Read Alphas on the Prowl Online

Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

Alphas on the Prowl (41 page)

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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Chapter Nine


Krissy gained consciousness to the feel of something soft underneath her. Hearing a chain rattling in the room, she pretended to still be unconscious while she tried to learn as much as she could about her surroundings. A grunt of pain from across the room sounded awfully familiar.

Wriggling her hands, she realized she was bound with tape around her wrists. Finding the same issue with her ankles, she gave up moving and peeked out between her lashes. She was in a dank, dark room with no windows in her line of sight. Seeing no one threatening was in the room, she opened her eyes to get a better look.

She was laid on her side on some sort of cot with her back against the wall. Across the room, she saw Derek with his hands tied together, pulled over his head by a chain dangling from the ceiling. He had bruises and cuts across his chest and stomach and blood dripping from his face, mostly hidden by his drooping head. A pain-filled grunt escaped him as he struggled to breath.

Voices could be heard on the other side of the door. She recognized James’ voice as he ordered someone, presumably Brad and Karl, around. Hearing the lock on the door being worked, Krissy quickly closed her eyes again, then opened them just enough so she could watch what was about to happen.

One of James’ flunkies walked over to Derek and punched him in the belly to make sure he was awake. He then approached where she was on the bed. “Come on, princess. James is bored with beating your pet without seeing your reaction. Wake up!” She felt his hand on her shoulder bare moments before he violently started to shake her.

“Okay, okay, I’m awake. Jeez, what are you trying to do, scramble a girl’s brain?”

“Well, it’s not like James will let you use them once he’s broken your spirit along with your pet’s body.”

Frowning at the bulk of a man in front of her, she struggled to sit up. When he grabbed her arm and jerked her up, her head swam, making her feel like throwing up.

“How long have I been unconscious?” she asked hanging her head as she tried to regain equilibrium.

She felt meaty hands fumbling with the tape around her wrists. As her hands came free, sensation quickly spread back through her arms and hands. Krissy hadn’t even realized her limbs were partially numb until she could move them again. She leaned down to take the tape off her ankles and all of a sudden her head was swimming as pain lanced down her cheek.

“Leave the tape around your ankles. You’re not going anywhere.” He grabbed her wrists once more and strapped them back together, this time in front of her. She was helpless once again. Heaving a sigh, she leaned her elbows on her knees and lowered her head, controlling her breathing as a wave of disorientation hit her.

She felt his weight leave the cot and raised her head enough to watch him walk to the door, banging twice. The signal given, the lock was heard again and the door swung open. James entered, followed by the other henchman pushing a cart covered by a large white cloth. The sight of that tray filled her stomach with a leaden weight of fear, which only deepened as James whipped the cloth off with a flourish.

All sorts of nasty implements were on the tray, barely shining in the dull light of the room. She could feel James watching her for a reaction. She refused to look at him and just stared at Derek, willing him to show some spark of life besides labored breathing and pained grunts.

She felt James glare at her in disgust as she gazed at Derek in concern. She tried to hide the joy in her face when he slowly moved his head to look at her. Krissy could tell he was in a lot of pain, but still he managed to smile at her which was punished with a punch across his jaw from the brute to the left. Gathering her strength together, she launched herself off the cot at James and landed her shoulder in his stomach, knocking the wind from him as he toppled with her on top of him.

They were both punished for her reaction. As Krissy felt herself jerked up by hard hands strangling her upper arms, she was given a full view of Derek as the flunky, she assumed was Brad, pummeled Derek’s abdomen with a baton. She watched as he took the beating in stoic silence. Tears flowed down her cheeks as the other flunky, Karl, dropped her back onto the cot.

James stood up and regained his posture, snapping at Karl to make sure she couldn’t attack him again. Grabbing a piece of rope from under the bed, Karl looped it through the tape around her wrists and ankles in a makeshift hogtie. She blankly looked at James as he smirked. Her lack of reaction sapped his triumph.

“Karl, go and stand guard outside the door. I don’t want to be interrupted.” Without hesitation, he was obeyed. As the door locked behind Karl, James turned toward her, trying to taunt a reaction from her. “There is a function upstairs, lots of noise and very little chance of rescue. Plenty of time to exact my revenge and show you that no one shames me. No one tells me no.” He foolishly grabbed her chin and moved in to force a rough kiss on her. Krissy bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and tear out a chunk of flesh, provoking a backhand across her cheekbone. She just lay on the bed smiling up at him, blood dribbling down her chin as she spit out the lump of tissue.

“Derek isn’t the only one with teeth, James. Come near me again and I’ll tear another chunk from you.”

“There are other ways to make you suffer and bend to my will, you little bitch.” He was vicious as he struggled to talk, holding a handkerchief to his torn lip. He nodded to Brad who picked a sharp, curved blade off the tray and advanced on Derek. Yanking Derek’s head back by his hair, Brad lightly touched the blade to Derek’s beautiful face, barely recognizable under the bruises and cuts already covering his features. James continued to spit his venomous words. “Shall Brad slice your pet’s face so he’s disfigured and ugly? Or should he cut through muscle and cripple him? Better still, he could neuter the mongrel so he cannot breed. Goodness knows, there are enough strays roaming the streets attacking innocent people.” As James taunted her with each threat, Brad obligingly moved the blade to the corresponding areas, beginning to look uneasy at James’ cruel malice and enjoyment of the torture.

Refusing to let James win, she spat back. “Strays like you, you mean. You’re the one attacking innocent people, you vermin. At least Derek is in control of the beast inside. At least he has kindness inside him.”

A thumping sound from outside stopped James from responding. Frowning, he signaled Brad to check it out. Krissy watched as Derek’s head slumped forward once more. She held her breath as Brad opened the door and stepped into the hall. A meaty fist came out of nowhere to chop at the side of his neck. Brad dropped to the floor, unconscious.

Hope sprung in Krissy’s heart and James sputtered in dismay as a large figure loomed in the doorway. It was a familiar figure. “Mike!” Tears trickled down her cheeks, this time from relief. Her joy was short-lived, however, as she heard an odd click come from James’ direction. Whipping her head around to look at her ex, she froze as she realized he was holding a gun. She had no way of knowing where it came from. She had never known James to carry a firearm.

“Easy now, man.” She heard Mike calmly speak from the doorway as he eased forward into the dim light. “No one else needs to get hurt here today. Just let the lady and this poor guy go.”

“Piss off. This is none of your business, Sasquatch.” James spat, his arm shaking. It was clear he had never held the weapon in an offensive stance before that wasn’t at a firing range, and certainly had never aimed at another person. Krissy was worried he would squeeze the trigger just from his violent trembling. Noticing the concern on Mike’s face, she decided she had to intervene. He was too big a target for James to miss, no matter how bad a shot she assumed he was, and Mike was too far across the room to close the space in time to take the weapon away from the mad man. Waiting for the moment when his finger started to twitch, Krissy once again dove off the bed, knocking him backwards and forcing his arm up as the trigger was squeezed.

Landing on James, she twisted her torso around to see Mike. She was horrified to see him clutching the left side of his head, blood trickling between his fingers. It didn’t stop him from lumbering forward and kicking the gun out of James’ reach. She watched the large man as he knelt to pull a pocketknife from a strap around his ankle and cut her bonds. There was no way that was part of a door attendant’s uniform, but she was grateful he had it.

Mike picked her up as if she weighed nothing and set her back on slightly unsteady feet. He brushed off any questions as he pulled a handkerchief from his jacket and put pressure on the wound. Tearing the sleeve off his shirt, he tied it around his head to maintain pressure and allow him use of both hands once more.

While Mike had attended his wound, James had slowly climbed to his feet and glanced around for the gun. Krissy noticed and threw all her weight behind her fist, knocking him out cold. Mike raised an impressed eyebrow and grunted his approval, causing her to blush. They turned their attention to Derek who was barely conscious. Being taller and stronger, Mike was the one who lifted Derek up to unhook his wrists from the chain. Using his pocketknife again, Mike cut the tape around Derek’s wrists and ankles.

“There is no way you are carrying him by yourself, Mike. I’m not in as bad a shape as I probably look and I’m stronger than I appear.” She was relieved when he didn’t argue. She threw Derek’s left arm around her shoulders and Mike took hold of Derek’s right side as he threw his jacket over the hunched shoulders of the man they were carrying. They quickly shuffled out of the room before anyone woke up.

With the hallway to the closest exit blocked by the unconscious body of Karl, they had no choice but to walk deeper into the bowels of the building Krissy was assuming was the local Country Club.

They awkwardly climbed a flight of stairs sideways and could soon hear music and festivities as they approached the party James had mentioned earlier. Pausing at the top of the stairs, Mike and Krissy glanced at each other but a loud growl in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs soon had them moving into the party with trepidation. What would they say if someone stopped them? They decided to be casual and just get out of there as fast as possible. They had no time for other choices as footsteps approached from below.


Chapter Ten


“Mike, how did you find us?” Krissy whispered as they wove through the rich people filling the room.

“Well, I was just about to walk home since my shift was finished and Eddie had settled in at the desk, when I noticed the lack of traffic. I had a good look out the doors and saw two big guys loading something into the back. The guy from earlier – what was his name, James?” Krissy nodded so Mike continued, clearly trying to ignore the pain from his gunshot wound. “I noticed him directing the other two while holding his right wrist as if it had been broken.

“Once the car drove off, I walked across to where it had been parked. I saw course, grey hair, like from a dog, as well as some blood and, almost camouflaged against the dark road, one of your dark, crystal earrings. I recognized it straight away as yours so I filled in the blanks that it was you and him in the back of the car.

“I waved down a passing vehicle since traffic was once again flowing down the road and none-too-kindly borrowed the car, following where I’d seen the SUV turn.”

Krissy’s eyebrow rose as she fought mixed emotions. She didn’t approve of Mike hijacking a car, but she was touched that he’d go to that much trouble to rescue her. As Mike continued his explanation, she adjusted her grip around Derek’s waist to hold him up, trying to sneak out of the club unnoticed amidst the throng of people.

“When I finally saw it pull up at the rear of the country club, I stashed the borrowed car,” his emphasis made Krissy smile, “and, relying on my old military training, followed them in at a safe distance. I didn’t know what was being planned for either of you; I just knew that I had to get you both out somehow. There was no time to sit and wait for the cops. Besides, the car was probably already reported stolen. I knew James would say something to discredit me, and the cops would only end up arresting me. Any chance of saving you rested on my shoulders alone.”

Krissy glanced around and felt surprise at how easily they were just walking through the crowded room.

Mike continued, his voice low enough to not attract attention. “Watching through the window at the service entry door, I saw James and one of the brick shithouses enter a room with a tray. Taking that opportunity, I slipped inside the door. I was at a loss as to what to do next, and spent a few minutes standing in the hallway like a stunned mullet. The door to the room started to open so I ducked into an alcove out of view as the shithouse came back out to stand guard. I took my watch off, just a cheap watch – easily replaced – and l dropped it to the other side of the alcove so the thug had to pass me. Once he did, I jumped him. Don’t worry – he’s just unconscious.” Mike rushed to reassure her as Krissy turned on him, eyes wide.

Krissy turned her eyes back to look in the direction where they were going and her heart leapt when she saw the entrance. Glancing at Mike, she knew he had seen it too and they sped up to fight their way through the party. She was not sure if it was her imagination, but the more they fought the crowd, the harder they were pressed down upon.

Maybe it’s just because we are so close. It’s the anticipation, I am sure that is all it is.

A sudden hand at her elbow had her glancing back in panic. An older man holding out her wallet and cell, which she’d grabbed from James just before they left, picked up from where they’d fallen out of her torn back pocket. Krissy thanked him before moving on, not wanting him to look too hard at Derek’s broken body and start asking questions.

They had struggled a few steps forward when she felt another, more forceful grab on her elbow. Thinking it was the old man again, Krissy put on a fake smile and turned around, coming face to face with a livid James. She felt Mike still pushing forward as her hold on Derek slipped.

“What are you going to do, James? Throttle me in front of all your Country Club members? I’m sure that will go down well. I don’t think Daddy will be very impressed, and you won’t escape punishment for it. So, go ahead. Do it.” She thrust her chin forward as a challenge. James raised his hand as she lifted her chin even more, daring him. She was no longer afraid – especially since she had the advantage among the other club members all around them – members who could easily boot James out of the club no matter how upstanding his father was.

Krissy smiled in triumph as his hand faltered and dropped. Her smile grew when she realized a few of the members had stopped their discussions and were now watching the troublesome man bullying the desperate woman eager to escape his clutches. Feeling a wall of warmth and strength behind her, she recognized Mike’s large frame behind her. People gasped as they took a good look at the beaten man whom Mike was now solely supporting, and people rushed to help.

The situation was quickly turning bad for James as word spread throughout the room. Krissy heard more gasps as people standing close to Mike saw him struggle to stay on his feet. Blood was seeping through his makeshift bandage and staining the floor where it had started to drip. A few people led him to a chair while those who had grabbed Derek’s prostrate form followed. Krissy smiled at Mike, assuring the man things would be okay now.

The man who had handed back her wallet and phone stepped forward, making it clear he was an authority figure. “Hilda, go call the police and an ambulance, please. Somebody bring me a towel for this man,” indicating at Mike and his injured head. “James, what is the meaning of all this?” A woman Krissy assumed was Hilda scurried to the front desk and picked up the phone as the man in front of her turned to give Mike a towel, and James a look of disgust.

James stuttered as he tried to explain. Words were failing him for once and Krissy felt even more powerful. Her shoulders back and head held high she spoke. “Yes, James, please explain to these fine people just how Derek ended up so badly beaten, how I got the bruises on my arms and face, and the gunshot wound on Mike’s skull!” Krissy’s voice rose to almost shouting.

The man raised his eyebrows, silently demanding an answer. A disturbance at the back of the crowd drew her attention as a loud voice rang out and a man demanded to be let through. The mass of people parted and she recognized James’ father, Todd. “What the hell is going on here?” He ordered an answer from his son, who now seemed to be trying to disappear into the floor.

The other man spoke. “Doctor Ryan, that is what I would like to know, yet James has not answered. What I gather is this woman in front of me,” Todd Ryan glanced her way and arched an eyebrow in recognition, “as well as these two men, have been injured in events relating to your son. What they are doing here, however, is of particular interest me.”

“Well, James, I think you should answer Master Fredrick.” Todd cast a double glance at Mike and Derek, who by this time had roused enough to look around the room. Krissy watched concern flicker across the man’s face as he took in the condition of her self-appointed bodyguards. As his gaze fell on her, she knew he was looking her injuries over. Pausing at her purple wrist he walked over to her.

“Long time, Krissy. As much as I liked you, I hoped I’d never see you again, knowing what James was putting you through.” He gingerly checked her for broken bones.

“Todd, I’m fine – simply a little sore. Just go look over Derek and Mike, please,” she begged the man she had looked up to when she was involved with James. He nodded curtly, held a palm to her cheek in a fatherly fashion, and followed her request.

“Could someone please fetch my medical kit from my office?” she heard him quietly ask as he tended Mike’s gunshot wound. Krissy was pleased to see the bleeding was slowing down, though she was worried at how pale the man was.

Since it was clear James was not going to say anything, Krissy looked at the man Todd had called Master Fredrick. “Sir?” She tentatively drew his attention away from his concentrated scowl directed at James. Glancing in Derek’s direction, she looked at him pleadingly, unsure how to speak to this man.

“My dear, go tend to your friends. Young Mister Ryan is not going anywhere. In fact,” he said as he waved over a couple tall men around Mike’s age and build, “these men will make damn sure of it.” She was surprised to hear such a refined man swear, but the twinkle in his eye told her there was a lot to this man that made it clear his snobbery was just a mask.

Nodding her thanks, she rushed to Derek’s side and kneeled, grasping his hands in hers and lifting them to her face. He looked up, barely able to see through his swollen eyes. Her own eyes welled up with tears as she looked at his bloody, beaten face. Spilling down her cheeks they quickly reached his thumbs, which he used like windscreen wipers to rub the tears away.

“I thought I was going to lose you before we had a chance to make something of our time together.” She wept. He hushed her through split lips.

“Are you kidding? I would never let that happen. I was just lulling them into a false sense of security before I attacked,” he mumbled, attempting a smile.

This time Krissy hushed him with a watery chuckle. She glanced over to where Todd was attending to Mike’s wound. “How is he? He’ll need to go to hospital won’t he?”

Todd’s answer surprised her. “Well, the bullet only grazed the flesh, with minimal damage. Fortunately, it’s a clean wound. I have most of what I need in my medical bag. I’ll need to clean the area first, but if…” he paused to look at Mike who mumbled his name, “Mike will accompany me to my clinic, I can have this taken care of without having to go to hospital. You’ll just need to come back in a few days so I can keep an eye on it. I can also give you a prescription for pain killers if you need them.” Directing the last part of the conversation at Mike, Todd turned and asked the large man if he knew today’s date, and a few other questions to check for concussion.

A few minutes later, he asked Krissy to move aside so he could have a look at Derek who was looking surprisingly better. As Doctor Ryan hummed over the bruising, she looked Derek over for herself. He seemed less black and blue and had definitely regained some color.

“I could have sworn he was looking worse for wear a few minutes ago,” Todd mumbled to himself. Krissy shrugged as he glanced at her. She was not about to blab Derek’s secret, no matter how much she trusted the man. After cleaning Derek’s face, Todd pulled out his phone and called his assistant at the clinic. “Hi, Barb. I’m at the Club and there’s been an incident. I need you to set up the x-ray machine for a young man’s dislocated right shoulder. They’ll be there shortly. There is also a grazing bullet wound but I’ll bring that man in to the clinic myself once I’m sure he’s fine to be moved. See you soon.”

“So, he’s ok?” Krissy was tentative, not daring to hope.

“Well, there are no marks anywhere else on his body, just his face and a dislocated shoulder. I have an x-ray machine back at the clinic, but if that comes back clear, then all this man needs is bed rest and TLC.” The look he gave Krissy made her blush, and he smiled as if he could read her mind.

Sirens outside announced the arrival of the police, and the crowd quickly parted to allow them through to the injured people therein. Krissy sighed at the thought of answering their questions, but Todd came to her rescue as he stood up to pull the officer in charge aside. He came back a few moments later. “I’ve let them know neither you, nor either of these men, are up to questions right now. They can come around to your apartment tomorrow, after you have all had some rest. James, however, shall be escorted to the hospital where he will be under police guard while his lip and wrist are attended to. Do I even want to know how he sustained those injuries?”

Biting her own lip, Krissy gave Todd a guilt-ridden look and opened her mouth to answer but she was halted as he held up his hand. “You’re right – I don’t want to know. I’d rather not know what my…son,” he stumbled over the word, “is capable of. Just seeing this carnage is enough for me. Now, I have asked Officer Tyler to drive you and Derek to the clinic where Barb will do the x-rays, and then home. I will allow you to give him your addresses. You both go get some rest and I shall be in touch soon. Don’t worry about your other friend. I’ll take care of him.”

Krissy helped Derek to his feet and gave a warm smile to Todd. “Oh, before I forget, there are two men in the basement who are likely still unconscious. They were also responsible for what happened here today, though not as much as James. And,” she reached into her bag, pulling out a card, “here’s my number. Don’t be a stranger. I’ve missed you and Lauren.”

He returned her smile. “We missed you too, sweetheart. You deserve so much better than that horrid son of ours. I really don’t know where we went wrong with raising him.” Clearing his throat, Todd became business like. “Now shoo, Miss Krissy. Go take care of yourself and this lucky man.”

Standing up on her tiptoes, she quickly kissed the man on the cheek and was pleased to feel his arm around her in a quick hug. She truly had missed Doctor and Mrs. Ryan. They had been so kind to her. As she pulled away, she smiled at Todd again and turned away.

Krissy paused at Mike’s shoulder. “I cannot thank you enough for what you did for me today. You saved my life, as well as Derek’s.” She bent to kiss his cheek, causing the man to blush. She leaned back and smiled at him. “You’ll be fine in Todd’s hands. His son might be a rotten apple, but he is a fine doctor and a respectable man. I’ll talk to you soon.” Krissy handed him one of her cards too. “Let me know how you go.” Giving him another peck on the cheek, she led Derek to the door and they were soon on their way.

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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