Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control (20 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
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“I think I’m telling the absolute truth and that’s why my beautiful mate is upset. You’re dying to know what you do. Never play cards with anyone because every player will know you are bluffing.”

“Why are you still here?” She almost screamed in frustration.

Sliding his arms along the back of the couch, Thorsten made himself more comfortable. “I’m waiting for you to change so we can go on our date. If I remember correctly the first one didn’t go to well since you left with another man.”

Her mouth fell open and then Raya snapped it closed. She wasn’t about to stand in front of Thorsten and debate with him. “Sorry, I can’t go out with you. I already have plans with a
Healthy Choice
dinner along with a movie on On Demand. You aren’t going to fit into my schedule for tonight. Why don’t you find another lucky girl to ask?”

An easy smile played at the corner of his mouth, displaying a hint of fang. “I’m already with the lucky woman, so hurry up and get dressed before we’re late.”

Raya couldn’t believe he was actually acting like he didn’t hear her tell him no. He might order other people around, but she wasn’t going to fall in like any of them. “No, I’m not going out with you again. Once was enough for me. Besides, I don’t have anything to wear.”

“Check your bedroom,” he said. “There’s a surprise for you in there. I thought you might try to use that as an excuse.”

Her body stiffened in shock as she looked towards her bedroom. She stared wordlessly back at Thorsten. As their eyes met, she felt disbelief run through her. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Deadly serious,” Thorsten answered. “Now go in there and change or I’ll help you do it.”

Placing her hands on her hips, Raya gave Thorsten a look. “Keep it.”

“I never had a woman not want a gift I gave her. I swear I’m beginning to like you more and more, Ms. August. Now, I’ll give you to the count of five to put it on.”

“I don’t take orders from you,” she said, dropping her arms and pointing a finger in his direction.

“One,” Thorsten began.

“Count all you want to, but I’m not moving from this spot.”



Raya noticed a wicked gleam coming into Thorsten’s eyes as they raked over her body. “I think I’m going to have a good time stripping that peach dress off your body.”

She took a step back as he rose from the couch. “I’m not scared of you.”

“Four,” he continued in a low, masculine voice. “Sweetheart, I’m a man who keeps his promises. Trust me when I tell you, I’ll help you out of your clothes.” His eyes taunted her as they dared her to move again when he came to step in front of her. Raya swallowed the lump in her throat as he ran the tip of his finger along her jaw.

How was it possible just one touch from this man set her body on fire?

She wanted to tell Thorsten where he could go with his threats, but he had already counted to four and, the devil that he was, he might go through with his earlier promise.

“You need to move back from me,” she said, knocking his hand away.

“Why?” Thorsten asked her. “Are you ready to get dressed?”

“Fine, I’ll go and get dressed, but not because you told me to do it,” she said, turning away from him.

Ignoring the masculine chuckle behind her, Raya continued down the hallway. Since nothing important was going to come from this dinner, all she had to do was make Thorsten understand her decision then accept it so he could move on. In probably another century or two he would find another
woman who would love what he had to offer her.

Chapter Twenty Eight

A half an hour later, Raya sat in the car next to Thorsten, awed by how well he handled the speed of the fast moving Jaguar. She stole a peek at him from the corner of her eye, noticing how the fabric of his slacks stretched across his powerful thighs. She was trying hard not to see his handsome profile. Most people didn’t look good from a side angle but Thorsten did.

This impromptu dinner came as a complete surprise to her and she wasn’t big on surprises, but she was impressed Thorsten had come up with it.

“You’re awfully quiet, beautiful. What are you thinking about?”

“I wasn’t thinking about anything important,” she lied.

“Of course you were,” Thorsten countered. “I know you. You may think I don’t, but I do. You are too vocal of a person to be quiet for so long.”

Turning in her seat, she gazed at Thorsten and wondered if she should tell him the truth. Hell, why not? Giving him a tiny compliment wasn’t going to change her views about him. “I was noticing how attractive you are. I mean, you really aren’t that bad looking for an old vampire.”

Suddenly, Thorsten pulled the vehicle over to the curb and came to a complete stop. Unfastening his seat belt, he slid his arm behind her seat, bringing their bodies within touching distance of each other. She jumped at the close contact and tried to lean away, but her body couldn’t or wouldn’t move.

“Why did you stop the car? What are you doing? I thought we were going to dinner?”

“I can’t drive any further. You confessed that you find me attractive. I want to hear some more. I’ve jumped over a huge hurdle with you. I’m beginning to win you over, aren’t I?”

“I never said you were ugly, only your attitude,” Raya answered.

“You want me, don’t you?”

Did she want him? No…No… She didn’t want Thorsten. She was only tolerating him for the purpose of being nice.

“No, I’m not interested in anything romantic with you,” she replied, looking him directly into his gorgeous eyes.

He chuckled, sending tiny shivers over her body. “Baby, when are you going to realize you’re a horrible little liar? Anyone could sense your lie before it left your sexy mouth.”

She eyed him warily. “What’s with all of the compliments, especially after the way I have been treating you these past few weeks?”

“I’m more than willing to give my mate a little leeway, but not too much. We both know you still belong to me and no other man.”

Raya eased her body away from Thorsten. Why did she ever open her mouth? “Will you stop with all of this possession stuff? I don’t belong to anyone but myself. Get it through your head,” she said.

Thorsten’s firm mouth kicked up into a smile. “I love debating with you. I have never had this much fun with another woman. You’re perfect.”

Raya gave her head a small shake. “Nobody’s perfect. Everyone knows that,” she replied, watching how Thorsten’s eye flickered with emotion as the mood in the car suddenly started to change.

“You are for me,” he answered with such a practiced skill that she almost believed him.

“Nice try, but no.”

Reaching out, he removed her glasses and laid them on the dashboard. “What are you doing?” Her hand reached for her glasses, but he grabbed it, placing her palm against his chest. She was surprised to feel the rapid heartbeat underneath her fingers.

“I took them off because they are only going to get in the way.” Using the tip of his fingers, he trailed them down the bridge of her nose, over her top lip, stopping at her full bottom lip.

“I love your mouth. You don’t know the dreams I have had about your lips on my body,” Thorsten confessed.

She grabbed the front of his shirt, trying not to fall under the spell of his smooth, penetrating voice.
I can’t let him do this to me. I’m too strong to be tricked like this
, Raya thought.

“Baby, I’m not trying to trick you,” he whispered, easing his finger inside of her mouth.

Raya gasped at the hot touch of Thorsten’s finger against her tongue. Letting go of his shirt, she reached for his wrist but was stopped midway by the sound of his voice in her head.

Don’t! Run your tongue over the tip. Suck it deep into your mouth just like you do in my dreams.

The image he made in her head was so hot that Raya couldn’t fight from doing as he asked her. Slowly, she ran the tip of her tongue over Thorsten’s finger before sucking it deeper inside of her mouth. She noted how his eyes suddenly went from blue to black. The sight scared her so badly that she pulled his finger from between her lips and scooted across her seat until her back hit the car door.

“Hmmm…we should stop. Aren’t we late for our dinner reservations?”

Thorsten’s darker eyes raked over her breasts exposed by the tiny, strapless black and white dress he bought for her. She knew it was a mistake for her to put it on.

“I’m not hungry for food anymore,” his rich, gravelly voice told her. His mouth opened a little wider, showing off his white, sharp-looking fangs. “Come here, Raya.”

His eyes darted up to hers, holding her captive. He held out his hand, waiting for her to take it.

“I don’t want to,” she said, trying desperately to resist the hypnotic draw of the man coaxing her to him.

“Yes, you do. Now come here, sweetheart.”

Tired of fighting what was right in front of her, Raya took Thorsten’s hand and shivered when his long fingers wrapped around it before pulling her back over to his seat. She didn’t have time to say another word before he pushed her dress up well past her hips and her legs were straddling his hard thighs.

A gasp escaped from her mouth when her panties brushed over his hard cock through his slacks. It twitched and grew even thicker against her skimpy underwear. Lord, he was so
. Just how far did he want to go in this tiny car of his?

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I only want to play around for a while. The first time I take you will be inside my house in the middle of my bed. So, I can have all the time in the world to cherish this beautiful body of yours.”

“How do you know there will even be a next time after this?” she asked with some of her spunk coming back.

With a smirk, he grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it down, exposing her breasts. Holding one of them in his hand, he ran his thumb over the hard nipple. Raya bit her bottom lip so as not to moan at the intense pleasure the simple touch caused in her body.

“This is the reason you will be back in my arms again. Your body knows my touch and likes it.” Lowering his head, he sucked the nipple into his hot mouth. The scraping of his fangs over her tender skin sent a pool of cream rushing into her panties.

“Oh, God,” she screamed when Thorsten grabbed her ass, bringing her pussy into closer contact with his throbbing dick.

Even through the thin layers of clothes separating them, she could still feel the thickness of his cock. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the feel of Thorsten’s rough tongue licking at her nipples. His masculine scent, earthy and clean and filled with male power, swirled around them right before she felt the prick of his fangs on the side of her breasts.

Raya tried to move away, but Thorsten wrapped an arm around her body. The slight sucking sound inside the closed quarters of the Jaguar made her body come alive with passion. Lost in the new, powerful sensations taking her over, she barely felt when Thorsten lifted his mouth from her breasts and ran his tongue over the two punctured marks to close up the wounds.

The burning touch of his hands on her thighs jerked her out of her semi-lust-filled trance. “Wait,” she moaned when his fingertips teased the edge of her underwear.

“I’m going to touch you. You smell amazing and I can’t wait to feel your pussy wrapped around my fingers. It’s going to be out of this world.”

“No…Hold on a second. We—”

With one fast move, Thorsten tore the panties from her body and flung them somewhere out of sight.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Thorsten’s nostrils flared at the scent of his mate’s arousal. He could still taste the sweetness of her blood in his mouth. He never imagined a virgin could drive him this close to closing control.

Bringing his mouth close to her ear, Thorsten licked the skin underneath. “Are you ready for me?” he growled as his index finger brushed over her tight, wet curls.

His erection throbbed in response as moisture covered his hands, and his body ached for a taste of her. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her tight pussy, but he couldn’t. Not in a cramped car, so he held back. He could give her pleasure and make her body and mind needy for more of him.

Closing her beautiful eyes, Raya nodded but he wasn’t having any of that. He wanted her eyes looking into his when she admitted she had been lying to him. “Open your eyes and look at me,” he commanded.

Her eyes snapped open, staring directly into his without blinking. “Baby, do you want me to touch you? Have you thought about having me buried so far inside your sweet pussy that you can’t catch your breath?”

“Yes,” she said softly, squirming on his lap.

He liked how the windows were steaming up from their heavy breathing. The look placed them inside their own little private world.

“I can’t hear you.”

Raya’s body jumped when his fingers teased her clit. “Come on. Admit it. There’s no one else around but us.”

“Yes, I have thought about all of those things,” his mate confessed with more force this time.

His erection hardened painfully, so much that the only thing he wanted to do was unzip his pants and bring Raya down hard on his cock. But, she was his mate and deserved more respect than a quick, hard fuck in the front seat of his car. Inserting two fingers inside her, he teased her tight walls.

“Oh—” Raya moaned. She gripped his shoulder with one hand while placing the other one against the driver’s side window. Her muscles clenched down on his fingers when he tried dragging them out of her wet pussy.

Lowering his lids, he watched how her plump breasts bounced as her body tried to keep up with the thrusting of his fingers. He only went so far to keep her virginity intact, but the crawling need was there. His fangs ached to taste her cream, but he would be good...better than he had been in all of the centuries he had lived.

Bending his finger a tiny bit, Thorsten brushed his knuckle over her clitoris and seconds later Raya cried out in his arms. A pool of moisture poured over his hand as he wrapped his free hand around the back of her neck and pulled Raya’s mouth down to his for a kiss. He was careful not to cut her bottom lip with his exposed fangs.

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