Read Alone With You Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Alone With You (25 page)

BOOK: Alone With You
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It had to have been amazing.

He slid a hand down to his insistently throbbing cock. Up and down, he began to stroke himself. Head back and eyes closed, he ran his hand along the length, stimulating the head and his balls.

What was her touch like?
He moved faster.
Softer? No, she has a strong grip.

Dredging up the scent of lilacs, he tightened his hold as he fisted himself faster until he came with a low shout. Thick ropes of his cum ran over his hand.

“Tuck?” she asked from the door. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” he gritted out. “Just stepped wrong. I’ll be out soon.”


“Way to go, asshole,” he muttered as he carefully made his way from the bed to his bathroom. “Get her in here as you jack off because you can’t keep quiet about coming.”

After he’d cleaned himself up, he picked up his pants only to pause. “Going to work naked, today.”

The first night, she’d set up a desk for him in the living room so he didn’t have to spend the day sequestered in his room. At his urging, she’d set one up for herself as well. This way he’d be able to see her watching him as they’d faced one another. She’d given him a knowing smirk each day he’d come out with pants. But that wouldn’t be happening today.

He knew Ariel didn’t think he would do it but he had no intention of losing this bet. Opening his door, he carefully made his way to the kitchen. The scent of waffles permeated the air. Smelt good. Ariel smelt better, however.

Her pair of heather-grey workout pants rode low on her hips and she had a black Missions jersey on.

“Morning,” he said.

“Morning,” she replied without turning around.

“Smells great.” He went to the fridge then opened the door, knowing she would be made aware of his naked state then.


He smirked. That stutter was for him. After grabbing the juice, he closed the door—it was cold in there with nothing protecting the family jewels. Her gaze was firmly affixed to the plate of bacon she had at her elbow.

“Something wrong?” he asked, standing beside her, making sure to brush against her.

“Nope.” Her voice came out much higher than it usually was.

“Not going to look at me?”

Her eyes met his after a pregnant pause, her expression now composed. “Sorry, fixing breakfast. Was there something specific you wanted me to see?”

He shrugged. “Just wanted to see those eyes of yours.”

“Good for you.” She turned her head away. “Breakfast is ready. Grab a seat.”

“Awesome. I’m starved.”

Her mutter wasn’t anything he could understand. He took his seat and sucked a deep breath at how cold it was. Ariel hadn’t turned around. He stared at her back and watched as she took several deep breaths.

Good, he was getting to her.

She carried both plates over and handed him his before going back for his drink. His unruly cock decided to misbehave during the meal. Ariel kept her gaze on the wall across from her. She didn’t say much but he didn’t push it. He was trying not to get syrup all over his dick.

“I have to start working,” she announced, standing. More of those deep breaths as she stood in the kitchen facing the sink.

He finished off his last bite and got up to stand behind her. Reaching around her, he placed his plate in the sink. He slid some of her hair to the side and kissed her neck. “Thank you.”

Tuck went to his work station and sat, only to get up and put down a towel. He needed something between his ass and the chair. Sneaking a glance to Ariel, he found her focused on her computer screen, face scrunched.

“You okay?” he asked.

She blinked and looked at him. Just his face, her eyes didn’t go any lower than that. “Sure, why?”

“You looked confused there. Or upset.”

“I’m fine. You?”

“A bit of a headache.” That was the truth.

“Do you want some pills?”

“Not right now. Thanks, though.”

The morning passed with him not getting much done at all. Damn if she wasn’t good about not looking at him. He, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her and was getting shit done.

He picked up his head and focused on her again. She’d captured her lower lip in her teeth as her fingers flew along the keyboard of her laptop. This wasn’t fair—he was supposed to be the distraction.

A knock on the door had them both pausing. She met his gaze briefly before turning back to where the sound had originated.

“Who is it?” he called out.


Ariel laughed.

“Just a minute, Drake.” He pointed at her. “What’s so funny?”

“Planning on entertaining in your birthday suit?”


She stood up. “I’ll let him in.”

“Ariel, come on. Help me out here.”

“Thought you wanted to work naked?”

“Woman,” he rumbled.

She laughed harder. “Would you like a shirt? Maybe they can’t see under the desk.”

“You’re evil.”

Ariel walked out of the room then returned moments later with a pair of his sweats and a shirt. “Come on, up you get.”

He stood. “Already up, babe. Been that way since breakfast. But I know you know, since I’ve caught you looking.”

She wove a bit, coming closer before she regained control. He gasped when her hand curved around his shaft. Not that her breathing was any better. Her thumb skimmed the head of his cock, smearing the drop of pre-cum that had leaked the second she touched him.

“You’re bad for me,” she murmured, releasing him before she went to her knees. “So bad.” Her breath was warm along his shaft.


“Balance on my shoulder and put your feet in the pants.”

He did as she ordered and wanted to weep in sexual frustration as she stood up and backed away.

“Shirt on.” He sat and drew it on over his head.

She opened the door and stepped back.

“Hey, Ariel.”

“Drake. Sorry, I had to come from the other room.”

She lied so smoothly. Drake’s gaze moved around the apartment almost like he expected to see proof of their illicit rendezvous.

“Come on in.” Ariel went back to her desk and sat.

Behind Drake came a redhead. She smiled at him and he flashed a quick peek to Ariel. She was just taking her gaze from the woman. Her entire expression was closed off.

But Tuck knew who she was. He knew.

“Hi, Daisy,” he said. “What’s up, Drake?”

Ariel beheld him for a short time before going back to the stuff she had to do. Drake and Daisy approached him and caught him up to speed on the jobs at hand.

“Thanks for taking such good care of everything, Drake.”

“Not a problem, man. Well, I’d better get going. The house looks great. The colours you picked work wonderfully.”

He couldn’t wait to see it himself. “Thanks. Is the stuff for the party set up?”

“I have that information here,” Daisy said, stepping closer.

Tuck sneaked another look at Ariel. Everything was clear now, he had it all back. Including why she’d broken it off with him.

Chapter Seventeen

Ariel swore as she pumped the weights. The torment within her hadn’t given her a moment’s rest. And she hated every second of it.

“Hey, you got a moment?” Slater popped out of nowhere to sit beside her on the next machine.

“I’m working out, where am I going to go?”

“Can you listen?”

“Rumour has it I do.”

“Are you going tonight?”

“No.” She didn’t even make him wait to elaborate on what he was asking about. She knew already. They’d been discussing it since the invites had arrived.

“Are you sure?”

“Spending my night at the opening party of Carter Architectural and Construction is not on my to-do list.”

Slater shook his head. “You know he invited you.”

“I’ve already congratulated him on his success.”

“Are you positive you’re not going to go?”

She paused on the lat machine and glared at him. “Want me to spell it out for you? I’m not going.”

“Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure because there’s a meeting I’m going to send you to instead to meet a potential client.”

She began drawing down on the bar again. “Seriously, Slater? Tonight?”

“Hey, I asked you first if you were going to this other thing. You said you weren’t. So I need you to do this instead.”

She stopped and reached for her towel, wiping her face. “Fine. What’s the address?”

He handed her the slip of paper. She read it and didn’t recognise it at all.

“What time?”

“He said eight.”

“Very well. I’ll do it.”

“Thanks, Ariel.” He smiled and got to his feet. “Appreciate it.”

“Right,” she muttered, getting back to her workout, leaving the address by her water bottle on the floor.

She ran like crazy all day long and was surprised at five when Connie popped her head in the door.

“We’re going to the party. Wish you were coming with me.”

“Please. You have Slater. I’m sure whatever dirty act you two come up with doing in some closet I’m not going to be needed for.”

The woman waggled her eyebrows.

“Should I have bail money ready?”

“I think so.” Connie waved. “See you tomorrow.”

“Have fun.”

Her phone rang at six and she answered. “Hello?”

“Couldn’t even come to my party?”

“Didn’t think it would be needed.”

“You were my friend, Ariel. Are, you are my friend.”

She tapped her nails on the desktop. “I still am but I couldn’t get away from work. Besides, I’ve already congratulated you on your business.”

“I remember that night,” he said, voice low and tempting. “I took you over the table. Your panties were around your ankles and your skirt bunched up at your waist. Do you remember? How wet you were? The feel of my cock as it slammed into you, making the table shake and groan. Over and over you orgasmed, coating me with your thick cream.”

She trembled as he painted his picture. “I… I have to go. Congrats again, Tuck.”

“Ariel, wait.”

“I can’t. I have another client to meet tonight and have to get going.” She hung up before he could say anything else. She sat at her desk, her harsh breaths filling the air until she got herself back under control.

“Damn him,” she cursed. “God damn him.”

She threw herself back into her work, wrapping it all up when her alarm went off. She had a distance to go and didn’t want to be late. She made sure to grab a coffee along the way and turned on the radio.

The song by Jake Owen,
Alone With You
, came on and she blinked away tears as the meaning of the words sank in. It was like her and Tuck’s relationship. She’d been drunk the first two times they’d been together.

He made her crazy and it was hell being alone with him, for all she thought about was making them both insane with lust. If he was a drug, he was her choice to take. She needed to find a way to get past this before she drove herself bonkers.

She got nearer to her destination and overlooked the house as she made her way up the driveway. Dirt road. A two-storey house with a lovely front porch. Very nice. In the drive near the house was a white Cadillac Escalade. She parked beside it and got out.

The stars shone above her and she took a minute to enjoy them. The sounds of the city were non-existent here and she took a deep breath, pleased to not be sucking down exhaust fumes or worse.

With a sigh, she jogged up the steps then rang the doorbell. Readjusting her folder beneath her arm, she waited for the door to open. When it did she nearly dropped all her papers.


She drew back, recovering quickly, and stared at the house number. She was at the right place.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Won’t you come in?”

“Damn it, what the hell are you doing here?”

His gaze ran over her face. “It’s my house. Come in and we can talk inside.”

“You…your house?”

“Christ, Ariel. Get in here.” He reached for her but she sidestepped him and entered the foyer. “Was that so difficult?”

That remains to be seen. Oh, God help me. I’m alone in a house with him in the middle of nowhere. Then again, perhaps I’m not alone.

“Why the subterfuge?” she demanded, trying not to look at the beautiful work done in the entrance.

“Because you refused to take any more of my calls. Or return any messages.” He crossed his arms and stared down at her. “That, and I want a security system put in here.”

“So call ADT. There’s nothing left for us to say to one another.”


“I don’t have time to be jerked around.”

“You set time for this appointment. Give me that time, Ariel. If what I have to say doesn’t sway you, I promise I’ll leave you alone.”

“For how long?”

He held her gaze. “Forever. Give me a chance to explain.”

She shifted her folder from one side to the other. “Are you serious about having a system?”

“Absolutely. And if you don’t want to deal with me after this, I’ll tell Slater to send someone else.”

“Let’s do that first. Then I’ll listen.”

“Your word?”

She licked her lips. “You have it.”

A tentative smile lifted his bow-shaped lips. “Thank you.”

She trailed along behind him as he walked through his house, making notes as she would with any other client. The walls were done in neutral colours and tasteful art filled it. When he stopped outside his bedroom, he paused.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, totally in work mode.

“I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“I’ve been in your bedroom before, Tuck. Is there a woman in there?”

“Really, Ariel? You think I would ask you to give me a chance to explain and have a woman in my bedroom waiting for you to find her?”

“Nope.” She watched him with her brow raised.

“So then what…” he trailed off. “Oh, I get it.” He swung open the door.

Where the rest of the house may have been neutral, this room was vibrant. The rich blue thrummed through her blood as did the splashes of red. She couldn’t help but be drawn to the large bed. However, it was what was across from it that stopped her in her tracks.

BOOK: Alone With You
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