Alive (Mended Hearts #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Alive (Mended Hearts #1)
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“Hey, what are you thinking about that causes that huge smile on your face?” Jesse asks, startling me. I didn’t hear him come back into the room. He just scared the crap out of me.

“Oh, just that I’m happy that my parents love you and are letting you sleep in my room,” I tell him as I turn onto my side to face him.

His hair is all wet from just getting out of the shower, his skin all shiny. He looks so sexy when he’s just had a shower. I dream about him like that sometimes. He really is an Adonis.
My Adonis.

“I’m glad they love me too. Do you know how nervous I was this morning? My mom threatened to ground me
because I was getting on her nerves so much. I haven’t been grounded since I was fourteen!” he tells me, causing me to laugh.

I can’t imagine his mom
getting on to him. She’s always so relaxed.

“Yeah, you go ahead and laugh.” He looks at me with amusement on his face. “It’s hard for us guys to meet the parents
, especially the dad. When I first saw your dad, I was like, ‘oh shit, he’s going to kill me’. He looked intimidating as shit!” I laugh harder, full on belly laughs.

Everyone says my dad is scary. I don’t see it,
but I’ve never had a reason to be scared of him.

“I can see where you’re coming from,” I tell him, trying to make him feel better. I really don’t see it, but oh well.

“You’re so full of shit,” he says, jumping on top of me and starting to tickle me. God no. Not this again.

Laughing, I try to catch my breath,
while trying to push him off of me. He weighs a ton!

“Jesse, get off of me,” I say through my laughter.

“Uhuh. No way, missy, not until you apologize for lying to me.” He starts tickling me harder.

Gasping for breath, I tell him, “I-
i-i’m s-s-s-orr-y!” Tears are streaming down my face from laughing so hard. My legs are thrashing around, and my arms try to push him off to no avail.

“You’re going to have to do better than that…” he says, laughing at me.

“I-I-I’M S-S-S-OR-R-RY, JES-SSE,” I shout in his face.

My parents are probably wondering what the hell is going on up here. I’m surprised my dad hasn’t come in already. I could really
use his help getting this big oaf off of me right now.

“Better.” He stops tickling me, though
he doesn’t make any move to get off of me. Leaning his weight on his arms, finally allowing me to breathe properly, but now missing his body weight on mine, he stares into my eyes, panting heavily.

Looking back into his eyes, I notice that the gold flecks in his eyes are shining bright. They only ever do that when he’s happy or horny. Feeling his hardness digging into my leg, I’m guessing it’s the second reason. Leaning up,
I press my vagina onto his erection and give him a smirk.

Biting my lip on purpose, knowing it gets him
going, I grab my comforter and squirm underneath him.

Mmm,” he groans quietly, just before his lips descend onto mine.

We kiss
like we’ve been starved of each other for days, all lips and teeth. He runs his hands down my body, and then brings them back up to rest on my breasts. As he harshly squeezes them, I let out a hiss. It’s a weird combination, pleasure and pain. I’ve never experienced it before. Usually, Jesse is gentle with me. This is a side of him I’ve yet to see. I like it.

I s
lip my top off, and then lie back down in only my PJ bottoms. Jesse goes straight for my naked breasts, fondling and sucking them and still not being gentle. It’s such a turn on, though.

Running my hands down his naked back, I feel every hard contour. He really does look after himself. His body is perfect

I m
ove my hands down and grab his boxer clad bottom, squeezing and pulling him closer to me. That causes him to press into me in just the right spot. I moan loudly.

, baby,” Jesse says, putting his hand over my mouth.

Shit. My parents are downstairs. Should we really be doing this? I’m too far gone right now to care
.  I need to find release. I’m just going to have to try and be quiet. That’s going to be hard.

“Do you want me to gag you?” Jesse says randomly.

I look at him confused. Why would I want him to gag me?

“So you keep quiet. It’s the best way,” he says, answering my unspoken question.

Do I want to be gagged? I’ve never done anything like that before. I know it’s not exactly spanking and all that shit, but it still scares the crap out of me. What if I swallow my tongue or something?

Then there’s this little voice in the back of my head
, the adventurous side, telling me to try it. I might like it.

The adventurous side wins. I’m intrigued. Plus
, I trust Jesse not to hurt me.

I slowly nod my head yes.

“Are you sure? We don’t have to. I was just thinking it would be the best way for you to keep quiet, is all,” he says, looking worried.

Placing my hand on his arm, I give him a confident smile
. “I’m sure. I trust you, Jesse.”

He nods, looking around the room for something.

“Do you have a scarf or something?”

“Yeah, in my
closet on the top shelf.”

walks over to my closet and pulls out a pink, wooly scarf. This is the last thing I thought I’d use it for when I bought it.

As he walks
toward me, I sit up. He gently puts the scarf around my mouth, tying it behind my head. It’s not too tight; just tight enough to muffle sounds.

“Is it alright?” he checks.

“Yeah,” I reply, my voice muffled.

Jesse laughs at me
as he takes his boxers off. I take in his impressive length, picturing it inside of me. My eyes glaze over. Jesse instantly stops laughing, his eyes also becoming hooded.

He tortures me by slowly crawling over the bed to me, taking his sweet time. If I could pick him up and plop him down on top of me, I so would. Alas, he is far too strong
and heavy for me.

I lie on
my bed impatiently, and he finally crouches by my feet.

He starts to take my PJ bottoms off, slipping them slowly off one leg, then the other,
and then tosses them onto the floor along with my panties.

Taking a hold of my foot, he lifts it up to his mouth, licking from the sole of my foot, up to the top of my leg, stopping just before touching my sacred place. Then he does the same to my other leg. The whole time
, he never takes his eyes off of mine. I lick my lips, so turned on and wet right now. I need him inside me. Now.

When he gets to the top of my leg this time, he doesn’t stop. He carries on licking until he touches my clit
. A shudder runs through my body, and goosebumps cover my skin.

He strokes over my sensitive nub again, causing me to buck underneath him. A muffled moan escapes, being captured by the scarf
that’s firmly tied over my mouth.

His tongue is relentless, going at impressive speeds
and hitting my clit spot on. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I’m a bundle of sensitive nerves, squirming, close to climaxing on his face.

Jesse pushes two fingers into my pussy, deeply, his tongue still working its magic on my clit. That’s all it takes for my climax to hit a new height.

I fall to pieces, my orgasm tearing through my body.
Though I try hard not to scream, a few get out anyway. It’s impossible to be silent when I’m having the most powerful orgasm to date.

I dig my f
ingers into the comforter as I come down from my high, trying to catch my breath.

Jesse moves upwards, resting on my chest. He doesn’t give me time to recover fully before he shoves his cock
deep inside me in one swift move.

“Jesus,” Jesse whispers, allowing m
e time to accommodate to his lengthy size.

Lifting my hips up, I let him know that I’m ready.

He starts his slow rhythm, building up speed pretty quickly. Digging my nails into his back causes him to hiss. He loves it when I do this. It spurs him on.

I moan as Jesse kisses my neck just below my ear. I love it when he does this. It’s my sensitive spot.

Meeting him thrust for thrust, my second climax builds, swirling in my belly and threatening to explode at any moment. I’m not ready. I’m so not ready. I’ve just recovered from the first one. My body doesn’t care if I’m not ready, though.

more hard thrust is all it takes for my orgasm to make itself known. Immense pleasure sweeps through my body, blinding me for a few seconds and causing me to scream.

Jesse grunts one last time, emptying his seed inside of me before collapsing on top of me.

When we’ve finally caught our breath, he helps me undo the scarf. I lean up, giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. I missed kissing him during our love making.

I lie back
down with my back against Jesse’s chest, and a yawn escapes my mouth. I’m so tired after today.

“You’re tired
. Get some sleep. Goodnight, baby. I love you,” Jesse whispers into my ear.

Every time he tells me that he loves me, fireworks explode in my stomach. I love hearing him say that.

Turning my head, I give him a goodnight kiss. “Night. I love you too.”

Cuddling into his chest, I sigh, feeling relaxed and at peace. I’m where I’m
supposed to be right now; in the arms of the man I love. Nothing feels better than this.

I faintly f
eel a kiss to my head, and then fall asleep to the sound of Jesse’s heartbeat with a smile on my face.



It’s Christmas in a few days; that time of the year again where family matters, except usually to me, Christmas isn’t that special. I mean, I’m thankful that I have my mom, and we have a nice time, but it’s just us. We don’t have anyone else to spend it with, just like Thanksgiving.

I have Maisie this year, though we won’t see each other. She has to go to her pare
nts’, which sucks. I was invited, but I just can’t leave my mom by herself. That would be selfish of me, especially when she’s always put me first.

since I can’t spend Christmas with my baby, I’m taking her out tonight. She doesn’t know where we’re going. I just told her to dress nice and that I will pick her up at seven.

I’ve booked this posh restaurant that usually has
reservations filled for weeks. I took a chance and booked it weeks ago, hoping that we would still be together. I had faith, though, and I was right. I’ve never been there before, but it has good reviews. We’ll find out tonight.

I’m pretty nervous
, to be honest, because we’re exchanging gifts tonight. I bought her present last week. I asked my mom for her opinion, and she said Maisie will love it. I just hope she’s right.

I’m all dressed
and ready to leave. I just have to make sure I’ve got everything I need. I’m wearing a dress shirt for the first time in I can’t remember how long. It’s suffocating me, but for this place, I have to dress nice. Suffocation, so be it.

Swiping my keys from my desk, I put
Maisie’s present in my pocket, then grab my leather jacket and head downstairs.

“You look
handsome,” my mom says, waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

, Mom. I feel like a dick,” I tell her, making room around my neck to breathe.

, you don’t look like a dick. You look so nice. Maisie’s going to be speechless when she sees you tonight,” she says, giving me a wink.

Yeah, I know all women love a man in a suit. I’m not wearing the suit or tie, just everything else.

After checking myself in the mirror one last time to make sure that I’m good to go, I check the time and see that I’m late.

“Shit. I’ve got to go
, Mom. I’m late to pick Maisie up. If we’re late for the reservation, we will probably lose it. I’ll see you tonight, okay?” I give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye.

“I’ll probably be asleep. You tell me all about it tomorrow.”

“I will.  Night, Mom,” I say before leaving the house and running for my Ducati.




Maisie’s door swings open just as I’m about to knock.

I’m blown away as soon as I set eyes on her. She looks beautiful, wearing a
pale pink sundress with silver heels. She looks like an angel.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her when I finally
get the courage to speak again. I was flabbergasted for a second there.

“Thank you,” she replies
, blushing at the compliment.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask, remembering that we’re running late.

“Yes. Let me just grab a jacket and my car keys, and we’re all good to go.”

I’m standing on the threshold, watching her grab everything she needs
, not once taking my eyes off the beautiful creature in front of me. She’s completely blown my mind.

Closing the door behind her, I grab her hand,
and we head toward her car.

I’m driving us tonight. I
can’t exactly ask her to get on my Ducati when she’s all dressed up. She’d end up windswept.

After helping
Maisie into the car, like the gentleman I am, I close her door and make my way to the driver’s side.

I a
djust the seat so that my legs aren’t touching the steering wheel, and then start the engine and drive off toward our destination.

“Can you tell me where
we’re going to yet?” Maisie asks, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

Damn them puppy dog eyes. She knows they get me.
Every. Single. Time.

I won’t give in. I won’t!

“Oh, no you don’t, missy. Face the other way,” I scold her, turning my attention back to the road.

Hmmph,” she huffs, folding her arms across her chest.

I laugh at her

I won’t allow her to get what she wants this time. I want tonight to be special. I’ve been planning this for months now
, so I can’t let her ruin the surprise. She can do the puppy dog eyes all she wants, but I refuse to give in.

The rest of the drive is silent. Maisie seems to be in a mood with me. She best get over it, or tonight will be ruined.

Pulling into the parking lot fifteen minutes later, I park near the entrance, finally allowing her to see where we are.

“Is this?” she asks when she sees where we are.

“Yes, it is, darling,” I tell her, smiling at the megawatt smile that appears on her face.

Maisie told me weeks ago that she wanted to try this restaurant out, but
that she couldn’t afford to. It is expensive, though nothing is ever too expensive for my girl. I would buy her the world if I could. This is the next best thing. She’s been raving about this place. Now, I’m finally making her wish come true. One down, plenty more to come, I’m sure.

Eeeeeeeeeeeekkk!” she squeals, jumping up and down in her seat, causing me to laugh.

“Calm down or they won’t allow us in. This place is for sophisticated people, not common people like us,” I say, putting on a common accent
and giving her a wink.

“Come on
, m’lady. Let me escort you to dinner.”

I go
around to help Maisie out of the car, and then link her arm through mine.

“Oh, why thank you, kind sir,” she replies, playing along with the

After closing
the car door, I walk us up to the entrance, where we are soon shown our table.

Maisie gasps next to me when she sees where we will be sitting. I chose the best place.

We’re on the veranda, looking out onto the grounds and sheltered by a huge umbrella. A fountain is in the middle of the grounds, lit up and looking incredible in the night time sky. Fairy lights dangle from the umbrella, shining brightly. A single candle sits in the middle of our table, casting shadows. It’s simple but elegant. Perfect for Maisie.

I pull
out Maisie’s chair and tuck her in before retreating to my own.

The waitress hands us our menus,
then leaves us alone in the silent night.

It’s the perfect night to be outside. Even though it’s December, it’s not too chilly. There are outdoor heaters as well, which helps. They really thought of everything when
designing this place.

“This place is beautiful, Jesse. Thank you,” Maisie says, taking my hand across the table
and staring at me lovingly.

“You’re welcome
, baby. You know I’d do anything for you. This is just a tiny step in proving that to you,” I say, giving her a warm smile.

“Thank you. You’re the best.”

I have to kiss her now. I lean over the table, being careful of the candle, and give her a lingering kiss, savoring the feel of her soft, puckered lips pressed against mine. Mmm, heaven.

Breaking the kiss before I get carried away, I sit back down
and start looking at the menu.

The waitress comes back over to take our order a few minutes later.

“Are you ready to order?” the waitress asks, pen and paper ready.

“Yes. I’ll have the spaghetti
Bolognese with a water, please,” I tell her. I don’t know what half of the things on the menu are, so I’m playing it safe with the spaghetti.

“And you
, Miss?” she asks, looking toward Maisie.

“Oh, I’ll have the beef stroganoff with
a water, please.”

“Your drinks will be with you shortly,” the waitress says,
then takes the menus and leaves us alone again.

“Very adventurous
, Jesse. Spaghetti Bolognese. Seriously?” Maisie asks, laughing at my choice of food.

“Hey, I don’t know what half of the other stuff is. Plus
, this better be fucking good spaghetti for $30. Most expensive spaghetti in the world!” I tell her, feigning shock. I’ve never paid more than $10 for food. This is new for me, but like I said before, anything for my girl. $30 is a small price to pay for her.

“I’m sure it will be
fantastic. Though, I’m sure you do know what some of the other stuff is,” she says, still laughing.

, if they wrote properly, instead of using all those fancy words, people might be able to understand what they mean.” I probably do know what some of the other stuff is, but when they use all those fancy words, how is a man who’s never been to a restaurant like this, or who isn’t a chef, supposed to know what it is? I sure don’t. I probably never will.

“We’ll do some research, so you’re not blindsided in
case we ever come here again.”

Damn, she’s
already thinking about spending my money when I’ve not even paid for this meal yet. I have a feeling that I’m going to be doing a lot of extra hours at work over the next few months.

“Are you planning on stealing my money,
and then dumping me?” I ask, joking.

Putting her hand to her chest, she says, “Me? Would I do that to you?”

“Would you?” I ask, staring her down.

“You won’t know until I steal your money, will you?” she laughs, tipping her head back.

It’s good to see her so carefree. Times like this make me realize that love is a good thing. I was just making excuses and protecting myself when I was younger. I’m glad I finally let someone in for once. If it doesn’t work out between us, at least I can say I’ve had the experience of knowing what love feels like. I just hope and pray that it lasts forever.

“Take it. Take it all,” I beg her, arms out to the side, baring myself open.

“Maybe another day,” she winks.

The waitress comes back with our drinks, the food following not long after.

Tucking into my original choice of spaghetti Bolognese, I moan. God, this is the best spaghetti I’ve ever tasted. It’s definitely worth the amount of money they are asking for it.

“I take it that you’re enjoying it by the orgasmic noises that you’re making?” Maisie asks with her fork poised in front of her mouth.

“Definitely. Want to try a bit?” I ask, putting some onto my fork for her.


“Do you want to do this lady and the tramp style or eat it off my fork?” I ask while wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

Laughing, she replies, “I think I’ll just eat it off of your fork. It might be frowned upon if we d
o the other option.”

, baby.” Feeding her, I watch her face as she savors the flavor.

Mmm,” she says, licking her lips clean.

The sight of her licking her lips like that makes me hard. Damn it. I swear her lips have magic
al powers.

I discreetly r
earrange myself, trying to make myself more comfortable with the hard rod between my legs, and then try to casually carry on eating.

We eat the rest of our meal
while making small talk. Luckily, Maisie doesn’t notice that I have a problem downstairs, so I have time to recover.

Feeling full, I lean back in my chair
and rub my stomach.

Maisie takes a sip of her drink, her sweet lips around the edge of her glass. Even that turns me on. She doesn’t have a clue what she does to me. I’m infatuated by her.

The bulge in my pocket reminds me that I still haven’t given her gift
to her. Fiddling around with it in my pocket, my nerves start to get the better of me. I’m not used to buying girls presents yet, though, I only plan on buying presents for Maisie. “I’ve got something for you. I was going to give it to you on Christmas, but since you’re not going to be here, I want to give it to you now.” After pulling the square box out of my pant pocket, I gently place it on the table in front of her.

She looks down at it, a nervous smile on her face. “Just open it,” I tell her. It’s not helping that she’s taking her damn sweet time.

She tentatively reaches her hand out, picking the box up.

he slowly unwraps it, and I watch as she lifts the lid and her hand shoots to her open mouth. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Fuck if I know. Shit. Maybe she doesn’t like it.

“I can take it back if you don’t like it,” I rush out.

Frantically shaking her head no, tears form in her eyes. Why does this happen every time I get her a gift? Maybe, just maybe, one day I will be able to buy her something without starting the water works. It’s very confusing. Does she like it, or doesn’t she?

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