Read All the Time Online

Authors: Cherie Denis

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romance novel, #erotic contemporary romance, #cherie denis

All the Time (3 page)

BOOK: All the Time
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Lainie took her time opening her body to him.
First she ran her fingers around her heart trimmed pubic hair. Once
in a while as a special treat, she let Mike help her neaten her

Tracing the heart to the point where it ended
at the upper edge of her slit. She ran her finger up and down her
wetness, spreading pearls of moisture over her finger until it
slipped easily into her channel. Her second hand followed and
moments later she spread her labia to expose her clitoris.

Mike gasped when her swollen pearl popped
into view. “God, Lainie,” his voice full of reverence.

Lainie continued to flick a finger over her
clit. As hard and full as a tiny penis, it bobbed back and forth in
slow motion and Mike leaned closer to get a better view. He grabbed
the edge of the counter on each side of her and followed her every

He couldn’t wait to taste her honey.

Lainie slipped a finger into her slippery
aperture and Mike swallowed wrong. She continued to please herself
while Mike coughed and tried not to act like a dog after a bitch in
heat. It wasn’t easy when she mimicked sex with a finger in her
swollen cunt. When she slid a second finger in to join the first,
Mike groaned.

Her fingers made a delicate pop when she
pulled them out of her cunt and held them up to him. “Taste me,”
she ordered.

Mike leaned forward and greedily sucked her
dripping fingers into his mouth.

“You like it don‘t you, baby?” Lainie purred
and pulled her fingers from his mouth. When they made a popping
noise like her cunt had done, she giggled.

Mike stepped closer, put his hand on her
mound and cupped her. He moved his palm in a gentle circle and her
silken, dark pubic curls made a soft sound and the scent of aroused
woman filled the air. He teased her feminine lips with a gentle
touch and smiled when she shuddered and moved her hips, lifting and
arching to get closer. Sensing her need, Mike took his time
tormenting her swollen clit and slick vaginal lips.

“Lainie, darling?” Mike’s voice throbbed with
undeniable lust.


“Sweetheart, you’re so damn wet, you’re
getting honey all over the counter.”

Lainie gave him a naughty grin. “Yeah, I
know. I can feel it running down my ass.”

“Guess you’re ready, huh?”

“Oh, yeah!” Lainie nodded and put her hands
up under her breasts pressing them into a pillowing mound of flesh.
Her nipples were ripe and suffused a dark coral with excitement.
They poked through her fingers begging to be licked. Rolling the
tight buds between thumbs and forefingers, she urged, “Fuck me,
Mike…fuck me.”

Cupping his scrotum, Mike lifted his balls
and cock, pulling his swollen appendage tight against his body and
looked down. “Do you think it will all fit?”

Lainie stared at his erection and nodded. “It
always does, darling.” She grinned. “I’m guessing you aren’t tired

“No fuckin’ way,” he growled, stepping
between her sprawled thighs and pulling her to the edge of the
counter. She arched making her willingness perfectly clear.

“Mike,” she crooned in a low, lust-filled
voice as he leaned forward to taste her. He slid his tongue along
her labia and placed his pinky finger against the rim of her anus
tickling her with gentle insistence, and Lainie bucked and growled
at his touch.

He flicked his tongue over her swollen clit
and she jumped and writhed, pressing her body against his face.
Mike wrapped his hands around her slim ankles and held her legs

She tasted of him, sex and hot, musky woman.
God, damn. She was one hot, wild, sumptuous delight. Reveling in
her taste and scent, Mike continued lapping at her delicacies while
Lainie writhed and begged for release.

She was moving so fast and hard, he had to
put his hands on her hips to hold her still. The last thing he
wanted to do was lose his place. Mike tongued her, letting his
tongue flick at her clit every once in awhile until he could tell
from the tightness of her internal muscles she was close to coming.
Now! He sucked her pulsing clit into his mouth and tugged at it,
sucking and licking like he was enjoying the best chocolate ice
cream cone in the world.

Her body convulsed and her cunt tightened.
Her orgasm hit like a tsunami. She screamed and begged for more as
Mike continued to suckle her clit. Her hips slowed and her cunt
loosened letting his tongue free. He stood and licked his lips. “As
juicy and delicious as always, darling. Have you had enough yet,

He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he
leaned forward and sucked one tight nipple into his mouth. Suckling
hard he moved a finger in and out of her wet channel.

“No, don’t stop.” Lainie whimpered, tossing
her head against the mirror. “More, baby, more!” Her voice rose as
her excitement grew. “Fuck me…fuck me…”

“Hmmm,” he teased and nuzzled her other
breast, sucking her second nipple into his rapacious mouth, all the
while finger fucking her. Now with two fingers. Now with three. She
squealed and whimpered, still begging for more.

Following her whimpered orders Mike twisted
his fingers in search of her G spot. Lainie screamed making it
clear he’d been successful. She arched her back in a tight bow and
he pressed his thumb over her swollen clit rubbing hard and Lainie
came apart.

God, she was a fucking

Mike’s swollen cock and balls ached for
release. He couldn’t wait any longer; grasping her slender ankles
in his large hands, he wrapped her legs around his hips and let his
cock find its own way into her heat and moisture. Lainie’s shoes
fell to the floor with a thump and Mike kicked them to the side so
he wouldn’t stumble over them.

She moaned, tossing her head wildly from side
to side as Mike slid his shaft deep into her pulsing cunt.

“Mike…Mike…fuck me…fuck me,” she whimpered
and moaned.

Mike pulled back until just the tip of his
cock was spreading her swollen folds. “Feels good, doesn’t it,
baby?” He let out a loud groan, sliding into her heat a mere
half-inch. Wanting to hurry, wanting to make it last, Mike could
barely control himself.

“Yessss,” she hissed, running her thumbs over
her nipples. “Oh, darling, everything you do feels so damn good.”
She tossed her head and groaned. “More. More. Come on baby, slam it

“Bossy bitch,” Mike growled and shoved in
another inch.

Lainie crooned. “Come on baby. Give it all to
me. Shove it all the way in. Ah, baby. More. Harder. Come on,
Mike.” She used her fists to pound on his butt. She'd done this
many times. It meant she wanted him to slam into her as hard as he

Her demands were driving his body wild. Mike
pushed his cock another half inch into her heat and he let out a
loud groan. She was so tight, so wet, so damned, fucking hot. He
was going to come.

“Ready?” he growled, slamming all the way

Lainie moaned.

He eased his cock out of her channel. “Hold
tight, darlin’,” he said. Slipping his hands under her butt, he
lifted her off the counter and tilted her pelvis for better access.
Using his thumbs he spread her labia and pushed his aching cock
into her in a slow tormenting slide.

His pubic mound bumped against hers and
Lainie screamed with excitement. “Ahhhhh, Godddd….Fuck me. Fuck me,
Mike. Harder…harder…higher…”

Now, firmly ensconced in her heat, Mike slid
his thumbs down her cleft to torment her anus. He leaned forward
and nuzzled her breasts, nipping and suckling her nipples until
Lainie bucked and came with a resounding shout.

Three climaxes. She should just about be
ready for the big one.

Mike wished he could keep her clutched around
his cock forever. But, the power was building in his testes. He was
close…too damn close. There was no way he was going to last much

He nipped and suckled her nipples sliding his
cock in and out harder…higher…faster.

Lainie moans became a keening cry that grew
to a low scream as another climax built. Her vaginal walls
constricted around Mike and he exploded with so much force he could
feel the tip of his cock touch her womb. Hot seed spewed forcefully
into her then ran down her cleft, wetting Mike’s thumb. His
lubricated thumb continued to torment her puckered anus until with
a delicate pop it slipped in, lodging up to the first knuckle.
Lainie went wild, wrenching and tossing about with such abandon
Mike feared he wouldn’t be able to hold onto her slick body.

“Oh, my, goddddd…” Lainie whimpered over and
over again, thrashing her head against the mirror.

Mike groaned, pumping and squeezing out every
last drop of semen until he was empty and hollow. “Holy, shit,
that’s it. I’m dead.” And, as proof, his head dropped to her breast
with a thump.

It seemed like only a moment later Lainie
shoved against his shoulder. "It's time to get dressed."

Hells bells. “Do I have to?” Mike groaned.
He’d rather go back to bed for a week than go to work.

“Yes,” she shoved again and tried to wiggle
free of his heavy body.

Mike’s dripping phallus slid out of her and
flopped wetly against his thigh. He straightened, put his broad
hands to the small of his back and stretched, groaning as muscles
unused to such unusual positions complained loudly. Clasping his
hands under Lainie’s armpits he lifted her down from the counter
and made sure her feet were firmly underneath her.

Before he could let her go though, Mike bent
and gave her a loving kiss. “Thank you, Lainie, sweetheart. That
was spectacular, but that’s it! I’m not doing it again today. Go
get ready for work.

“This time I mean it, I’m fuckin’ dead. My
cock is so tired I won’t be able to fuck again for days.”

Lainie grinned and nodded. “I don’t believe
you for one minute, Mike. You know you’ll be ready again tonight
for a good fucking.” She turned on the faucet and when the hot
water arrived she dampened a washcloth and cleansed her cleft,
thighs and bottom. “God, Mike, you’re amazing,” she said handing
Mike the washcloth. She gave him a sweet kiss and wiggled her
eyebrows suggestively, before turning and leaving the bathroom.

Mike moistened the cloth with hot water and
scrubbed his own thighs and aching, semi-flaccid cock. The woman
was trying to kill him, he decided. Wringing out the wet cloth, he
dropped it on the tub rim to dry.

Before leaving the bathroom, Mike checked to
be sure his shave was truly finished and as close as he could get

“Not bad for a man of your advanced age,” he
assured himself even though he was beginning to wonder if he would
make it to old age. Lainie Marie was wearing him out. His penis was
almost painful from all the exuberant fucking. He lifted the aching
appendage with delicate fingers and looked himself over from knob
to root. No obvious damage. Probably just tender from all the
action he’d been seeing lately. In all honesty, until he met and
married Lainie, he hadn’t fucked this much since he was sixteen and
had three girlfriends at the same time. Man, those were the

Mike wandered into their bedroom in time to
watch Lainie step into a tiny pair of lace panties. He admired the
jiggle of her high, firm ass. She had a fabulous figure,
reminiscent of J-Lo, but more busty. Half Mexican, on her father’s
side, Elaina Maria Hermosa Rodriquez Sneider was the most beautiful
woman Mike had ever seen.

He loved to watch his wife choose her
clothing and she was perfectly comfortable letting him watch her
dress. She smiled warmly at him and swept her long, lustrous,
deep-black hair off to the side of her head. Standing hip-cocked in
front of her dresser she seemed bemused.

“What’s the problem, sweetheart?” Mike

“Nothing. I can’t seem to decide what bra to
wear today.”

“It doesn't matter to me, but don’t you think
the red one would go with your panties?”

“I guess,” she said pulling a red demi-bra
out of the drawer.

Mike chuckled and continued watching. Lainie
always made a big production of getting dressed.

She leaned forward and tipped her full, round
breasts into the cups of her bra and Mike sighed. “Good-bye my
lovelies,” he said and Lainie grinned.

“Okay so far?” she asked turning to face

He nodded. “Beautiful as always.”

“Kiss them,” she ordered, walking up and
offering her breasts to his lips.

Mike planted a light kiss on each globe and
patted her on the butt. “Better hurry, honey, we're running way
behind this morning. Worse than usual in fact." Since he'd married
Lainie he'd been late to nearly everything including work, golf tee
time, plane reservations, you name it; Lainie was a terrible
influence on his life and he loved every moment.

“I don’t care. Lick my nipples,” she ordered
hands on her hips like a little sergeant.

Mike obeyed teasing each dainty bud to tight

“Enough,” he said, and gently turned her
toward her closet. “I’ve got to get ready myself.”

“Oh, come on, baby. Give me some more

Little witch

One more lick at each turgid nipple and he
walked away. “I'm sorry, sweetheart, I have to get dressed.”

“Mike,” she whimpered, but he ignored her and
continued on his way to the closet.

“All right then, do you have any requests as
to what I should wear today?”

“No, baby. Surprise me.” She was a wild
dresser and some of the outfits she chose for work were
outrageously inappropriate. He should talk to her about her choice
of clothing, but she was a beautiful woman and he loved her so much
he let her get away with murder when it came to her wardrobe.

Mike had a sneaking suspicion she dressed to
aggravate her boss, Reginald. She was always threatening to give
him a good fucking because she suspected he was gay and she was
dying to find out if it was true or not. Mike wasn't too thrilled
with her threats, but knew she loved him and was only teasing him.
Lucky for her, Mike was not a jealous man.

BOOK: All the Time
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