Alive (Mended Hearts #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Alive (Mended Hearts #1)
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“Dammit, Maisie! Will you listen to me for once please? I can’t have you here,” I raise my voice, causing her to flinch.

I automatically feel bad. I’ve never raised my voice
at her before. Maybe this is the way to get her to leave, though. Maybe she will end things with me. We can’t be together after this. I can’t give her what she needs, not after tonight.

“Please don’t do this, Jesse,” her voice trembles. “Please don’t push me away
, not after everything.”

“It’s for the best. Goodbye, Maisie.” I look at her one last time before giving Brandon the sign to take her away.

“NO! DON’T DO THIS. PLEASE. BRANDON, GET OFF OF ME!” Maisie kicks and screams, trying to get out of his hold. I can’t look anymore.

She carries on screaming until I can’t hear her
. I collapse where I am. Bringing my knees up to my chest, and with my head buried in my hands, I break down; for what happened to my mom, for not having a normal family life, and for throwing away the best thing to ever happen to me.

Fuck. I need to forget. I need a drink.

I rush down the stairs call an ambulance for my mom, put Drew in the garden, and then I text Brandon to ask him if he can dump Drew off at an abandoned place.

I wait with my mom until the ambulance collects her. The paramedics ask if I want to
go with her, but I decline. I need to have a drink ASAP. I know I should be going with my mom and making sure that she’s okay, but I just can’t at the moment. I can’t bear to see her in this state.

the ambulance has driven off, I hop on my bike and head for a bar that I know will let me in.

Chapter 23


I can’t believe him. I can’t
believe him! He got his friend to drag me out of his house kicking and screaming. He wouldn’t even give me a chance to be there for him. He’s helped me with my problems, so why won’t he let me help him with his?

I realize that he just broke it off with me, and my heart is breaking. I knew it would hurt so much more if he hurt me than
it did with Matt, and I was right. I can’t even explain what I’m feeling right now. I’m numb, back in the pits of despair. This time, though, I don’t see myself coming out of it.

I didn’t want to go back to my dorm. I didn’t want to see Chloe
, or anyone for that matter, so I asked Brandon to drop me off at the beach.

I found a deserted part and have been
sitting here, just staring out at the waves. I don’t know how much time has passed. I haven’t even looked at my cell phone. If anyone is trying to get a hold of me, they won’t be successful.

The last few hours keep repeating in my mind. Walking in and seeing Anna lying on the floor unconscious. The man, who I’m guessing is Jesse’s dad, checking me out. It made me feel physically sick. Then
, Jesse nearly killed his dad. That’s what scares me the most. I didn’t even recognize him when he was like that. I was shouting at him for ages with no answer. It was like he didn’t even hear me.

I had to
call Brandon in the end. I knew that he would be able to stop Jesse. I just didn’t expect him to help Jesse get rid of me. I thought that he would at least talk sense to him. He didn’t even try.

All those promises he made me
? They were all lies. He gave up on me when the going got tough. He didn’t even care how it would affect me or make me feel. He just tossed me away without a second look. I will never forgive him for that.

I sit staring at the waves until the sun goes down. I should leave. It’s dark out now. I don’t want to go back to my dorm
, though. I wish I was home right now, so that I could lock myself up in my room and wallow in peace. I’m six hours from home, though, so no such luck.

As I start walking back
toward the sidewalk, I notice a figure walking toward me. I can’t see who it is, but I know it’s a man by the way they are holding themselves. My heart starts racing. It’s deserted out here. He’s not even walking a dog.

Maybe he just likes taking a stroll late at night,
I try telling myself. Or maybe he’s a murderer. All sorts of scenarios play through my head, none of them good.

the voice asks.

How the hell does he know my name? Maybe he planned this. Maybe he’s been following me and has waited for the perfect time to strike.

Stopping, I ask timidly, “Who are you?”

He carries on walking until he’s standing in front of me. I visibly relax. “Matt, what are you doing here?”

“I came here to apologize for how I was when I last saw you. I tried calling, but I couldn’t get through. Have you blocked my number?”

He came all this way to apologize? Why would he do that?

“You can’t have just come here to apologize. We’re hours away from home, Matt.” I’m confused.

He must realize that I’m not that bothered about how he spoke to me when we last saw each other. He knows that I’m getting on with my life. If he really cared
, he would have come here months ago, not after some petty words have been said. Something doesn’t add up.

“I’m here to see some friends
, actually,” he says casually, like he has friends everywhere.

I didn’t even know he knew people here…

“Okaaaaaaay… So why are you on the beach by yourself at this time of the night?”

I’m one to talk.

“I felt like taking a walk. It’s just a bonus that I bumped into you.” He gives me his smile that used to make my heart melt, but it now just puts me on edge.

“Well, it was nice to see you, but I’m heading home. I’ll probably see you around.” I start walking away when he grabs my arm, spinning me around to face him.

“Let me give you a lift home? I didn’t see any other cars over there, so I’m guessing you didn’t drive. It’s dark. Anything could happen to you at this time,” he asks hopefully.

I don’t really want to be anywhere near him, but he does have a point. It will take me ages to walk home
, when it will only take him five minutes to drop me off.

Finally agreeing, I say, “Fine. Thank you.”

“My car’s this way.”

I pull
my arm out of his hold, and we walk toward his car in silence.

When we get to the sidewalk, I don’t see any cars except for a white van. Where’s his car?

“Matt, I think your car’s been stolen…” I say, turning toward him with a confused expression on my face.

Something feels off here…

“No, it hasn’t been stolen. I had to help a friend move down here, so we rented a van.”

My throat is too dry for me to
talk, so I just nod my head.

“Come on
, then. Let’s get you home.”

I get into the passenger seat stiffly. Why am I getting in when I feel like something
’s wrong? I look toward Matt warily. He just smiles at me, again with the same smile that I used to love seeing every day. That smile used to reassure me that everything was okay. It settles my nerves some. Matt would never hurt me. Well, not physically anyway.

We drive off in silence.

I breathe a sigh of relief when the dorms come into view. I’m nearly home, where I can rest and try to slowly mend my broken heart.

That relief is short lived when he drives straight past them. “Where are we going? The dorms are back there,” I tell him, pointing behind me.

“I have something I want to show you.” He doesn’t take his eyes off of the road when he says this. What could he possibly want to show me at this time of the night? Plus, he doesn’t even know the area.

“Matt, what could you possibly want to show me at this time of the night?” I ask, voicing my thoughts.

“You will have to wait and see.” He finally turns to look at me, giving me another sweet smile, just like he used to give me. It makes me feel sad. This is just like old times. Matt wasn’t always controlling and a cheater. Once upon a time, he was so sweet, and I truly thought I loved him. But times have changed since then. I’ve met Jesse, who I love with my whole heart and, even though I feel sad about what’s happened between Matt and I, I wouldn’t change it for the world. His actions caused me to meet Jesse, and even though he’s broken my heart to the point of no return, I will always be thankful that I met him.

A little while later, we park
near an abandoned building. I look up at it, confused as hell. “What are we doing here?”

“There’s something that I want to show you inside,” he says, turning
toward me.

“Erm, I’m not sure
, Matt. It’s pretty late, and I’m tired. Can we do this tomorrow?” There’s no way that I’m coming back here tomorrow, though.

“I’m going back home tomorrow. Come on
. You trust me, don’t you?”

Do I trust him? I gave him my heart
, and he broke it, but do I trust him not to cause me any harm now? “Yeah, I trust you,” I sigh in defeat. I know he won’t hurt me. I just feel uncomfortable being with him here after not speaking to him properly for months.

I cautiously get out of the van
and meet Matt around the front. He grabs for my hand, and I let him hold it, not because I want him to, but because I’m pretty scared right now. This place is completely dark. Anybody could be hiding or living in it.

He squeezes my hand in reassurance, leading me through the dark corridors.

Finally, we end up in a damp room, which has lanterns scattered around. It’s like he planned this in advance. But why? Then I spot the bed. He doesn’t think that I will sleep here with him, does he? He will be sadly mistaken. That ship sailed a long time ago for us.

“Matt… Why did you bring me here?” I ask, letting go of his hand.

“Let’s sit down first.” He leads me over to the bed, where I sit down uncomfortably on the edge. “I love you, Maisie. I tried telling you…”

“No. It’s too late for this
, Matt. You need to leave it and move on,” I interrupt him. I don’t want to dig up the past. Like I said, that ship has sailed. He just needs to start realizing it.

, Maisie. I need to get this off my chest. It’s killing me not being able to tell you, and now I finally have the chance,” he pleads, his eyes losing that glint that I saw in the van.

I’m not changing my mind on this
, though. I don’t want to hear what he has to say. I shake my head adamantly.

“I’m sorry,” is all he says before he pounces on me, forcing my hands above my head. I’m no match for him. His strength is impeccable. He holds both of my arms with one hand, the other moving to his pocket. I watch to see what he pulls out.


I try to fight him as soon as I see them, but I
can’t fight him off. He has my wrists cuffed to the bed in no time.

“Matt, this isn’t funny. Let me go!” I thrash
around, trying to get my hands free, but it’s no use. The handcuffs just cut into my skin.

I’m helpless.

I close my eyes, and the bed dips down next to me.

“I’m sorry
, baby. I really am.” Matt says.

“Then let me go,” I cry.

“If I let you go, you’ll go back to
. I can’t allow that. If I keep you here, then we can be together. Have you missed me, baby?”

Has he lost his mind? He was being nice to me a minute ago,
but now he’s completely changed. He’s like Jekyll and Hyde.

“You can’t keep me here, Matt. You’re crazy if you think you can. Someone will come looking for me. You know they will.”

“Nobody will find you. Last I heard, your wonderful boyfriend dumped you, so it’s not going to be him who comes after you. Chloe probably will, though she’s got her own problems to deal with at the moment, doesn’t she?”

He’s right. Nobody is going to find me. Hope leaves my body, leaving me feeling numb.

“We can finally be together in peace,” he says as he starts to get on top of me.

No, no, no, no, no
. This can’t be happening. Bile rises to the top of my throat.

I thrash my legs to no avail as he just pins them with his own.

“Stop, Matt. I don’t want this!” I scream.

“You want this. Don’t pretend you don’t. You still love me, Maisie. I know you do. You don’t get over a love like ours.” His head dips, and he starts kissing my neck.

My body shakes. His lips on my skin makes me feel physically sick. I need to stop him. I can’t let him do this to me.

“Get the fuck off of me
, Matt. You disgust me. There’s no chance in hell that I want to be with you again.”

Bad move, Maisie.

I watch his face turn red, his eyes go hard. Then his fist is flying straight toward my face, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Pain shoots through my eye; blinding, torturous pain. I scream.

“I’ll make you want me again.”

He starts ripping my top open, exposing my breasts.  He greedily takes them in, his hand squeezing one hard. I don’t feel the pain, though. My focus is on my eye, which is closing fast.

I can’t look at him anymore, so I close my eyes.

I hear my jeans zipper, and then he’s tugging at my jeans, trying to get them off.

“Matt? I need to
talk to you,” a female voice says.

Wait… Someone else is here? And that voice…

“I’m a bit busy right now, Tiffany.”


How do they know each other? Better question. Why is she here?

Turning to look at her as best I can, I see that she’s looking in my direction with a huge smirk on her face. Of course she’s in on this. She’s been out to destroy me since day one. What
better way to do it, than to get my ex to help; an ex who seems to have gone crazy. Just like her.

“You look good
, Maisie. The eye really suits you,” she says snidely.

“If I wasn’t tied up, I would smack you. You really are disgusting. No wonder Jesse
never wanted you. He could see right through you. Bat. Shit. Crazy,” I tell her with a smile on my face.

It wipes the smirk off
of hers.

She runs up to me,
her fist in the air, but Matt stops her.

“Don’t you
dare! She’s mine, remember? You get Jesse.” That calms her down.

Wait… Jesse? He’s here?

“What have you done to Jesse?” I ask frantically.

“Nothing, yet… He should be here shortly
, though.” She walks out without another word.

I’m too busy thinking to notice Matt getting off of me.

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