Read Alphas on the Prowl Online

Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

Alphas on the Prowl (37 page)

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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Chapter Three


Krissy knocked on Derek’s door and he called her in. They spent the rest of the warm day arranging furniture, unpacking, and sorting books and clothes. She was astounded at how comfortable she was with a man she had only met a few hours earlier while naked on the rooftop. The day flew by with idle chitchat as she suggested different ways to organize the rooms, given the limited number of power outlets.

Before they knew it, the sunlight was fading, so they decided to clean up and change for dinner. Since it was close, they opted for the little bistro they’d walked past this morning, followed by a couple glasses of wine and a movie back at her apartment – his couch was still buried under boxes.

After another shower to freshen up after the hard work, Krissy met Derek in the hall wearing her favorite sapphire blue dress – perfect for warm evenings such as this one. She saw his eyes quickly glance her over as the soft material gently flowed over her curves, and the approval she saw in his eyes made her stomach flip-flop. She never looked for a man’s opinion. If she was comfortable and happy with the way she looked, that was all that mattered. Derek’s quiet approval, however, meant more to her than she was willing to admit to anyone, especially herself.

Dinner passed uneventfully with idle talk about their favorite books and movies. When they got back to Krissy’s apartment they were both quite tired after the long day but not willing to give in to the sandman just yet, so Krissy chose one of the movies he’d mentioned – The Sixth Sense. Derek hadn’t seen it in its entirety, and it was one of Krissy’s favorite Bruce Willis movies, so it seemed a logical choice. As Derek put the movie in the DVD player, Krissy fetched a bowl of popcorn and two glasses of sparkling white wine before they settled on the couch.

As the movie progressed, Derek and Krissy had a couple more glasses of wine, enjoying just relaxing after a long, hot day. She wasn’t the usual type of girl who cried over movies, however, she was getting emotional as the end drew near. Derek seemed to have sensed her heightened emotion and put his arm around her shoulders, so she snuggled in closer, savoring his hard chest. Krissy started sniffling and buried her head in his chest, slightly embarrassed at her behavior and how close they were. The wine was slowly warming her body, and Derek’s proximity only increased the heat. As the credits started rolling, Derek quietly grabbed the remote to turn off the DVD player.

With the player off, the television flooded the room with blue light, which must have allowed him to see the tears streaming down her cheeks. His thumbs gently brushed the tears away and warmth spread from his hands to her skin. She lifted her face to look him in the eyes. It felt so cliché: like the romance movies her sister had made her watch growing up, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment by pulling away. It was clear Derek felt the same as he slowly leaned in closer, hope that she felt the attraction making his eyes shine and his gaze shift across her face. Krissy answered his unspoken question by pulling him closer and gently kissing his lips. It soon turned into a hungry passionate kiss as their hands began to wander. She moaned as his hands sent shivers all over her hot skin. Derek’s hands wandered down as far as her hips, grabbing them in a firm hold and lifting her so she could straddle his lap. She felt the strain in his pants rub again her mound as her own panties became damp. She ground her pelvis against him, enjoying his shuddering response. Krissy nibbled his lip and ran her hands through his long, dark hair, pulling him closer. A primal groan escaped his lips as they parted for breath, staring at each other. She felt the whisper soft touch as Derek traced his fingers down her back, gripping her ass cheeks possessively, moving her hips so she could feel how hard she made him.

Krissy broke the tension with a husky growl. “So, I guess that answers the question of attraction. Should we move this to the bedroom or are you comfortable here?” When Derek raised his eyebrows, she feared she was being too forward. As she opened her mouth to apologize, Derek moved her off his lap and stood up. Krissy was horrified with herself. She didn’t want to ruin a potentially fantastic friendship. Derek took her by surprise, lifting her up with ease and carrying her to the bedroom.

“Don’t get me wrong. The couch is comfortable, but I have some ideas that wouldn’t work with you on my lap.”

His eyes had darkened to almost black with passion, and his voice was now a deep rumble. Krissy was glad she didn’t have to walk the few steps to her room. She didn’t think her knees would support her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of his chest against her body. Krissy thought she would have no problem falling asleep in his arms every night.

Derek laid her down on the bed and she sat up as he moved away to unbutton his pale blue shirt, finally exposing the tanned muscles she’d glimpsed that morning. His hard chest drew her gaze, and she licked her lips at the anticipation of running her hands over his lean body. Her pulse quickened. As he joined her on the bed, they resumed kissing. Derek reached around to her back, unzipping her dress. Pushing the straps down her arms, he then turned his attention to unclipping her bra. He pushed her gently back, wriggling the dress down her legs, catching her panties on the way down, and she lifted her hips to make it easier.

He took his time, lifting her feet and softly kissing her long legs, sending shivers down her spine and goose bumps across her skin. As his lips set fire to her skin, his hands gently massaged her legs, slowly working his way closer to her snatch. Soft mewling sounds escaped her throat as she chewed her bottom lip in rapture. Derek skipped his hands up to her hips, caressing his way up her stomach to knead her breasts as he followed with his mouth, showering her body with velvety kisses.

Krissy writhed under his tender ministrations. The gentle teasing was almost more than she could bear. With her eyes closed, her other senses were heightened. She savored his mouth teasing her belly button and his hands massaging her breasts, tweaking her nipples. She arched her back in pleasure, and ran her hands through Derek’s hair, pulling gently to bring his face up to hers. Leaning on one hand, the other still fondling her breast, he kissed her passionately, deeply. She kept a tight grip on his hair, trapping his lips against hers. He slid his hand down from her breast, brushing his fingers across her stomach and hip and continued down to cup her mound. When he slipped his fingers in her moist pussy, Krissy arched her back and cried out, the sound muffled by his mouth still covering hers.

As Derek feathered his fingers over the swollen shell of her sensitive core, he broke the kiss and leaned back so she could see his smile. She let go of his hair, scraping her nails down his chest. He bit his lip and groaned as Krissy’s hands reached for his belt buckle. He stood up long enough to unbuckle the belt, slide his jeans down and step out of them. Her eyes feasted on his body, toned and strong, his erection, tall and proud. After she hungrily scrutinized his physique, he resumed his position, kneeling over her on the bed.

“That’s enough looking. Now, for the fun to begin.” His voice was a growl. The deliciously deep tenor of his voice had her heartbeat racing, her breath coming out in pants.

Krissy sat up to kiss him, but Derek just smiled and bent lower to start nibbling her inner thighs. She laid back, shivers of pleasure running through her. Derek was slowly moving his way up her legs ever closer to source of her desires. The butterfly kisses were cool on her warm skin and heightened her arousal. As he moved ever closer, she resisted grabbing his hair to direct him to her sweet spot. Derek deliberately made her wait through a last lap of kisses up her inner thighs before he reached her sensitive crevice. Krissy whimpered in anticipation, on the verge of begging him to turn his attention to her throbbing bud. When he did, just moments later, she nearly wept in relief. His tongue gently coaxed her lips to a tender heat as his hands massaged her thighs. Never had any man she’d been with paid such tender care when it came to sex. It was always a rush job that rarely ever sated her appetite.

The tip of his tongue delicately circled the nub of her clit, and his lips played with hers. Krissy bit her bottom lip, arched her back. The attention delivered by this man’s tongue was excruciating in its pleasure. As he backed off, she regained enough of a mind to chastise herself for allowing this to happen so soon after meeting Derek – a thought quickly forgotten as his index and middle fingers started playing with her slit, slick with her juices and begging for consideration. Another whimper escaped her lips and her hands grabbed the pillow under her head as she felt his fingers gently caress her sensitive inner walls, his mouth returning to her ever-sensitive clit. Her body was on fire, her mind wild with lust. She’d never felt this good before.

As she allowed him to ravish her with his fingers, she moaned. “Don’t let me have all the fun. Let me return the favor.”

Derek just chuckled, the vibrations from his throat passing through his mouth into her body and almost sending her over the edge. He must have realized how close she was to climaxing as he slowly kissed his way up her abdomen toward her breasts, following with his hands on their own trail up her body.

“No way, baby. This night – this first time – is all for you. And I’m going to make it an experience you’ll never forget.” He started massaging her breasts, alternating nipples between his fingers and mouth, never leaving either unattended. He nibbled and licked, tweaked and squeezed, the sensations driving her crazy but allowing her body to ease back from the edge. It was clear he wasn’t interested in rushing her orgasm, oblivious to her body language begging for release.

Krissy allowed her mind to drift into a fog of pleasure, only focusing on Derek’s hands and mouth as he paid divine attention to her body in ways she’d never experienced. No part of her body was neglected. She felt his hands cup her cheeks as his lips gently pressed against hers before moving to her nose. When he gently kissed each of her closed eyelids, she found the sensation surprisingly erotic. His kisses softly traced where her eyelids met from the inside corner out on each eye, his breath cooling skin that was moist from his tongue.

Derek then kissed his way to her right ear and her hands flew to his shoulders, keeping him there. His gentle lips played with her earlobe and his breath in her ear – on her neck – sent shivers down her spine, and yet another moan found its own sound as it passed her plump lips.

“You really know how to tease a girl, you know that?” Her voice was husky, lust-filled, and she was rewarded with another deep chuckle from him.

He gently turned her head so he could play with her left ear. Krissy‘s eyes flew open and felt her heart skip a beat from sheer delight. She dug her manicured nails into his strong back as she felt her self-control slipping. His guttural moan in her ear caused her whole body to quiver. Derek moved back enough to look into her eyes and she felt the heat from his hands as his whisper soft touch fluttered down her body, pausing only to tweak her nipples again. She cried out as his hand swooped to warm her eager clit and his fingers returned to stroke her smooth pussy muscles.

As he gently teased her with his tongue and fingers, Krissy ran her hands through his soft hair. Soon, warmth and tingling started spreading through her extremities. She tugged on his hair and begged him to allow her a chance to pay him the same attention. After the physical exertion of moving and unpacking his furniture and boxes, she knew once she climaxed tonight there’d be no chance of her staying awake long enough to show him just how much she appreciated his attentions and how much she wanted him. Derek lifted his head long enough to repeat that this first time was all for her and she would have her fun another time.

He resumed his task of providing her pleasure, leaving her to marvel at his confidence that there would be another time. Krissy didn’t doubt there would be at all. She was eager for another time. His down-to-earth confidence was refreshing. He knew what he wanted, would get what he wanted, but only by putting first those he considered worthy would he truly appreciate getting his own pleasures in life. She knew there had to be some flaw to this man, but, for now, she was happy to lay back and let him ravish her.

Letting her eyes flutter shut, she reclined on her pillows, enjoying the strength of his hands as he alternated between massaging her inner thighs and dipping inside to flick her g-spot while he gently caressed her with his mouth and tongue, encouraging her pleasure. She soon felt tingling and warmth in her toes again and wondered if he’d let it fade once more, or put an end to her delightful torment. It wasn’t long before she found out as the first wave hit her hard, causing her eyes to fly open, her back to arch and a loud cry of bliss to flee her mouth. Wave after wave of pleasure broke and she writhed beneath him as he tried to hold on to her bucking hips. Never had she had such a powerful climax, and certainly none that she’d experienced at the hands of a man had come even close. Krissy felt helpless, awash in a stormy sea of pleasure, but at the same time she had never felt safer as Derek gently slowed his flicking tongue and stroking fingers.

As the waves lessened, she was left with a satisfied buzz flowing through her body and her mind was delightfully fuzzy from the rush. She could barely muster a full sentence.

“Holy shit, Derek, you really know how to make a woman want to stick around.” Krissy panted as she fought to catch her breath.

Already her vision was starting to swim as the long day caught up with her, aided by such an intense orgasm. Krissy felt, more than saw Derek slowly move up the bed, gently kissing his way up her torso until he was next to her, bundling her up in his arms. She started to shiver, her body cooling now that her blood had resumed a more natural flow, so he picked her up once more to slide the covers back. The movement had her head spinning in a comical way and Krissy enjoyed the feel of his bare chest against her side. She soon felt him settling her back on the bed and climbing in on her right side, nestling her head on his left shoulder where she snuggled in as close as she could, laying her left leg across him. Yet another chuckle sounded from his lips. She listened to the rumble of it in his chest, and his strong heartbeat once the laughter had passed. It didn’t take long for her to doze off to its steady rhythm, especially once Derek started stroking her hair, sending shivers down her back and goose bumps across her skin.

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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