Read All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition Online
Authors: Louise L. Hay,Mona Lisa Schulz
Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth, #Self-Help, #Personal Growth
Rotten attitudes, vile gossip, I speak with gentleness and
See: Bad Breath
foul thinking.
love. I exhale only the good.
Hold and handle. Clutch
and grip. Grasping and
I choose to handle all my
letting go. Caressing.
experiences with love and
Pinching. All ways of
with joy and with ease.
dealing with experiences.
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A ll i s w e ll
Hay Fever
Emotional congestion. Fear I am one with ALL OF LIFE. I
of the calendar. A belief in
See: Allergies
am safe at all times.
persecution. Guilt.
I love and approve of myself.
Invalidating the self. Self-
See: Migraine
I see myself and what I do
criticism. Fear.
with eyes of love. I am safe.
Represents the center of
My heart beats to the rhythm
See: Blood
love and security.
of love.
—Attack (M.I./
Squeezing all the joy out of I bring joy back to the center
the heart in favor of money of my heart. I express love
See: Coronary
or position, etc.
to all.
Long-standing emotional
Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow
problems. Lack of joy.
joy to flow through my mind
Hardening of the heart.
and body and experience.
Belief in strain and stress.
See: Peptic Ulcer,
Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching
I breathe freely and fully. I am
Stomach Problems,
safe. I trust the process of life.
See: Anorectal
Fear of deadlines. Anger of
I release all that is unlike love.
the past. Afraid to let go.
There is time and space for
See: Anus
Feeling burdened.
everything I want to do.
My mind is cleansed and free.
Resistance to change. Fear,
I leave the past and move
anger, hatred. Liver is the
See: Liver Problems
forward into the new. All
seat of anger and rage.
is well.
My mind is gentle and
Ruptured relationships.
harmonious. I love and
Strain, burdens, incorrect
approve of myself. I am free
creative expression.
to be me.
Herpes (Herpes
Mass belief in sexual
My concept of God supports
guilt and the need for
me. I am normal and natural.
punishment. Public shame. I rejoice in my own sexuality
See: Venereal
Belief in a punishing God.
and in my own body. I am
Rejection of the genitals.
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All Is Well Tables
Herpes Simplex
I think and speak only words
(Herpes Labialis)
Burning to bitch. Bitter
of love. I am at peace with
words left unspoken.
See: Cold Sores
Carries the body in perfect
Hip Hip Hooray—there is joy
balance. Major thrust in
in every day. I am balanced
moving forward.
and free.
Fear of going forward in
I am in perfect balance. I
Hip Problems
major decisions. Nothing to move forward in life with ease
move forward to.
and with joy at every age.
Anger that is covered
over. The blanket used is
I am a loving parent to
usually fear. A desire to
myself. I am covered with
blame. There is often an
love and approval. It is safe
unwillingness to nurture
for me to show who I am.
the self.
Hives (Urticaria)
Small, hidden tears.
I bring peace to every corner
See: Rash
Mountains out of molehills.
of my life.
Blame and a tremendous
fear of not being good
I am perfectly happy to be
enough. A frantic race to
me. I am good enough just
prove oneself until the
as I am. I love and approve
blood has no substance left of myself. I am joy expressing
to support itself. The joy of
and receiving.
life is forgotten in the race
for acceptance.
Holding Fluids
What are you afraid of
See: Edema,
I willingly release with joy.
Resentment at not being
I release all control to the
able to change others.
Universe. I am at peace with
myself and with life.
Fear. Feeling pressured and I am safe. All pressure
dissolves. I AM good enough.
See: Diabetes
See: Eye Problems
See: Blood Problems
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A ll i s w e ll
I am at the center of life, and
Rage at being left out.
I approve of myself and all
See: Thyroid
that I see.
I am safe everywhere in the
See: Asphyxiating
Fear. Resisting change. Not Universe. I love myself and
Attacks, Breathing
trusting the process.
trust the process of life.
Overwhelmed by the
I now choose to make my life
burdens in life. “What’s
light and easy and joyful.
the use?”
Giving up. Feeling
I create a new life with new
See: Thyroid
hopelessly stifled.
rules that totally support me.
Ileitis (Crohn’s
I love and approve of myself.
Dis-ease, Regional
Fear. Worry. Not feeling
I am doing the best I can. I
good enough.
am wonderful. I am at peace.
Sexual pressure, tension,
I now allow the full power
guilt. Social beliefs. Spite
of my sexual principle to
against a previous mate.
operate with ease and
Fear of mother.
with joy.
I am willing to feel. It is
Emotional overflow. Years of safe for me to express my
controlling the emotions.
emotions. I love myself.
Cannot be cured by outer
Miracles happen every day.
means at this point. We
I go within to dissolve the
must go within to effect
pattern that created this,
the cure. It came from
and I now accept a Divine
nowhere and will go back
healing. And so it is!
to nowhere.
Gut-level fear, dread,
I digest and assimilate all new
anxiety. Griping and
experiences peacefully and
I choose to be peaceful and
Irritation, anger, annoyance.
See: Viral Infection
See: Fertility
Fear. Seeing red. Inflamed
My thinking is peaceful, calm,
See: “Itis”
and centered.
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All Is Well Tables
Response to mass negativity I am beyond group beliefs or
See: Respiratory
and beliefs. Fear. Belief in
the calendar. I am free from
all congestion and influence.
It is my Divine right to take
Ingrown Toenail
Worry and guilt about your my own direction in life. I am
right to move forward.
safe. I am free.
I now release anger in
Anger at the self. Feeling
positive ways. I love and
See: Cuts, Wounds
appreciate myself.
Fleeing from the family.
This mind knows its true
Escapism, withdrawal.
identity and its creative point
Violent separation from life. of Divine Self-Expression.
I lovingly release the day
Fear. Not trusting the
and slip into peaceful sleep,
process of life. Guilt.
knowing tomorrow will take
care of itself.
I easily assimilate and absorb
Assimilation. Absorption.
all that I need to know and
See: Colon
Elimination with ease.
release the past with joy.
Desires that go against the
I am at peace just where
Itching (Pruritis)
grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse. I am. I accept my good,
Itching to get out or get
knowing that all my needs
and desires will be fulfilled.
Anger and frustration about I am willing to change all
conditions you are looking
patterns of criticism. I love
See: Inflammation
at in your life.
and approve of myself.
Internal and external
I feel tolerance and
prejudice. Unbalanced
compassion and love for all
See: Liver Problems
people, myself included.
Jaw Problems
I am willing to change the
(Temporo mandi -
Anger. Resentment. Desire
patterns in me that created
bular Joint [TMJ]
for revenge.
this condition. I love and
approve of myself. I am safe.
I easily flow with change. My
Represent changes in
life is Divinely guided, and I
See: Arthritis, Elbow,
direction in life and the ease am always going in the best
Knee, Shoulders
of these movements.
I allow the love from my own
Extreme anger. A desire to
heart to heal all that I see. I
See: Eye Problems
hit those or what you see.
choose peace. All is well in
my world.
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A ll i s w e ll
Divine right action is always
Criticism, disappointment,
taking place in my life. Only
Kidney Problems
failure. Shame. Reacting like good comes from each
a little kid.
experience. It is safe to
grow up.
Kidney Stones
Lumps of undissolved
I dissolve all past problems
with ease.
Represents pride and ego.
I am flexible and flowing.
See: Joints
Stubborn ego and pride.
Forgiveness. Understanding.
Knee Problems
Inability to bend. Fear.
Compassion. I bend and flow
Inflexibility. Won’t give in.
with ease, and all is well.
So mad you can’t speak.
I am free to ask for what I
Fear of speaking up.
want. It is safe to express
Resentment of authority.
myself. I am at peace.
Represents receptivity,
Left Side of Body
My feminine energy is
taking in, feminine energy,
beautifully balanced.
women, the mother.
Carry us forward in life.
Life is for me.
Leg Problems
I move forward with
Fear of the future. Not
confidence and joy, knowing
wanting to move.
that all is well in my future.
Inability to handle life at
I rise above all limitations.
all. A long-held belief in
I am Divinely guided and
not being good enough or
inspired. Love heals all life.
clean enough.
I move beyond past
Brutally killing inspiration.
limitations into the freedom
See: Blood Problems
“What’s the use?”
of the now. It is safe to
be me.
A belief that women are
I create all my experiences. I