Alpha's Embrace - 1 (Paranormal BBW Alpha Werewolf Shape Shifter Romance) (My Billionaire Wolf) (3 page)

BOOK: Alpha's Embrace - 1 (Paranormal BBW Alpha Werewolf Shape Shifter Romance) (My Billionaire Wolf)
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Chapter 4


Darian didn’t have much to say after the mysterious trio had left his home, he seemed unsettled by their visit.


“I’m sorry Darian. I feel I made things awkward for you and your friends,” Lyanne said quietly to him. He was sat in the chair opposite the couch now and she wondered why he hadn’t sat back down on the couch next to her.


He looked across at her with a pensive expression on his face, “Don’t be sorry Lyanne please. It was my choice to bring you into my home, and I’m glad I did. My friends don’t take kindly to strangers; we don’t see many folk up here. They tend to be protective of the people they know and skeptical of those they don’t.”


She smiled at him, “I understand Darian, truly I do. They’re looking out for you and making sure you’re okay, I respect that. They just seemed to despise me instantly without allowing time to get to know me, they judged me very harshly.”


Darian sighed and stood up. He walked toward the couch and reached behind her back, he fluffed the cushion up for her before sitting down on the edge of the couch again. Now Lyanne was happy he was back where she wanted him to be.


She started to fidget and wriggle on the couch, “Can I use your bathroom? I didn’t like to ask when your friends were here.”


“Of course. Here let me help you up.”


He put his arms underneath her and lifted her off the couch with ease. Lyanne had never been lifted up before, she just assumed she’d be too heavy to lift, but Darian made it look like child’s play. He placed one hand around her back and the other under her bare legs, momentarily Lyanne had forgotten about the no jeans part of her attire.


His touch on her naked legs made her heart flutter. She was wearing a long t-shirt, a pair of socks and her panties and bra and that was it, but even in her current state of undress, Lyanne didn’t feel embarrassed or anxious at all. Darian seemed to have the ability to banish her anxiety; he calmed her and made her feel safe. Lyanne felt as though no harm would come to her while he was around.


He looked down at her as he held her in his arms and leant toward her, she raised her head and their lips met in a hungry passionate kiss. He slid his tongue between her soft trembling lips and plunged it into her wet mouth, her tongue sought out his moist mouth and darted in and out searching every inch of it.


“I’m going to have put you on the ground Lyanne,” he whispered breathlessly.


He placed her gently on the ground in front of him and she struggled to stand, he caught her as she collapsed against him. She could feel a bulge in his jeans against the thin material of her t-shirt as he held her close and Lyanne felt her lace panties growing wet with her arousal for him.


“The bathroom’s this way,” he giggled as he kept an arm around her waist and helped her walk.


Lyanne was so grateful for his help. One because of her leg and two because without his help she’d never have made it as both legs had turned to jelly with Darian’s kiss. He helped her into the bathroom and closed the door telling her not to lock it in case she needed him. Once again, she was touched by his concern.


Lyanne’s mind was racing, as she sat alone in the bathroom.  She hardly knew Darian, but she was so attracted to him and every part of her craved him. She’d never felt this turned on by anyone. It was as though all the lust and passion in her soul had waited for him, her destiny was to meet him.


He was waiting outside the bathroom door as she hobbled out, “Listen, would you rather go in the bedroom?”


Lyanne instantly felt agitated, it was true that he calmed her but it bothered her that he seemed so sexually experienced and she was still an innocent virgin.


“Okay it would save moving again later,” she said trying not to let her nervousness show. 


He helped her into his bedroom; it was a simple but nice room. Darian made sure she was sitting comfortably on the edge of the bed, kneeling down in front of her and touching her ankles gently so he could move her legs on to the bed. Lyanne gasped at his touch, he started to kiss her legs lightly and she wriggled on the bed as she felt her pussy starting to throb for his touch. His kisses moved to her soft thighs, but she stopped him by pulling his head up toward her. Lyanne had never felt like this, she’d never been touched in this way, she was anxious, scared she might do something wrong, she kissed Darian almost as an apology.


He held her close after their kiss and whispered in her ear, “It’s okay, we have all the time in the world, I understand.”


“I’ve never done this before,” she blushed and looked at the ground.


He lifted her chin gently looking into her eyes, “I know, I can sense your apprehension and your anxiety Lyanne. I’ll be gentle with you when the time’s right. I was just trying to help you swing your legs on the bed and I got carried away.”


Lyanne was grateful Darian hadn’t rushed her. Nathan had been nagging her for months to have sex, he always said it was the right thing to do, the natural next step to take. Lyanne wasn’t ready; well she didn’t think she was until now, until Darian.


He pulled the duvet back and helped her get into the big double bed, “We’ve got some friends, do you mind?”


Lyanne giggled as Darian lifted the snow hare on to the bed and the arctic fox jumped up to join them.


“No I don’t mind they’re looking for warmth,” she laughed, Lyanne had never been this happy. Yes, she’d been to hell and back but now she’d landed in heaven. Darian perched next to her on the bed. 


“I feel there’s something you should know about me Lyanne. I want to tell you that I have money.”


Lyanne wasn’t particularly surprised as the cabin was obviously worth money, but she was surprised by the words he spoke next, “I’m a billionaire, I’ve too much money. More than I want. My choice is to live a simple life. I moved to Canada from one of my homes in America for the peace and remoteness.”


“I thought I detected more of an American accent. I don’t care about your money Darian. I care about you.”


Lyanne was being truthful all she wanted was him.


“So why did you start helping the animals?” she asked craving more information about the handsome man she was falling for.


“I found a couple of injured ones and simply wanted to help them,” Lyanne felt he was holding something back from her but she left it.


He held her close that night and she nuzzled against his broad, muscled chest listening to his shallow breathing as he slept. Lyanne knew this slice of heaven would have to end, she had to return home. Perhaps Darian would leave with her. She could only hope.


The days turned into weeks and slowly Lyanne’s leg grew stronger, she wondered if anyone at home missed her or Nathan. She couldn’t contact anyone, there was no signal and Darian had no phone or radio. Lyanne did think this was strange living in such a remote area, but she just assumed he felt he could look after himself. She didn’t want to leave him or the cabin as it had been her home for weeks now. She’d shared his bed but only to sleep in with the odd cuddle and kiss, he’d respected her wishes fully.


The snow hare and the arctic fox had since been released back into the snowy forest; Darian shed a tear when they left, making Lyanne cherish him even more.


“Will we see each other again Darian?” she asked, as he prepared his truck ready to take her to the airport. She only had a short flight home; he’d bought her ticket and lent her some cash much to her disapproval she liked to pay her own way. He insisted she could pay him back one day.


 “Destiny will determine if we meet again sweet Lyanne, but for now you should go back home.”


“I can’t contact you when I leave, I won’t find you again,” Lyanne was crying now.


Darian held her close and said, “I will find you sweet Lyanne. I will know when you are here.”


Lyanne didn’t believe him, “How can you say that? You won’t know, and if I come up here again the wolves may get lucky next time and attack me.”


Darian looked at her with his warm hazel eyes and said, “They will not harm you, trust me Lyanne they will never harm you.”


Lyanne wasn’t convinced she’d ever see him again but she was convinced that he’d always protect her and keep her safe when they were together.


They drove the short distance to the airport in silence and he looked deep into her eyes as they parted company and gave her a long lingering kiss. She kissed him back deeply, wanting him so badly and now regretting the fact that they hadn’t had sex.


Lyanne knew she wanted Darian to be her first lover, she knew he’d be the one to enter her tight pussy for the first time and take her to a world of ecstasy. She also knew that she’d fallen in love with him. Her revelation surprised her, normally she was so guarded when it came to her emotions, but with him, he stripped her guard down to reveal her inner heart and soul.


“We will see each other again sweet Lyanne, believe in your destiny,” Darian said with such conviction that Lyanne almost had faith in what he was saying. He smiled down at her and she truly wanted to believe his words, but as she made her way into the airport alone she had her doubts.


Lyanne handed her boarding pass over and was shown to her seat on the airplane.


She made herself comfortable in her window seat and was just feeling more relaxed when someone sat in the seat next to her, “Hello pretty lady. I wanted to make sure you made it home safely without being at risk from wolves,” Lyanne turned to see James looking at her with a cynical smile on his face….




Lyanne and Darian’s story continues in
Alpha’s Embrace -2


Check it out below…


Lyanne had a longing to see Darian again.

His image had haunted her every thought since the day she left him in his snow-covered world in Canada.


In this second installment find out what happens as Lyanne returns to Darian.


Does she discover her happy ending?


Is he pleased to see her?


What’s the deal with his three bizarre friends?


Lyanne has decided to give herself to Darian completely, and with her being a virgin this is a massive step for her.


Does her introduction to sex run smoothly for Lyanne?


Her journey back to Blackcomb Ski Resort is filled with emotion and discovery and a whole new world opens up to Lyanne, as Darian reveals his soul and inner self to her.


Does Darian’s revelation make Lyanne want to run home and put as much distance as she can between them, or make her want to stay and stand by his side?


There are important decisions to be made, but Lyanne’s head is filled with thoughts of lust and pure desire for Darian and her heart is consumed by her love for him. Will these emotions help her to see past what he truly is and accept him?


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