Alien Caged (30 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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She drew a deep breath.  “I’ll try, Zemos,” she whispered.  “I wish I could promise more, but trying is all I have.”

“Then trying is good enough for now,” he answered.  “We will start with you closing your eyes.  You will keep them closed no matter what until I tell you to open them.”

Elisa did as she was told.  It was hard to shut out the handsome face hovering over hers, but she did it.

For a few moments nothing happened.  Elisa sat cradled in Zemos’ lap with one of his arms supporting her behind her back.  She imagined him staring down at her, watching her face to make sure she kept her eyes shut.  His chest moved against her in slow, steady breaths that she couldn’t hear.  If he hadn’t been holding her, Elisa would have suspected he had left her alone in the room.  He was that silent.

The quiet spun out so long that Elisa’s mind began to drift.  The nap she’d taken with Miragin had been a short one, and exhaustion only waited for the slightest relaxation to creep in on stealthy feet.  Lulled by the rhythmic rise and fall of the Dramok’s chest and the warmth of his body against hers, Elisa let herself enjoy feeling cared for.  Her thoughts wandered through memories and fantasies, mixing the two.  Then her mind stilled.

A gentle tug on the top button of Elisa’s blouse nearly startled her eyes open.  She remembered herself just in time to keep that from happening, her senses coming alert in an instant. 

Zemos opened the first button and folded back the collar of her shirt.  The rough callouses on the pads of his fingertips rasped over the skin he exposed.  He stroked just below her collarbone.

“So soft,” he said in a low tone.  “I have never felt skin as tender as yours.”

Elisa tried to contain a shiver but couldn’t.  He, Oret, and Miragin had touched her in far more intimate places, yet this careful investigation somehow felt profound.  Was it because she was so conscious of giving herself over to him?  The idea that she surrendered herself lent extra poignancy to the liberties he took.

Zemos tugged the next button free, opening her blouse even more.  He spread the top of the fabric wider, exposing the tops of Elisa’s breasts where they spilled out of the cups of her bra.  Once more he stroked the skin he bared.  Moisture crept from between Elisa’s legs at the careful, raspy feel of his hand on her.  With her eyes closed and Zemos so silent, she was acutely aware of his touch.  She imagined she could even feel the whorls of his fingerprints, so attuned was her sense of feel.  Her breath came faster.

The next two buttons he undid were at the bottom of her blouse.  He bared her stomach to the bottom of her bra.  Once more he caressed her.  The sensations there were even more intense, sending butterflies in flight.  Zemos found a couple of ticklish spots as well, startling some giggles from her.  His soft chuckles joined her tittering gasps as she jerked.

“Don’t tell Oret about those spots,” he warned her.  “He’ll hold you down and tickle you until you can’t breathe.”

“Oh no,” Elisa sighed.  “I don’t like to be tickled at all.”

“You don’t want to tell him that either.  He’ll make it a point to torment you as often as possible.”

Elisa found it amusing that the sometimes scary Nobek liked to tickle people.  It was a playful side she hadn’t glimpsed of him yet ... though it sounded like a sadistic playfulness.

Zemos unfastened the last two buttons of her blouse.  He slid it off her body after ordering her hands to unclasp long enough to do so, leaving her clad in only her bra and skirt.  She wasn’t to be left covered even that much for long; he fumbled with the catch of her bra and removed that too.

Elisa was extraordinarily aware of being on display.  Her chest was naked, and the position of having her hands behind her neck, her elbows out wide, made her breasts thrust up as if she offered herself to Zemos.  She couldn’t help but draw in a bit, huddling into herself.

“No, little girl.”  Zemos pressed her elbows out to the side once more.  “Shoulders back.  Legs down.  Lie open for my enjoyment.”

It was hard to obey him.  Elisa didn’t feel just exposed; she felt positively slutty lying in his lap the way she was.  She whimpered.

Zemos massaged her breasts while murmuring soothing sounds.  “Pretty girl.  Lovely breasts.  So soft in my hands.  What a good girl you are to do as I tell you.  That’s my Elisa.”

He rubbed the pliant mounds, the heat in his palms sinking into her flesh.  Elisa’s self-consciousness melted under his touch as excitement rose.  She even thrust upward, inviting more of his attentions.

“Good, Elisa.  That’s it.  You’re safe with me.  Give yourself over to the pleasure.”

Zemos plucked at her nipples, sending shards of elation through her body.  She cried out at the thrills spilling from the gentle tugs.  The heat in her guts turned fiery, especially when the Dramok rolled the stiffened peaks between his thumb and finger.

“Look how responsive you are,” he praised.  “Your nipples are becoming swollen and red.  I like that my girl is sensitive to my touch.”

Elisa shook all over as his continued play made pleasure course through her.  She moaned, unable to hide how his hands set her insides to roiling.  Every tweak, pat, and squeeze was more intense than the last.

“Lovely,” the Dramok whispered over and over.  “You are the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen.”

He lavished attention on her like that for what felt like a long while.  By the time Zemos’ hand drifted from her breasts to the waistband of her skirt, Elisa writhed on his lap.  She wanted nothing more than for the Kalquorian to lay his body on hers and fuck her hard.

Instead, Zemos’ fingers curled in the stretchy waistband of her last article of clothing.  Bit by bit, he eased the skirt down, his hand moving from one hip to the other as he inched it past her ass, mound, down her thighs, and finally drew it from her ankles and tossed it aside.

“Now spread your legs apart so I can see your pretty pussy,” Zemos said, his voice low.

Elisa started to obey when she became self-conscious once more.  She was terribly aware of her naked body lying across Zemos’ lap.  He was still fully clothed, and the idea of it made her feel even more vulnerable. 

What was she doing like this?  She was offering herself to the enemy like a traitorous whore.  Yes, she loved Zemos, she wanted to somehow end up far away with him and his clan, and she wanted to run away from everything to do with Earth.  Still, this was so blatant.  So carnal.  So

Elisa couldn’t remember if the door of the office was locked.  Anyone might come in and see her like this.  Her legs drew together, and she scrunched her eyes tight against the sudden sting of tears.  She was going to get caught.  She was going to be punished like before.  No, it would be even worse than before, because she wasn’t a little girl anymore; she was a full-grown woman now and that meant the full penalty—

“Elisa?  Elisa, open your eyes and look at me.”

The order barked right in her ear, making Elisa’s eyes fly wide open.  She stared into Zemos’ calm face.  It filled her vision, and she gasped.

“Easy, little one.  I have you.  You’re safe.”  His arms tightened around her, holding her close.  Keeping her secure.

Her racing heart slowed just a bit.  Shudders that had begun to quake her body eased.  Zemos smiled encouragingly at her.

“There, now.  All better.  You know you’re all right.”

Elisa swallowed.  One moment she’d been aroused beyond belief, ready for Zemos to take her right here on the desk, the next she’d seen herself being hauled out by Lieutenant Commander Robards for execution before a jeering crowd.

“What happened, Elisa?”

She blinked up at Zemos.  His piercing purple eyes watched her intently despite the quiet voice he used.  His expression remained calm, controlled.  It was the face of someone who had never suffered a moment’s doubt in himself.

Elisa felt ashamed.  Here was a man who’d watched his crew get killed or captured.  He’d seen his Imdiko threatened.  He’d fought hard to get the slimmest of chances to escape mortal enemies to go back to the life he’d been snatched from.

Comparing herself to Zemos, she felt in severe want.  For so long she’d dreamed of escape from her dangerous but somehow ordinary life.  She’d envisioned an impossible love that had somehow come to her despite the odds against it.  Yet it was the trapped alien who possessed all the strength in the face of destruction and she who crumbled before paradise.

Cringing miserably in Zemos’ arms, Elisa muttered, “Nothing is wrong.  I’m just being stupid.”

“I doubt that,” he said.  “Talk to me.  Tell me what had you so scared just now.”

She shook her head.  She couldn’t admit to be such a coward.

“Elisa, I told you I need your trust and the truth.  Are you going to grant me neither?  Do you say
and end this now?”

Cold knifed through her guts.  Her hands flew from behind her neck to grasp fistfuls of his formsuit.  “No.  Please, don’t go.”

Zemos stroked her hair.  “Then tell me.”

His continued care pushed back the humiliation of turning weak.  Elisa said, “I had a weird moment where I mixed up what had happened to me when I was punished for kissing that boy, and what would happen if I was caught with you.  For an instant it seemed real.  I half-expected our tactical officer would come storming in to take me from you to face execution.”

Zemos’ jaw tightened for an instant, but his tone remained comforting.  “I would never let any such thing happen to you.  However, I understand how your past trauma could bring such fears forward.”  He kissed her forehead.  “I told you the emotional limits might get pushed a bit.”

Elisa sighed.  “I wish I was strong like you.  I don’t want to be afraid.”

The Dramok’s brow arched.  “I have been afraid many times, little one.  I have gotten to know fear quite well in these past few weeks.”

She stared at him in surprise.  “You’ve never shown it.  Are you afraid right now?”

Zemos nodded.  “I fear for you and Miragin, Oret and the rest of my crew.  I fear I will not be able to save you.  Right now, some of that fear is sublimated by passion and anger, however.”


He smiled, but it looked more like a grimace.  “I am furious over what you’ve suffered, my love.  Hearing that you were publicly whipped and shamed and then later denied your gift of music has made me wish I could hunt down those who did those things to you.  I would like nothing more than to serve justice on your behalf for all that.”

Elisa felt warmth bloom in her heart.  He did care for her.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were angry?” she asked.

“Because you need to feel my concern more than my need to defend you.  Railing against those who made you suffer will do little to earn your faith.”  Zemos rocked her.  “How am I doing so far?”

She grinned ruefully.  “Before I had a meltdown, you were doing quite well.  I just felt really vulnerable all of the sudden.”

“That’s how I wanted you to feel,” he chuckled.  “In fact, we shall pick up where we left off.  Hands back behind your neck, eyes closed, and legs wide, Elisa.”

She hesitated, and his brows rose.  “That was not a negotiable request, love.  Unless you say
, not obeying me is going to get you in trouble.”

Elisa sucked on her lower lip.  “Do I have to be so – so crude?  I don’t like displaying myself like some kind of harlot, Zemos.”

The Dramok’s smile was gone, replaced by patient but adamant control.  “What you like is not the issue at this moment, Elisa.  Submitting to my wishes is what you agreed to, and what I wish is for you to display yourself for my enjoyment.  That you feel you look like a harlot is a learned response from the government you say you want nothing to do with any longer.  For me, you will show yourself so I may appreciate the beautiful woman you are.”

Elisa swallowed.  She had agreed to this, but it didn’t make it easy by any means.  Still, she tried.  Her legs spread apart one inch.  Two.  Three.

Zemos shook his head.  “At this rate, you will have obeyed me a week from now.  Are you going to let me earn your trust or not, little girl?”

She heard the unspoken question behind the one he asked:  was he to give up on making her his clan’s woman? 

Knowing she was shaking too hard for Zemos to miss, Elisa put her hands behind her neck and locked the fingers together.  She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath.  Then she slid her legs wide apart.

The Dramok sighed, the sound that of a pleased man.  “Very, very good, my sweetling.  That was not easy, and I am proud of you.”

Despite the discomfort of her blatant exhibition, a wave of contentment washed through Elisa at his approval.  Hearing Zemos say he was proud of her made her heart fill with joy.

After a few moments, during which she thought the alien captain must have been looking over her intimate flesh, he spoke again.  “I am going to touch this gorgeous pussy now, Elisa.  I wish to enjoy it thoroughly.  I want you to give it to me as my own property to do with as I wish.  Can you do that?  Will you try?”

Hearing the consideration in his tone reassured Elisa despite her misgivings.  “I will try.”

“Good girl.  I want you to obey me because you know I have your best interests.  I want you to know you can place yourself in my care.”

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