Alien Caged (15 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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Elisa couldn’t help the shudder that ran through her.  Kalquorian justice was notorious for its brutality, almost matching Earth’s.  “The case couldn’t be remanded to the Galactic Council’s jurisdiction?  I thought all Earther matters were ultimately up to them.  Is it because the crew’s crimes were committed against a Kalquorian destroyer?”

Zemos pursed his lips.  “That’s exactly the issue.  Your ship carried out an attack on my destroyer, killed much of my crew, and took the rest of us prisoner in Empire space.”  His gaze abruptly sharpened and he looked over his shoulder.  “Oret—” 

The Nobek nodded and resumed tapping on the computer keyboard.  “I know, Captain.  I’m checking our position and heading to confirm we’re on our way to Bi’is space to be sold off as slaves.”

Zemos turned back to Elisa.  “These are great crimes that have been made against the people of Kalquor.  I doubt you yourself have anything to fear, however.  Those like you will most likely be released.”

“Define ‘those like me’,” she said.

“Crewmembers who weren’t in any command capacity of the ship during its illegal activities.  Especially those who were unable to find an alternative to staying on board.  You are little more than an innocent bystander, Elisa.”

Miragin added, “There is no reason for the Empire to hold you, a dietician, accountable for what happened to us.  You are no more than a victim of circumstance.”

Elisa felt a little better about her situation, but her guts churned to think of Captain Walker standing trial in a Kalquorian court.  Or of him going to a Kalquorian prison, which were rumored to be the height of cruelty.  If, horror of horrors, he was to be sentenced to execution – well, the Kalquorians had a firm belief that the punishment should fit the crime.  Elisa couldn’t imagine the torment Walker would face before finally being allowed to die.

And what of men like Ensign Larsen who guarded the prisoners in general detention?  That poor youngster felt sorry for his charges and hated that he was a part of their situation.  Would he stand trial too, or would he be regarded as innocent as Elisa?

Elisa knew Zemos had no answers for her, at least not the kind that would quell her worries.  She decided to keep her concerns limited to her own future.  “I guess I’ll end up on one of our colonies then.”

Miragin’s hand left hers.  He shifted so that his arm crept around her waist.  “There are other options.  You could go to Kalquor.”

Elisa tried to not think too much about how it felt to be embraced by the Imdiko.  She attempted to ignore the delight of Zemos’ continued petting.  She pretended not to notice how her entire body seemed to flame to life at their touches.

Focus, focus, focus.

She told them, “We’ve already established I’m not able to have children.  I am of no use to Kalquor.”

Zemos’ hand left Elisa’s hair.  His calloused thumb rubbed her cheek, inciting a whole new wave of molten energy inside.  It took all she had to not lean into his touch.

The Dramok said, “The Empire allows aliens who wish to live and work among us to stay within our borders. You wouldn’t receive a government allowance, but if you can earn your keep, you are more than welcome to live among our people.”

Miragin added, “You might also attract one of those clans not interested in siring children.  If they made you their Matara, they would be responsible for your well-being.”

Elisa snorted even as her heart gave a wistful pang.  “I can’t imagine three men who would be so desperate as to want me.”

Zemos’ look went dark.  A delicious thrill of fear rolled through Elisa at that fierce expression.  For heaven’s sake, even his anger was arousing in her state.

The Dramok said, “You infuriate me with these frequent outbursts of self-loathing.  I don’t like it, Elisa.  You are pissing me off, and that is something you do not want to do.”

The forceful display only made things more exciting in her strange state of mind, but instinct told Elisa she needed to calm the big man down. 

She pointed out in her most reasonable tone, “It’s not loathing.  I don’t hate myself.  I just know my place in the scheme of things, that’s all.  I’m not the kind of woman men look twice at when there are others to see.”

“Then that is their loss.”

It was a couple of seconds after Zemos’ statement that Elisa’s mind finally registered his mouth was on hers.  Zemos was kissing her.  His big hands, hands capable of crushing a coconut, cupped her face, holding it tilted to one side so he could get the perfect angle.  His lips were soft and warm and moving over hers with a tenderness that made the melted feelings inside stronger than before.

He was kissing her.

Elisa was too shocked to move.  All she could do was sit there as the Kalquorian’s mouth took hers.  She felt the moist tip of his tongue slide along where her lips joined and she gasped, her mouth parting open.

Zemos’ tongue slid inside.  He tasted her.  She could taste him.  Musky, almost smoky in flavor, he was what she had always thought a man should taste like.  No, better.  And the feeling...

She moaned as his raspy tongue stroked hers.  The warm feelings she’d had since being bitten by the Dramok changed.  They grew more demanding.  Deep in her belly, Elisa ached.  She knew a wanting so fierce that it almost hurt. 

One hand left her face, and the steel beam of Zemos’ arm circled her waist, pulling her close to him.  Now his unyielding body was against hers, forcing her to mold to the muscular length of his torso.  Every cell in Elisa’s body heightened to acute awareness, feeling him as she’d never felt anything before.  Her nipples throbbed to be pressed to his massive chest.  Her pulse thundered in her ears.  She was dimly aware she clung helplessly to his shoulders, holding on to keep from fainting from the beautiful assault that left her weak and shaking.

When Zemos’ mouth left hers, he looked down on her with an expression she could not read.  Triumph, perhaps?  She certainly felt conquered.  One corner of his mouth lifted in a knowing smile.

“Yes, failing to notice you would be any man’s loss.”

Miragin’s voice sounded both right there in Elisa’s ear and a million miles away.  “That looked delicious.”

She thought she felt him stroking her upper back as Zemos continued to stare down at her.  She couldn’t be sure of anything right now, including her own senses.  Her body was shaking, her mind wispy.

The Dramok said, “She is quite delicious, my Imdiko.  I would be glad to do that again and again until she begged me to stop.  I’d have to be desperate to want you, Elisa?  I’d have to be stupid to not.”  He scowled and inhaled deeply, forcing his anger to smooth away. 

His arm remained locked around Elisa, holding her so close she imagined she felt his heartbeat.  His chest moved against her with every breath, keeping that excruciating awareness of being smashed up against him foremost in her mind.

She felt as much as heard Zemos’ next words.  “I don’t believe for an instant anyone has resisted the chance to enjoy a woman like you.  Tell me, how many have been so lucky as to kiss you, my sweet?”

For a wonder, she remembered how to talk.  “Only one.  A long time ago when I was still a girl.”

She remembered that one kiss that had ruined everything, turning the greatest summer of her life into the most nightmarish.  Elisa remembered the kiss, remembered the teenage boy who had gifted her with it at music camp.  That sweet, heavenly moment that had been the culmination of the one time she’d escaped home and responsibility.  Until the yelling and accusations and recriminations started, she’d felt then as she did now:  alive with joy.

No, this was more powerful.  Somehow, being held in Zemos’ arms with Miragin right there too gave Elisa the feeling of safety and security.  Wasn’t that funny, considering she was their prisoner?

Zemos caressed her cheek.  “Someone got to kiss you and he let you go?  What kind of fool was he?”

Elisa sighed.  The spell was lifting with the onslaught of memories.  “We were caught.  He had no choice but to never see me again.”

“Caught?  You make it sound like kissing was a punishable offense.”

“It was, because it was romantic and sinful.  I was a minor and it was only a misdemeanor, so the court let me off easy.  I was spared a criminal record, but I was publicly shamed for my crime and made to work for the community.  My father had just left for the last time, and my mother was livid because I wasn’t around to take care of my siblings for six months.”

It had been a light sentence, yet it hadn’t felt that way.  Backbreaking labor of cleaning up public places, forced to face the jeers of people who passed Elisa as she sweated in the bright yellow vest with the word LUST emblazoned on it ... it had been an awful nightmare.  Sometimes when Elisa returned home at the end of the day with her body sore and aching, the tears of humiliation still wetting her cheeks, her overwrought mother had beaten her for not being available to watch the younger ones.  She’d been forced to pay for a babysitter they couldn’t afford.

One little kiss on a warm, happy summer night, marking the grand climax to the most beautiful time Elisa had ever known.  One little kiss, the ending of which ushered in years of shame and the neverending attempt to make up for girlish fancies of love.

Miragin’s hand had tightened on her shoulder.  “A kiss as a crime?” he whispered.  When Elisa looked at him, his expression was filled with pain.

A huge, dark figure came to stand over them.  Oret’s fists were clenched and his voice came out shaking.  “Please make her stop talking.  There is no one here for me to punch.”

Zemos’ grave expression lifted as he considered Elisa.  A tight smile curled his mouth, making him look excitingly wicked.

He told them all, “I will gladly quiet her words.  We all will.  Let her body speak to us instead, since there is no one left to harm her for such things.”

The Dramok kissed her again.  It was not as tender as his first kiss had been.  Instead of quiet coaxing, his mouth took Elisa’s in absolute demand.  His hand cupped the back of her head, giving her no way to escape.

Her brain seared clean of all thought.  Even when Zemos pressed her down and to one side so that she lay with her head pillowed on Miragin’s thigh, there was no thought.  The mouth on hers, plundering without restraint, the hand that slipped between their bodies to cup her breast, the pair of hands that slid up her inner thighs ... the sensations filled her with need and blasted away lucidity.

Wondrous, terrible enthrallment seized Elisa.  Lips, teeth, and tongue drank from her mouth.  Hands massaged her breasts and plucked delightfully at her swollen nipples.  The hands moving up her thighs stopped at their apex, framing her pussy while thumbs rubbed her panties right over her clit.

Bright shards of blinding pleasure zapped through her at every place they touched.  The fiery blasts gathered deep in her core, mounting with every stroke, every caress, every rub.  Elisa’s insides bubbled and roiled under their ministrations.

She couldn’t think and didn’t care.  Nothing mattered but the long-awaited fire, the feeling of finally having others touch her.  The question of right or wrong never occurred to Elisa, not when there was so much
.  It was as if she’d been starved all her life, then brought before a neverending banquet and told to eat as much as she wished.  Her body gorged on the sumptuous feast of hands and mouths touching, touching, touching – and every contact filled her as she’d never been filled before.

The thumbs massaging her aching bud of womanhood moved away to slide under the edges of her panties.  The man down there – Elisa thought it was Oret – was in actual contact with her sex.  Feeling the calloused pads of his thumbs sliding up her wet slit and homing in on her inflamed clit made her scream in Zemos’ mouth.  His kiss deepened in response.

The rough thumbs trapped her engorged nubbin between them.  They moved back and forth, stroking gently yet firmly.  The pulsing ache there became a strident bellow of desperation. 

Elisa knew what an orgasm felt like.  She had given herself plenty of those in her virgin’s bed, dreaming of love and of being loved.  In the last weeks, these very men had starred in all those fantasies, delivering pleasure on an almost nightly basis.

That sweet spark of warmth that calmed the yearnings of her heart and pussy had been tender compared to the violent elation filling her guts now.  This was no mere swell of quiet completion, this was a mountain of ecstasy, the Mount Everest of orgasm, this was ... this was...

Blinding light filled Elisa’s entire being.  The climax shattered her so hard she later thought she had heard the sound of something breaking, much like a glass window impacted by a sledgehammer.  Then all was chaos; a pounding, wrenching release that bled her of everything she’d ever been.  It fulfilled a promise she’d never known her body had made to her.

It seemed some time later that she blinked up at the three men looking down at her.  Zemos knelt by the couch at her head.  Her head was still pillowed on Miragin’s thigh, and Oret sat next to the Imdiko with her legs draped over his.  She’d never seen them look so gentle.  Even the Nobek’s gaze was tender as they watched for her to regain her senses.

Elisa wondered if she should be screaming at having been sexually touched by her captors.  She thought perhaps she was supposed to be afraid.  Yet all she felt was incredible contentment in the wake of the most amazing event of her life.

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