After Sundown: Redemption (34 page)

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Authors: Eden Robins

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: After Sundown: Redemption
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Christian tested the bonds holding him, but found them completely unyielding. And he couldn’t shape shift. His body was too weak from the painful concoction he had been injected with.

“The bonds won’t break. I also had them especially designed just for you. Made from a mixture of blessed crosses and metal. Just enough to hold you but not enough to burn.”

“What do you want, Bazhena?” Christian asked through gritted teeth. The pain seemed to be increasing as the time passed. In small increments, yet he could feel the difference with each knew wave.

“Want?” Bazhena’s throaty laugh filled the room. “I want so many things, Cristobal. Where do I begin?”

Christian ignored the seductive sound of her voice. She was trying to get to him. He could feel her mind pushing into his.

“Why are you here?” Christian tried again. He needed more information. He needed to know what she had planned.

“I’m here because my one true love betrayed me. He claimed to love me, but left me for another.” Bazhena began pacing back and forth in front of him. Her voice grew louder, more distressed as she ranted. “I was crazed with grief and did something no woman, no woman should ever have done. I did it all because of a man. Your weak and puny gender formed me. Made me into what I am today. And so, I seek my vengeance again and again. So many men have died over the years, yet it still isn’t enough. I am the
. I am the Weeping Woman. Different names, but both exist for the same purpose. Revenge. Mankind must pay for what he did to me. But why am I telling you? You know all of this. Just as you know you are special. The one man I couldn’t kill. You remind me too much of him, you see. But then, you left me too.” Bazhena suddenly stopped pacing and turned to face him. The crazed look on her face faded as she ran her eyes possessively over him once more.

“Now, at last, I have you back again. It’s ironic actually.” Bazhena gave him a wry smile.

“What?” Christian needed to know what was going on in her crazed mind. He needed to know so he could save Alyssa.

“That the one man I couldn’t kill is the one who is going to help bring about the rise in my power and the ruin of all men. I knew there was something special about you, Cristobal. From the first time I saw you so long ago, you had a way about you that was so different from all the others I had met. I was definitely attracted to you. Of that I’m sure, but it was so much more than that. It was as if we were destined to meet.”

Christian stiffened when Bazhena sidled next to him. She ran her long red fingernail down his cheek, under his chin, then back up the other cheek. She stood on tiptoe so that her mouth was parallel to his ear. She sucked on the lobe for only a second then ran her tongue down his neck. He arched his back when she sank her teeth deep. She moved away as the blood dripped from his ear to his shoulder. Bazhena eyed it hungrily but didn’t drink it.

“Your blood would taste so sweet on my tongue, Cristobal. I’ve missed it. I’ve missed you. Isn’t it time you came back to me, my pet? Isn’t it time you belonged to me once again?”

He would never be her slave. Not again. Never again.

As she spoke, she ran her hands down his body. She circled his nipples with her nails, then plunged lower. She splayed her fingers over his taught stomach and sighed.

“You always were so beautiful. I don’t know how I survived giving you up.”

Her hand slid down, fingers delving through his hair before wrapping around his manhood. He was fighting her touch, fighting the desire she was trying to push at him. A spasm of pain wracked his body again and he almost lost it.

Bazhena chuckled low into his ear.

“Fight me, Cristobal. Fight me. You know how much your struggles turn me on. In the end, you’ll beg me for it, just like you always did. And I’ll have you just the way I want you, every last drop of you. I’m going to lap you up, lick by delicious lick.”

As if to emphasize her words, Bazhena ran her tongue up and down his neck, found his other earlobe and sucked hard. He waited for her to bite that one too, but she didn’t. She just continued sucking while she caressed him. Christian fought her, but he could feel himself slipping. Her desire was pushing at him. Her mind control had grown over time. And she was throwing everything she could at him. He groaned aloud as he grew hard from her touch. His body and mind were betraying him.

“You won’t win, Cristobal. You know you want me, just like you’ve always wanted me.”

She was whispering inside his head now. She had gotten to him.

He tried to push her out, but the pain hit him again and this time almost brought him to his knees. Bazhena gave his ear one last lick before she slid her mouth down over his chest and suckled his nipples in turn. They pebbled beneath her tongue and she laughed low and husky.

His manhood grew beneath her touch. He closed his eyes and attempted to find another place, as he used to do, so long ago. Alyssa’s sweet face suddenly came to mind. Her image filled his head and then nothing else mattered, everything, the pain, the pleasure, it all faded as he thought about Alyssa. He let her fill him completely. Her goodness, her light, it soothed his mind and his body. He was still in pain, but the desire that Bazhena created paled to nothingness. He softened under her touch, until he lay limp in her hand.

Bazhena screeched and her hand tightened painfully around him.

“No! You will not think about your human now. Not now, Cristobal. You are mine!”

But Christian could barely hear her. He was remembering everything about Alyssa. Replaying the moments they had spent together. The pain faded as his mind reached out to her. He called her name in his head over and over again.

“She will pay for this. That bitch will pay!” Bazhena snarled as she pulled back from Christian and stalked angrily out of the room.

He tried to break the bonds again. Fought the pain and darkness threatening to engulf him again. He could not let Bazhena hurt Alyssa. He reached out to her with his mind. Tried to warn her, but the darkness finally won. He slumped forward as his consciousness started to fade. Her injection was poisoning him.

* * * * *

Alyssa dressed carefully for the evening, while her aunt sat in the other room watching TV. True to her word, Aunt Joyce had stayed with her the whole day, entertaining her and keeping her mind on everything but tonight. The only reminder she had was a phone call from Tom. He had told her about the cracked wall and falling asleep at the office.

“I never fall asleep here. It was really strange.”

Alyssa was relieved to hear her friend’s voice. Relieved to know that he was okay. She pushed the image of his torn throat and pale face from her mind.

“I guess you’re working too hard. Maybe it’s time you took a vacation?” she suggested lightly. “Or maybe it’s those late nights with the ladies. They’re finally catching up with you,” she joked, chuckling for his benefit.

It sounded forced to her ears, but he didn’t seem to notice. Tom spoke a bit more about getting the wall fixed.

“I’m having someone from the management company come take a look at it today. All I can think of is that the building did a major resettling during the night. But usually that’s a gradual process, not all at once. You wouldn’t believe how big the crack is.”

“I’m sure I’ll get a nice long look at it on Monday.”

“Yes, you will,” he agreed with a chuckle.

Tom wished her luck with her last speech.

“I know you’ll do a great job. As usual, they’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand.”

They both laughed and wished each other a good weekend before hanging up.

Alone now, in her room, Alyssa could think of little else but seeing Christian again. She stared out her window into the slowly darkening sky. They would talk tonight. They would find a way to be together or they would separate forever. There could be no in-between for her.

Giving herself one last look in the mirror, she picked up her purse and headed into the other room. But before she could open her bedroom door, an intense pain like she had never felt before left her bent over, clutching her stomach. She took some deep cleansing breaths to gain relief, but it did little good. The pain seemed to spread throughout her body, like pins sticking her from the inside out. Then she felt him in her mind. Christian. He plowed into her thoughts without invitation. And he kept repeating the same thing, over and over again.

Alyssa. Beware. Alyssa. Beware. Alyssa.

His voice rang over and over in her head. She fell to her knees from the pain engulfing her. Her head felt overloaded from the intrusion of his thoughts. Dizziness assailed her. She was sure that she was about to pass out, when suddenly the pain ceased. Christian’s voice in her head stopped. Both were gone in a second, simultaneously. As if they had never been.

Alyssa slowly straightened. What had just happened? Why was Christian’s voice in her head? Where had that excruciating pain come from? She opened the door and walked into the other room. Her aunt looked normal. She briefly looked away from the TV to smile at Alyssa and then returned to watching her program.

Alyssa stilled. She listened. Trying to pick up any unusual, or threatening feelings. She remembered what Bazhena’s presence in her mind had done to her in the past. She felt none of that now. Just nothing. Normal. Yet unease filled her. She wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something wrong. She couldn’t name it, but nevertheless the discord was there, deep inside her.

The knock on her door made her jump.

Aunt Joyce got up and calmly headed towards the door.


Her aunt stopped and turned back to Alyssa. Her face was filled with question and concern. Her frown deepened when she saw the look on her niece’s face.

“What is it, dear?”

Alyssa didn’t know why she stopped her aunt. She just felt like it was necessary to be cautious right now. They needed to know who was at the door before they opened it. The air around her seemed to grow thick with energy. It felt oppressive, almost choking her with its pressure.

“Please don’t go any closer to the door. Just ask who it is before you open it.”

Aunt Joyce gave her a quizzical look. But did as she asked.

“Okay.” Her aunt turned back around, but didn’t walk the remaining distance to the door.

“Who is it?” she called out.

“It’s Christian.”

Joyce closed the distance to the door and reached up to unlock it.

“No!” Alyssa cried out sharply.

Aunt Joyce glanced over her shoulder at Alyssa in question.

“It’s Christian, dear.”

Alyssa shook her head.

“No. It isn’t. Ask again,” Alyssa whispered. She knew Christian’s voice. She knew what it felt like to be with him. She could feel his energy, feel him. Whoever, or whatever was on the other side of the door wasn’t Christian.

She cleared her throat and spoke louder this time.

“Who is it?”

This time no one answered. After a minute, Alyssa thought whoever was there had left. Then she noticed the doorknob turning slowly. First one way then the other.

Alyssa reacted immediately.

“Move away from the door, Aunt Joyce.”


“Just move away from the door. Walk backwards, towards me.”

Her aunt slowly moved back to stand beside her. It seemed difficult for her. As if she were struggling against something. By the time she reached Alyssa’s side, her face was red from exertion.

“I think we should open the door, Alyssa. We really should.”

Her aunt’s voice sounded strange, dreamy almost. And her eyes looked dazed. Someone or something was trying to get to her.

“No. We’ll wait.”

Alyssa’s voice sounded calm, although she felt anything but that. Something unnatural and evil lay on the other side of her door. Its presence suddenly hit her like a punch to the stomach. It had covered up its hatred and malevolence until this moment. She had no doubt that whatever was standing in the outside hallway meant her harm.

“Go into my bedroom. Open the first drawer of my nightstand. There’s a large cross in there and a vial of holy water. Get both and bring them out here as quickly as you can.”

Her aunt didn’t respond. Alyssa reached out and gave her shoulder a little shake. Joyce seemed to snap out of a daze. She shook her head, then glanced at Alyssa. Her eyes looked wide with fear.

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