Alien Caged (21 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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He pulled his shirt off, and Elisa sucked in a breath.  She knew how muscled Zemos and Oret were, having been treated to how well their formsuits clung to their bodies.  Miragin’s looser clothing had hinted at his muscularity without showing it off blatantly.

The Imdiko was not as big and strong as his clanmates.  However, his torso and arms were defined and he showed not one ounce of fat on his streamlined frame.  He was powerful without being bulky.

“That genetic inclination of your species to being strong is certainly lovely to look at,” she sighed.

Miragin chuckled and ducked his face in boyish modesty.  “I’m glad you approve.  I’m afraid I tend to be a bit lax when it comes to working my body.  I’m more suited to walks and swimming than heaving around large amounts of weight.”

“I like it,” Elisa said.  She couldn’t take her eyes off the toned male form hovering over her.

“Then let me show you the rest and see how you feel about that.”

He kicked off the ankle-high shoes he wore.  In one smooth motion, Miragin peeled his trousers down his legs, lifting one foot then the other to free himself entirely.

His thighs were as well-shaped as the rest of him.  From her position lying on the desk top, Elisa couldn’t see any lower.  She was quite sure she wouldn’t have looked anyway – not with Miragin’s dual sexes taking up all her attention.

Elisa had seen crude drawings of the Earther male anatomy on graffiti.  She’d never seen an actual naked man before and had only those strange hieroglyphics to go by when she’d fantasized.  She had no idea whether Miragin’s cocks were normal or malformed, or if they were small, average, or larger than the norm. 

She sat up a little to get a better look.  The Imdiko waited quietly, letting her take her time as she had her first glimpse of a penis ... make that two. 

The pair jutted from his groin, pointing at her as if to say, ‘we choose this one’.  They were identical except for the one in front – the one meant for her pussy – being a bit larger and having a small opening at the tip.  Both lengths were broad at their roots, tapering to nearly pointed ends.  Their shape reminded Elisa of grenade rifle bullets, which Earther sharpshooters used.

The cocks were shaded slightly darker than the deep brown of the Imdiko’s skin.  Veins lined them, and Elisa thought she could see the pulse of his blood moving through.

“They’re shiny, like they’re wet,” she observed.

“Natural lubrication.  Like yours,” the Imdiko answered.  “I don’t think Earther men have that ability.”

Elisa had no idea.  She watched a pearlescent drop form at the tip of the front cock.  Was that his seed coming out of him?

The male body was fascinating.

“Are you frightened?” Miragin asked.

Elisa looked at his cocks.  They did seem rather big to be going inside her.  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.  “They say sex is not pleasant for a woman, but then they said a lot of things back on Earth.  I honestly have no idea what to expect.  You are big compared to me, and I wonder how bad it will hurt.”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her.  She embraced the warmth and comfort of his touch.

When the kiss ended, Miragin said, “I think you will enjoy sex greatly, Elisa.  As for my size, it may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but your body is made to accommodate even more.  We will go at your pace.  If at any time it becomes too much, tell me.”

“All right.” 

Miragin eased her back down on the desk.  Her heart fluttered with anxiety and anticipation.  Elisa was going to do this.  She was going to have sex with one of her Kalquorian loves.  She wasn’t sure she really could, but she was going to try.  She liked how caring the Imdiko was with her and wanted his attentions to continue.

Miragin stood between her legs, looking down on her, stroking his fingertips up and down her body, smiling gently though his eyes had gone dark.  He scooped her legs over his arms and pulled her butt to the edge of the desk, moving her into position so that he could enter her.  Elisa tensed.

“Easy, little one,” he soothed.  “Relax, my sweet girl.  It’s going to be all right.”

Elisa drew a deep breath and released it.  She made herself soften once more.  Miragin would take care of her.  He wouldn’t let her be harmed.

The Kalquorian grasped himself with one hand, moving his two dicks so that Elisa felt them nudging her pussy and anus.  A jolt that was equal parts arousal and fear shot through her gut.  A whimper escaped her throat.

“Hush, little Elisa.  I’ve got you and you’re safe.”  Miragin’s soft voice coaxed her to open to him.

He eased in a little, pressing the tips of his cocks against her.  Their combined wetness made it easy for the tapered ends to slip inside.  He went further in, spreading her open as he went.  The feeling of being entered was delicious, heady, and gasp-provoking.  Miragin was joining with her, making himself a part of Elisa’s body.

The sweetest ache Elisa had ever known bloomed.  Her eyelids fluttered as it filled her.   It was the divine pain that announced the end of an innocence forced upon her for far too long.  When the sharp torment of her maidenhead’s tearing came, she welcomed it.  Elisa gave herself over to Miragin, and each reminder of what she was doing was a profound blessing.

Even when her rear entrance protested the widening girth forging inside, Elisa offered no resistance.  However, the Imdiko watched her carefully through the taking, and he froze before she could admit any pain.

“It’s all right,” he murmured, his breath warm in her ear.  “Let yourself adjust to me.  It will feel better in just a moment.”

Better?  Elisa wondered if that could be possible.  There was a smarting that wasn’t entirely pleasant, but not being completely joined to this man was the greater agony by far.  She wiggled beneath the Imdiko, trying to make him shove deep and claim all he could.

“Elisa,” Miragin said in a tone so foreboding that she stilled.  “Do I need to stop to punish you?”

Her eyes grew wide.  “Punish me?”

The gentle face above hers had gone firm with a disapproval that made her insides squirm.  “I will not allow you to be hurt, little girl, not for something as inconsequential as lust.”  Miragin’s expression gentled.  “We are making love, Elisa, not merely fucking.  This is my first time with you and your first time ever.  I appreciate the enthusiasm, but care must be taken.  You will behave as I tell you to.”

Elisa bit her lip, trying to keep tears from coming.  “I waited so long.  I’ve thought about you and your clan for weeks now.  I’m ready, Miragin.  I want you.”

His smile bloomed huge, making her heart skip several beats.  “You have no idea how delighted I am to hear you say that.  Knowing how torn your loyalties must be, it is such a gift for you to bestow.”  He kissed the tip of her nose.  “But you will lie quite still, relax, and let me take care of you.  Trust in my guidance, all right?  Let me make this good for you.  I promise, it will be worth your patience.”

Elisa swallowed.  Miragin had the experience in these matters.  She was letting her desire and impatience override good sense, so she did need to give him control.  She sighed and nodded.  “I’m sorry.  It’s just that it feels so good.”

He kissed her deeply.  Those sensuous lips moved against hers in a way that made her insides churn hard.  His kiss was as intoxicating as the feeling of him inside her.  Elisa lost herself in the delicious sensation of his raspy tongue twining with hers, heating her entire body until she writhed against him.

The kiss ended, and Miragin once more gazed into her eyes.  “Now, my little one.  Be relaxed.”

Once more he crept inside her with care, sending eager bolts of pleasure deep inside Elisa’s core.  Somehow the Imdiko detected the changing timbre of her moans when they went from delight to discomfort and halted once more to let her adjust to him.

“Almost there,” he encouraged her.  “Just a little more, my pretty girl.  You’re doing fine.”

Elisa used the moment of stillness to appreciate the fullness of having a man within both passages.  The dual penetration brought a wondrous pressure to the front of her sheath, where a heady glowing sensation pulsed, warming all her abdomen.  She had the maddening urge to move her hips so that Miragin’s larger cock would rub that place.  The friction as he’d traveled within her had sent sparks of a greater heat flashing through her belly, promising excitement she’d not imagined.  She wanted that.

She wanted him.

Miragin pressed against her, and yes, the friction was amazing against that spot.  Elisa felt every hair on her body coming to attention as molten desire poured through her.  She arched against the Imdiko, her mouth opening wide to release the pressure she couldn’t contain.  Her body strained, reaching for the nirvana that appeared on the horizon.

Miragin groaned.  “Oh yes, there you are.  Feel it, my beautiful Elisa.  That’s my sweet girl.”  He halted.  “We’re there.  I’m inside you.”

Elisa panted.  She felt stuffed and hot and wanting.  Slightly maddened.  She had a man inside her.  No, not just a man.  She had Miragin inside her ... and it was amazing.

“How are you?” he asked.  “Your expression says I feel good to you.”

She whimpered.  “Good?  It’s so ... I never imagined ... Miragin!”

Elisa wrapped her arms around his head, bringing his chuckling face down so she could kiss him.  She also wrapped her legs around his ass, grinding herself hard against him.

Doing so gave her clit exquisite contact with his groin.  Elisa cried out in the Imdiko’s mouth as need mounted harder than ever.

Miragin laughed, breaking the kiss.  “Oh yes, that feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked.  He moved his hips in small circles, bringing even more heated exaltation stabbing into Elisa’s guts.  “You like that.”

Elisa couldn’t speak for the demands erupting deep inside.  She didn’t know whether to shove harder against the Kalquorian or push him away.  The pleasure was almost too much to bear.

“All right,” Miragin crooned, gathering her in his arms to hold her tight.  “It’s all right.  I’m going to give you what you need, little Elisa.”

With that, his hips arched back, pulling him mostly free of her, leaving yawning emptiness in his wake.  Elisa’s feet drummed against his butt in protest.  She wailed a protest.

He forged into her once more, not too quickly but with demand.  Oh, that was good.  That was very, very good.  More grinding tight circles against her clit left her clawing at his chest and shoulders.  He made that funny, rumbling sound that was like growling again.

“Easy, my sweet.  You’re driving me wild.”

Miragin drew back and surged forward, harder than before.  Elisa’s insides drew tight.  More grinding from his hips, which resulted in more clawing from her nails.  Drawing back.  Thrusting.  Grinding.  Drawing back.  Thrusting.  Grinding.  Faster and faster each time, harder and more powerful.  Her sheaths grasped at his cocks, clenching him tight to make the veins stand out on the Imdiko’s neck.  Brutal heat suffused Elisa’s belly.  It coiled in on itself until only Miragin’s weight kept her from bending double in agonized pleasure.

He drummed quickly against her now, pounding against her, their breaths mingling in harsh gasps.  Elisa couldn’t move to meet him, he thrust so fast.  She hung on, helpless to do anything but cling as orgasm lurched closer, building to a peak, going blinding bright until there was nothing but brilliance.  Then came the sensation of expansion, accompanied by explosive exaltation that traveled from her belly up her spine to blast through her skull. 

Sweet heaving chaos overcame her.  It churned and bubbled and then boiled over again.  She lost herself in the delicious surges, only half-recognizing the sound of Miragin’s drawn-out groan.  The slow pulses of his release joined the throbs of hers.  Their bodies slid against each other’s as they worked to make the culmination last as long as it could.

At last there were only soft waves left, diminishing with each sigh.  Elisa relaxed in the Imdiko’s arms, lulled by the final laps of bliss emanating from her core.  She drifted, as content as a cat with a belly full of milk.

“What a lovely way to pass the time.  May we join you?”

Elisa’s eyes flew open and she gasped at the sound of Zemos’ voice.  Miragin’s chuckle vibrated through her as she looked over his shoulder to see the Dramok and Oret standing inside the room.  There was no way to know how long they’d been in there, watching her with their Imdiko.  Watching her have sex with him.

The two men moved towards them, their expressions fierce with intent.  Elisa lay frozen under those dark stares.




Chapter 11


As Elisa’s stunned brain tried to relearn how to think, Miragin rose up, uncovering her body and slipping out of her in a wash of warmth.  Even though he no longer pinned her with his weight, his hands cupped her shoulders with gentle but firm strength.  She couldn’t get up.

Zemos and Oret moved to stand on either side of Miragin, staring down at her.  Elisa trembled to see the fierce lust in their expressions.  At the same time, fresh heat tumbled through her core.  She was afraid ... but she wanted them too.  Heaven help her, she’d already gone too far as it was.

Yet they’d seen her making love to their clanmate, wantonly and without inhibition.  How could she deny what they so wanted?  What she had to admit she wanted too?

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