Read All the Time Online

Authors: Cherie Denis

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romance novel, #erotic contemporary romance, #cherie denis

All the Time (2 page)

BOOK: All the Time
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“So you love me because I'm beautiful?" He
checked his jaw to be sure his shave was close enough. It didn't
really matter; he'd have to shave again before dinner. Blond as he
was, his beard grew in fast and heavy. A small spot of glistening
gold showed where he'd missed a place.

Lainie rubbed against him like a lonesome
cat. "No, I love you, because you're you. Stop teasing me."

"Just checking. You could have changed your
mind since the last time you said you loved me." Mike stroked his
swollen, tender cock against her soft body before picking up his
razor. No need for cream, it was only a little spot.

Lainie’s hands were everywhere, and Mike was
having a difficult time keeping focused on the spot he needed to
shave. Her finger darted across his anus and he jumped, nicking his
jaw. "Damn, now look what I've done." He picked her up and stood
her a few feet out of his way. "You are the most tempting, naughty
wife in the world. I can't get a thing done when you're tormenting

She put her hands behind her back rocking
back and forth, heel to toe. The way she was staring at him made
him nervous and anxious. His cock grew stiffer. He ached to rub his
swollen penis all over her body.
Don’t think about it
. But
he had to. It didn't matter that his cock felt as though it had
been sanded raw. He wanted her with all his being. She was the
light and love of his life; a fantastic wife and lover; always hot,
wet and receptive to his loving. She was always his. His Lainie.
His love.

The very air he breathed.

She was him and he was her. They were one
body, one soul, one life.

Without her, he would be nothing. Lost.
Alone. Dead.

Mike tried to shake off the sad thoughts.
Nothing was wrong in their marriage.

Lainie was a young woman and she wanted him.
What more could any man ask for? Nothing.
So stop

While he was worrying about their marriage
and what he could do to make Lainie happy and not feel so empty, he
dabbed toilet paper on the miniature cut. He'd forgotten to pay
attention to Lainie. Bad move on his part, because suddenly a small
warm hand was stroking his body.

“I'm so sorry you hurt yourself, darling,”
Lainie murmured. "But, you have to admit it feels good when I do
this." Her fingers slid slowly through the tangle of golden curls
surrounding his cock and balls.

Mike moaned. "Honey, we've got to go to
work." He was going to have to put a clock in the bathroom so he
could keep her moving.

"Not yet. We have lots of time." She tugged
the curls nearest his cock then ran her thumb along his pubic bone.
“Mmmm, hard. Just like your cock, Mike. Nice. I love the way you
feel, hard and manly.”

“I know baby, and I love the way you feel;
soft in the right places and womanly." He leaned against her and
inhaled. "You smell delicious, like cinnamon, spice and warm,
aroused woman."

"Glad you find me arousing, ‘cause you sure
arouse me." Lainie teased his ass with one hand and tugged at the
fur hiding his balls with the other.

Time was forgotten.

Touch my cock, damn it. Hurry.

He leaned his hands on the counter to keep
from grabbing her and pushing her against the wall. If he did he'd
be buried deep in her cunt. He clutched the edge of the counter
waiting. Waiting. When was she going to stroke his cock? How long
would he have to wait before she took him in her mouth?

Soon. Please. Soon.

She’d begged and begged to touch him...when
was she going to do it? God, he could hardly wait for her little
fingers to close around his shaft. The wait was killing him.


Delicate fingers skimmed along the length of
him, down to his knob and back up the full pulsing vein under his
phallus. Mike groaned as his shaft throbbed and became fuller and
hotter with each delicate touch.

Put me in your hot, wet mouth.

She didn’t.

Instead, she licked her lips and stroked his
manhood with a butterfly touch, measuring the length and breadth of

Mike smothered a grin. He might be
thirty-five, but he wasn’t dead yet.

When had she made him her sex slave? If only
there was some way to control her, but in all honesty, Mike didn't
want to change her one iota.

He loved her just the way she was.

He loved her tempting, teasing touch. Loved
the way her hands felt on his cock. Loved the way she touched the
vein in his cock. The way she looked up into his eyes with her
large, deep velvet eyes full of longing.

Forgotten was his fatigue. Forgotten was the
fact he was bleeding from the nick on his chin. The only thing on
Mike’s mind was the way Lainie’s hands felt on his body.

His hips bucked when she stroked his


He was going to come if she didn’t stop
touching him.


* * * *


Lainie loved it when Mike’s eyes prowled over
her body. She could tell he wasn't in any shape now to make her
stop. Thank heavens. She didn't want to stop. She was having so
much fun. She thrilled at the throb and pulse of him under her
ministrations. God, he was gorgeous–fabulous to look at and built
for sex. He was everything a woman would desire in a husband. He
was all man; perfectly formed and totally marvelous in and out of
bed. He was loving, kind and thoughtful, never forgetting a
birthday or anniversary.

He was taller than the average male standing
six-foot five in his bare feet. She even liked the fact he was so
much taller than she. His big, lean, muscular body made her feel
feminine and dainty.

The man didn't have an ounce of fat on him.
His body was firm as a runner, with a broad chest tapering to a
slim, taut waist. Blond and clean shaven he was a golden god. Her
man. Her prince. Her lover. Her friend. Her husband. He was hers
and hers alone.

He was perfect in every way, but it was his
cock she found most fascinating. She'd had sex with a few men
before she met Mike and none of them would ever measure up to her
husband. Not in length, fullness or beauty. His cock was

The man was built for fucking and she fucked
him as often as she could.

Lainie stroked his shaft measuring its length
and breadth. One night in a playful mood they had taken a tape
measure and found Mike was an astonishing nine inches long and five
inches in circumference.

He was massive and she loved the feel of
every inch of him inside her.

Mike groaned and bucked his hips. He’d told
her he was too tired to make love, but his body was telling her a
different story.

Lainie knew his body as well as she knew her
own. He was close to the edge. She buried her face against his arm,
closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

It was too soon. She wanted to wait. Waiting
made the pleasure of his coming so much more exciting. She inhaled
the scent of his arousal before letting go of his cock.

He protested when she put her hands on his
waist. "What now?"

She grinned. "Torturing you, baby, is half
the fun."

"Oh, great. Pleasure and pain." He looked
down at his swollen cock. "How much more do you think I can

"A whole lot more than I've given you so
far." She put her hand over his heart and waited for the pounding
to slow to a steady beat. In a few minutes she would begin
torturing him once more.

It was his fault he had such an interesting
body. Over the two years they had been married and the three years
of pre-marital bliss, Lainie had gotten to know every inch of his
body. She could almost tell when he lost a chest hair. He was so
much a part of her, and yet she couldn't get enough of touching,
tasting and loving every inch of him.

If only she could explain how much she longed
for a penis of her own. She wanted to experience the pulsing,
throbbing, swelling tightness in her own groin.

It was hell wanting something she would never

Lainie mentally shrugged her shoulders and
began touching Mike’s cock with soft, delicate strokes.

Mike’s breathing picked up with each stroke
of her fingers.

A drop of pre-come formed on his cock and
Lainie slicked the moisture over his knob. Silky smooth, hot and
wet. Oh, yeah, he was ready.

“Comb your hair, Mike. I’ll sit here with you
and watch.” She felt positively wicked as she stepped away from
him. She should have finished what she started, but it was good for
him to suffer a little. Not that she’d make him wait long. Standing
on her tiptoes, Lainie planted a soft kiss on his jaw.

“Yum…you smell delicious,” she whispered.


* * * *


Mike’s hands were shaking so hard he wasn't
so sure he could hold a comb. Time was flying and he still had to
get dressed. "Lainie, shouldn't you be getting ready to go?"

He'd been trying to get his brain organized.
There were projects at work he should be focused on, instead he was
thinking with his cock.

Lainie had been quiet long enough for him to
think she might have left the room. He was afraid to lift his head
and look in the mirror. Sure enough, a moment later two small hands
crept around his body and grasped his cock. Then two hard nipples
pressed against his back.

He knew better than to let his guard down
when she was in the room.

Her hands moved up and down his shaft
smoothly. The little devil had put KY on her hands to make it
easier to milk him.

“Whoa, honey. We don't have time for this."
Mike slipped out of her grasp and carefully cupped her slender
shoulders in his hands. She was so small and delicate, he always
was careful not to injure or bruise her.

Delicate she might be on the outside, but
inside she was a little toughie. Being raised with a couple of
rough and tumble brothers had taught her to stand up for herself,
even if it meant fighting dirty. He'd seen her in action a time or
two with her brothers and knew she would always come out a

Lainie pretty lips formed a cute pout and
made a grab for his cock.

“No way. You better get your pretty little
ass in gear. We can pick this up after dinner. I promise." He
turned her toward the door and patted her on her sweet, high butt.
“Now, go get dressed.”

She protested but left him putting an extra
swing into her walk.

Mike was combing his hair when moments later
she was back.

Holy shit!

Dressed in a pair of thigh-high black nylons,
the diamond pendant necklace he’d given her for their wedding and a
pair of ultra high, terribly sexy purple stiletto heels, she was a
vision of sexual delight. There wasn't one woman in a
catalogue who could hold a candle to Lainie.

Mike grinned. “So, I see you’re ready for

Lainie nodded and returned his smile.
“Almost…I have a couple of things I have to do first."

Before Mike could protest, she jumped up on
the bathroom counter and parked her round bottom between the twin
sinks and leaned back against the mirror.

His cock pulsed to full erection.

“For crissake, what in the hell are you up to
now, Lainie?” Mike couldn’t keep the wonder out of his voice. His
little sex-pot wife never ceased to amaze him with her antics. She
was a wild one.

“Bout one hundred five,” she replied with a
Cheshire grin.

Mouth agape, he stared. Lainie clasped her
hands around her ankles, lifted her legs to the counter and spread
her thighs with aching slowness, giving him a full-on view of her
pink, petal-shaped labia.

Mike began to feel a little light-headed when
all the blood in his upper body headed south at the speed of sound.
God. His cock was going to explode. “Lainie?”

“Um hum…” Lainie’s hands left her ankles and
slowly made their way up the outside of her legs and the rustle of
skin on nylon filled the quiet room.

Mike forgot the ache of overuse clawing at
his groin.

She was screwing with him. She knew how much
he liked the sound of flesh on nylon.

Achingly hard, hunger and lust for her grew
until he had to have her or die.


The little devil knew his weakness and was
yet again using it to her advantage.

Lainie’s hands stroked up her calves and the
faint sound sent his heart into erratic overdrive. His cock pulsed
and filled with blood. His brain was empty of everything except

Hands on her knees, she spread her thighs a
few more inches and her delicate labia fluttered and opened to show
him how pink and wet she was inside.

Mike watched, breathless with desire, as his
delicious wife continued to expose herself to his searching

Next her legs dropped all the way open in
wanton display.

Mike’s mouth watered.

There was no way he was leaving now. Screw
work. He was going to shoot his load and his gorgeous, tempting
wife knew it.

"You are one wicked lady," he managed to
blurt out.

Lainie's dark eyes took on a sensuous
glitter. "I am, aren't I?'

Mike remained motionless. He wasn't going
anywhere fast.

Lainie licked her lower lip and said softly,
“If I touch you, Mike, will you be smooth as silk? Will you be hard
as steel?” She lowered her voice, “Will you feel like velvet when
you slide into my cunt?”

Mike gulped and swallowed noisily. “I

“Oh, good.” Lainie clapped her hands in glee.
“Oh, darling…one more thing…”

He raised his eyes from her cunt to stare
into her black-velvet eyes.

“Will you shove your cock so high and hard in
me you make me scream?”

He grinned and nodded. His cock bobbed in

Eyes locked with Mike’s, Lainie ran her hands
slowly up her thighs to barely skim her cunt and his eyes followed
her hands.

BOOK: All the Time
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