Against the Law (21 page)

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Authors: Kat Martin

BOOK: Against the Law
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Jake started the recording and Dev listened closely. He could hear men speaking and servants being ordered around.

“That's her!” Lark said when she heard the children talking and recognized the little girl's voice. “That's Chrissy!” Her eyes filled with tears, which she tried to hide by turning away.

“She's talking to another kid,” Jake said. “Might be Alvarez's son.”

Lark wiped a stray tear from her cheek, the gesture making Dev's chest feel tight.

“Listen to this,” Jake said, turning the volume up a little. It was a phone conversation. They could hear both sides of the call and clearly Alvarez was the man on the near end of the line.

“Sounds like he's setting up a meeting.”

“With a woman,” Lark added, recognizing the feminine voice.

“The way she's purring,” Clive said, “I doubt the woman is his wife.”

“Cabo San Lucas the end of the week,” Cantrell said, repeating the information coming out of the recording. “Looks like
el jefe
is plannin' a little tête-à-tête at the El Presidente Resort,” Trace drawled.

“Interesting,” Dev said, but he was thinking that if things went the way he hoped tomorrow night, Alvarez wouldn't be rendezvousing with his mistress or anyone else.


They played the tape two more times, then the men began yawning and moving off toward their sleeping pallets. Wordlessly, Lark took his hand and led him into her narrow sleeping room.

She looked so tired and worried and hopeful that Dev drew her into his arms. “We're going to get her out, love. Everything's going to be all right.”

She nodded, blinked back tears. He knew she was
thinking about the rescue and what would happen after they got back to L.A.

Wondering if she would ever truly be safe again.

They sat down on one of the two narrow cots she had dusted off and covered with a blanket. Lark rested her head against his shoulder and he pressed his lips to her hair.

“God, I wish we were anywhere but here.” He wanted to touch her so badly. But if he kissed her, he would want more. It wasn't going to happen in this barren, dirty room with a bunch of randy guys listening outside.

Instead, he pulled his cot over next to hers and they both lay down. As tired as he was, he should have fallen instantly asleep. Instead, he stared into the darkness, thinking of Lark and her sweet little girl.

Praying he could bring the child home and keep both of them safe.


warm afternoon sun shined down on the work yard as Lark sat next to Dev eating an MRE.

“Not exactly lunch at the Four Seasons,” he teased as he finished his last bite, took her empty container and shoved them both into a black plastic bag.

She smiled. “Not exactly.” She felt sticky and dusty and she would rather have had a shower than a gourmet meal. She yawned behind her hand, tired from waiting up late for the men.

Sitting on a boulder, gazing into the barren landscape, Lark felt Dev reaching down for her hand. He laced his fingers with hers and drew her to her feet.

“Come on. There's something I've been wanting to show you.”

She let him lead her away from the others, who were also finishing their meals, and guide her up the narrow road the men had driven last night. Around the first corner about a quarter of a mile from camp, he tugged
her over to the edge of the dirt embankment. She looked down into one of the arroyos that cut into the mountain. This one, she saw, widened partway down and flattened into a tiny valley.

“Good Lord, it's actually green. I can't believe it.”

He laughed. “I went for a walk this morning. I spotted this as I hiked up the road. There's a stream running down the ravine. Must be a spring up above. Want to take a look?”

She eyed the greenery, the lush open space that spread out then narrowed again at the opposite end as the water continued to wind its way down the rugged hill. There were ranches and farms at the base of the mountain range, green areas in the desert she had spotted as the plane made its descent. She had wondered then where the sparse amount of water had come from.

“All right, let's go. I need the exercise.”

His eyes met hers and she read the kind of exercise he preferred, but he made no comment.

It wasn't easy going, but Dev helped her over a couple of steep patches and eventually they reached the sandy-floored valley.

He left her for a moment to explore an area behind an outcropping of rock and she used the time to sit down and pull off her hiking boots. She took off her socks, rolled up her pant legs, and stuck her feet into the water, which was only about eight inches deep.

Deep enough for a sponge bath, she thought and started unbuttoning her shirt. Just then Dev appeared.

“There's a nice little cove over here. Give you a bit of privacy.”

“Perfect.” Carrying her boots and socks, she followed him around the outcropping where the ravine opened up again. Lark didn't hesitate. She set her boots aside, unbuttoned her shirt, unzipped her jeans and slid them down over her hips. In her white lace bra and a pair of white bikini panties, she bent over the stream and splashed water on her face, washed her neck and arms, washed her legs and feet.

At the sound of more splashing, she looked over to see Dev stripped completely naked, using the water the same way she was.

She should have looked away. Instead she couldn't stop staring at all that suntanned skin, the wide shoulders and muscled chest with its furring of curly dark hair, the six-pack ridges across his stomach, the long legs and lean hips. He looked up and saw her watching him and his sex began to harden.

He sloshed along the shallow streambed, stopped in front of her, reached out and pulled her into his arms.

“I didn't bring you here for this,” he said. “But maybe I hoped it would happen. I've wanted you for days.” A soft kiss followed, his mouth gentle on hers, tasting, exploring, the kiss deepening, turning hot and wet.

She felt his hands on her body, unfastening the hook at the front of her bra and tossing it away, caressing her breasts as they swelled into his palms.

“Jesus, I've never met a woman I want the way I want you.”

She moaned as he kissed her again, his tongue sinking into her mouth, hers tangling with his. The kiss went on and on, deep and hot and arousing. He nipped an earlobe,
kissed the side of her neck, trailed kisses over her shoulders, took the fullness of her breast into his mouth. He suckled and teased, and she trembled. Her legs felt weak, her body wet with the need to join with him.

His hands slid lower, one curving over her bottom while the other slipped inside her panties, sifted through the tight dark curls between her legs, and he began to stroke her. She arched her back, giving him better access, enjoying the rush of pleasure. Dev slid her panties down her legs and she stepped out of them, tossed them onto the sand next to her bra.

He kissed her deeply one last time, then turned her toward a rock at the edge of the stream. She bent over, flattened her palms on the warm stone as he moved behind her. His fingers found her softness, sank in, slid out, sank in again, and ripples of heat washed over her. It was sex, raw and hot, and yet the way he touched her, the way he made her feel, it seemed like more.

She felt his erection at the entrance to her passage, then he positioned himself and drove deeply inside. Dev gripped her hips and she moaned at the feel of his hard length inside her, the heavy thrust and drag as he moved in and out, driving deeper, faster, making her stomach quiver. Her head fell back as need, sweet and fierce, tore through her.

“Lark…” he whispered, thrusting into her again, taking his pleasure, giving her pleasure, as well.

She whimpered his name as she reached her peak and began to come, tightening around him like a hot wet glove. The pleasure went on and on, bright lights and sweetness expanding until she could hardly breathe.

She was beginning to spiral down when Dev withdrew, spilling his seed outside her body. He pulled her back against his chest, holding her gently now, softly kissing the nape of her neck.

For the first time it occurred to her they hadn't used a condom.

“It's all right,” he said, reading her thoughts. “I haven't been with anyone but you in a long time.”

The knowledge pleased her. Then another thought intruded. His withdrawal would keep her from getting pregnant. Her chest tightened as she realized it wouldn't have mattered. She would love to have Dev's child. The notion shocked her. And showed her just how deeply she was in love with him.

Dear God, when had it happened? She had no idea and yet somewhere along the way, she had let down her guard and allowed him into her heart.

The notion terrified her as nothing else could have.

Turning back to the stream, she hurriedly washed up with the clean, clear water, used her shirt to mop the droplets off her body, and put on her clothes. Dev made his way over to his own clothes and soon they were dressed and ready to leave.

“You're awfully quiet.”

“I shouldn't have let that happen.”

“It was hardly your fault.”

She looked up at him. “We both know what's happening here. This thing between us…it's not going anywhere, Dev. I don't want to get in any deeper than I already am.”

For an instant, he glanced away. Then he nodded. He
understood, as she had known he would. His eyes found hers. “This will all be over soon and things will go back to normal.”

Lark swallowed, a soft lump rising in her throat. “I don't know anymore what normal is.”

Dev made no reply. Taking her hand, he started leading her back the way they had come. Tonight they would go after Chrissy. If nothing went wrong, the little girl would be freed and Lark could take her home.

Dev had promised to find a way to protect them.

Soon this nightmare would be over.


He shouldn't have touched her. Dev knew it clear to his bones. But Lark had looked so beautiful standing in the sunshine, so incredibly desirable he'd had to have her. It was as if he'd had no other choice.

He was getting in too deep, he knew. Getting in way over his head. Only once in his life had he let himself fall for a woman and he had paid a terrible price.

Dev thought of Amy as he checked the clip on his Browning in preparation for that night's assault. He checked to be sure he had a spare magazine for the Heckler-Koch, then slid his Ka-Bar in and out of its scabbard a couple of times to be sure it moved smoothly.

His mind lingered on Amy and how she had pretended to love him. How he had let himself believe her, wanted so badly to believe her. He had never known the love of a woman. His mother was a drunk who hadn't given a damn about him or his brothers. In the Rangers, he'd had his share of women, but they weren't the kind
a man married. He had fallen in love with Amy and he believed she loved him in return.

But he had been raised on the wrong side of the tracks and no matter how successful he was, no matter how much money he made, he had never really been good enough for Amy.

He remembered the way he had felt when she had left him, just three days before their wedding. As if the life had been sucked out of him, as if there was no day or night, just endless hours that ran together. He could hardly get up in the morning and face another grim, unending day.

But he had gotten over Amy and he had vowed not to fall into the trap of loving a woman again.

Not even one like Lark Delaney.


Antonio Alvarez waited as the door to his office swung open and tall, thin, Jorge Santos strolled in. Antonio had just heard from one of his clients, who now, thanks to Santos, had become an even bigger client.

“You wished to see me,
” One of his slender hands smoothed over his shoulder-length black hair as he walked toward the desk.

Antonio motioned for Santos to take a seat in one of the deep leather chairs across from him. “I have received a call from Hector Ramos. He has decided to increase his business with us. He praises your efficiency and says that is the reason for his decision. I am very pleased.”

Santos's thin lips curved beneath his narrow blade of a nose.

“As you know, I like to reward the people who serve
me well. Since that is so, I have decided to give you the girl. She is yours to do with as you wish.”

Santos rose from his seat, his black eyes gleaming with anticipation. He would sell the girl and make a very good profit. Eventually… “May I take her now?”

Alvarez shook his head. “Not today. She plays with the boy. Tomorrow I will have one of the men bring her to your home. I do not wish to upset my mother or my son.”

Santos made a slight bow of his head. “Thank you,
mi jefe.
You are a very generous man.”

“Life is short,
mi amigo.
A man must enjoy whatever pleasure he can manage to find for himself.”

you are right. Which reminds me…I have heard that Francisca will be singing at the cantina tonight.”

At El Matador in Hermosillo where Antonio had first met her. “
that is true.”

“Do you wish to join me?”

Just thinking of Francisca and her lovely round breasts and the things she could do with her talented mouth made him hard. At week's end, they would be spending four passion-filled days together. But he didn't want to wait until then.

“I would like that very much.” He rose from his chair. “Let me change my clothes and inform Elena I will be going out for the evening.” His blond-haired wife was a beautiful woman, but she was vain and spoiled, and once they were married, worthless in bed. She was too busy with her hair appointments and her facials and the hours she spent at some expensive spa.

At least she had given him a son. Which meant he
could spill his seed wherever he wished. And he wished to do it with Francisca Miramontes, a woman far more entertaining than his wife.

Antonio shoved back his chair and made his way to the door. He had pleased his top lieutenant and it was better to be rid of the girl. He didn't want his son growing attached to the little
He wanted him tough and strong, and a female could undermine his efforts in that regard.

Alvarez closed the door solidly behind him, already anticipating the pleasures that awaited him tonight in Francisca's bed.


“I'm ready when you are.” Lark walked toward him in black jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. She wore her hiking books and held a black knit cap in one hand. She'd found a holster for her Ruger and strapped it around her waist. “This is the best I could do. But I need to borrow some of your face paint.”

He almost smiled, would have if he hadn't realized she was deadly serious.

“You don't have to worry about your face. You aren't going. You're staying right here.”

She gave him a phony smile. “That's what you might be thinking, but once again you would be wrong. You're bringing Chrissy out of that house. We don't know what might have happened to her, what she might have suffered. She'll be frightened. She could be injured. She'll need me, Dev, and I intend to be there if she does.”

“She sounded fine last night.”

“That was last night. And with children, it's hard to tell.”


“I'm going. I'll find a way to get there if I have to walk every step of the way.”

He'd heard a similar speech from her before. She'd probably hot-wire the Land Rover if she had to.

He tried again, knowing his effort would probably be futile. “We need you here. Someone's got to man the satellite phone, let Mercer know when to pick us up.”

“I can call him from there.”

Tough to argue when that had been their plan. “It's a long way down that mountain. The ravine's full of cactus, scorpions and snakes. Are you sure you can make it?”

“You know I'm in good shape. I'll make it.”

He could continue to argue and lose, or just lose.

“Fine. I want your word you'll do exactly what I say.”

“I'll do whatever you tell me.”

He just grunted. When had that ever happened? Still, he couldn't help admiring her courage. She was, as he had said, an amazing woman.

Cantrell walked up just then, took his jar of black paint and drew a couple of stripes on her cheeks and across her forehead. “You do what your man tells you, you'll be all right.”

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