Alien Caged (22 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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Not knowing what she should do or say, Elisa could only appeal to the clan’s leader.  She needed help to make sense of the riot of emotions storming through her.  “Zemos?”

He reached to stroke her cheek.  The Dramok’s expression was made up of savage hunger, and yet compassion made its presence known as well in the tender smile he gave her.  “You are so beautiful, little Elisa.  I am beyond words to express how happy I was to see you being pleasured by my Imdiko.”

Elisa swallowed.  A burst of longing swept through her.  Surely with the Kalquorians’ escape ongoing, Zemos had no time for her.  She should be feeling guilty anyway.  She should not want this.

Pretending there was no sense of loss, Elisa said, “Are we going on to the next step of you taking over the ship?”

He shook his head.  “Not yet.  Oret has pinpointed the right moment to move, and it is not now.  As long as the Earther crew doesn’t discover our whereabouts, it looks as if we have ample time to properly enjoy you.”

Before she could process what Zemos was saying, he bent over her.  His mouth took hers in a kiss that was at once demanding and sweet.  His lips lay softly on hers, and his tongue explored so gently, yet with a thoroughness that made all rational thought clear from Elisa’s mind. 

She was aware of Miragin releasing her.  Zemos gathered her in his arms and pulled her close, drawing her up so that he stood with her clutched against his body.  There seemed to be quite a bit of shifting, but Elisa paid it little mind.  All her attention was claimed by the tongue stroking hers, the taste of male musk filling her senses. Then the fabric separating her skin from the Dramok’s split from his chest with a soft purr, and the warm flesh of his muscled pectorals greeted her hard nipples.  Elisa had the fleeting thought that someone else was undressing Zemos since his arms still wrapped about her body, but that was lost in the sensation of her breasts and belly molding against him.  He was so warm!  She wound her arms and legs about the Kalquorian’s shoulders and waist, crushing against him, delighting in the steel strength and heat of the man.  She felt the twin prods of his lust against her slit.

“Lovely girl,” murmured the most dangerous voice Elisa knew, whispered right in her ear.  Oret was there too, right behind her from the sound of it.  She had only a moment to recognize that before Zemos lowered her down.

Something hard and slick prodded her anus where Miragin had been moments before.  As Zemos continued to slowly drop her down, it entered.  Elisa felt the body heat of the Nobek behind her.  She groaned in mingled worry and welcome as his cock slid into her back passage.  His hands gripped her hips, guiding her.  The next second it came to her that he had seated himself on the edge of the desk Miragin had taken her virginity on. 

They had her taking Oret’s larger cock in her ass.  The ache she’d felt with Miragin’s initial penetration returned.  Elisa whimpered into Zemos’ mouth, and he broke the kiss.  He and Oret held her suspended, not pressing the Nobek any farther inside.

“Too much, my little girl?” Zemos asked, his tone quiet.  “Relax and let your body adjust.  That’s it.”

Oret’s lips closed over her earlobe, prompting Elisa to shiver.  He chuckled.  “Do you know how good you feel to me, sweet Elisa?  So warm and soft and tight around me.  I have wanted you with near desperation for a long time.”

“Really?” she asked, wanting it to be true.  “Because you don’t have the opportunity to be with women often?”

Oret snorted.  He let Zemos support her weight so he could take hold of her chin.  He made her look him in the eye.  Her breath froze to see that feral face only inches away from hers.

“I wanted you because you are beautiful in heart, mind, and body,” he declared.  “Now that I am realizing the joy of joining with you, I swear that I will give my life to keep you safe.  No one will be allowed to harm you in my presence while I still breathe.”

With that, Oret kissed her as deeply as Zemos had, though with more primitive need.  She moaned, responding as he plundered her mouth with abandon.  The strength with which he took her mouth left her feeling small and helpless ... delightfully so.

Even more than that, his assertion that he would let nothing happen to her gave Elisa a sense of security she had never known before.  Oret had left no doubt in her mind that he meant every word of what he’d said. 

As the Nobek kissed her, Zemos pressed her down on the slick cock spearing her backside.  After a couple of inches, a throb announced itself once more, making Elisa jerk.  Zemos halted, letting her adjust once more.

“Good girl,” he praised as Oret broke the kiss.  “You’re doing so well with us, Elisa.  Thank you for this gift.”

“Almost there,” Oret gasped, his eyelids heavy.  “I have never felt anything so good.”

“Let us know when you are ready for more,” Zemos whispered to her.  “Are you feeling all right?  Not frightened?”

Elisa’s fears no longer had anything to do with sex with the Kalquorians.  Even taking the thick shaft of Oret’s generous endowment received little more than a passing thought of concern.  They made her feel too safe and secure.

I’m their prisoner, but I’m not one bit scared for myself
, she thought.  Was she being foolish?  Was her love for the three men undoing her good sense?

“I’m okay,” she told them. 

“Good.  Just a little more.”

Moments later, Elisa’s butt rested on Oret’s lap.  The Nobek’s secondary cock nestled against her slit.  She wondered if he would put the smaller shaft in her pussy, having sex with her in the opposite manner as Miragin.

With her weight settled on his clanmate, Zemos moved back a little to shrug the top of his formsuit off.  “Such a brave girl,” he praised her as he unwound her legs from his waist.  “You did very well.”

He settled her legs so that they straddled Oret’s shockingly muscular thighs.  Elisa gaped at the sculpted perfection of the Nobek’s legs between hers before she realized how open and vulnerable her pussy was spread.  The reds and pinks of her flesh, peeking out from the soft brown curls of her pubic hair, was a blatant reminder of what she was doing.  Oret’s secondary cock jutting there as well didn’t help matters.  She tried to cover herself with her hands.

“Now, now,” Zemos chided as he peeled the one-piece uniform down to the top of his knee-high boots, just as Oret had done with his.  His cocks sprang free, curving up towards his belly.  “Why are you hiding such loveliness from us?  You are beautiful, my little one.  Let me see.”

He grasped her wrists, drawing Elisa’s hands away.  A low growl issued from Zemos’ lips as he looked at her.  “By the ancestors, I feel like I’ve lived for just this moment.  Your indulgence, my Nobek.”

“Of course,” Oret said in a strained voice.  “Carefully, though.  It won’t take much to set me off right now.”

“What are you going to do?” Elisa asked, wanting to distract Zemos’ rapt stare at her nakedness.

One side of his mouth curled in a smile.  “I am going to join my Nobek in enjoying your lovely body, Elisa.  Don’t worry; I’ll see to it you enjoy it as well, but Oret will have to be patient a few moments more.”

Oret’s response was a groan. 

Zemos gathered Elisa’s wrists in one hand, stretching her arms over her head.  The action raised her breasts, making it look as though the mounds offered themselves to him.  Zemos licked the thumb of his free hand.  He cupped one breast in his palm and drew slick circles over Elisa’s areola.

Excitement bolted from his touch to her belly, making her gasp.  She jerked and Oret groaned again.  His hands rubbed up and down her ribcage, and he buried his face against the nape of her neck, nuzzling.

“So sweet,” Zemos murmured, tracing the calloused pad of his thumb over Elisa’s nipple.  She writhed as more delicious sensation made her stomach somersault.  “So sensitive,” he said as he re-wet his thumb and teased the other breast the same way.  “I do like seeing you respond to my touch, my lovely.”

Oret had managed to part her hair, exposing the skin of her neck to his mouth.  He mouthed the slender column along her spine, scraping teeth over to make chills race down her body.

Elisa felt controlled by the pair, and for some reason it delighted her senses.  When Zemos bent to take her nipple in his mouth, her body lit as if from a lightning shock.  He sucked, his rasping tongue rolling over the swollen bit to make her cry out.

Oret bit the back of her neck, taking care to not damage the skin.  He rumbled a growl that shivered down her spine all the way to her tailbone.  The sensation made Elisa more aware than ever of his rigid flesh buried in hers, giving a deep, dark pleasure that she couldn’t quite name.

As their mouths feasted on her, Zemos’ fingertips trailed down her abdomen, combing through the swirls of hair on her mound.  He found her clitoris, swollen and greedy to be touched.  When he seized it between his fingers, Elisa jolted upward, making Oret slip a little way out of her ass.  The Nobek’s hands on her hips forced her back down once more.

They held her still as Zemos continued the sweet assault on her breasts and clit.  The Dramok captain licked and sucked, turning her nipples red as he stroked up and down her pleasure button, inflaming it as well.  Oret’s thighs beneath her pussy went slick as honey gushed from her core.  Her stomach twisted and turned.  The ferocity of arousal stunned Elisa; indeed, it scared her.

“Please.  Please,” she whimpered, shaking as the men urged her body to greater need.

“Such a sweet girl to ask so nicely,” Zemos said as he took his mouth off her breast.  “All right, my Nobek.  I believe we’ve all had enough torment this time.”

“It is difficult to hold back when I’ve waited for this moment for so long,” Oret muttered against her neck. 

“Indeed.  We will ease the worst of our anticipation at last.  Perhaps later we can enjoy her properly without need riding us so hard.” 

The Dramok let go of Elisa, catching hold of his larger dick.  He also handled Oret’s secondary cock, urging it to one side, out of the way so he could position his at the entrance of Elisa’s pussy.

“It’s going to be a bit awkward, but I think we can make this happen.  Wrap your legs around me, Elisa.  Straighten up a bit, Oret.  If you’ll come to the very edge of the desk ... that’s good.  That will work.”

Elisa found herself sandwiched between the two men, Zemos’ cock spreading her pussy open to allow him entrance.  She sobbed an eager welcome as he pressed inside her, filling her to an exquisite fullness.  Her body experienced an eager shock as he found the sensitive part of her interior.  It felt as profound as standing within the hollow of a church bell as its clapper struck.  The reverberations galvanized her whole body.  She tensed all over, and the two men inside her groaned.

“If I was any younger, I would have lost it already,” Oret panted. 

“The feeling of her convulsing is enough to undo any man,” Zemos agreed in a strained voice.  “Easy, little one.  By the ancestors, she’s so soft!”

“Soft and sweet.  Sweet little girl,” Oret breathed.

He slid outward, emptying her with delicious care.  Elisa shivered at how easily he moved within her, making it seem she’d been made to absorb him in just this way.  Oret thrust back in, slipping like a sword into its scabbard.

As the Nobek sheathed himself once more, Zemos’ hips arched back.  His cock slid out, well lubricated by their combined juices.  The extreme fullness also delivered mind-stealing friction to that wide-awake part of Elisa’s sex.  Her head fell back on Oret’s shoulder as she cried out, thick pleasure roiling through her core.

Her pussy and ass spasmed around the moving flesh of the men, clutching and squeezing without her conscious control.  Their groans joined her breathless cries as they filled her over and over.  That they were fighting for control over their need to climax was apparent to even a neophyte like Elisa; they’d establish a rhythm for a few luscious strokes, one heading in as the other emptied her.  Then one would jerk and freeze, interrupting the movements.  If it was Oret, his entire body would tense, and his hands on Elisa’s hips tightened almost painfully.  If it was Zemos who had to stop, Elisa would see the veins strain against the skin of the Dramok’s throat and his teeth clench as if battling to keep some inner demon encased within.

For her part, it was these frequent pauses that kept Elisa from tipping over into carnal oblivion.  They’d bring her close, close enough that she felt the hottest point of elation, the sensation of hanging in space before tumult could open the heavens wide.  Then one of the men would stop, causing the other to pause, and the looming orgasm would ease down instead of cresting as they recovered.

She clawed at Zemos’ shoulders, leaving red stripes on his mocha-colored skin.  If Elisa had possessed the presence of mind to think, she’d have been grateful that her fingernails were so short that she couldn’t make the man bleed.  However, the fact that she was trying to rip the flesh from him in her anguished need made no impact on her at all.  All she knew was the rioting of her guts and the inability to relieve the harsh pressure.

At last the Dramok conceded.  “I can’t hold off any more, my Nobek.  I will attend our lovely here, and then we will enjoy our own.”

“Thank you, my Dramok.”  Oret’s voice was that of a man who’d just finished running a marathon.

“All right, my lovely,” Zemos said to Elisa.  “Keep leaning back against Oret, and I’ll give you your reward.  Good girl.”

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