Read All the Time Online

Authors: Cherie Denis

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romance novel, #erotic contemporary romance, #cherie denis

All the Time (14 page)

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Again, he lifted her hand and placed a soft
kiss in the palm. “No. We’re going home.” He gently urged her back
into her seat. “Now buckle up like a good girl and we’ll be home
soon.” Looking down at his lap he realized his exposed cock was
still stiff and full. It hurt like hell stuffing everything back
into his trousers, but somehow after a bit of a struggle, he

Lainie hung her head and refused to meet his
gaze forcing Mike to put a finger under her chin. “Give me one more
kiss for love and luck,” he urged.

Her kiss was cool, but not for long. Soon, he
had her melting against him. “One more kiss to hold you until we
get home,” he murmured against her lips.

“One kiss won't be enough, and you know it,”
she sulked. “I want to do it right here. Right now,” she insisted
licking her pouting lower lip.

“Mmmm?” He looked over his shoulder and
backed out of their spot. "I think I've been spoiling you too much

“No way. You’re being so selfish. You know if
I had a penis…I would share it. All the time.”

“Now, where have I heard that before? I know,
darling,” he said with understanding. “But, think about it…if I
don’t have a cunt, what good will it do? There you would be with a
penis and nowhere to use it and me with a penis, too. Doesn’t sound
like fun to me– two throbbing cocks and no hot, wet cunt to slip
into. Sorry, honey. I'm just not into doing guys.”

“Oh, hell. It never entered my mind.” Lainie
turned toward him and rested her left knee on the seat. If she’d
been nude, her slick, wet cunt would have been open to his heated
glance. “That does present a problem, doesn’t it?”

Not really
. After all, she didn’t have
a penis, and never would have one. Mike grinned. “I’m glad you

“Mike,” she whispered.

He negotiated a tricky turn, bringing the car
smoothly down the sharp bank of the interstate ramp and didn’t
answer her until he was merged with traffic. “Yes, darling?”

“I was thinking…”

Oh, God. Every time she said she was thinking
it was usually about sex or his cock. “What?” he queried.

“Never mind.” Her delicious lips formed a

Damn the woman, she was adorable when she
pouted. She knew it drove him to his knees. “I’m sorry,
sweetheart,” he gave his voice the proper penitence. “What was it
you wanted?”

“Nothing. Everything. Just a penis,” she
whispered turning toward the passenger window.

Shit. He hated it when she was unhappy.
“Lainie, darling, I love you with all my heart. You are my
soul-mate,” he put a hand on her thigh and gave a gentle squeeze.
“Look at me, darling,” he commanded in a deep husky growl.

Lainie turned, but refused to meet his eyes
and Mike was ashamed when he noticed a faint silver tracery of
tears sliding down her beautiful face. Damn it, he couldn't stand
it when she cried.

“Lainie…I love you with all my heart,” he
repeated, knowing this time she would listen. “I don’t mean to hurt
you. You believe me, don’t you?”

She nodded, swiping at her tears.

“Lainie, you have to know I would give you
the world if I could. But, darling, I can’t give you a penis. I can
buy you almost anything, but not a cock.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her
sharp nod and continued. “I share my all with you as often as I
can, but, honey, you have to understand…I’m not seventeen any more.
I wish I was, but, fuck it all, I’m not. I’m thirty-five, and
thrilled I can make love to you as often as I do.”

“I know,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry I keep
bringing it up.” She picked up her purse and searched for a tissue.
“Surely, there’s a solution to our problem out there

She didn’t understand. No matter how many
times Mike tried to make her understand, she just wouldn’t or
couldn’t grasp the fact she would never be a man nor would she ever
have a cock. It simply wasn’t possible. And, no matter how hard he
tried to satisfy her sexually, he could feel her pulling away
mentally. He was going to lose her if he couldn’t find an answer to
their dilemma soon.




Monday morning Mike celebrated life the same
way he did every morning since his marriage to Lainie. The only
thing different was the way they greeted the dawn. Today, they
stood in front of a window watching the sun rise while Mike took
Lainie from behind.

Curtains thrown back, Lainie leaned against
the cold window, her climax striking just as the sun crested the

Later, they ate a leisurely breakfast at the
kitchen counter, and by eight o’clock, they walked out the backdoor
arm in arm toward their respective cars. They stood next to
Lainie’s vintage, candy-apple red Firebird and stared deeply into
each other’s eyes.

“I love you Elaina Marie…you understand me,
don’t you?” Mike asked her for the thousandth time since

“Oh, darling…I love you, too,” she sighed as
his lips settled over hers in a tongue tangling kiss.

Did she really understand how much he loved
her? He’d tried all weekend to tell her, and to show her in every
way possible how much he cared. Still he could feel her drawing
further and further away from him. If only he could find a solution
to their problem. He knew if he could find the answer, Lainie would
truly love him. Forever. And, if he couldn’t find the answer?

Then what?

Would she leave him for another man or men
trying to find some satisfaction?

One last kiss, one last touch and Mike
ushered his beautiful wife into her car, picked up his briefcase
and headed toward his own vehicle.

“I’ll call you,” he promised, waving

Lainie acknowledged his farewell with a wave
and a toot of her horn.

She was gone before Mike could get his
briefcase stowed in the backseat of the BMW.

Shaking his head, Mike slid behind the wheel.
“Ah, shit, darling,” he mumbled. “What in the hell are we going to
do about all this? God, I wish I was a magician.”

Over the weekend some weird thoughts had come
to him. What if she tried something as desperate as a sex change
operation to give her the penis she coveted? Lord, what would he do
then? She really would be lost to him.


* * * *


Déjà vu, all over again, Mike thought as he
walked through the revolving glass door and greeted the security
guard. The days and weeks blended into sameness. If it weren’t for
the excitement he found at home, Mike knew he would die of boredom.
Ah, but life with Lainie was never boring, just the opposite.

He punched the up button to call the elevator
and stepped back out of the way as a trio of young, pretty black
women walked up chatting.

At first it sounded as though the women were
speaking in tongues. Mike smiled pretending to study the scenery
outside the window at the end of the broad, airy hallway. All the
while his ear was tuned to their conversation. He wasn't spying. He
felt it was his duty as an executive of the company, to keep his
finger on the pulse of the employees. He never knew when he might
hear something useful, and one of the easiest ways was to eavesdrop
whenever possible.

“So I says to Marcus,” the youngest of the
trio said sotto voice. “Marcus, baby, either you fuck me every day
or you’re out of here, sucker.”

“Yvetta, you didn’t?” a girl with dreadlocks

“I sure as fuck did. I’m sick and tired of
him playing dead all the time,” Yvetta answered, pushing her mop of
blond-streaked black hair back from her face.

“Well, did it work?” Dreadlocks asked with a

“Fuck, no, Tarita. He was a limp biscuit, the
whiney-assed baby,” Yvetta assured her friend.

Where in the hell was the elevator, Mike
wondered. His face was hot. Shit. He had to be blushing like a
damned seventh-grader with the hots for his teacher.

Maybe they wouldn’t notice

The third girl spoke, “Shit, Yvetta, is it
‘cause he’s white?” She’d glanced quickly at Mike before whispering
the word ‘white’.

“Shit, Jakisha, you always ask me the same
stupid question. No, it’s not ‘cause he’s white. It’s ‘cause he’s
too fuckin’ lazy to please me,” Yvetta gave Jakisha a push,
laughing when Jakisha hit her on the arm with her fist.

Jakisha straightened her skin-tight black
top, yanking it until her cleavage was prominently displayed. “So,
what did you do about it?”

Yvetta grinned like a Cheshire cat, “Well, I
went to see Miss Lawanda in the mailroom and she gave me a potion
to put in Marcus' coffee.”

“And?” Tarita asked.

Yvetta laughed loudly. Her vibrant laugh
filled the hall, covering the sound of the elevator’s arrival.

Mike looked up in time to see the three women
enter the waiting elevator and rushed to catch the car. He needed
to know how Yvetta solved her problem. He had to find out who the
mysterious Lawanda was. Maybe she was the solution he’d been
searching for the past few weeks.

“Push three, please,” the girl named Tarita
asked Mike when he turned to face the front of the car.

“Thanks,” she whispered brushing suggestively
against his back. Mike felt the timbre of her voice right down to
his aching cock. Wow, the woman had a voice hot and sexy enough to
curl hair. He’d had plenty of time to stare while the women were
chatting and had taken a good look at the young lady named Tarita.
He couldn't help admiring her. She was very sexy with high, full,
heavy breasts, a nice tight ass clothed in a skin-tight animal
print, mid-thigh skirt of some slinky cloth which caressed her body
like a second skin.

Tarita, unaware of the stir she was causing
in Mike's trousers, turned to her friends and giggled. “So, tell
already, Yvetta, what did Miss Lawanda say to do with the

“She said to put it in his coffee, every
morning and before the week was out he’d be fucking my brains out,”
she answered not bothering to lower her voice making it perfectly
clear to Mike she didn't give a rat’s ass who was listening to
their conversation.


Yvetta filled the elevator with her sensuous,

“He’s wearin’ me out…I mean we’re doin’ it
everywhere and all the time. He’s a fuckin’ machine…and, I love

“Ooo, care to share?” Jakisha asked

“I don’t fuckin’ think so, bitch.”

The elevator slid silently to a stop, the
door swept open, and the three stepped out laughing and joking. The
women made their way through the doors separating the elevator
lobby from the customer service area of the third floor.

The elevator door swept shut behind them and
a weak-kneed Mike leaned against the elevator wall. He’d never
heard of the woman named Lawanda. If she had potions to help a
man’s potency, could she possibly have a potion to make Lainie
forget about wanting a penis? And, if she had such a potion, would
it affect Lainie’s sexuality in any way? He certainly didn’t want
to change her sexually. He loved her just as she was, hot and
willing to try anything.

“Morning, Rita,”

“Good morning, Mike,” Rita replied, jumping
up from her desk to follow him to his office.

“Rita, do you know anything about a Lawanda
in the mailroom?” he asked, taking off his suit jacket and hanging
it up. He turned in time to see a frown cross Rita’s lovely

“Yes. What do you want with her? Lawanda has
a reputation as a bit of a witch, sorceress and evil genii
combined. She’s pretty scary. At least that’s what I’ve been

Mike gave her a penetrating stare and sank
into his chair. “Scary or not, I need to speak to her. Get her on
the phone for me right away, will you please, Rita?”

“Sure, Mike…right away. But, I have to tell
you, most people avoid her at all cost, and I think you should,

“Just do as I ask and let me do the worrying.
And, when you’re done, I want you to take some dictation.”

Before leaving his office, Rita placed a
phone call from Mike’s desk to the general manager of the Atlanta
office. Handing him the phone, she mouthed, “Coffee?”

Mike nodded, turning his attention to the
phone he asked, “Greg, how’re they hangin’, buddy?” He paused,
“Good, good…now, let’s get down to why I phoned…”

Mike was still growling into the phone when
Rita returned with a mug of steaming, fragrant coffee. She gave a
mock curtsey and exited when he waved his thanks and continued his

Mike hadn’t been off the phone long when Rita
rang through. “Miss Lawanda Jones is on line three. And, I'll warn
you, she wasn't too happy to find out she was going to be put on

“Thanks.” Mike clicked off and punched line
three, “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I appreciate you taking the
time to stay on the line. I realize everyone has a job to do, Miss
Jones, and you're probably anxious to get back to it. As my
secretary told you, I'm Mike Sneider in Marketing. I hope you have
a couple of minutes to speak to me.”

The woman on the other end of the line
remained silent for several seconds and he began to wonder if she’d
hung up. “Miss Jones?”


Taking her ‘yes’ as approval to continue,
Mike asked if she could come to his office later in the

Her slightly accented contralto voice still
held a bit of puzzlement when she answered. “Well, I suppose I can
get away from the mailroom around ten.”

“Excellent. I really appreciate you making
time for me. I’m on five North, third office from the link…you
can’t miss it. My name’s on the door.”


* * * *


Instead of having second or third thoughts,
Mike was already having fifth thoughts about speaking to the
mysterious Miss Jones by the time Rita tapped on his door and
ushered the lady in. He stood and tried not to stare at his
visitor. A lovely woman of approximately thirty, her smooth, café
au lait complexion, shone with good health. She wore her shining
dark hair, plaited in an intricate design of braids gathered at the
nape of a long, graceful neck and held in place by an elaborate,
large piece of silver. Dark eyes sparkled as she returned Mike’s
stare, making it plainly clear she was not intimidated by his
executive position in the company.

BOOK: All the Time
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