Alive (Mended Hearts #1) (19 page)

BOOK: Alive (Mended Hearts #1)
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Unfortunately, life isn’t like that. I have a mother downstairs waiting for us.

After pushing myself off of the bed, and instantly missing Maisie’s body heat, I begrudgingly put my clothes back on. “As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, darling, my mom is waiting downstairs, and if dinner is ruined because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants, she will kill me.” Maisie laughs at me, still not making any attempt to move. Damn it. She’s still spread eagle, my semen coating her entrance. My cock gets hard again just at the sight of her like this.

Mom is waiting downstairs
. Mom is waiting downstairs. Mom is waiting downstairs.
After giving myself a pep talk, I shake my head to clear the dirty thoughts that are running wild right now.

“I’m going to go downstairs to help
Mom,” I say, looking anywhere but at her. I can’t right now, or we will never leave this room, my mom be damned. She will have to drag me out of the room.

“Why aren’t you looking at me? Have I done something
wrong?” she asks worriedly.

Shit. She’s got the wrong idea.

Still not risking looking at her for my own sanity, I tell her honestly, “No, baby, you’ve done nothing wrong. If I look at you right now, we will never leave this room. I will fuck you all night long, until you can’t walk anymore. That, baby, is the reason I can’t look at you right now. I’ll see you downstairs. I need something to take my mind off of my dirty thoughts right now. Maybe cutting some vegetables will help.”

I close
my door behind me and shrink back against it, closing my eyes, and release a big sigh. What is Maisie doing to me? I’m insatiable when it comes to her. If I had my way, and I could go that long, I would be inside of her for twenty-four hours straight. Unfortunately, I think my dick might fall off if I could. Maisie’s definitely going to be the death of me.




Lunch is so delicious and just what I needed after my strenuous session with Maisie earlier. Luckily, Mom always makes enough to feed ten people, so I get seconds and plan on having more for dinner. I’m a growing man. It’s allowed.

Usually, Thanksgiving is just another day for me. I’m not usually thankful for anything. I’m not ungrateful or anything, it’s just I’ve always been dealt the shit cards for as long as I can remember. Today always makes me remember what I went through as a little boy. This year
, though, is different.

, I have Maisie. I have the most beautiful girlfriend who decided to spend today with my mom and me, instead of her own family. She’s selfless, and I admire her so much. From what she’s told me, she’s been dealt the shit cards too recently. She is so strong, though. She just doesn’t realize it yet. I’m going to help her realize it. I’ll spend the rest of my life making her realize how strong she is, and I won’t even care. I’ll be one happy man if I get to spend the rest of my days with Maisie. She really is one in a million.

Mom is really happy today
, as well. Usually, we have lunch, watch a few movies, and then go to bed. It’s a hard day for her. She always tries to make it a special day for me, and I appreciate it, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, bad memories just won’t go away; For either of us.

So it’s nice to witness my mom enjoying herself for the first time in I don’t know how long. She adores Maisie
and views her as her daughter after only a few short weeks. I’ve already had the third degree, not to mess it up, to make sure that I treat her properly, and not to hurt her. She threatened to chop my balls off if she ever finds out that I’ve ruined the best thing to ever happen to me. The thing is, I’d probably do it to myself before she could. I realize how special Maisie is. I’m just thankful that my mom sees it too and treats her as part of the family.

After lunch, I clean up
while they put a movie on. It’s routine; Mom cooks, and I clean up.

, we are all sitting on the sofa, Maisie’s cuddled under the crook of my arm, and we’re watching ‘Dirty Dancing’. Not my choice of film, but hey, my ladies are happy. That’s all that matters. Plus, I’m not going to lie; I have a bit of a man crush on Patrick Swayze in this movie. That guy is talented.

Looking down at Maisie, just to get a peak of her perfect face, I see a slight smile playing on her lips. She’s so engrossed in the
movie that she doesn’t notice me staring at her. She really is adorable. I don’t want to embarrass her, so I leave her be, taking little peaks throughout.




“Jesse, Brandon’s here,” my mom shouts upstairs.

Fuck. I completely forgot that he was coming
over. I’ve been so wrapped up in Maisie being home, that I forgot about everything else.

Maisie looks at my face and laughs.

“You forgot he was coming, didn’t you?”

Fucking hell. Now I’m going to have to get drunk,” I reply, shaking my head.

“Why on earth would you have to get drunk? Just have a few,” she replies, confused.

“You obviously don’t know Brandon. You can’t just have a few with him. You have to get completely obliterated. I apologize in advance for what I do. I can’t be held accountable for my drunken actions.” I cringe at the thought of what I could possibly do. I’ll most probably end up pissing her off.

Giving me a stern expression, she replies, “Leave it to me.”
She gets up from the bed and walks to my bedroom door, giving me a wink before strutting down the hallway, her luscious hips swaying with every step. Damn it. She’s made me get a boner just from watching her. I’m going to have to wait a few minutes. Otherwise, I’m going to jump her bones, and I don’t care who sees.

Think of dead puppies. Yup, that work

ey, bro,” I say to Brandon when I’m finally downstairs.

Giving our usual fist bump, he replies, “I didn’t think you were ever going to come down. I’ve started without you.” He holds up his half empty bottle of beer. He doesn’t waste any time does he.

“Sorry, had something to sort out. Pass me a beer then. I’ve got some catching up to do.” he passes me a beer, and I gulp down half the bottle in one go. Man, this is some good shit.

“We’ll be in the living room if you need us
,” my mom says, taking Maisie with her. I can see the worried expression on Maisie’s face. She’s never seen me really drink before, so she doesn’t know what I’m like. She’s only got her experience of her ex. I’m not like him, and besides, there are no girls here, and I don’t swing for the same sex.

Taking a seat at the table, Brandon fiddl
es with the paper on his bottle as I take the seat across from him. He only ever does that when he has something to tell me.

“Just spit it out, whatever it is that you have to tell me,” I tell him when he makes no move to speak.

“When you left last night, Tiffany rang me up,” he says, looking at me and trying to gauge my reaction. He isn’t going to get one. I don’t give two fucks about her.

“And you’re telling me this because…?” I trail off, wondering where he’s going with this. I never told him what Tiffany did to Maisie. He probably thinks we are all okay. I’m going to try to keep it that way if I can. Maisie doesn’t need any drama.

“I’m telling you this because she was completely out of it, Jesse. I mean, she’s always liked to drink, but I’ve never seen her this bad.” Worry lines his face. I don’t know why he’s worried. He hasn’t ever been able to stand her.

, did you sort her out then?” I ask.

, I did, but why the fuck is she calling me for? That’s usually your job.” I shrug my shoulders in reply. I really don’t want to hear any more of this conversation. Just thinking about her makes my blood boil. “What do you mean?” he asks, mimicking my shoulder shrug.

“It means, I don’t know why she didn’t
call me, and to be honest, I’m glad she didn’t. I’ve had enough of her shit to last me a lifetime. If I never hear from her again it will be too soon. Now, did you come over to bitch about Tiffany or to relax and have a drink?” I ask, hoping he takes the hint and changes the subject.

, he gets it and doesn’t mention anymore on the topic.

“You heard
anymore from
you know who
?” Brandon whispers so that no one over hears.

Rolling my eyes
, because his topics of conversation tonight are killing me, I answer, “No. I told him I was done, and so far, he’s not been back in contact. It’s only a matter of time, though.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to get someone to get rid of him for you? You know that I know people
, Jesse,” he says seriously. He reminds me of this every time shit goes down with my dad. As much as I hate him, I don’t want to see the fucker dead. I just wish he would disappear from our lives.

Laughing at him, I say, “Thanks for the offer,
but my answer is still the same.” I take a gulp of my beer to wash down the anger tingling my body at the thought of him. Two conversations about people that piss me off so far, what’s next?

“I’m still going to keep asking you. One day you might change your mind
,” He wishes. Brandon hates my dad just about as much as I do. He’s witnessed firsthand what my dad is capable of, which is why he’s always had my back and is my brother.

For the next hour
, we only talk about funny topics, mostly about the latest chick he’s banging. He’s as much of a whore as I was. Now that I am a taken man, I am going to live vicariously through his life. I don’t need to sleep with a different girl every night. Maisie is more than enough for me, but it’s funny to hear his stories.

Five bottles of beer down, Maisie comes into the kitchen to join us.

“Hey, baby,” I say, pulling her down into my lap. I’ve missed her for the last hour, even if she was in the room next door.

“Hi,” she replies, smiling her adorable smile that lights up her
whole face. I need to kiss her. It’s been too long.

Gently guiding her head
toward mine, I place my lips over her soft, sweet ones, savoring the feel of them.

Gagging noises pull me out of my
sexual induced haze. Brandon is sitting there pretending to be sick from the sight of us. I lean over the table and punch him in the arm for being an ass. Maisie just laughs at him.

Hey, fucker, knock it off,” I warn him, trying to keep a straight face. All I want to do is laugh at him for being such a dick.

Man, I don’t want to see that shit. Please save it for the bedroom,” he replies, waving his hand in the air.

“No such luck
, man. Her lips are the best thing, and I will take advantage of them,” I say, giving Maisie a wink, earning a blush from her.

“I’ll be the judge of that. Maisie, give me your lips
, babe,” Brandon says, puckering his lips ready for a kiss.

Fucking. Way. Over my dead body, is he getting to infect my girlfriend’s lips.

“You wish, Brandon,” Maisie pipes up, laughing at him.

Putting his hand over his heart and gasping, he says, “You wound me, woman. Am I not good enough for you?”

That makes her laugh harder. I laugh too.
He really is a joker.

“Jesse is more than enough for me,” she says, leaning down to
give me a kiss. Perfect answer.

I give Brandon a smug smile. He just smiles back at me, not at all phased that he got rejected.

I only have another two beers over the next hour. After last night, I don’t want to drink too much. I don’t need a repeat of how I felt this morning. Plus, I have Maisie, and needs my attention. I can’t give her that if I’m completely drunk.

We’ve spent the last hour joking around, Maisie included. She’s not
really met Brandon until tonight, which is surprising seeing as we’ve been together nearly two months. They’ve gotten along really well tonight, though, which I’m glad about. Brandon was jealous of her when we first started dating, but now, I think he realizes why I love her.

“Well, I better be off.
I’ll leave you two love birds to go have some sexy time,” Brandon says, laughing and scraping his chair along the floor.

He’s drunk. It’s not surprising
, though, seeing as he drank the rest of my half as well as his own.

“How are you getting home, bro?” I ask. He be
tter not say he’s driving.

“I’ve got my car. How the fuck did you think I was going to get home?”
he asks, raising his eyebrows at me like I just asked the most ridiculous question.

“You’re not driving home in this state. I’ll take you home
, and don’t bother arguing with me. I’ve hardly had anything to drink.” I get the keys off the counter. “I’ll be back in twenty. Go get into bed. I’ll be there shortly,” I tell Maisie, kissing her forehead.

“Okay. Be safe
, though.” She says goodbye to Brandon before walking upstairs.

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