Always You (19 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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"Did I hurt you?" he asked worriedly.

I shook my head "No Clay, I want you to get up off of the bed and take off all of your clothes, slowly" I said seductively and biting my lip.

He looked a little shocked but smiled wickedly, "You want me to strip for you huh?" he asked getting up on his knees on the bed, I nodded, oh God yeah I did! He chuckled and stood up next to the bed and started slowly taking his clothes off his eyes never left me. My God he was so beautiful but I really didn't care what he looked like, he was the kindest, sweetest, funniest, most considerate and generous boy in the world and he was mine. I sighed happily.

When he was completely naked he climbed back in the bed with me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Riley I really think you should get some sleep, you've been through a lot and I don't want your arm to start hurting" he said kissing my forehead. I nodded, actually it was starting to ache again anyway but I wasn't going to tell him that, he was worried and angry enough as it is.

He sighed a little sadly, "What's wrong?" I asked concerned smoothing out the frown lines from his face.

"Your parents will be back tomorrow which means that we won't be able to do this much" he said rubbing his hands down my back slowly.

"I wish it was just you and me, or that I could stay here with you all the time" he said wrapping his leg over mine protectively.

"Hmm, that would be nice but at least you still get to stay over here a couple of days a week" I said giving him a flirty smile, he shook his head slightly.

"Riley once we tell our parents that we're together they wont let me sleep in here with you anymore I guarantee it" he said sadly. I frowned at the thought, I loved Clay sleeping in here with me, the best nights sleep I had were nights when he was here, I felt so safe and protected.

"They will, it'll be fine" I said but I didn't quite believe it, I knew he was right.

He laughed "We'll see" he mumbled against my lips, I pulled him tight.

"Can I ask you something Clay? It's kinda embarrassing" I said blushing slightly, he smiled lovingly.

"You can ask me anything Riley bear" he said brushing his hand against my hot cheek.

"Ok well" I said gulping, "You're really huge, I mean is that gonna fit in me?" I said a little horrified nodding down at him.

He chuckled slightly, "Yeah Riley it'll fit don't worry" he said kissing my cheek.

"Well is it gonna hurt me?" I asked wincing at the thought.

He looked sad "Yeah, it will the first time, I don't want to hurt you" he said smoothing my hair looking me in the eyes, I could see all of his love for me shining through.

I smiled "I know you don't, will it hurt you?" I asked frowning again.

"No, why would it hurt me?" he asked confused.

"Well, I thought there was some kind of barrier you had to break the first time you have sex, I just wondered if it would hurt you when you do it" I said feeling stupid and blushing again wishing I hadn't asked.

"I don't know Riley, I don't think so, but I don't care, I'd much rather it hurt me than you" he said tenderly.

"Will you help me, I mean I have no idea what to do Clay, what if I'm terrible at it and disappoint you" I said starting to get myself worked up. I'd thought about this a lot, he had been with LOTS of girls, all of which would have more experience that me and would know how to please a man, what if I was a let down?

He took my face in his hands, "Riley Jane Thomas, I love you more than anything, you would never be a disappointment to me, and of course I'll help you, but judging by the things we've done so far I don't think you'll need my help" he said with a small chuckle.

I smiled a little, "But you've had sex with so many girls Clay how can I compare to that?" I asked weakly.

"Riley, I have had sex with a lot of girls you're right, but I don't want to ever have sex with you" he said kissing me tenderly, "I only ever want to make love to you, that's how you compare" he said rolling on top of me and kissing me again. Wow this boy is sweet! He kissed me until I forgot the reason for my worrying, it all seemed silly when he was kissing me so lovingly.

"I love you" he murmured looking so happy my heart missed a beat. We laid there looking at each other for a long time not speaking. "You know you really are incredible, and I'm the luckiest man alive to have you" he murmured against my forehead.

"Well you're pretty incredible yourself" I said sighing contently and snuggling into his chest. I had a smile on my face and I fell asleep instantly.

Clay's POV

I held her tightly in my arms waiting until she was in a deep sleep, I held her broken arm protectively against my chest so she didn't lay on it and hurt herself or anything. I couldn't calm down, I felt sick, I was so angry I could barely breathe. Just after midnight she was breathing heavy so I gently pushed her off of me laying a pillow in my place putting her arm on it instead. I slipped out of the bed and pulled on my jeans, she stirred slightly in her sleep, oh God please don't wake up Riley! She didn't so I grabbed her phone off of the bedside cabinet and slipped out of the room heading downstairs as I turned it on.

It immediately started buzzing as text messages started coming through, I gulped and looked at who they were from, six new messages all from Blake. I sat down on the sofa gritting my teeth resisting the urge to smash something or jump in the car and go and rip his head off. I can't believe he hurt her like that! I looked over the texts, they were sent at various points through the day. They were all the same thing, he was sorry , he missed her, he couldn't wait to see her. I took a deep breath trying to calm down, I couldn't start shouting it would wake Riley up and I didn't want her to know I'd done this.

I pressed call and waited until he answered, each ring was winding me up a little more, if he didn't answer the phone I was going round there to do this in person. On the eighth ring he answered sounding like I woke him up, "Hey Jailbait" he chirped happily. The sound of his voice almost sent me over the edge so I squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

"It's not Riley, it's Clay" I growled, wow staying calm is harder than I thought.

"What the hell are you doing with my girls phone Preston?" he shouted.

"I'm just calling to tell you to stay the hell away from Riley, if you ever even look at her again I'm going to rip your head off" I growled, he laughed.

"Screw that, she's my girlfriend, and you need to leave her alone, I won't have you doing all that friends shit with my girl" he shouted angrily.

I jumped off the sofa at the word girlfriend, "You fucking broke her arm asshole, if you come near her again you're going to wish that they threw your ass in jail by the time I'm finished with you" I said gripping a hand in my hair tying to keep my voice down in case I woke her.

"The police can't do anything, they just said to back off" he said sounding a little smug, I could feel the rage building up inside I forced myself to stay on the spot as my body wanted so badly to jump in the car and go and finish this.

"I'm fucking telling you now, I don't give a shit what the police said, you come near her again and I swear I'll kill you" I spat down the phone angrily.

"I can't say away from her, I'm crazy about her, she's mine" he said.

"NO she's not! And you need to back the fuck off! We're together now and I wont let you hurt her, so you'll stay the fuck away if you know what's good for you" I said squeezing my eyes shut again.

"Together? You fucking can't be together, she's mine!" Blake roared angrily.

I smiled, "Trust me, we're together and I don't want you anywhere near her, you even think about calling or texting her again and I swear you'll regret it" I promised.

He laughed, "Thanks for the warning there Preston" he said teasingly, I could almost hear the sneer in his voice.

"I promise Chambers, I will bury you" I said slowly forcing the words to come out at a reasonable level. I snapped the phone shut, I couldn't talk to him anymore, if I heard one more word in his smug voice I wouldn't be able to stop myself from going there and that really wouldn't help the situation if I got myself arrested for murder.

I turned her phone back off and headed back up the stairs. She was laying in the exact place I left her, her beautiful naked body sprawled out on the bed. God she was so perfect, I never thought I'd ever be with her, I'd wanted her for so long but she never even looked at me that way. It had been killing me all these years to have her so close and love her the way I do, seeing her go on dates and stuff with other guys was painful. I was content to just be in her life, I was happy being her best friend as long as I got to be around her. But that month away was torture, everyday I would wake up and feel sick that she wasn't here, that I couldn't talk to her, that's what made me try.

I smiled as I slipped off my jeans and crawled into the bed, lifting her broken arm and moving the pillow out of the way. I pulled her to me and held her cast tight against my chest, she nuzzled into my neck her naked body pressing tightly against my side. I turned my head and kissed the top of her head, I can't believe this perfect girl loves me, she wants me, I honestly was the luckiest guy in the world. I felt happier than I had ever felt in my life. I would never let anything hurt her ever again. "I love you Riley bear" I whispered closing my eyes will myself to sleep and forget that asshole, he wouldn't come near her again, he wouldn't dare.

Chapter 12

Riley's POV

I got up early in the morning and threw on his shirt, I left him asleep in the bed and sighed contently as I made my way downstairs. I picked up the phone and dialled the doctors clinic and arranged an appointment for four o'clock. I needed to get on the pill fast, it wasn't going to be long before I convinced Clay to sleep with me, not that he would need much convincing but he really wanted to make it special. I wasn't sure when this would be possible though, he was right it would be more difficult for us to be together as my parents were due back this afternoon, I highly doubted that they would let him sleep in with me as usual once they found out we were a couple.

I was starving hungry so I thought I'd surprise Clay with breakfast in bed. Clay loved pancakes so I grabbed all the ingredients from the cupboards and started making them. It was difficult only having one good hand especially breaking the eggs but I managed. Once I'd made a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes and two glasses of orange juice I plopped it all onto a tray.

I tried to pick up the tray, hmm maybe I hadn't thought this through properly. How the hell can you carry a tray with only one hand? I laughed and shook my head, two arms shot around my waist, I gasped and jumped spinning around quickly to see Clay standing there in his boxers with an amused look on his face. "What are you laughing at my beautiful girlfriend?" he asked kissing my neck.

I slapped his chest playfully, "I thought you were asleep, I was making you breakfast in bed but now you've ruined my surprise" I said pouting my lip out, he lent his head forward and bit my pouty lip gently making me giggle.

"I'm sorry Riley bear, how about I go back to bed and pretend I'm asleep" he said seriously pulling away and turning around.

I laughed and grabbed his hand, "Well actually I was having a bit of trouble anyway" I said sheepishly blushing at my useless cast.

"What's the problem beautiful girl?" he asked tenderly putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I can't carry the stupid tray with one hand" I said laughing and pointing at the tray with my bad hand. He didn't laugh he looked angry then quickly rearranged his expression into a smile.

"I'll get it" he said picking it up and nodding his head towards the stairs for me to go first, I smiled bless him he's such a gentleman.

An hour later I was ready to leave for school, Clay had been ready for forty five minutes, "Stupid boys having it easy" I mumbled. It took me longer to get dressed than normal with my cast. I'd remembered to put on easy trousers so I could go to the bathroom on my own at least so I pulled on green combat trousers that had a popper instead of a button and a simple black v neck top. I couldn't manage to do my sneakers so I slipped them on and left them undone, I'd have to ask Clay to do them for me I thought with a smile.

Eventually I made my way downstairs to see him watching sports channel. I cleared my throat behind him making him jump slightly, "Hey, you look amazing" he said turning the TV off and grabbing my waist pulling me in for a kiss. He pulled back and looked at me from my head to my toes, he started to chuckle, bless him he bent and tied my laces without me even asking. I smiled he is so sweet. "Are you ready to go?" he asked as he stood up and pulled me back in for a hug.

"Err Clay, I'm gonna have to drive myself today, I have somewhere to be after school" I said biting my lip.

He looked confused "No way, I'm not letting you drive yourself today, this is the first day of school that I have you as a girlfriend, I want to show you off" he wined kissing my neck, I giggled as he nibbled my earlobe.

"Clay I'll meet you there, I have an appointment at 4" I told him putting my hands in his hair.

"What sort of appointment?" he asked frowning slightly, I didn't want him to know he would insist on coming with me being the respectable boyfriend that he is and he needed to go to practice, if he knew I was going to see a doctor about going on the pill he would blow off his practice I know it.

"None of your bees wax Clay Preston" I said with a smirk, he hated secrets.

"I can drive you to your appointment" he said still kissing my neck, I moaned slightly as he sucked on my neck again making his love bite darker.

"You have practice" I said breathlessly, my body tingling for him again.

I heard him mumble "shit" under his breath. "Ok well how about this, we take your car to school then you can go to your appointment while I'm at practice then pick me up after" he said pulling back to look at me.

"I can't Clay, the place I'm going usually runs late with it's appointments, what if there's a hold up and I'm not back before practice finishes" I said shrugging, ha I win!

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