Alpha's Embrace - 1 (Paranormal BBW Alpha Werewolf Shape Shifter Romance) (My Billionaire Wolf) (2 page)

BOOK: Alpha's Embrace - 1 (Paranormal BBW Alpha Werewolf Shape Shifter Romance) (My Billionaire Wolf)
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Chapter 2


“Lyanne,” a soft whisper said, it was Nathan’s voice.


“Nathan, Nathan I’m over here,” Lyanne shouted, feeling a shred of hope finally.


The darkness stole all her senses and she had no idea which direction his voice came from, she tried to peer into the darkness but it was hopeless. 


“Lyanne, keep talking to me then, I can’t find you in the dark unless I can hear you,” he shouted, and this time his voice sounded louder.


Lyanne tried to sit up as tall as she could and raised her head up toward the dark, star scattered sky, “Over here Nathan, over here.”


She saw the silhouette of a figure clambering toward her through the deep snow, “Nathan, I’m here.”


“Lyanne, god it’s so cold and so dark. Did you hear the fucking howling?”


As he approached, his footsteps crunched through the icy snow. He made it to Lyanne and collapsed beside her, she took his arm, he didn’t object. Remarkably, he wasn’t hurt.


“Will they attack us? You know about animals and shit,” he said in a quiet voice as though he were trying to keep the conversation from the wolves.


“I know they’ll work together as a pack, and because I’m injured I’m a sitting target,” Lyanne said as her tears started to fall again.


A howl broke the air, it was the first low-pitched howl again and now it sounded closer.


Lyanne felt Nathan’s arm tense with fear, and she held it tighter as if trying to reassure him.


“We can’t stay here Lyanne.”


“We can’t run for it either Nathan, I can’t run, and you’ll never outrun one wolf and you certainly won’t outrun a pack of them. You’ll be seen as prey if you run, their predatory nature will kick in and they’ll give chase.”


“I’m fit Lyanne. I’m sure I could make it. All you’ve got to do is distract them for me babe and while they’re interested in you I’ll make a run for it.”


“So I’m the fucking bait,” shouted Lyanne, annoyed that Nathan would even consider such a plan.


Nathan looked at her and she could just make his face out in the darkness, his voice was filled with false sincerity as he said, “Lyanne babe, you can’t run. I can go for help. I can run fast, you know I can babe.” It was true he could run fast, but why the hell should she be the fucking bait.


“Nathan, they’ll kill me. I’m injured and weak and I stink of fear. Wolves sense fear and weakness, that’s why they pick off the small, weak or sick animals first when they hunt,” Lyanne could actually put some of her vast knowledge of the animal kingdom to some use at last, and she had to admit it felt good to contribute some valuable information to a conversation. Especially one with Nathan.


The howling was growing closer. Lyanne’s heart was racing; she was petrified of dying in this lonely wilderness. The barking and yelping started again now, Lyanne thought she could select at least 6-7 different sounding howls and vocalization but she couldn’t be certain. The sounds echoed around the trees anyway so maybe there were fewer wolves than she thought. She knew they had to try something.


“Nathan how about getting up the tree? They can’t climb, they’ll wait for us at the bottom of the tree, but we can wait it out.”


“Yeah, but we still have to get out of here Lyanne and you can’t climb any better than you can run babe.”


Lyanne knew he was right, “Fine but how are you going to see to outrun them you can’t see in the pitch black and you’re running through deep snow. Their senses are much keener than yours.”


Nathan stood up and stretched his legs as the howls became louder. He said goodbye to Lyanne and despite her cries of protest he started to run, he was swallowed up quickly by the darkness and she lost track of him. Lyanne sat with her back against the tree and waited in silence. Her leg and ankle had grown numb with the cold so at least she felt no pain.


She gave a startled jump as a howl came from the left of her, it was very close, about 12’ away that’s all. It was the low short howl, which was followed by the higher pitched longer lasting howl, and then all the whimpering, finishing with the nicer sounding howl piercing the night air.


She knew they were closer now. Lyanne closed her eyes with the thought that if she couldn’t see them maybe it wouldn’t be quite as bad. She was breathing fast and could see her vapor drifting out into the night air.


Lyanne heard a deep growl in front of her and as she looked, she could see what looked like at least 4-5 wolves stealthily approaching her, cutting through the darkness on silent paws. Lyanne knew some wolves had webbed feet and could travel over snow with speed and silence. They suddenly stopped and stared at Lyanne and she looked down at the ground, as she didn’t want to provoke them. The silent air was filled with another sound, not a wolf howling but a high-pitched screaming sound, Lyanne worked out what the noise was it was Nathan screaming for his life.


As the wolves heard the screaming they started to move toward Lyanne again, and then her world turned black as she fainted.


Lyanne woke up feeling warm and dry, her last memory was sitting alone in the snowy wilderness and then she remembered the wolves and Nathan’s screams. She sat bolt upright and rubbed her eyes, Lyanne was confused. Somehow she’d ended up on a couch wrapped in a warm blanket, there was a fire blazing in front of her. She glanced around her surroundings trying to make sense of where she was when she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her; she let out a quiet scream. The eyes came closer to the couch followed by a fluffy body with a massive pair of ears, it was a snow hare.


“You’re awake, thank god,” a male voice sighed, Lyanne looked around to find the source of the voice and her eyes landed on a guy walking toward her. He was around 6’2” with brown longish hair and Lyanne guessed he was about 31. Even though it was freezing outside, he was dressed only in a t-shirt and jeans. Lyanne could see he had an athletic build and as he moved closer, she could see he was also very handsome in a rugged, man of the wilderness type of way.


“Where am I?” Lyanne asked as the guy knelt on the floor next to the snow hare and was joined by other creatures from the forest.


“You’re in my home, I’m Darian and these are my friends,” his voice was silky smooth and Lyanne warmed to him immediately.


“What happened, did you save me from the wolves?” she was totally perplexed but didn’t feel at all concerned about being alone with a total stranger.


“Yes, you could say that,” as he spoke, he smiled shyly at Lyanne and looked straight at her. His eyes were a warm hazel color.


“How? Why didn’t they hurt you?”


He shifted awkwardly and sat down now rather than kneeling, “Wolves are actually more afraid of people then you think miss, what’s your name by the way?”


“Lyanne, and they looked as though they meant business to me.”


“You were injured, an easy target. They may have pushed their luck with you.”


Lyanne remembered her leg and lifted the blanket back. Her leg was neatly bandaged and she could only see this, as she had no jeans on.


“I had to remove your jeans so I could see if your leg was badly hurt. There appear to be no wounds just swelling and bruising, the bandage is simply for support.”


Lyanne suddenly felt very naked and pulled the blanket back over her legs. Her anxiety was starting to kick in now and she felt awkward, so started to make small talk.


She looked at Darian and at all the animals sitting beside him on the floor, “You’ve a lovely home and some cute friends by the look of it.”


He smiled up at her, “I help the injured animals the same way as I helped you. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve helped from the forest, and you don’t have to feel nervous around me.”


Lyanne blushed. Darian was so striking and charming, she felt like she was in a dream. Here she was surrounded by animals in a lovely rustic looking log cabin with a particularly handsome guy.


“Did you find a guy nearby when you helped me?”


Darian looked at her, “No, I’m sorry I didn’t. If you were with someone there was no sign of them anywhere.”


“I heard screaming so I don’t think he made it,” Lyanne said as the tears started to roll down her soft cheeks. Darian handed her a tissue.


“Don’t cry Lyanne, you’re safe and you’re welcome to stay with me until your leg heals and the worst of the snow clears. I will look after you,” as he spoke the last words, he touched her hand lightly making Lyanne jump slightly.“I didn’t mean to startle you.” Lyanne looked at him through tear-filled eyes and whispered, “I’m just jumpy at the moment, are you sure you don’t mind if I stay? We’re strangers.”


“Yes I’m sure, I feel I can trust you and I always go on the instincts of my animals and they like you,” he giggled as the snow hare reached up and started to nuzzle Lyanne’s hand as it sat beside the couch.

Chapter 3


Even though Lyanne had been through a terrible ordeal, she felt relaxed in Darian’s company. She would normally crumble in a guy’s company and especially one like Darian. But there was something so appealing about him. Lyanne had never felt this drawn to a guy before, it was as though he’d cast a spell over her and bewitched her in some way.


She was aware of him staring at her with his warm hazel eyes and glanced down focusing her attention on the snow hare. It really was a beautiful animal, “What happened to him?”


Darian smiled, “He was picked up by a bald eagle, it dropped him and never returned for him. He had some bad injuries from its talons but I fixed him up.”


Lyanne stroked the hare as it cuddled into her warm hand. She noticed an arctic fox beside Darian and various other small creatures.


“I’m a trainee veterinary nurse and love all animals, this is like heaven to me,” she smiled at him and wondered why she was sharing her life with this handsome stranger so easily.


“That explains why I like you then,” he smiled back moving closer toward Lyanne.


The snow hare had now managed to hop up on to the couch with Lyanne and she winced as it touched her leg, “Hey you, come on hop off. Let me check your bandage,” said Darian.


He leant across her from the floor and gently pulled back the blanket. Her bandage was nicely in place and as he touched her leg to check it, she felt her skin tingle with excitement.


“It looks good to me, as do you. Oh god, I apologize I shouldn’t have said that.”


“Why? It was a lovely thing to say. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before Darian,”  it was the truth, Nathan had never said anything about her looks, only negative things generally followed up with a charming comment to worm his way out of an argument.


Darian left his hand gently resting on her leg and turned to face her. He leant across and gently brushed a stray strand of her wavy red hair from her face placing it behind her ear.


“I must look a mess,” she whispered as she stared deep into his eyes.


“Not at all, you look quite beautiful. I don’t exactly have a lot of female company up here Lyanne, so I’m a bit out of touch with how to treat a lady.”


Lyanne blushed shyly, “Oh, believe me you’re doing just fine.”


He stood up slightly and perched on the edge of the couch being very careful not to hurt her leg in the process. Lyanne’s breathing was shallow and fast, her pulse was racing. She’d been kissed before but only by Nathan and she wouldn’t exactly call them passionate kisses.


Darian moved toward her and placed a hand gently under her chin, lifting her face toward him, he bent down slowly and his soft pink lips touched hers. His lips were light and feathery. He placed a hand at the back of her head and she placed her arms around his neck, he felt her touch and his tongue started to probe at her beautifully swollen lips.


She allowed his moist tongue to enter her warm mouth and he groaned quietly as her tongue darted into his wet mouth. Darian plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth and now Lyanne groaned, she’d never been kissed like this before. Every nerve in her body seemed to spark and ignite; every part of her very being craved him. He pulled her closer to him his tongue searching every inch of her moist mouth; she plunged her tongue deeper into his mouth and pulled him closer to her wanting to taste him.


“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered huskily in her ear as he held her close after their kiss.


She was left shaken to her core by his kiss, how could someone she barely knew have this effect on her? He pulled away and looked deep into her dark green eyes. His eyes were filled with concern.


“Are you okay? I’ve never felt like this before about anyone Lyanne, we’ve only just met but I’m so attracted to you.”


She was so flattered by his words. All Lyanne had ever known was Nathan. She’d never been held tenderly or looked at in the way Darian was looking at her; he made her feel like she was the only person in the world. Lyanne knew she was falling for him and hoped that he felt the same, if the way he looked at her was any indication of his feelings then she was certain he was.


Suddenly the little arctic fox let out a short and sharp bark, Lyanne jumped and Darian stood up going to the window of the cabin. He pulled the curtain back and peered outside.


“We’ve got company Lyanne, cover your leg up,” he said, and she loved his protective tone. She pulled the blanket back over her legs and sat up straight. Who the hell would be visiting Darian up here? He was in the middle of nowhere. He went to the door and she heard muffled voices then the door to the room opened. The arctic fox and all the other animals scarpered to the back of the room as two guys entered followed up by a girl.


“Hello pretty lady,” one of the guys drawled at her as he walked toward the couch. He was in his early thirties and about 6’ with black curly hair. Lyanne didn’t speak, she simply smiled.


The second guy was shorter, 5’10” slightly stocky, with blonde longish hair; he was about the same age as the first guy. He didn’t speak to Lyanne.


The girl sort of shuffled into the room with her head down. Lyanne could make out that she had ginger colored hair tied back in a ponytail and was around 5’4” she shifted her glance briefly to look Lyanne’s way. Darian had told her he didn’t have a lot of female company, so who was this girl?


She got the impression she was being checked out by the three of them and it was reminiscent of the wolves checking her out in the forest. They almost looked like prowling wolves. Lyanne felt very uncomfortable until Darian came back into the room. She noticed the animals started to creep back once he was there.


“Lyanne this is James, Daniel and Lisa. This is Lyanne,” Darian said as he perched on the edge of the couch. Lyanne instantly felt safer with him beside her and she relaxed a little.


“So Darian said you ran into some trouble Lyanne,” James, who was the first to enter the room, said.


“Yes, our snowmobile crashed and there were some wolves, I fainted and woke up here,” Lyanne answered feeling very intimidated by the three people standing in front of her.


“Lucky for you then that Darian came along, we all know what wolves are capable of, don’t we Darian?” now it was Daniel who was speaking in a very condescending manner, Lyanne didn’t like him at all.


Lisa giggled and glanced over at Lyanne, “Yeah we sure do, you were lucky to make it out with your life.”


“Enough, Lyanne’s been through a lot. She doesn’t need you lot reminding her of her ordeal,” snapped Darian, as he stood up straight, facing them. When he spoke the others dropped their eyes toward the ground, and almost seemed to cower away from him, they didn’t make eye contact with him at all.


Lyanne whispered, “I’m okay Darian, I know how fortunate I was. Your friends are only echoing my own thoughts,” he turned to look at her and smiled with warmth showing in his hazel eyes. He sat down again on the edge of the couch and touched her arm gently with his hand. Lyanne heard Lisa take a sharp breath of air into her lungs, so sharp she ended up spluttering.


“Are you okay?” said Lyanne.


Lisa glared at her as though she’d asked her something sinister, “What’s it to you, how I am?”


“Lisa, kitchen right now,” Darian ordered. Lyanne was taken aback by his abrupt tone; he was speaking to Lisa as though she were a child. In spite of his brusque manner, Lisa obliged and shuffled into the kitchen with James and Daniel following her.


Darian turned to face Lyanne and squeezed her arm tenderly while standing up, “I won’t be a minute, excuse my friends they can be rude.”


“Why did Lisa gasp when you touched my arm? Are you two an item, is that the issue here?”


Darian sat down again, and looking into her green eyes as he whispered, “God no, my sweet Lyanne. Her issue is she’s just ignorant at times, but I don’t like them being here right now. I will go and speak to them, you rest,” he touched her face lightly, and with that he was gone.


Lyanne could hear raised voices drifting in from the kitchen, she couldn’t catch what was being said but she could tell by the pitch of their voices that the exchange of words was heated. The main voice she could pick out belonged to Darian. She felt guilty. This was all her fault, if she hadn’t been in danger he wouldn’t have rescued her and then been dragged into her predicament, and none of this would be happening now.


The kitchen door flew open and Daniel stomped by the couch and straight out the front door, he didn’t utter a word to Lyanne. Lisa was next; she turned and glanced toward Lyanne with pure resentment in her eyes. Lyanne was conscious of how pretty Lisa was even though her face was twisted with bitterness when she scowled at Lyanne.


Lisa had a small, pixie-like face and her eyes were a stunning green, not like Lyanne’s dark green but the lightest shade of green Lyanne had ever seen. Lisa flounced out of the front door behind Daniel.


James came out of the kitchen in a more dignified fashion than his predecessors did. He sauntered out with Darian following close behind.


“Well goodbye Lyanne. It was a pleasure meeting you,” he said in a caustic and scathing way.

Lyanne kept quiet. She just nodded at him. James put the hood up on his jacket and went out into the cold night’s air.

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