Alexander Ranch (18 page)

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Authors: Marla Josephs

BOOK: Alexander Ranch
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“You’re an extremely attractive female, Lela. I’m sure you could have your pick.”

That threw me off. I cleared my throat. “There is no one else.”

“So then tell me, I’m curious, what exactly is your objection to exploring this attraction between us. And, don’t try to tell me it’s one-sided. A woman who wasn’t attracted to me would not have allowed me to kiss her the way you did, nor would she have returned my kiss as you did. Do
have fears about me hurting you?”

The last words were spoken calmly but I could hear how important my answer was to him and see the tenseness of his body as he awaited my response. “Not really, Jordan.”

“What does that mean?”

“As far as you protecting me, I have no objections or fear. I trust you to keep me safe. In a relationship, however, I’d be lying if I said it never crossed my mind that if you decided to harm me I would have no defense.”

“You think I would hurt you purposely? Physically?”

No, I don’t. But, if you did, I know from experience with Kevin that I could not defend myself.”

“I have never struck a woman,” he growled, indignation lashed out from each word. “Well, at least not one that wasn’t trying to kill me.”

“I’m not saying you have, Jordan,” I said hastily. “Please don’t get mad. I’m trying to be honest with you.”

“But to imply – ”

“I’m not implying anything,” I cut off his annoyed protest. “I’m not even saying it could be intentional. What if you were frustrated with me and were just wanting to grab my arm or something and you squeeze too tight.”

“I have better self-discipline than that!” he snapped.

“Look, you asked me to explain. These are the thoughts that come to mind. Not only am I dealing with this new information about healers and drainers that I didn’t know existed, I’m supposed to contemplate ‘exploring this attraction’ as you put it? It’s a lot to take in, Jordan. I’m not even sure what I think.”

“Ok, point well made,” he conceded.

Can I just have a moment to wrap my head around all of this? Maybe you can assimilate your discovery that you won’t hurt me easily. But, I think my discovery is a little larger to grasp for a plain old normal person.”

“And, I have already agreed with you on that point,” he said indulgently. “Please forgive me. I admit I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ll give you some time to digest all of this new information.”

“Thank you.”

“But, can I ask you one more question?”

“I guess so. Somehow, I feel you’ll ask no matter what I say.”

t you have a boyfriend?”

“I don’t know,” I stood up and walked to the other side of the room. “I just haven’t had the time for a relationship nor the interest.”

“Did your last relationship end badly?”

“No, I just got caught up in my life and am happy with the way things are right now. I don’t want any additional complications right now. I know that’s hard for you males to believe, but not all of us women feel we have to always have a man.”

“Complications?” he repeated. Then he cocked his head to the side and gave me that penetrating frown like he was trying to figure something out. “It doesn’t have to be a complication. We can take it slow, nothing serious.”

I glared at him. Wasn’t this just like a guy? “I don’t do casual.”

He looked at me speculatively, “Tell me, when was the last time you were in a relationship?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, two years ago.”

His eyebrows raised, which I was starting to get used to, and he blinked in surprise. “Two years?”

Reaching one end of the room I turned and headed back to the other side of the room before I realized I was pacing. I was starting to feel awkward. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. “Maybe less, why?”

He shook his head but didn’t speak.

“Will you stop looking at me like that?” I hissed.

“I’m just surprised. I’m sorry,” he shrugged in defense.

“What is there to be surprised about?”

“That you’ve been fending off men for two years. And, don’t try to tell me no one has tried to persuade you out of your single status in the last two years.”

“I don’t want to talk about this.” I crossed the room again. “I’m not interested in dating right now. Do I have to have a reason?”

“No,” he said quietly. “You don’t.”

“Thank you.” I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a night gown then, thought better about it and pulled out some sweats. “I’m going to get ready for bed.”

I turned on my heel. Luckily my bedroom had its own bathroom and walk-in closet. I don’t know how I would have explained to Blake why I was walking down to the hall bathroom to change clothes.


“Yes?” I stopped in the doorway to my bathroom and turned to look at him. He looked pained as if he were struggling with something. I could feel myself softening and stiffened my resolve.

“Is it too much to ask for us to be friends?”

“No,” I smiled with relief, “I think I would like that.”

“Good, so would I.”

I turned and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I turned to look in the mirror but I wasn’t seeing my reflection. Rather, I was reflecting on my own churning feelings. How could it be that I was attracted to this…this super human? The fact that he existed was enough for my mind to grapple with. But, I knew nothing of his world. And, inevitably, if I gave into this temptation it was bound to have an impact on my life that I couldn’t even begin to imagine. And he was attracted to me? What did that even mean? Relationships and attractions came and went.

I placed my clothes down on the counter and leaned on the counter with both palms flat on the countertop. I dropped my head and sighed. There weren’t words to describe how I felt. This was so far beyond anything I knew how to handle or even think about.

After a few moments I decided that the best thing to do at the moment was to not think about it. I was tired, my mind was mush and maybe things would be clearer in the morning. I pushed away from the counter, changed into my bed clothes and slid into bed.

“Goodnight, Lela,” Jordan whispered in the darkness.

“Goodnight, Jordan,” I whispered back.


Chapter 23

I honestly didn’t think I would get much sleep knowing that Jordan was in my room. It was awkward at first. He sat in the chair listening to an audio book in the dark. After, he assured me he had no intentions on sleeping and he was completely comfortable
, I finally lay down and surprisingly passed out. When Blake woke me up banging around in the kitchen Jordan was gone.

I slid out of bed and stretched. Then, I decided to see if Blake was still planning to go to the gym. If he was, I would join him. I needed a workout. I padded into the kitchen where he was standing over the stove cooking with a cup of coffee in one hand and a spatula in the other.

“Good morning, Big Brother,” I said in greeting and took his coffee mug from his hand.

“Hey, I already poured you a cup!” He protested.

“Yuk!” I scrunched up my face after taking a sip, “What did you put in here?”

“That’s what you get for stealing a man’s coffee,” he admonished smugly. “I don’t put creamer in my coffee. You know that. But, I put creamer in yours just the way you like it. It’s on the counter over there,” he gestured to the other side of the counter.

“Yea, I know. But, how else can I annoy you first if I don’t sip out of your coffee,” I teased grabbing the mug he’d prepared for me.

“Isn’t that like biting off your nose to smite you face?” he teased back. “I mean, you are the one who doesn’t like my coffee. But, it doesn’t bother me if you drink it.”

“I’m giving you little sister cooties. Jeeze, keep up!”

“Oh, well, in that case I sneezed while I was making yours so, I guess where even,” he jested with a tormenting look only a big brother could give.

“Gross!” I shouted, but I was laughing. “Ok, you win. I can’t do the irritating little sister thing before my morning coffee.”

The doorbell rang and I went to see who was there. I had a pretty good idea that it must be one of the Alexanders. I was pretty sure that someone was always near. It was Daisy on the doorstep suspiciously prepared for the gym. She was wearing some high end work out gear that could double as gym wear or casual wear.

“Good morning, Daisy,” I yawned.

“Morning, Lela,” Daisy said in her too high energy for a Saturday morning voice.

We ended up working out at the gym while Blake played game after game of basketball with Ethan, who miraculously just happened to be at the gym.

Afterwards, Daisy and Ethan invited us to the ranch for some horseback riding and dinner. Of course, Blake was delighted to go. He loved animals as much as I did and hadn’t been horseback riding for years. I knew he was also curious about the Alexanders. I’d been talking so much about them and their ranch lately and they certainly didn’t disappoint. They fired up the grill and Logan did some surf and turf, while Grace cranked out vegie, fruit and pasta salads in the kitchen. By the time Blake, Daisy, Ethan and I returned from roaming the ranch on horseback we were starving.

Jordan, who had remained absent until this point, finally made an appearance. He was juggling his niece and a container of food.

“Don’t you drop my pasta salad, Jordan,” Grace warned, carrying out two big bowls behind him.

“If I do, it will be Daniela’s fault,” he called back grinning. He smiled at the little girl riding in one of his arms and she kissed him on the forehead. I’d seen very little of the toddler, but I could see that she had Jordan wrapped around her tiny little finger. Logan and his three year old son, Tyler, brought up the rear. Tyler was showing what a big boy he was by carrying a bag with plastic utensils in it. Beating me to the punch, Ethan introduced, Blake to Logan and Grace.

“We are so pleased to finally meet you,” Grace said with a big smile
and giving Blake a warm hug.

“We sure are,” Logan said giving Blake a firm handshake once Grace released him. “Lela has just practically become part of our family. We are so happy to meet someone in her family.”

They were so welcoming and warm to my brother and they didn’t even know him. I was touched.

After a fun filled day, an evening filled with delicious food, stimulating conversation and great company, Blake and I finally headed for home.

“You were right. They’re really nice people,” he said as we climbed into his Saab 9-3 for the ride home.

“Told you,” I said. He ruffled my hair. I smacked at his hand and then settled in the plush seat. I wasn’t a car person like my brother but, I had to admit, the car was comfortable and the ride was smooth. Boys and their toys. Then my thoughts wondered back to the Alexanders. Though I didn’t see anyone, I was sure we weren’t alone. Someone was following us, I had no doubt.

“So where are you off too tomorrow?”

“Denver and then Arizona this time.”

“You still don’t get tired of being gone all the time?” I asked.

“Well, I’m starting to want a break from it right now. I haven’t had a vacation in a while. What do you say we plan a vacation somewhere?”


“Yea, we haven’t been on vacation together since Mom and Dad took us. And, I can’t get you to go with me when I work to keep me company.”

“Do you get lonely?”

“Sometimes. Especially when I’m somewhere where there isn’t much to do and I don’t have anyone to talk to or hang out with.”

“Yea, I miss you being here sometimes when I have free time and I don’t have anyone to hang out with.”

“That’s because you isolate yourself. I’m really glad to see that you’re making some friends and hanging out. You’re too young to be all work and no play,” he chided.

“It has been rather nice,” I smiled.

“Although, I do think that Ethan might have a different reason for hanging out with you and Daisy.”

I rolled my eyes, “Ethan is just a friend. You can turn off your over protective big brother radar.”

“Well, even though I don’t think anyone is good enough for you, I actually like Ethan. He plays some serious ball. I thought I was in great shape. Maybe working on a ranch all day keeps you super fit.”

Or maybe being super human makes you superior at sports, I thought to myself.

“Oh, so as long as I date a guy who plays mean ball than he’s ok? What an endorsement.”

“Whoa! I thought you just said he was a friend?”

“I did. I was referring to your endorsement. You implied it would be ok even if he wasn’t just a friend. Don’t try to turn things around,” I wagged a finger at him.

“Well, I was just commenting on his skills. But, no I wouldn’t have a problem with him. But, I expect Jordan would,” he smirked, pulled into the driveway and glanced at me while he waited for the garage door to lift. It was blessedly too dark for him to see my face. I think I blushed but when I spoke my voice was unruffled.

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