Always You (20 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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"Then I'll wait for you" he said handing me my car keys with a 'that's decided' expression.

I sighed "Ok fine but don't blame me if I'm late back" I said slapping his ass with my good hand.

"So what's the appointment?" he asked giving me his adorable puppy dog face, I quickly looked away if I stared at that face for too long I would crack and tell him. He let me get past him before he gripped my waist from behind making me stop in my tracks, he kissed down my neck nibbling on my shoulder, breathing down my neck sending chills down my spine. I moaned and bit my lip, "What's the appointment Riley bear?" he murmured against my skin, I shook my head. He ran his hands down the outside of my legs before trailing them back up on the inside of my thighs seductively all the time kissing my neck and shoulders, I could feel his erection pushing against my ass I shivered as desire shot through me again.

"Won't you tell me?" he whispered seductively, lifting my hair so he could lick the back of my neck, his other hand travelling up to grip my hip tightly. I lost the thought I was trying to have, I had no idea what he'd just asked. "Please tell me, I thought we agreed when we were little never to keep secrets from each other" he said convincingly.

"Oh ok fine, I have a doctors appointment" I said breathlessly turning around to wrap my arms round his neck.

He gasped "Oh Shit! Are you ok? Does your arm hurt? What can I do? You want to go back to the hospital?" he asked looking round frantically, I really don't know what he was looking for. I kissed him hard on the mouth to stop his freak out.

"Clay I'm going to the doctors to go on the pill" I said simply kissing him again, his body relaxed instantly.

"Are you sure your ok? I mean your arm" he asked worriedly, I kissed him again before he had another panic attack.

"I'm going to go on the pill, that's the appointment now stop stressing, jeez you've always been such a worrier" I said rolling my eyes and giving him a smile.

"Only about you" he said kissing me again.

"Ok so it's agreed then we'll take my car and I'll pick you up like you said" I said with a grin, he shook his head.

"No Riley bear, I'll come with you, I mean this is about me too you know, we should go together" he said happiness written all over his face.

I knew this would happen. "No way, and anyway how do you know it's about you? I'm not letting all my other boyfriends come so why should you get preferential treatment?" I teased.

"Because you love me more than the others" he said teasingly back.

"Hmm well that's true I guess, just don't tell them I said that" I replied, he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tightly thinking he'd won. "But you're still not coming Clay" I said sternly, he looked at me again, "No! You have practice and I'm going on my own, that's the end of it" I said kissing his nose and turning for the door.

He sighed and I heard him follow me, as I picked up my school bag he cleared his throat, I looked up to see him with raised eyebrows holding out his hand for my bag. I sighed and handed it to him grabbing his hand after and dragging him out of the house to my car, he is so damn adorable. "You drive" I said as I tossed my keys to him and went to the passenger side.

"How come?" he asked smiling, he loved my car and I always let him drive it whenever we went out together, I could see the excitement in his eyes, he'd never told me he loved to drive it but I could tell. I shrugged and smiled climbing in.

He looked so excited he was almost bouncing in his seat, "Why the excitement Clay?" I asked, it couldn't just be the car he was never this excited.

"I can't wait for everyone to know that you're mine" he said beaming again.

When we go to school he made me wait in the car while he ran round to get my door. "Thanks" I muttered, for some reason I was a little embarrassed, I mean I was gonna be the object of all of the gossip today. The girls already hated me for being his friend they were gonna really hate me now! He held out a hand and I took it looking around shyly. He shut my door and pushed me lightly against the car, pressing every inch of his perfect body to mine and kissing me deeply, running his hands down my body, I vaguely heard gasps and cheers but they disappeared quickly and all I could focus on was Clay. My body needed him like air and I just couldn't get enough.

He pulled away and put his forehead to mine breathing deeply, his deep breathing made me horny as hell, "Mmm how about we skip school and you take me back to bed?" I whispered jokingly. He groaned, I saw him open my car door as he nodded in agreement. I laughed at him, he was serious, he wanted to go back home. I pushed him back off of me "Come on lets get this over and done with" I said rolling my eyes, he just moved back to me.

"I just need a minute" he said shyly trying to tell me something with his eyes, I looked down slightly to see his jeans bulging.

I shook my head, "You really are insatiable Clay" I told him as I dragged him along, he caught up with me quickly and pressed close to my back hiding his erection from view holding onto my hips.

I giggled as we got up to his friends and discreetly ground my ass against it making him moan and tighten his grip on my hips. "Stop that Riley" he whispered in my ear, holding me firmly in front of him but I don't know why, it wasn't really helping him if anything it was making it worse. I stifled a giggle as I shifted from one foot to the other on purpose brushing against it. "Riley" he warned and I laughed again.

"Hey man what's up?" Tom said slapping him a high five, I raised a sneaky eyebrow at Clay and brushed against him again, I knew exactly what was up.

"Hey guys, let me introduce you to my girlfriend" Clay said proudly kissing my temple.

"Girlfriend? Are you serious?" Tom said astonished, Ben and Craig smiled.

"Yep totally serious, I told her, finally" Clay said holding me tight and beaming. Their eyes shot to me, I nodded in confirmation and they all cheered and whooped slapping Clay on the back in congratulations. Some cheerleaders started to make their way over to us, I could see Zoë at the front of the group, I groaned as she laid her eyes on Clay with a predatory smile.

"Yep totally true, I finally told her I loved her on Saturday night" Clay said as he spun me around and kissed me passionately. When he pulled away he held me close and beamed at me, I blushed, ok I know he's just showing off but that is slightly embarrassing. I looked up to see the girls glaring hatred at me, I shrank back into Clay and looked away quickly. The guys were all beaming at us and I could tell they were pleased about it.

"Err Clay, I'm gonna go find Rachel ok?" I said starting to move away.

He grabbed my hips again "Ok girlfriend, I'll see you in first period ok" he said kissing me again until I was breathless. As I walked off he slapped my ass and whistled at me, I rolled my eyes at him and skipped off to find Rach. I'd text her yesterday to tell her to meet me at my locker and that I had something to tell her.

When I got there she was waiting for me with a big grin, "I know I know, I've heard, you and the extremely hot Clay Preston were seen approximately 13 minutes ago making out in the car park now is that true or false?" she said with a huge smile.

I nodded "Yep true" I said with another smile, suddenly she gasped, ok it's not that hard to believe is it?

"What the hell have you done to your arm?" she said pointing with wide eyes.

"Oh I err..." I stuttered, what the hell am I gonna say? I can't tell her, what if someone hears and it goes round the whole damn school! "I fell, no big deal" I said sheepishly.

She giggled "Were you drunk?" she asked, ok that's an easy out.

"Yep wasted" I said with a grin. She linked her arm through mine and we trotted off down the hallway towards our classes, I tried my best to ignore the whispers and glares from everyone that walked past me.

The rest of the morning was the same, Rachel asked for every detail about how we got together, what we had done, if we'd had sex, was he a good kisser, everything. I answered almost everything with 'no comment' much to her annoyance. At lunchtime we were all sitting at the usual lunch table, "I think we need to have a road trip" Ben said with a big grin, everyone was agreeing and deciding where to go, when, who would want to go. It was decided that we would go to Vegas this weekend. Ben was going to get everyone that needed them fake id's. We were all to arrange with our parents tonight to see if this was even possible.

Clay grabbed hold of me excitedly, "Vegas Riley bear, that means slot machines" he said with a big smile, I could feel the excitement trying to bubble up in me but I pushed it down, there is no way that my parents are going to let me go on a road trip to Vegas.

"Clay my Mom and Brian won't let me go so I'm not gonna get excited about it" I said honestly, he just shook his head.

"You don't know that Riley bear, they might be ok with it if you're going with me" he said a bit proudly.

Hmm maybe, my Mom and Brian loved Clay they always have done, but I still don't think they'll let me go. I just nodded we'll see, I grimaced inside at the thought of a weekend without Clay, "What's wrong? I can tell you're thinking about something" he said nuzzling my neck.

"Nothing, I just don't think my parents will go for it, so I'm gonna miss you that's all" I said shrugging.

He looked a little confused, "What do you mean? Why would you miss me?" he asked wrapping his arm around me tightly.

"Because I love you silly, won't you miss me?" I asked looking a little hurt.

He shook his head, "Riley bear I think your confused about something" he said grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap straddling him, holding me tight. "I'm not going if you can't go" he whispered in my ear sounding so sexy I shivered.

I gasped shocked, he wouldn't go? That's just stupid, I'm not letting him miss out on the fun if I can't go, "Clay, if I can't go you are still going" I said firmly.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter lets just see what our parents say first ok" he said kissing me deeply, sitting on his lap I could feel a stirring in his trousers, I giggled and moved around on purpose. He chuckled and held me still, "You need to stop that little girl" he said narrowing his eyes at me playfully. I giggled again and lent forward sticking out my tongue and tracing his bottom lip slowly making him moan, he moved forwards to kiss me so I pulled back laughing making him groan.

I noticed that the table had gone quiet, I looked round and everyone was staring at us the girls with jealousy and the boys with lustful expressions. I blushed, "What?" I asked standing up and moving off his lap, the boys just laughed and slapped Clay on the back again. I shook my head, typical boys.

After school I went to the clinic and amazingly got in only 5 minutes late, I had to answer tons of questions about my sexual activity. She was very impressed that I was going on the pill before having sex and we decided together that I should go for the contraceptive injection. It was a quick injection in the ass, it lasted 12 weeks and after three or four injections would actually make my periods stop all together which was great! She did it there and then and apparently it only took 48 hours to get into my system. She gave me a leaflet about it, apparently there wasn't very many symptom's I needed to worry about, maybe stomach cramps today or tomorrow as it worked its way around my system.

I went to pick up Clay and surprisingly I was on time. I pulled into the car park just as he was walking out of the locker rooms. I got out of the car and leaned against it waiting for him to come to me. He spotted me and ran up, I jumped into his arms and wrapped myself around him as he kissed me hungrily, "Mmm I missed you" he said against my lips, I chuckled.

"You missed me? It's only been an hour" I joked running my hands through his hair.

"Yeah but I've hardly seen you all day, I missed this" he said squeezing my ass pulling me closer to him as he supported my weight easily.

"Take me home Clay and show me how much you missed me" I said teasingly, he groaned and put me carefully into the passenger side before going round to drive.

"So how did you get on then Riley bear?" he asked holding my hand as he drove the few minutes to my house.

"Good, I decided to go for the injection so I don't have to do anything at all apart from go back for another one every three months" I said with a smile. The doctor had convinced me to go for this one, apparently girls my age that went to parties sometimes ended up pregnant because they were sick with a hangover in the morning and their pills were brought out of their system.

"Injection? Seriously they do that?" he asked shocked.

I nodded "Yep, right in my ass, I'm probably gonna get a bruise or something" I said with fake hurt.

He squeezed my hand, "I can kiss it for you if you like" he said seductively.

"Mmm I was hoping you would say that" I said flirtily, he moaned quietly with a small smile on his face. "Wanna know the best thing?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah of course, I wish you'd have let me come with you, I wanted to be there for you" he said squeezing my hand again.

"I know and I love you for it Clay but you had practice, she would have made you wait in the waiting room anyway so there would have been no point" I said kissing the back of his hand.

He sighed "Yeah ok, so what's the best thing?" he asked curiously, he pulled into my driveway and I quickly climbed out of the car. My parents car was in the driveway so I knew they were home, I walked up to the door and waited for him to catch me up.

Once we were outside the front door I lent into him seductively put my hands on his chest and brought my mouth to his ear, "It only takes 48 hours to get into my system and then you won't ever need a condom again" I said biting his earlobe, he moaned quietly.

"48 hours?" he asked huskily, I bit my lip and nodded. He looked so lustful that it made the tingles shoot round my body, I pushed them away and grabbed his hand pulling him in the house with a giggle.

"Hey Mom, hey Brian" I chirped as I skipped into the room hugging them both.

"Riley what the hell happened?" my Mom asked tears welling up in her eyes, I gasped oh shit I forgot all about my arm!

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