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Authors: Gini Koch

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afternoon and early evening were uneventful, besides filling Chuckie in on what had transpired and then being forced to make him take his migraine meds and a nap.

Dinner was a group affair, because Pierre insisted that Lizzie needed to meet everyone and that would be the easiest way to ensure I hadn't missed any introductions. For whatever reason, Jeff had asked for Men At Work's “Cargo” album, so that was our background music. I liked it, so didn't argue.

Denise took the time during dinner to give me a list of who she felt should stay at the Embassy. “I already ran this by Doreen, and she agrees. I also ran it by the Secret Service, and they agree as well, though they'd like more names on the list.”

“I'm sure they would, but we'll go with whatever you two want. But you two also get to be the ones who have the fights with everyone you want to keep here.”

In addition to the kids and Amy, Denise and Doreen wanted to keep Pierre, Tito, and Nurse Carter home. Keeping our medical staff in the Embassy made sense, especially since Amy was in her eighth month of pregnancy with a hybrid baby.

Nurse Carter wasn't big on getting into the action, and
White rarely tried to take her along on missions anyway. White was definitely on our list of those going down to Florida, and not only because he'd been the former Supreme Pontifex—he was the best diplomat we had other than Doreen, though he constantly tried to deny it. He was also my unofficial partner whenever butt-kicking took place and, as earlier events had shown, quite good at it.

Also, as Christopher's father, Jeff and Gower's uncle, and someone both the A-Cs and the Planetary Council would listen to, he was vital to any political cause we had.

The problem with our not taking Tito along, however, was that this meant we wouldn't be taking Rahmi and Rhee. And I knew we'd need them, even if Tito hadn't already hinted that they were bored.

Tito and Rahmi had gotten engaged at the end of Operation Civil War. Based on the majority of our human-alien courtships, they should have been married by now. However, we did have some extremely long engagements—Ravi Gaekwad and Jennifer Barone, for example, who had had a two-year-plus engagement before finally getting married a few months ago in a lavish ceremony. Tito and Rahmi appeared to be trying to break Ravi and Jennifer's record.

Not because either one of them were dragging their feet, but because Beta Twelve had two marriage rituals—battlefield joinings, which were incredibly fast, and official matrimony, which wasn't. They'd foolishly not gotten married when we were on Beta Eight, meaning that they were on the long and winding ritualistic road to the altar.

That the Free Women from Beta Twelve reproduced via cloning and had done away with men thousands of years ago wasn't speeding things up, either. Rahmi was possibly the first Free Woman to want to marry a man in hundreds of years, plus she was the eldest of the two princesses, meaning that she technically would inherit the Queenship of
Beta Twelve. There were, therefore, alterations that had to be made to the rituals for both the potential for succession and the fact that one of the participants was the “wrong” gender.

Despite having typical sibling spats the princesses were already pretty inseparable, but some of the rituals were requiring Rhee to never be too far from Rahmi. And Rahmi never wanted to be too far from Tito unless we were in battle. Which meant that we wouldn't have the princesses with us, and that had a real potential to make the Planetary Council nervous at best.

Scanned the rest of the suggested Stay At Home list. Hacker International was on it, which wasn't a surprise. None of them liked to leave the Zoo, let alone the city, and after a short time around them they all bothered Jeff for various reasons. Them clamoring to take the train was unlikely, but they could fight with Denise and Jeff if they desperately wanted to go.

Decided that the needs of diplomacy were going to outweigh the medical risks. “Tito and the princesses are coming with us,” I said as I handed the list back to Denise. “You can win on all the others, but I need the three of them. Nurse Carter is more than capable of handling the majority of our potential medical emergencies, and Tito can always take a floater gate home if he's needed urgently.”

Denise grinned. “Okay, you win.”

“You put Tito on the list just so I'd focus on him and you'd keep everyone else, didn't you?”

“As you like to say, Kitty, whatever works.”

“I think you're all learning to be far sneakier than is good for me.”

As I finished speaking, I got a text from Caroline Chase, my sorority roommate and one of my besties who also happened to work for Senator McMillan.

“Caro wants to go with us,” I told Jeff. “The Senator can't
go, and not only because he was injured by Huntress, and he'd like her to represent him.”

Jeff heaved a sigh. “You're sure it's Don's suggestion?”

“Seems like it. Besides, Caro's good in these situations. And she needs to get out anyway.” Caroline had been engaged to Michael Gower. Prior to their engagement she'd been someone who'd had no issues playing the field, just like Michael, really. They'd matched up so well, and been so happy, but our enemies had cut that short. Since Michael's murder, however, Caroline had become far more quiet and withdrawn. Basically, Chuckie wasn't the only one still mourning the loss of their significant other. Unlike Chuckie, I hadn't been able to convince her to move into the Embassy.

I'd have been worried about her being outside of our immediate reach with our Mystery Huntress out there, especially since McMillan had been a target. But since my “uncles” were in town, I figured they were watching over her. The Dingo had actually dated her for a while—when he was first assigned to kill me, not that she'd known he was an assassin at the time—and he still seemed quite fond of her, so Caroline was probably safe. Well, as safe as any of us ever were.

Chuckie, who was looking much better after today's nap, took the list out of Denise's hands and scanned it. “I'm with Kitty—Tito and the princesses need to come. I'd also recommend we bring along Mister Joel Oliver, because I'm pretty sure we're going to want to ensure that, whatever happens, our side of the story is told.”

“Makes sense to me,” I said before anyone else could argue. Oliver was the best investigative reporter in the world, but until Operation Destruction he'd been considered a quack conspiracy theorist. He was also a very good friend and someone we could always rely on.

“That's good,” Tito said. “Because Doctor Morin isn't feeling well, and he sent me a text a few minutes ago asking
if I could function as the Presidential Physician for this trip. I already said yes, too.”

Chuckie nodded. “You're the obvious choice for a variety of reasons. I also want Stryker with us. And Adriana. And, Kitty, if you can convince him, Vance Beaumont.”



“Really?” I asked finally as Jeff groaned quietly and Men at Work's album ended and “Crazy” from Aerosmith started. Hey, Walter had orders from me and we'd definitely gone more than ten songs without an Aerosmith number.

Hacker International tended to eat in their computer lab at the Zoo, so none of them were in the dining room with us to whine one way or the other. So, one for the win column. Already had the feeling I'd need to try to frontload the wins as much as possible.

“Yes. In regard to Stryker, we can't take Chernobog with us for a variety of reasons, and I want someone with strong hacking abilities along. Just in case.”

Jeff sighed and shrugged. “Whatever you say, Chuck.” Figured Jeff was just placating Chuckie so that he didn't have another meltdown, so I didn't argue and merely nodded.

“I agree about Adriana,” Len said. Kyle nodded.

“I do, too.” Adriana was the granddaughter of the Romanian ambassador. The ambassador's wife, Olga, however, was former KGB. Olga had MS and was confined to a wheelchair, and Adriana was her helper.

In addition, Olga was literally the All-Seeing Oracle and had been training Adriana in the Old Ways. Adriana had
saved my life during Operation Assassination, and she was always a huge asset to our team. Plus Len and Kyle really liked her, and she liked them.

“She's cleared,” Joseph, who was the head of Jeff's Secret Service detail, said. “As is Stryker Dane. Vance Beaumont, however—”

“Is also cleared,” Buchanan said, in a tone that indicated he had the higher authority, which, considering he was part of the P.T.C.U., he did. “And I agree—he's got a knowledge base of who's who, who's sleeping with whom, who's fighting with whom, and who is and isn't friendly to American Centaurion.”

“Vance isn't wild about action,” I pointed out.

“But he's willing to do it when he has to,” Raj said in a soothing tone. Raj was a very powerful troubadour, so the entire room relaxed, because he wanted us to relax.

Raj was also part of our very secret A-C C.I.A. that Serene Dwyer, our current Head of Imageering, had started a few years ago. Other than the troubadours who reported to her and me, no one else knew about them. Which was fine—hard to be a secret agency if everyone knows your name. Come to think of it, I didn't know their official name. As always, my attention to the little things was nonexistent. Well, as with so many other things, I'd worry about that later.

“Then that's settled,” Chuckie said.

“Yep, I'll call Vance after dinner.”

Christopher took the list next as “Everybody's Gonna Be Happy” by the Kinks came on. “Why isn't my dad on this list?”

White, who was on the other side of Amy, and I exchanged a look. He was trying not to laugh. “Because I'm needed, son,” he said gently.

“I wish you'd stop risking yourself constantly,” Christopher muttered. “Our baby deserves to have at least one living grandparent.”

“Your dad's the best agent we have, Christopher.” I pointed out. “And you know we won't let him get hurt.”

“And my parents will burst into tears if they hear you say that your child will only have one grandparent,” Jeff added. “In a very dramatic way. Which I'd love to avoid.”

Christopher looked embarrassed and Amy patted his hand. “It'll be fine. Our child will have the best extended family anyone could have.”

Christopher managed a grimace I was fairly sure he thought was passing for a smile. Wondered if I could suggest that he be the one to stay home on this trip, but the reality was that we couldn't afford to have our own Flash far from where the action was most likely to happen.

Mahin and Abigail weren't on Denise's list, and those two were sitting and eating quietly, presumably so none of us would mention that they should stay home, too. Frankly, I wanted them both with us. Mahin was essentially an earth bender, and we were going to be on the ground. And Abigail had gotten all her powers back and her sister's to boot during Operation Civil War, meaning she was scary formidable.

The rest of dinner was spent with minor discussions of who was going, when we were going, and who else outside of the Embassy staff needed to come along. Unsurprisingly, our Secret Service staff had a lot of opinions on who should be staying at home. I stayed out of it—their arguments were fruitless because we'd all do what we wanted anyway, but it was nice to let them feel like they had input.

Then it was time to put Charlie and Jamie to bed and we figured we'd need to get Lizzie settled in, too, even though she wasn't going to be expected to go to bed at seven in the evening. Sure, Pierre had set up her room already, but that wasn't the same as seeing how a family group operated and figuring out how you were going to fit within it during your enforced vacation. Pierre approved of this plan, so that decided that.

Lizzie, presumably to show willing, carried Charlie while Jeff had Jamie. Jamie was chattering away at Lizzie, telling her all about the animals we had living with us and generously offering to let Lizzie sleep in her room with her should Lizzie be missing her daddy and mommy. To Lizzie's great credit, she didn't share her family situation with little children, but merely smiled and said that she was good in whatever room we offered to her.

As the five of us and four Secret Service agents got out of the elevator to the melodious sounds of Adam Ant's “Here Comes the Grump,” my phone rang. Pulled it out and took a look. Not a number I recognized. This tended to mean I was getting what, by now, I considered a standard Crazed Lunatic Opening Gambit. But I answered because it could have been AeroForceOne telling me I'd won an all-expenses paid trip to see Aerosmith live and hang backstage with the band. A girl could dream, after all.

Besides, our phones were tapped by the Secret Service—at least our main phones that they knew about were tapped—and that meant that they'd be able to trace the call if need be. “Hello?”

“Ambassador Martini?” Male, didn't recognize the voice, though it was vaguely familiar. The chances of the caller being about to tell me I was going to hang out with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry in person dropped.

“That's me! Who is this?”

“One of your biggest admirers.” This was hugely doubtful.

“Does said supposed admirer have a name or am I just supposed to guess?” Jeff's eyebrow rose at this, and I could tell he was now paying full attention.

So were Evalyne and Phoebe, the head and second-in-command of my personal Secret Service detail. Joseph, meanwhile, was fiddling with something on his phone, meaning he'd started a trace, just in case. Rob, the second-in-command of Jeff's detail, was texting, presumably alerting the rest of the troops that I had a Creepy Caller.

My Mystery Caller chuckled. “Of course. It's Ansom Somerall. I'm surprised you didn't recognize my voice.” Somerall was the Chairman of the Board of Gaultier Enterprises, and one of what I referred to as the Land Sharks—a cabal of businesspeople who were definitely smarmy and almost certainly evil.

“Ansom Somerall, what a surprise.” Jeff's eyes narrowed and this news created more Secret Service activity. “It's been so long since you ambushed me at breakfast, I'd managed to forget the dulcet tones of your voice.” Happily, I hadn't had to interact with any of the Land Sharks in any real way since Operation Infiltration. Apparently those golden days were over now.

He chuckled again. “I'm flattered you find my voice attractive.” Right, Somerall fancied himself a ladies' man.

Managed not to throw up a little in my mouth, but only just. “Oh yeah. So, what are you calling about?” I had a guess, and it started and ended with the Planetary Council coming by for a visit.

“Actually, I'm calling for a friend. I believe you're housing a person you undoubtedly don't realize is a juvenile delinquent and a danger to your personnel and home.”

Well, that was unexpected. Though all things considered, it shouldn't have been.

Looked over at Lizzie. She hadn't reacted to Somerall's name, meaning that whoever's kids she had problems with, they weren't his. “I'm not sure who or what you're talking about.”

She caught my looking at her, however, and her expression turned from mildly interested in what was going on around her to worried and confused. Put my arm around her shoulders and felt her visibly relax.

“I'm talking about a wanted criminal, Ambassador. As in someone with an outstanding warrant for her arrest.”

“Oh goodness gracious me.” Jeff managed not to laugh. We were outside our apartment, but due to said animals
Jamie had been chattering about, Jeff wasn't opening the door until I was off the phone. You tended to lose focus when a tide of fur and feathers descended upon you.

“You don't sound worried.”

“Oh, I am worried. I'm worried about you thinking you know who is or isn't in my Embassy.”

“Ambassador, I don't think you know the true story behind the juvenile recently put into your care. She murdered her parents before she went on the run.”

Interesting. And doubtful, since I was fairly sure whoever had murdered them had been Siler. “Gosh. She sounds terribly dangerous.” Joseph gave me the “keep 'em talking” sign as the music changed to “Teenage Rampage” by Sweet. Never a problem—keeping the bad guys monologuing was my go-to move. “If I knew who you were talking about, I might be panicked and all that.”

“Elizabeth Jackson. She's about fifteen.”

“Oh. What a relief. We have no one by that name here. If we run across her, I'll be sure to let the proper authorities know.” Noted that Somerall was using Lizzie's real name. This probably boded.

“Ambassador, we know she's there.”

“See, Ansom, here's my problem with all of this ‘knowing' you claim you have. I have no idea
you think you know anything about who is or isn't in my Embassy. And, being the infinitely suspicious person that I am, I'm thinking you either have illegal surveillance in my Embassy—which, by the way, would be both an act of war against American Centaurion
an act of treason against the United States—or you're just guessing.”

Jeff handed Jamie to Phoebe while he pulled his phone out and made a quiet call. I assumed it was to Dulce to get some Field teams over here searching for new and improved bugs.

“We have no illegal surveillance in your embassy.”

“Ah, but what if you think you have legal surveillance?”

Jeff made another call, this time to Chuckie. As he did, the elevator opened and our hallway was flooded with Secret Service personnel. I saw a floater gate flicker into existence and a ton of A-Cs pour out of it and zip off, presumably to start doing yet another bug search.

“Ambassador, why aren't you concerned about what I'm telling you?” Somerall asked, nicely avoiding replying to my legal surveillance question.

“I'm far more concerned with why you think you know who is or isn't in my home.” Chuckie, Buchanan, Len, Kyle, and Raj all arrived via the stairs, meaning Raj had used hyperspeed and they'd done a daisy chain. Always nice to be popular. “I have no idea why you're guessing, or why a fifteen-year-old would be a danger, but since we have no one by the name or age you gave me here, let's hope for your sake that you're just trying to scare me with a teenaged boogeyman. Now, let's get back to the relevant conundrum—what legal surveillance are you tapping into?”

He heaved a dramatic sigh. “Ambassador, I've called as a friend. If you need help, you have my number now. Please be cautious—we wouldn't want anything to happen to anyone in the American Centaurion embassy.” Then he hung up.

I looked at Evalyne. “We need extra guards on Amy, right now.”

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