All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy (24 page)

Read All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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“Do what?” Sarah asks. Chris fumbles around in his pocket and pulls out a small ring box. Sarah’s eyes widen so wide I think they may fall out of her head.

“Oh my God, Chris,” Sarah says. Aiden intertwines his fingers with mine, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“Dude, one knee not two,” Aiden says quietly, making Sarah and I giggle.

Thanks, man,” Chris says as he adjusts his left leg. Sarah’s biting her bottom lip, and I’m pretty sure she’s shaking.

“Sarah Carlisle, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me? Please say yes, this ring cost a fortune,” Chris says, making us all laugh. A single tear runs down Sarah’s face, and Chris opens the ring box. Sarah’s eyes open wide, and I think she stops breathing for just a moment. I’m so happy for her right now. She stands there in silence just looking down at the ring. Chris pulls it from the box, takes her left hand, and slides it on her finger. She holds it up and looks at it sparkling in the light.

, it’s so pretty,” she says.

Chris coughs trying to get her attention. “Um, Sarah, I’m dying here, babe, plus my knee is aching from the hard floor. Can you put me out of my misery?” Chris laughs, as do we. She looks at him and grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him from the ground. He stands in front of her, and she leans in and kisses him with such passion, I feel like I should look away. Aiden kisses my head and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“Ahhhhhh,” Sarah suddenly screams while she bounces up and down turning in circles. “I’m so freakin’ excited,” she says as Chris stares at her.

“Seriously?” Chris asks.

“Yes, seriously. Aren’t you excited?”

“I would be if I knew whether you wanted to marry me or not?” Chris says.

, sorry. Yes of course, I will marry you, babe. A million time yes!” Sarah says, and Chris exhales loudly then scoops her up in his arms and twirls her around in a circle again. Sarah giggles like a schoolgirl, and when he places her back onto the floor, she jumps up and down.

“Ahhh, Jen Pen, we’re both getting married!” she says, running over to me to show off her engagement ring. Chris did good; it’s a round diamond set in a band of smaller diamonds running around the of the band.

Aiden slaps Chris on the back. “Well done, bro. That was almost as good as mine,” Aiden says, making Chris laugh.

“Yeah, you
,” Chris says.

“Congrats, Chris, really man, you did a great job,” Aiden says as Chris takes Sarah in his arms.

“God, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” Chris says.

Sarah and I both look at him in shock.

“Well, you can have the ring back if it was so damn hard for you, you jerk!” Sarah says, looking hurt.

“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it was hard because I was so
nervous you would say no, and I wanted it to be right. I wanted everything to be perfect for you, babe. I love you, Sarah, and I can’t wait for you to be my wife. In fact, I want to rush it forward and get married as quickly as possible,” Chris says, making Sarah smile. She cuddles into him and stares at her engagement ring.

“We should go to Vegas and get married,” Sarah says.

“Oh my God, that’s every guys dream. I love how you think, babe, but I spent all my money on your ring and these flowers.”

“It’s okay. We can go to the courthouse and have something quick and simple before our little princess makes mommy look fat. You did go a bit berserk with the flowers, but I love each and every one.”

Aiden looks at me and smiles brightly.

“I have an idea, and I don’t want you to say no, as it will be Jeni and my wedding gift to you,” Aiden says, and I look at him curiously.

“I want to take us all, including Mel, John and Trish, to Vegas where you can have your dream wedding, Sarah, in a chapel or wherever you want, on us. You guys have been there for us every step of the way, and I want to give this to you both as a thank you. I want to pay for everything, and I won’t take no for an answer. What do you say?” Aiden says as Sarah and Chris both stand there with their mouths gaping. I couldn’t be more proud of my man right now. He just wants to give his best friends the best wedding they can possibly have.

“Seriously, dude? I can’t let you do that,” Chris says.

“Why not? Does it hurt your male ego?” Sarah says, laughing,

“No, not at all. If Aiden wants to pay for it, then that saves me from having to work until I’m ninety-eight and a half to pay it off,” Chris says. We all laugh.

“That’s a very specific age,” I say.

“Yep, but I would do it if it makes Sarah happy,” he says.

“Well, you don’t have to. It’s on me, and I won’t have any arguments!” Aiden says as Sarah looks up at Chris for his approval.

“Okay, thanks, man. I owe you big time for this.”

“No you don’t. Like I said, it is our gift to you both for being the best friends we could ever ask for,” Aiden says.

Sarah runs over to Aiden and hugs him tightly. “I think I might love you a little bit, Aiden.”

“Seriously? I just proposed to you, you’re pregnant with my first born, and you’re already falling for my best man? Jeez,” Chris says jokingly.

“Well, he is hot and rich,” she says.

Chris pulls her away from Aiden, into his arms and he caresses her cheek.

“But I guess you’ll do, Mr. Drop Dead Sexy Milk Stealer,” Sarah says. Chris shakes his head and then leans down to kiss her.


Since the incident with Alistair two weeks ago, things have been hectic with Sarah and Chris wanting to get married as soon as possible. We’ve found the dresses and organized everything to the last detail, even down to them getting married at Caesars Palace. He’s letting Brielle hold the fort at work, so it gives us a chance to have a few days off to celebrate with Sarah and Chris. Aiden has spared no expense and has made sure that they are getting the best of everything.

“Vegas, baby!” Chris says as we board the plane for Las Vegas.

“I hate flying,” Sarah mumbles.

“You’ll be fine, babe. I’m here. I’ll protect you if the plane crashes into the ocean,” Chris says, making Aiden and I chuckle.

“Seriously? How are you going to protect me from the explosion and then the flames and then the impact? And then if I survive all that, how will you protect me from the sharks and the bitter ice cold water? Huh? Tell me that? God, why am I marrying you again?” she snaps. Chris chuckles.

“Because I’m ruggedly drop dead sexy, and you’re carrying my Starke spawn.” Chris laughs.

“Oh my God, you’re such a child. And my daughter is not a spawn or a bloody pigmy from the Starke tribe for God’s sake. She’s a human, an actual human being with emotions and feelings, and right now our daughter hates you, and so do I,” Sarah says as she starts to blubber and cry.

“Oh, babe, I love you and our son,” Chris says, taking her in his arms, hugging her as she cries into his shirt. She slaps him on the chest, and I think I see a hint of a smile. Aiden looks at me and widens his eyes as we take our seats in first class.

“Wow, she’s a mess,” Aiden says, taking my hand in his.

“Yeah, hormones are a bitch.” I sit back and relax into my seat.


“Holy shit, Batman, you should see our honeymoon suite. This place is ridiculous, Jeni. Remind me to dry hump Aiden at dinner as a thank you,” Sarah says on the other end of the cell. I laugh and sit down on our luxurious king sized bed.

“I’m sure he will love that. You can blame it on your hormones, and I’m sure he would let you dry hump him all night long if it meant you weren’t going to cry again,” I say as Aiden looks at me with a confused smirk.

“Yeah, I’m a little embarrassed by my little tantrum on the plane; thank God Mel wasn’t there to see it. Could you imagine her and what she would think of me yelling at her son like that? Oh well, I made it up to him already. Twice,” she says, making me laugh.

“God, you two are worse than us. Anyway, Aiden has just turned on the Jacuzzi and is taking his clothes off, so I
have to go,” I say making Sarah laugh.

“See ya at dinner,” she says, and hangs up.

Aiden walks over to me baring his chiseled stomach and slowly undoing his zipper. I look up at him through my lashes. He smirks and pulls me up from the bed and lifts my shirt over my head. I bite my bottom lip as he leans in and kisses my shoulder. I close my eyes and enjoy his touch. His warm hands caress my shoulders as he lowers the straps of my bra down my arms. He kisses my neck and then up my jaw to my waiting lips. His kiss is soft and tender and I know that this is going to be gentle and passionate love making. He unclips my bra and it falls to the floor. My pants follow soon after and so do his until we’re completely naked. His hands are all over me as he touches every part of my body caressingly. His tongue finds mine, and his hands grasp on to my bare ass. He leads me into the en-suite, his hand on the small of my back. I take a hold of the edge of the Jacuzzi and step into it, lowering myself into the warm water. Aiden follows and turns on the jets so bubbles form. He sinks in and pulls me, facing him. I straddle him resting my knees either side of him. Leaning down our mouths connect and in an instant I feel that undeniable spark between us. An electricity of epic proportions is igniting, and it sends me into arousal overload. I want him so bad. I wrap my arms around his neck, and my hands fist in his hair as his tongue goes rogue with mine. One of his hands goes to the back of my head and the other is splayed holding me against him. I feel his erection growing beneath me and my clitoris throbs in anticipation. His hand moves from my head to my breast, and he massages it tenderly as he bucks his hips slightly under me. I smile, knowing what he wants. I move my hand down to his length and I pull up slowly. He stops kissing me, and his head falls back at my touch. His eyes close, and I move the head of his erection in line with my swollen nub. His head comes back up, and he looks at me with a smirk as I rub him on myself. The pressure of him against my sweet spot and the warmth of the bubbling water flowing in between us is making me needy for him. His bright blue, smoldering eyes are looking into mine as I slowly work myself up. I move my hips with the motion, and Aiden moans softly. He leans in and takes my nipple in his mouth as I work myself on him. His tongue swirls around me as he sucks and nips lightly.

“You’re so
hot, baby,” he murmurs as I harden the pressure of his erection on my clitoris. It feels strange taking charge like this because I never have before, but I love every second. I start to tingle and both of us are breathing heavier and heavier. I move a little faster on him. His mouth forms an
shape as it obviously feels good for him, too. I lean down and kiss him forcefully as I edge closer and closer to climax. I moan as a shiver runs down my spine. I can feel my impending climax as my back arches. I call out his name as a massive orgasm hits me. It feels like an explosion inside me.

“Oh God, Aiden,” I say as he moans into my mouth. I slow down the movements and he moves his hand down to his erection and positions it under me. I’m still tingling from my climax as I lower myself onto him. He groans as I let him penetrate me completely filling me.

“Baby, I love being inside of you. It’s my favorite place to be,” he says then he gently tugs on my earlobe with his teeth. I slowly move up and down on his shaft. The water rippling around us as the jets blow millions of bubbles around our naked, aroused bodies heightens my already electrified nerves. I move closer to him, and his head rests in between my breasts muffling his moans as I work us both up. His hands grip tightly onto my ass as he pulls me up and down on him. The friction between us with the silkiness of the water is making my movements seamless and easy. It’s like I’m floating. Aiden thrusts his hips a little faster and deeper, hitting just the right spot. My head falls back in pleasure as I ride him in the whirlpool bathtub. I feel his erection throbbing inside of me as my core aches for release. I know I’m not far away, and neither is he.

“Oh, Jeni,” he murmurs as he sucks on my nipple again, gently encasing the nub with his teeth. It sends a shiver through me, and I instantly feel a heat engulfing me. I’m on fire and Aiden is the flames in which I burn. I start to shake as my back arches, and I grind into him clenching my muscles around him. He groans loudly, and I move my lips to his, forcing my tongue into his mouth just as I explode again.

“Ahh,” I murmur into his mouth as he takes all of me. He grips onto my ass so tightly I’m sure it will bruise, and he moves me quickly on top, pumping him. I know he’s close. He’s moaning loudly as my tightness entraps his throbbing shaft. His eyes scrunch and he jolts in me so forcefully that I feel him tense and then he moans loudly, and I feel it when he explodes inside me. His body goes limp, and I lean down and kiss his neck.

“Fuck I love you,” he says breathlessly, and I lean in to kiss him gently.


We head downstairs to the restaurant to have dinner with Sarah and Chris. Aiden and I are both exhausted from our time in the tub. We are the first to arrive at our reserved table. Mel, John, and Trish caught a later plane, but should be here by now since they are meeting us for dinner as well. Aiden pulls out my chair and I sit down. He sits next to me and takes my hand under the table. He orders a bottle of champagne and a glass of orange juice for Sarah.

“Poor thing. We’re all here for her wedding, and she can’t have a drink to celebrate,” I say, making Aiden chuckle.

“I know. She’s going to hate it,” Aiden says. Mel and John walk toward us. We stand and I hug Mel tightly, and Aiden shakes John’s hand.

“Hey, Mel, I can’t believe we’re here,” I say as she takes a seat next to me.

“I know, trust me. But I’m glad they’re getting married before my first grandchild arrives. Oh my God I’m old. Me a grandmother? I honestly can’t believe it!” Mel says as John laughs at her.

“Shut up, John. You’re going to be a grandfather so it makes you old as well,” she says, making me laugh. Trish walks up to us and I wave at her as she sits down next to Mel.

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