Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control (21 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
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Minutes went by until Raya became limp in his arms. Removing his mouth from hers, he placed a soft kiss at her temple. He allowed himself a few more minutes of pleasure at the feel of Raya’s small, soft body curled up against his because it would be over in the matter of



“I can’t believe I did that with you,” she whispered into his chest.

Thorsten eased his hand out of her body, noticing how she winced a little. The tiny movement clenched his heart inside his chest. He never wanted to do anything to cause his woman any kind of pain.

Lifting her head with his finger, he stared directly into her eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked softly. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Please say no
, Thorsten thought.

She glanced away from his eyes and directed her gaze somewhere over his shoulder. “I’m fine.”

Thorsten felt bad Raya wasn’t telling him the truth. He felt the conflicting emotions rolling around in her head, but she wasn’t opening up to him. How could he fix things if she was trying to place roadblocks all the time? Maybe she needed to see that he wanted more than a hot, sexy rendezvous between them.

Grabbing the front of her dress, he pulled it back up until her beautiful breasts were completely covered. He touched her cheek, hoping to make Raya look at him. “Will you still have dinner with me? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

Slowly, Raya’s soft brown eyes looked into his. “Nothing else will happen? All you want to do is eat?” she questioned, watching him with a wary expression.

Reaching past her, he picked up her glasses and slipped them back on her face, then kissed the tip of her nose. “Yep, all I want is some food. Nothing else, I promise.”

“It feels like you want a lot more than food to me,” Raya said. Sliding back some on his lap, she took a look at the huge erection tenting the front of his slacks.

“Don’t worry about him. I promise I’ll be able to handle it. So, how about it? Are you still open to having a late dinner with me?” Thorsten hoped Raya wouldn’t turn him down. They had gotten past so many hurdles tonight. He only wanted to keep moving forward.

Pulling down the bottom of her dress, Raya moved off his lap over to her side of the car. She looked away from him and ran her finger through the bit of moisture covering the passenger side window. He fought down the urge to pull her back to him.

He had promised her he could take away all of her doubts but he hesitated, reluctant to move too fast in case it pushed her further away. He liked the fiery Raya much better than this solemn version of his spitfire.

Just as he decided to go against his better judgment and reach for her, Raya turned and faced him. He saw the uncertainty in her eyes. Thorsten swore to himself right then and there to wipe away the look forever.

“Alright, I will have dinner with you, Thorsten. I’m giving you a chance here. Don’t ruin it.”

He grinned,wondering if his woman knew how happy her answer made him. “Come on. Let’s go.” Holding out his hand, he waited for her to take it.

“Where are we going?” she asked, taking his hand.

“It’s a surprise.” Thorsten tugged Raya into his arms, holding her against his chest.

“Isn’t it going to be difficult for you to drive with me in your lap?” she questioned.

“I’m not driving us anywhere.” Bringing his mouth close to her ear, he whispered. “I’m going to teleport us there.”

Raya’s body stiffened in his arms. “Can you do that with me? I mean, I’m not a vampire like you are. Couldn’t something go wrong?”

Laughing, he planted a kiss on her neck, taking a moment to savor her sweet scent. God, he was beginning to see why his cousins fell in love with their mates. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to be scared. Do you trust me to do it? I swear I’ll be careful with you. I would never let anything happen to you.”

Seconds ticked by until Raya placed her hands on top of his, then said, “I trust you.”

“Thank you, baby,” he answered.

Calming himself, Thorsten blocked out everything around him before he teleported them from the inside of his car into his house up on the hill not twenty yards away.

Chapter Thirty

Raya walked around Thorsten’s living room, only half-listening as he ordered their dinner from a local Asian restaurant she loved. She couldn’t stop thinking about how shaky her body felt after teleporting with Thorsten.

It was like something out of the SyFy series
she used to watch years ago. She loved watching that show on Friday nights, but never thought she would be a part of something so out of this world.

She tried to fight how well Thorsten took control of her body. She never dreamt anything so hot would ever take place in her life. But, she wouldn’t let his killer eyes, charming smile, and intoxicating voice make her believe they were a couple.

They still had a lot of things they had to work through before she could give him a chance. She was only drawn to him because of the
woman connection they shared with each other.

Stop lying to yourself. You’re beginning to like Thorsten, just admit it and allow things to progress as they are supposed to do.

Shoving her inner thoughts away, she continued walking around Thorsten’s place when a painting of horses running wild in a field caught her attention. The colors were so brilliant and vibrant. They almost leaped off the canvas at her. She adored horses and went riding anytime she got the chance, which hadn’t been a lot lately because work kept her busy.

“Do you like it?” Thorsten’s voice inquired behind her.

“It’s beautiful,” she replied without taking her eyes off the painting. “Who did it?”

“I did.”

Raya turned around and Thorsten captured her gaze with his. He searched her face like he was trying to reach into her private thoughts. “I can’t believe you did something like this,” she admitted, waving back towards the picture on the wall.

For a moment, he studied her intently before walking around her and going up to the work of art. “Why not?”

She stood beside Thorsten. “Everything about it is so calm, peaceful, almost like the person had seen this image for himself instead of painting it from a memory. It’s an amazing piece. I’m a little bit biased because I love horses.”

“Do you ride?” Thorsten asked, glancing down at her.

“Yes, I entered some competitions when I was younger. I even won a few trophies when I was a teenager.”

“How about I take you riding? I haven’t ridden my horse in a while. Stallion needs more exercise than I give him.”

Excitement raced through the entire length of her body at the idea of being on a horse again after so many months, but could she do it with Thorsten? She had already lost control with him in his car. What if she wasn’t able to restrain herself out in the wilderness?

Nibbling at her bottom lip, she continued staring at Thorsten, debating her answer. After everything that had occurred between the two of them she couldn’t deny any longer she wanted him. An animal magnetism filled the room anytime he walked into it. It overwhelmed her more than she cared to let anyone else know, but it wasn’t their business.

“I’ll go with you,” Raya answered, deciding to live a little for once. She was tired of staying in her own lane. Would it be so wrong for her to get out of her box for a while and live?

“I must warn you. The wilderness can be a very romantic place. You never know what might happen between us. I have already tasted you twice. What makes you think I wouldn’t go in for another nibble? I do have a weakness for sweets and you, sweetheart, taste better than the richest chocolate in the world.”

The underlying sensuality of his words captivated her, but she wasn’t going to let to him know it. She spoke with as reasonable a voice as she could manage. “I’m woman enough to be out in the wild with you.”

“Great,” he answered, wrapping his hand around her arm as he eased her closer to him. “But are you up to the challenge of handling the wildness inside of me?”

Placing her hand against Thorsten’s, Raya tapped her fingers against his hard chest, liking how his breathing changed. The hotness of his skin came through his clothing, warming the tips of her fingers.

“I’m not afraid of taking you on, so bring it. I can handle it,” she tossed back.

“I bet you can.” Thorsten slid his hand behind her neck, lowering his head for a kiss when the doorbell interrupted them.

“Fuck,” he cursed, staring into her eyes. “I have never hated a delivery man as much as I do now.”

Smiling, Raya pushed him away from her. “Go answer the door. You promised me dinner and I’m going to keep you to it. Now, go and get my food.”

Thorsten winked then bowed in front of her. “Your wish is my command,” he said then went to answer the door.

She watched his retreating back for a minute before moving towards the kitchen to find them something to drink. A man like Thorsten was bound to have something good in of his refrigerator.


Pausing by the front door, Thorsten watched as Raya disappeared into his kitchen. He liked how good she looked in his house. She was the piece that had been missing to make this place seem more like a home. He took one final look at his mate, then spun around and opened the door, locking eyes with his ex-lover.

“Did you order some Korean food?” Cordelia asked, waving the two white bags in his face.

“What in the hell are you doing on my front porch?” he demanded, rushing out the door and closing it behind him.

“I thought I was coming over for dinner and a little dessert until I smelled her in there,” she hissed. “Didn’t I warn you about being with that female? Do you want me to eliminate her?”

Baring his fangs, Thorsten grabbed Cordelia by the throat and squeezed. She might be a vampire, but he was still stronger and more powerful. “Stop threatening Raya. I won’t let you hurt her. Touch her and the torture you will endure will be unbearable.”

Cordelia took his threats without flinching. She pulled his hand away from her throat and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Giving him a cold stare, she leaned closer to him. “I don’t believe you would ever hurt me over her. She isn’t up to your standards of a woman. I know your body and mind in ways she never will,” she said with easy defiance.

Kissing him on the cheek, she handed him the bags and moved away from him without haste, then vanished right before his eyes into the darkness.

“Cordelia,” he yelled, but didn’t get an answer. She was gone. She pretended not to understand any of his warnings, but she knew exactly what he meant.

Hearing Raya’s footsteps coming towards the front door, he got himself back under control so she couldn’t see that he had changed. He wasn’t going to allow Cordelia to destroy anything he accomplished tonight with Raya. He heard the door open and turned around.

“Thorsten, are you talking to someone out here?” Raya asked, joining him on the porch.

“Oh, the delivery guy somehow knew I was related to Sahara and asked me if I could get him some backstage passes to her upcoming concert,” he lied.

“Are you kidding me? How did he know something like that?” she asked, shocked.

“I don’t know, but I told him to get off my porch and not to bother me again.”

“I’m amazed how my best friend handles her fame so well. I guess if singing is your passion you learn to deal with everything that comes with it.”

“You could be right,” Thorsten said. He hated lying to Raya, but she couldn’t find out about Cordelia. “How about we go inside and eat before the food gets cold?” He tried walking past Raya, but she stepped in his path.

“Did you tell me everything?” Raya asked, staring into his eyes. “You’re acting awful strange.”

Thorsten was taken aback by Raya’s ability to read there was something else going on with him. He wasn’t expecting her to figure him out so easily. “Okay… I was keeping something else from you,” he admitted.

“Tell me.”

“I was standing out here trying to think of a way to apologize. I haven’t shown you the best possible side of me. I really would like to get to know you better. I want to prove to you I’m not the overly aggressive and insensitive ass you believe I am.”

Raya smiled at him. A true genuine smile at lit up her pretty face. “How about we take it one day at a time? I’m not going to make any promises that I’m ready to accept you, but I don’t hate you as much as I used to.” Spinning on her heel, Raya went back inside, leaving him to follow her.

Thorsten took one final look around, but his perfect vision didn’t pick up on any traces of Cordelia. It didn’t mean she still wasn’t there watching him with Raya. He was done wasting his night on his bitter ex-lover. It was way past time to give his full attention to the stunning woman waiting on him.

“Remember, if you come near Raya I will hurt you,” he barely spoke above a whisper but he knew if she was still out there Cordelia heard him. After Thorsten finished with his threat, he went back into his home, closing the door and shutting out anything still lurking outside.

Chapter Thirty One

Raya’s tennis shoes pounded the pavement as she ran along the trail while she listened to her favorite Keyshia Cole song on her iPod. She was trying to get lost in her daily run, but her mind kept returning to her nearly perfect date with Thorsten last night.

How was it possible for the man for whom she had such conflicting emotions to place her in such a steamy situation? She wasn’t able to wrap her head around everything going on in her life now. Making her way around a woman pushing a little boy in a stroller, Raya searched for something to find wrong with her date, but she couldn’t. It was one of the best dates she had ever been on in her twenty-nine years.

The more she ran, the clearer her mind became about Thorsten and why he rubbed her the wrong way most of the time. Ever since high school, she was very self-reliant. It rarely occurred to her to seek out help or ask advice from anyone except Sahara.

However, Thorsten “claimed” her as his mate because of the apple birthmark on her wrist. He jumped up to be her protector without even asking if she needed one. He was trying to own her like a piece of property. She disliked being sheltered by a man.

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