Alpha Pack 4 - Hunters Heart

BOOK: Alpha Pack 4 - Hunters Heart
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Praise for the

Alpha Pack Series

Primal Law
, J. D. Tyler has created a whole squad

of yummy shifter heroes whom readers will fall head over

heels for. Heroine Kira Locke is courageous and

intelligent, with her own intriguing paranormal talents,

while Jax Law is a sexy alpha-male werewolf who is both

heroic and just dominant enough to give a girl wicked

ideas. I can’t wait for Tyler’s next Alpha Pack adventure!”

New York Times
bestselling author Angela Knight

“What do you get when you combine top secret military

teams and werewolves? Try Tyler’s sizzling new

supernatural series featuring the Alpha Pack—a

specialized team of wolf shifters with Psy powers. In this

launch book, readers are introduced to the various team

members, with the primary focus on Jaxon Law. Tyler has

set up an intriguing premise for her series, which promises

plenty of action, treachery, and scorchingly hot sex.”

Romantic Times

“Sizzling and interesting,
Primal Law
pays homage to

Lora Leigh’s Breed series while forging its own paths.

The characters are likable, and the work speeds along.”

—Fresh Fiction

Primal Law
is riveting and carnal . . . full of

testosterone-laden men, hot action, and unforgettable

passion! In other words, a truly addicting series!”

—Reader to Reader Reviews

“In a genre where the paranormal is intense, J. D. Tyler

may just be a force to be reckoned with. The book kept me

riveted from start to finish.”

—Night Owl Reviews

The Alpha Pack Novels

Primal Law

Savage Awakening

Black Moon

Alpha Pack Novella

Black Magic







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Copyright © J. D. Tyler, 2013

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ISBN 978-1-101-60279-9


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Alpha Pack Series

The Alpha Pack Novels

Title page

Copyright page



















Excerpt from

To Kierin “KK” Stevens, my biggest fan and softball

catcher phenomenon. Good luck as you begin college,

not that you’ll need it. You’re going to set the world on

its ear and achieve all of your dreams, and you’ll do it

your way. You’re an awesome, special young lady and

I’m proud to know you.

Ryon’s story is for you.


As always, special thanks to:

My wonderful family for always being there to support

and encourage me. I love you all.

The Foxes and my best friend, Debra Stevens, for

saving my sanity with impromptu lunches and refreshing

spiked beverages, and always being there when I need a

shoulder to cry on.

My friend Mary Anne Rocha for making sure I take a

“gamble” on life and unleash my inner wild child from

time to time.

My agent, Roberta Brown, for always being my

cheerleader and my guide.

My editor, Tracy Bernstein, for endless support,

patience, and words of wisdom.

All of the crew at New American Library, including the

other editors and copy editors, art department, marketing

team, and publicists. You guys are awesome!

And the readers, for your enthusiasm for the Alpha Pack

that ensures they live on. You rock!


“The guy bringing up the rear is always the one who

gets eaten, you know.”

Ryon Hunter made a face at Aric Savage’s back as their

team of shifters, the Alpha Pack, crept stealthily in human

form down the garbage-strewn alley. Or half of them,


The other half were elsewhere in the Big Apple,

quickly and quietly searching the night for a gang of rogue

vampires reported to be on the hunt, killing humans by

draining them and leaving their corpses to be found by

puzzled and alarmed citizens. The Pack’s commander,

Nick Westfall, had given them a simple mandate: find the

bastards and neutralize every last damned one of them.

Otherwise the public would have questions, ones that had

answers the Pack and the very few authorities in the know

didn’t want them getting hold of.

Vampires in New York City. Sounded like an

apocalypse movie.

If people only knew of the very real paranormal world

that lurked in the shadows, there would be mass panic.

The Alpha Pack’s job was to make sure that never

happened. They hunted the most dangerous creatures in the

world, taking them out before humans had a clue they were

there. The less dangerous ones were brought in for

possible rehabilitation, and integration into their world.

Peering into the gloom, Ryon forced himself to

concentrate. Spirits beckoned to him from every corner,

their ghostly forms fading in and out as they entreated him

to listen to pleas he couldn’t hear. Didn’t
to hear. As

the Pack’s Channeler/Telepath, this was his gift—or

rather, his curse.

As a Telepath, Ryon was capable of pushing his direct

thoughts into other people’s heads. He could also catch a

reply from one of his teammates if they pushed back hard

enough, even though none of the rest of them shared his

gift. But his oh so wonderful abilities didn’t stop there.

Being a Channeler meant that Ryon could also

communicate with the dead, if he really tried. Which he

rarely wanted to do, but the ghosts just wouldn’t leave him

alone. Lost souls were drawn to him like metal shavings to

a magnet, and New York City held so many of them it was

like wading through pea soup.

Even worse, the ghosts seriously pissed off his wolf,

who snapped and snarled inside him every time one got

too close. Which was constantly.

Nobody, not even his Pack brothers, knew how very

close to the breaking point the spirits had driven him.

A slight scuffing sound came from behind him, like a

shoe on concrete, and Ryon whirled. His enhanced

eyesight scanned the darkness, but all was still. Quiet. So

quiet that it took him a couple of seconds to figure out why

that bothered him.

The spirits had vanished.

“Shit,” he breathed, spinning around to catch up with his

group. “Guys—”

The alley exploded in a flurry of dark figures, rushing

them from all sides. He just had time to see Aric and

Hammer engage in battle with four rogue vampires when a

fifth tackled him from the side, slamming him into the wall

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