Alien Caged (32 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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He couldn’t remember ever feeling so protective of anyone, not even Miragin.  He knew for a fact now that he loved this Earther woman.  From the way she looked up at him, so soft with trust, Zemos dared to hope Elisa could return his adoration.  Something about her sublimated his wilder Nobek tendencies, making him feel as nurturing as an Imdiko.  He wished they could sit there suspended forever in this moment of sublime tenderness.  Dealing with whatever may happen in the next few hours would be worthwhile just for these stolen minutes of perfection.

It had to end however, and at last they faced the present as they must.  Zemos helped Elisa dress.  He put his uniform to rights.  They were just finishing making themselves presentable when a hesitant knock sounded at the door.

Zemos said, “Open,” and the door slid away to reveal Miragin on the other side.  His clanmate wasted no time on niceties, immediately announcing, “Oret says we’re getting a message from the fleet.”

Leaving the Imdiko to see after Elisa, Zemos raced over to Oret at the control console.  His crew crowded around the ship’s security officer, but they parted for him to stand at Oret’s side.  He noted they also let Miragin and Elisa through, though this was military business.  He felt a throb of appreciation for their regard.

Pushing personal matters aside, Zemos ordered, “Report.”

Oret stood up straight at attention.  “The signal was weak and I didn’t get a vessel identification, but it’s definitely one of ours who sent the message.  They have our coordinates and are on their way to effect a rescue.”

The crew erupted in cheers and howls of glee.  Zemos did not join in because something in Oret’s expression told him all was not well, despite the welcome information.  The captain signaled for quiet, and his men fell silent.

“The bad news?”

Oret stayed impassive.  “I don’t have a timeframe for their arrival.  It could be hours or days.  Meanwhile, the Earthers have circumvented my block codes.  I estimate the security buffers will go down and we’ll be fighting for our lives within the hour.”

Except for Elisa’s sharp intake of breath, there was no sound following Oret’s announcement.  Zemos didn’t dare look at his beloved. 

Oret kept talking.  “That’s not all.  The tactical officer has issued the order that when they attack us, everyone here dies.”  The Nobek looked at Elisa, and a stormy look came into his eyes.  “Everyone.”

Zemos’ jaw clenched and a spike of white-hot rage came and went.  When he spoke to the crew, his voice was steady.  “All right.  You all know we have to hold Engineering for as long as possible.  Everyone understands the plan?”

He received nods of assent.  The faces looking back at him were determined.  Those who would be fighting even looked pleased.  That was no surprise.  Nobeks hated hiding.  Stand-up battle, even if it meant certain death, was unquestionably preferable.

“Good.  First team consisting of Imdikos and those not defending this room, you know where to go.” 

Zemos shot Miragin a glance, and his Imdiko nodded.  Oret had briefed him, as agreed.  Only Elisa looked surprised.  She alone had not been told the plan that covered the contingency that Captain Walker and his men would find a way to get past Oret’s codes. 

Zemos hated that it had been necessary to hide some things from the woman he loved.  However, her loyalties were still understandably divided.  Until they got Elisa off the battlecruiser, she would not be trusted with key information.  She would also have less to feel guilty for later.  That the Kalquorians would have to kill more of her fellow Earthers was not in question, not if they were to escape with their own lives.

Oret addressed his fighting squads.  “We will maintain watch on the Earthers’ movements.  Check your weapons and be ready.”

He received growls of assent.  As the Nobek continued to direct his men, Zemos felt a light touch on his arm.  He looked into Elisa’s soft brown eyes.

“Hiding place?” she asked.

Zemos allowed himself the luxury of brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead.  “We knew we’d lose control of the ship at some point if help couldn’t get to us quick enough.  Once your people have retaken the vessel, our objective will be to stay alive until someone from the Empire reaches us.  You’ll be kept as safe as I can manage, my love.”

Miragin guided her away with a comforting smile so that Zemos could get back to readying for the coming fight.  The captain watched for a moment as Elisa curved into the Imdiko’s arm around her, somehow looking both comforted and frightened.  Zemos swallowed the pang of concern he felt for her.

By the ancestors, he only wanted her to get through this alive and unharmed.

* * * *

Robards came into Joseph’s quarters with a huge grin eating up his face.  He saluted and told the captain and Chase, “I’m in.  I can take down the security buffer the alien bastards put up any time now.  We are ready to strike at this very moment.”

Joseph’s stomach churned as he thought of Elisa, huddled helpless with the Kalquorians, waiting to die.  He managed to keep his trepidation to himself, instead fixing the tactical officer with a withering look.

“Excellent work, Robards.  So why haven’t you taken them down?”

Robards’ smile faltered.  He looked at Chase.

The first officer addressed Joseph.  “He awaits your orders, Captain.”

Joseph didn’t let his surprise show that they continued to obey protocol though they had taken over command.  Instead he maintained his sarcastic veneer.  “I’m so glad I’m still allowed to issue some.  I don’t suppose I’d be permitted to join the fight?”

The captain had only one mission left to him:  he would try to save Elisa.  His hope was to somehow fight his way through and rescue her from both the Kalquorian and Earther crews.  If he got that far, he’d try to get her to a shuttle so they could escape the battlecruiser.

Joseph knew it was a fool’s errand.  In the end, he and Elisa would most likely be killed.  That no longer mattered in the grand scheme of things.  The young captain knew his most vulnerable crewmember was essentially dead anyway, and he had few illusions about his own survival under the command of Chase and Robards.  With nothing left to lose, Joseph could at least try to help Elisa and redeem himself.  He had to, if only to assuage some small part of his guilty conscience.

The look Chase and Robards exchanged told Joseph they wouldn’t go for him joining the attack party.  However, they surprised him yet again.

Robards’ smile returned.  “I’d be delighted to have you with us, Captain.  I’m sure the crew would also be encouraged to see their commanding officer fighting at their sides.”

The agreement was so unexpected that Joseph stood silent for several seconds.  At last he realized he would get his opportunity.  He also realized they expected him to die in the assault.  The only question was by whose hands.

The realization they planned to make a martyr of him gave Joseph little pause.  With real pleasure he told them, “Nothing would make me happier than to stand with my fellow Earthers.  Mr. Chase, you will be ready to get everything back on line as soon as we regain control of Engineering?”

Chase snapped a nod.  “Yes sir.  I’ll be right here, awaiting your good news, Captain.”

He nodded to Robards.  The tactical officer returned the blaster he had taken from Joseph.  The captain was aware of how carefully they watched him as he checked the weapon’s power levels and holstered it.

Joseph looked at Robards.  “Shall we?”

Robards snapped another crisp salute, his face beaming like a bridegroom on his honeymoon night.  “Yes sir.”  He spoke into his portable com unit.  “Tactical Officer Robards to Security Lieutenant Adams.”

The deep voice of Robards’ second issued from the small rectangular device.  “I’m reading you, sir.”

“Bring the security buffer down on my mark.  Engage the Kalquorians immediately.  Captain Walker and I will be joining you as soon as we can get there.”

“Acknowledged, sir.”  After a few moments of silence, Adams spoke again.  “We are ready and standing by, sir.”

“Acknowledged.  Buffer down in three – two – one – mark.”

Robards hooked his com back on his belt and nodded to Walker.  “The attack has commenced, Captain.”

Joseph’s voice sounded distant to his own ears.  “Let’s you and I take out some alien ass, Lieutenant Commander.”

Chase called after them as they hurried out the door.  “Good luck, gentlemen.”

Their boots thudded down the corridor as Joseph and Robards ran to join the battle.  In his head, the captain urged,
Elisa, stay down

* * * *

Elisa was standing next to Miragin when a huge volley of percussion blaster fire split the air in the corridor outside the main engineering room.  She instinctively reached for the Imdiko.  He moved without hesitation; he grabbed her and held her close to his body as if to shield her from harm.  Elisa didn’t miss how Zemos and Oret automatically checked on the two of them before bending back to their computers.

As armed Nobeks took up defensive positions, Oret confirmed their worst fears.  He called to Zemos, “Buffer shields are down, and I’m locked out of security functions now.”

The men guarding the two doorways that led into the room yelled in their barking language.  Oret added his own orders from time to time as the fighting got louder and closer.  He and Zemos kept their eyes on their computer vids, their grim faces telling Elisa things were not going well for the escapees.  She didn’t have to understand their language to know they were in big trouble. 

After less than two minutes of this, Oret’s gaze shot to her.  For a bare moment his set expression softened.  He then looked to Zemos, but spoke in English, no doubt for her benefit.  “I think we’ve worn out our welcome, Captain.”

Zemos continued to watch his readouts.  “So I see.  Your men are holding them back quite well, however.  We’ll keep control of Engineering for as long as possible.”

“At this point, even seconds count,” the Nobek agreed.  “However, I think you should take Elisa, Miragin, and the non-combat crew to the hiding place now.  There’s no sense in leaving that for the last moment.”

Elisa pulled loose from Miragin to confront Oret.  She stood at the Nobek’s side, but she had to yell to be heard over the growing din.  “You’re going too, aren’t you?  You can’t stay behind!”

The fingers of one hand continued to fly over his computer console, but Oret reached out to brush a caress against her cheek.  “I must fight alongside my men, my lovely.  Every moment we gain here brings our fleet closer and increases the chance that you and the rest of my clan will be saved.”

She stared up at him.  Now that Elisa knew her place was with these men, she couldn’t fathom being parted from any of them.  “You promised you would keep me safe.  You have to come too to do that.”

Oret stopped the work he was doing.  He turned to face her, and his smile glowed despite the blasting and screaming outside the room.  “So I did.  I am glad you wish to keep me close.  I swear to you, I will follow as soon as I can.”

Zemos also left the computer console to stand at Oret’s side.  He grasped his clanmate’s shoulder and squeezed it.  “Fight well.  If possible, stay alive, my Nobek.”

They exchanged a long, intense look.  In that instant, Elisa saw the regard they held for each other.  The respect.  The love.

Oret dipped his head in a quick nod.  “So that I may continue to protect my clan, I will.  For honor and Empire, I will do all I must.  Go, my Dramok.  There isn’t much time.”

Zemos slapped him on the back and moved forward.  The captain pushed Miragin and Elisa before him. 

The Imdiko was as reluctant to move as Elisa.  Resisting Zemos enough to slow their progress, Miragin looked over the bigger man’s shoulder to the still-watching Oret.  “My Nobek...”

Oret winked at him and smiled again.  A look of misery filled Miragin’s face, but he nodded.  He stopped pressing against Zemos and turned away.

Elisa wasn’t about to give up so easily.  “How can you leave him?  Zemos—” 

Zemos gathered her to his chest while simultaneously hurrying them away from Oret.  His voice as gentle as shouting would allow it to be, he said, “This is what he does, Elisa.  He fights for our lives and our safety, even though it puts him in danger.  It will damage his soul to not do so, and that is worse than physical death to a Nobek.”

Miragin added, “Oret will be able to fight better if we are not here for him to worry over.  He’s also more likely to come out alive with us gone.”

Elisa gave up resisting, though she hated that Oret would be staying behind.  Just because she understood why the Nobek remained in the face of danger didn’t mean she liked it.  She could tell Miragin and Zemos didn’t like it either.  Now that the Kalquorian captain had them moving towards the open duct leading to the service tunnels, Zemos’ face had become grim.

Once they had gotten access to the computers in Engineering, the Kalquorians had been able to map the service tunnels that ran throughout the ship.  Members of the Kalquorian crew were already lining up in front of the entry to those passageways.  Elisa noticed it was mostly the Imdiko breed with a few Dramoks hurrying towards the tunnel’s darkness. 

Those waiting to start the exodus parted as Zemos’ party approached, giving them first escape.  At first Elisa thought it was because he was the captain and was supposed to lead.  That idea was dashed when Zemos looked over the men with an expression of surprise.  “What are you all waiting for?”

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