All In: Raising the Stakes (11 page)

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A nurse comes in a few minutes later. "How are you doing?" she asks Lacy, then does a double-take around the room. "Holy moly. You are one lucky lady to have such a seriously hot collection of visitors."

That at least puts a smile on Lacy's face. "Yeah, I am pretty lucky, but this is nothing. You should see them all naked." 

The nurse laughs and fans her face while checking the various monitors. On the way out she stops, and gasps. "Zack Bradford? Oh my God! I'm such a huge fan!" she squeals, making the rest of us groan. Over the last few months we've all gotten to know Zack. He’s an arrogant, cocky man, but he’s a freaking NFL quarterback and women worship him.

"Thanks…Melissa. Glad to hear it," he says, reading her name badge. I’m worried she might actually faint when he smiles at her.

After that, Lacy gets the best care in the hospital. Two minutes would barely pass before a different nurse would came to check on her. Zack signed a few autographs. It was Grand Central fucking Station.

I sent Katie another text, asking how her afternoon was going, did she get her flowers, etc. Her answers were brief like she was pissed.
Well, of course, you idiot
, I tell myself. I was at the hospital with a pregnant woman I was sleeping with, who may or may not be carrying my child. I could see how she'd be upset by that. Oh, and I was also with the guy I've fucked. What the hell is Katie even doing with someone like me?

We all take turns heading to dinner as the hours tick by, well, everyone but Will who refused to leave Lacy's side. Chad and I grabbed him a sandwich, but he wouldn’t eat it since Lacy can't have anything.

By eight o'clock that night, Lacy's contractions stopped, the baby’s heart rate settled back down, and all of us were relieved at the improvement. Zack left first, and when Lacy and Will promised to call if anything changed, Chad and I finally got on the road to make the hour and a half trip back to Greensboro.

"You want to head back to your place and release some stress?" Chad asks after we reach the highway.

"No," I say quickly. "We can’t. Katie and I are officially seeing each other and I'm not gonna do anything to fuck that up."

"Oh really?" he asks. "So you two got together over the weekend?"


"Well...good for you. I know you’ve been trying to hook up with her for a while. I mean, I hate that we're done, but I get it. I'm sure you don't want to take the chance that she would find out about us."

"I've already told her," I admit.           

"What the fuck, Joe! What if she tells someone? I don't want to deal with that sort of rumor getting out!"

"She's not going to say anything."

"Are you sure?" he asks, fidgeting nervously in his seat.

"Yes, calm down."

He blows out his breath and is quiet for a few minutes. "So she was okay knowing you'd been with me?"

"Uh-huh. Actually she said it sounded pretty hot."

"Shit," he mutters. "You think she might want to…ah, play with us?"

"No fucking way. Even if she didn’t mind you and me…together, which I seriously doubt, I'm
sharing her."

"You wouldn't have to. I could watch you and her, she could watch us…"

I groan, getting aroused at the thought. "Doubtful, but…maybe. I guess I could ask."


I cleaned up the kitchen after dinner and tucked Drew away after his usual night time routine, the whole time trying not to let myself think of a certain tall, dark, and handsome man. I hadn't spoken to him since we rolled out of bed this morning, both of us tired and running late. After a quick kiss, Joe was out the door.                                       

I'd stayed busy in the courtroom and law library most of the day, trying to avoid thinking about him in Charlotte. Joe texted a few times, but I wasn’t sure how to respond.

When it comes to Joe, as soon as he’s out of sight, not distracting me with his cerulean eyes and all-around sexy swagger, I can't figure out what I want. I mean I know I want Joe physically, I just didn't know what I was willing to lose in exchange for being with him. A broken heart for me and Drew? Conflict in our work relationship? Embarrassment when all of our coworkers realize he dumped me?

My cell phone rings after nine o'clock, which is unusual. I pick it up and see it’s Joe. After a few seconds of back and forth debate on what I should do, I finally answer.

"Hey, Joe."

"Hey, Katie Kat. Sorry I missed lunch today," he says, softening me up a little.

"It's fine. How's Lacy? And the, ah, baby?" I ask.

"Good. Her contractions have stopped for now and the baby's heart rate started to come down."

"Glad to hear it. I'm sure that's a relief."

"Yeah, it is. Chad and I are on our way back to town."

"Chad?" I ask. I'd completely forgotten that Joe had been...doing whatever it is with him. Are they still...hooking up?

"There's a chance the baby might be his, too."

"Oh." That's right, Lacy had been with them both. Two of the finest looking men I've ever seen.

"I know it's getting late, but I was just calling to see if you were up for company tonight?" he asks hesitantly. "If not, it's okay. You just seemed, um, interested when we talked about it."

"Oh," I respond, caught off-guard. Company? He still wants to come over. That’s a good sign, right? Then I consider the rest of his statement. "You, or you and Chad?" I ask.

"Either or both," he responds and heat floods me. Is that something I really want to be a part of? "He could just watch us or you could watch me and him…" he trails off.

"Yes," I say, surprising even myself. I'd told myself I'd keep my distance to avoid getting too deep and ending up hurt. Will he keep seeing Chad now that we’re dating? Or is he trying to say that he wants to keep Chad and have me at the same time? Maybe this is him trying to have it both ways. I don’t know how long whatever it is between him and Chad has been going on, and I never told him he needed to end it if he and I are to be together. I shouldn’t expect him to throw Chad and Lacy out of his life just because he also wants me and Drew in it. Tonight will give me a chance to see this other side of him before I talk to him about where it leaves us. And as selfish as it is, deep down, I also know that the reason I agreed is because I really want to see the two men together. "Drew's been asleep for a while so…" I tell him.

Joe clears his throat. "Okay, then I'll call when we get there, so we won't have to knock. It'll probably be about half an hour."

"Okay, see you then."

I pull my conservative pajamas off and head for a quick shower. After I dry off, I wrap a silk robe around me with nothing underneath. My heart races with excitement, arousal, and trepidation. Seeing two men being intimate together is somewhat…intimidating, but God, they are both hot as hell. I’ve never imagined doing anything like this before. I spent all seven years of college studying, especially in law school. Then I went right to work while dealing with my sister's death, and becoming a substitute mother. A flood of guilt washes over me for considering doing something so damn irresponsible, and it throws me a little off balance. But Drew’s asleep and he'll never know what’s going on. Parents have sex with their kids in the house all the time, right? The last two nights have been fun, and they have me wishing Joe was here more mornings, too.

Will I be jealous of seeing Joe with someone else? If it was Lacy I’m certain I would. With Chad? I guess I’ll find out, and then we can figure out what this whole situation means for the future. 

My phone lights up with a text that reads,
almost there
, so I head for the front door, my heart racing in my chest. I look out the peephole and see Joe's SUV pull up in the driveway and then he and Chad get out. Holy shit, I’m really going to do this.

The two men are still wearing parts of their dark suits from work but have lost their jackets and ties. Both have rolled the sleeves of their dress shirts up. Joe's is blue while Chad's is white. They look somewhat stressed and I realize that's what this is about. Letting go of the worry and stress of the day with sexual releases. That’s understandable given the situation.

I take a deep breath and unlock the door, finally pulling it open before they reach it.

"Hey," I say quietly.

"Hey, Katie Kat," Joe says with a smile, pulling me by my waist against him for a kiss.

When he lets me go, I look up into his blue eyes that seem darker in the dim light. "You guys look tired. Long day?"

"Yes," Joe replies. "But we're not
tired." His grin is mischievous and his face lights up like he’s turned on and wants to do something about it.

"Come on in," I tell him. Joe moves over, making room for Chad to get through the door.

"Katie, you and Chad have met before, right?" Joe asks softly, keeping his voice down.

"Yeah, we have. How's it going, Katie?" the man asks with a perfect, bright smile. He looks like a laid back California surfer playing dress up for a day with his blond hair, silver eyes, and tan skin.

"Hey, Chad," I reply shyly, at a loss for what to say to the gorgeous man.

Without another word, Joe leads the way to my bedroom with Chad following. Once we’re all inside, I shut and lock the door, feeling like a naughty school girl messing around with her parents down the hall.

"Mind if I take a quick shower?" Joe asks.

"Sure, towels and washcloths are in the linen closet," I tell him, and then he’s gone. I think he did it on purpose to give me and Chad a chance to get comfortable with each other before we all get naked.

Chad stands there taking in the room, seeming uncertain what to do. He looks even bigger standing in the feminine space, a few inches taller than Joe, wide shoulders that narrow to a trim waist. His curved ass in his dark suit pants is pure perfection, followed by long, powerful legs. I have to swallow back my drool and the man isn't even undressed yet. Finally he decides to sit on the side of the bed. I search for something, anything to say. I don't want to talk about work since that’s such a mood killer.

"So how'd you, Joe and Lacy end up…." I began asking, and am not sure how to finish so I take a seat at the head of the bed.

He chuckles and seems to relax a little. Looking over to the bathroom door, he starts in. "Well, Joe probably wouldn't want me to share the whole story, but screw it. Joe and I have been pretty good friends since we both started working at the same firm. A few months ago I went to his office to ask him about a client of mine charged with assaulting his wife. He sort of rushed the conversation, but I didn't notice at the time. So I left, then halfway to my office I realized I forgot to ask about his guess for the amount of the bond. I went back into his office and there Lacy was straddling his lap." He laughs, and shakes his head. "To say it was awkward is an understatement. Lacy climbed off of Joe and left, leaving Joe sitting there with his pants undone. Of course, I knew what they'd been doing. She'd been sucking him off under the desk while we had an entire conversation."

My jaw drops, but then I can't help but smile.

"I'm sure it was obvious to him that I was...turned on by what I'd interrupted. The next day he buzzed my phone and told me to stop by his office. When I walked in, there was Lacy again on his lap, and I thought ‘
how'd I do it again today
,’ but then realized
. Joe asked if I wanted to stay and watch, which I did, of course. Lacy rode him and watched me stroke myself. Joe said he thought she wanted me, too, and when she finished with him she came over and pleasured me right there in Joe's office. The whole damn thing blew my mind," he says with a smile. "Afterwards, she asked if I wanted to join them at Joe's house for a foursome, and there you have it."

"Wow," I say followed by a laugh. "That is some story."

"Yeah, it is. I'd never touched a man before, but the thought had been on my mind. Since then Joe and I have crossed a few lines. He's more uptight about it. The way I see it, sex is sex, regardless of who you enjoy being with. I don't think it necessarily means you have to be labeled a certain way for it," he says with a shrug.

"I think I can agree with that," I tell him.

"Good," he says with an exhale. "And just so you know, Joe said I'm not allowed to touch you tonight, so don't think I'm not attracted to you or don't want you. He just doesn’t want to share."

That’s surprising, but makes me feel a little better about what I’m about to do. "Okay.” I nod in understanding. “Oh, and don’t you know my friend Victoria? Didn't you two go to high school together?" I ask.

His expression blanks. "Yeah. You're not going to tell her…about this…and Joe?" he asks, looking a little pale.

"No," I assure him. "I won't tell her or anyone else, about what we do…or don't do."

"Good," he exhales, and rolls his shoulders in relief.

We are much more comfortable with each other by the time Joe, completely naked, comes back from the shower.

"My turn," Chad says, then he’s undressing as he walks toward the bathroom.

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