Vlad’s car.

Amy gave directions to Vlad as they drove. She was the only one who spoke. Eric was looking blankly out the window and Vlad was closely following Amy’s direction. Alyssa was too lost in her own thoughts about their new discovery. Christian was The Light? That meant that Bazhena could have killed him already. That thought scared her and left a void in her that she didn’t even want to consider. But wouldn’t she have felt something? She and Christian were connected. They had a bond like she had never experienced before. Why hadn’t he reached out to her again?

Maybe it was time for her to reach out to him. Closing her eyes, she brought the image of his handsome face to mind.

* * * * *

Christian woke up. He felt much better. The gut-wrenching pain inside him had all but disappeared. He lifted himself up, so that he stood straight once more. The bonds burned his skin slightly, but that was minor.

“Feeling better, my pet?” Bazhena’s mocking voice filled the room.

Using the powers of their kind, she moved close to him so quickly it was little more than a blur. She was close enough for him to see the desire flaring bright in her eyes, but not near enough to touch.

Christian strained against the chains, but it was no use. Though the pain was gone, his body was still too weak to break his bonds. He needed to recuperate. He needed blood. The hunger was beating at him now. It was time to feed.

As if reading his thoughts, a slow smile curved the corners of Bazhena’s lips up.

“Hungry, Cristobal? Let’s take care of that immediately.”

She clapped her hands. The vamps he had seen back at Twice Charmed came into the room. They were dressed in some sort of hooded ceremonial robes. Christian watched them warily as they each took a position around him. He felt his fangs elongate as anger filled him. He snarled at the men around him, but they ignored him. They only had eyes for Bazhena.

“It’s time, Cristobal. First we’ll exchange blood, then you will be mine.” Bazhena gave him a seductive smile as she opened the long silk robe she was wearing. Her bare body was revealed beneath. Christian couldn’t help staring at her. Her body was made to please a man. That was one thing he would never forget.

When she ran one of her nails across one breast, barely above her nipple, blood immediately came to the surface, beading along the cut. Christian’s mouth watered. He remembered the rich, heady taste of her. She was a very old vampire. And she had taken so many lives. Her blood was filled with their essence, powerful and rich. His beast roared with joy. It knew her taste. Knew the power it held. She slowly closed the remaining distance between them. As she did so, her men also closed in around him and held him back, restraining his movements. He growled low in his throat.

“Don’t worry about them, my pet. This feeding is just for you.” Bazhena moved forward so that her chest was in easy reach of his mouth. She leaned her head back and held her arms out on either side of her. “Only for you. Drink from me, Cristobal.”

Christian didn’t hesitate. He needed his strength if he was deal with Bazhena. He had to make sure she kept up her part of the bargain—him in exchange for Alyssa and Vlad’s life. It was the only way. He clamped onto Bazhena breast and suckled her.

She cried out with pleasure. Grasping his head in her hands, she pressed him closer. He drank ferociously. Despite her evilness, her blood was ancient and it filled him with a surge of power. As he felt her nipple harden under his tutelage, felt her blood’s sweetness run into his mouth, he recalled the times they had spent together. His body tingled with pleasure as all the erotic images came to mind.


She was trying to control him even now. He could feel her seductive presence winding through his brain. Touching him, luring him, teasing him. He growled low in his throat and pressed his mouth harder against her. He drank as quickly as he could. Trying to get as much of her power as possible. Trying to ignore the passion-filled haze she was wrapping around him.


He barely heard Bazhena’s voice. He was too lost in the taste of her blood, the pleasure it brought him. Before he knew what was happening, he was pulled away from her. His hunger was barely sated. He needed more. He leaned forward, but was held back by her vamps.

His eyes snapped up to meet Bazhena’s. Her eyes were bright with desire as they ran hungrily over his body. He could tell she would like nothing better than to have him then and there. Longing, then regret filled her face.

She turned away from him for a moment. When she finally faced him again, Christian could tell she had gotten her passion under control. Her face had once more become cold and unfeeling.

Too bad, maybe he could have used it against her.

“Now that you have drunk from me first, we can finish the ceremony.”

“Ceremony?” Christian asked suspiciously.

“Yes, Cristobal. The ceremony is almost complete. I just need to say the last few words and take your blood, then it will be done.”

Warning bells went off in Christian’s head.

“What are you talking about Bazhena?”

“Well, it’s very simple actually. I’ve pursued a legend for some time—a legend of untold power. I had collected all of the necessary parts of the puzzle, except one.”

“The Light,” Christian said.

“Yes, The Light. Now I have it, so I can finish the ceremony. Soon I will be the most powerful creature in creation. None will be able to refuse me, so I will rule over humans and preternatural creatures alike. The world will be my oyster.”

Bazhena’s eyes glazed with triumph and something not quite sane. Christian ignored it as her words finally sunk in.

“You have The Light?” Had Bazhena gotten to Alyssa without him knowing about it? Had his efforts been for nothing? But wouldn’t he have felt it if she was hurt or in trouble?”

Bazhena’s husky laugh filled the room. Her vamps laughed along with her. Christian frowned in confusion. What the hell was going on? The laughter finally died down. Bazhena’s eyes turned crafty.

“Yes, I have The Light. He’s standing right in front of me. You are The Light, my pet.” She stared at him with anticipation in her eyes. Waited for a response, as if she relished the moment.

Christian ignored her. Him? He was The Light? How was that possible?

“You’re wrong, Bazhena. The Light is somebody who has devoted their life to helping others. Who feels it’s their duty to do so. I’ve done no such thing.”

“Haven’t you?” Bazhena smiled almost tenderly. “I seem to recall a fledgling vampire who had once been in my power, he had everything before him. He could have killed and fed to his heart’s desire and have a beautiful woman by his side. He and I could have ruled the world together, but he turned against me. He forsakes the pleasure of the hunt, the pleasure of drinking from victims so frightened their blood was sweet and rich with adrenaline. And he gave up the pleasure of the kill. Of feeling his victim’s puny little hearts slow and eventually stop as he took their life force. He tasted of all of this, yet he turned his back on it. He silenced and muzzled the proud beast inside of him that so often tempted him. That roared for release. That screamed to live its life as it was meant to. Instead of plundering mankind, he decided to help and protect it. He made it his duty. He devoted his life to it. And has followed through with that devotion for many, many years. He became a hero to mankind.”

Bazhena said the last words with distaste, as if they were dirt in her mouth.

Christian shook his head back and forth. No. It couldn’t be.

“You have the wrong guy. I’m no hero and definitely not The Light. I appreciate the feed. I can’t deny that your blood is a heady treat. But I’m not the one you’re looking for.” He smiled mockingly.

Bazhena’s eyes grew angry at his mocking tone.

“Oh, I think you are, my pet. But either way we’ll see, because I plan to finish the ceremony right now, then suck every last drop of blood from your body. If it works, then you will be dead and I will become the powerful goddess I wish to be.”

“And if it doesn’t?” Christian had to keep Bazhena talking. He had to stall her as long as possible, so he could figure out what to do.

An evil grin spread across her face.

“Then I will go with my second alternative. Your lovely little human will make a tasty snack—or your brave friend, Vlad. I’ll kill them both as a consolation prize until I can find another Light. But I don’t think it will come to that. You are the key to my power, I have no doubt.”

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