Always You (9 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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"It was really nice Mom, now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna go to bed" I said kissing her cheek and walking to the stairs.

"Riley?" she called when I was about two steps up.

"Mmm" I mumbled turning back.

"I know he's older than you and therefore probably more experienced, but that doesn't mean you have to rush into anything, but if you do want decide to take things further please be safe and if you need to talk to me about anything you know you can right?" she asked looking at me lovingly, I smiled yep my Mom is definitely the best.

"I know that Mom and thanks" I said smiling and heading up to bed. I laid awake for a long time thinking about the kiss and how I wanted to kiss him again and again. Suddenly my phone beeped and I read the message:

'I had a really great time. Thanks, and can't wait for Thursday. Sweet dreams Jailbait'

I smiled and finally drifted to sleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 5

"Hey" Clay said as I climbed into his car in the morning.

"Hey yourself" I said kissing his cheek, he smiled and I felt my heart speed up.

Ok now, just tell him now. "Err Clay, I need to tell you something but I don't want you to get annoyed or yell at me or anything agreed?" I asked nervously playing with my hands in my lap.

"Ok Riley I won't get mad I promise, what's wrong?" he asked I could hear the concern in his voice, he pulled into the school car park but we didn't move to get out. I didn't say anything, Oh crap he is going to go crazy, he already told me to stay away from him.

"Riley?" he said quietly, taking my hand and rubbing soothing circles in the back with his thumb.

"Ok well, I went out with Blake Chambers last night and I'm seeing him again tomorrow" I said quickly looking out of the windshield. He drew in a sharp breath through his teeth and I grimaced ready for him to explode.

"You went out with him?" he whispered, Ok that was not what I expected, I looked over at him, he looked so sad I almost cried. I moved over to sit on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck putting my forehead to his.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like him but he was actually really sweet to me" I said looking at his face, he had his eyes squeezed shut and his hands were clenched into fists on the seat, his jaw clenched tight.

He didn't say anything so I reached down and put his arms around my waist, he didn't unclench his fists but he left his arms around me which I took as a good sign. "It was fun, I had a nice time" I said smiling.

He snapped his eyes open and pulled his head back from mine "Did you sleep with him Riley?" he asked venomously, I gasped in shock, did I sleep with him? Is he serious?

"How in the hell can you ask me that? It was a first date for Christ sake Clay! Is that what you really think of me? That I'm a slut?" I asked opening his door and climbing out stomping off angrily. The damn boy will sleep with anything that moves but has the nerve to judge me?

I heard footsteps behind me before he grabbed my hand making me stop. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, I know you wouldn't have, it's just that he's such a player Riley, that's all he wants you for" he said frowning angrily.

"Oh so the only thing I'm good for is sex right?" I shouted shaking my head at him in disbelief. We were starting to draw a crowd now people were stopping to listen to us shout at each other.

"You know that's not what I think! But he will trust me!" he shouted in my face making me flinch back from the sound of his voice.

"Clay what the hell? Is it so hard to comprehend that someone might want to be with me for me? You think I'm good for nothing else?" I asked hurt that he could think of me that way.

"Riley! For God sake! Of course not, You know I love you for you, how the hell could you say that? But he's different, he's so much older than you, he's only going to be after one thing" he said pulling my hand trying to get me to move closer to him. I stood my ground and made him move to me, it was silly but I refuse to be the one to concede, I'd done nothing wrong. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my temple, "I'm sorry Riley bear I am, I didn't mean it like that, please, I'm sorry, I just, I don't like that guy, I don't trust him" he whispered in my ear making me shiver as tingles spread down my body.

"Well you don't have to like him Clay, but you can put this grudge against him aside for me can't you?" I asked quietly wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his neck.

"Yeah I can do that for you Riley, I'd do anything for you" he said kissing my temple again and sighing.

"Shows over, come on everyone can get to class" Tom shouted waving his hands towards the school, I pulled back to look at Clay and he smiled a weak defeated smile at me, I smiled back and grabbed his hand pulling him into the school.

The morning was weird, everyone was asking me about Clay, how long had we known each other, how did we meet, all sorts of weird things. More girls than usual were giving me death glares and not one boy asked me out.

"Rachel what's going on today? Why are the girls all acting like they want to kill me more than usual?" I asked looking around the canteen to a room full of hateful glares.

"Clay declared his undying love for you in the car park so they're all jealous, I heard the cheerleaders talking in the bathrooms thinking of ways they can get revenge on you, at this point I think they're actually talking about slipping some poison into your drink" she said giggling.

"WHAT?" I shrieked looking around at everyone, "He did not declare his undying love for me! Jeez! We're friends! Why is everyone making such a big deal out of Clay and I?" I asked shaking my head grimacing.

"Clay and I what?" he said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"All the girls are hating on Riley, because you told her you loved her and would do anything for her, someone taped it on their phone so of course the whole school has seen it" Rachel said simply shrugging her shoulders.

I gasped and Clay just chuckled and gave me a squeeze, "Oh well, it's true she knows that anyway" he said kissing my neck and starting to suck on it.

I elbowed him in the stomach and pulled away laughing "Don't you dare mark me again Clay Preston or else" I warned trying to look threatening.

He just laughed again and rolled his eyes "I'm so scared of you Riley bear, so scared" he said sarcastically grabbing my hand and pulling me to his table.

"So how long have you two really been together?" Terri a pretty slutty cheerleader asked me with a fake smile but hate glaring out of her eyes.

"Oh for the love of all that's holy!" I cried throwing my hands up in the air.

"Oh come on muffin they're only curious" Clay said with a smirk as he kissed the back of my hand, I elbowed him in the ribs harshly.

"Will you stop!" I said angrily shaking my head at him. He had been impossible since I sat down, he had been playing the loved up boyfriend routine all lunchtime, touching and kissing me, laughing and tickling me making me squirm. He wasn't denying anything, he was making everything worse! Every time someone asked if he loved me he just said yes for God's sake!

"Stop what sweet cheeks?" he asked innocently winking at me.

"Clay enough now seriously, your starting to piss me off" I said pulling my hand out of his.

"Ooo lovers tiff?" Ben asked with a smirk.

"So are you two like gonna get married?" Tiffany asked curling her hair around her finger looking dreamily at Clay.

"Eventually, I'd marry her tomorrow if it were up to me" he said tucking my hair behind my ear. My mouth fell open, seriously I am going to kick his perfect ass if he doesn't start denying these fucking rumours soon! He's making it worse, that asshole!

Just then my phone rang, I looked at the caller id, it was Blake. I jumped up with a smile, "Excuse me" I said climbing off the bench and walking away for a bit of privacy.

"Hi Jailbait" he said when I answered,

"Hey, what are you doing calling me? Shouldn't you be at work?" I replied trying to ignore the stares coming from behind me.

"I am at work, I'm on a break so I thought I'd call and see how you slept" he said easily.

"I slept very well actually how about you?" I asked with a smile.

"Honestly, not so good, I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss, it had me tossing and turning all night" he said teasingly, I burst out laughing at his little innuendo.

"Oh really it was that good for you huh? Well then you just wait till you see what else I can do, I can really rock your world if a kiss can keep you up all night" I said seductively.

He moaned "Jailbait that's not fair" he whined.

"Well suck it up stud, you wanted to date a minor so you can deal with the consequences" I said trying not to laugh.

"Mmm, you sure you can't make it tonight?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm sure, Clay and I have plans, but he is seriously pissing me off at the moment so if he doesn't buck up his ideas then I will be free" I said shooting Clay a warning glance, but he wasn't looking at me he was just staring down into his lap frowning.

"Yeah, what's he doing?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing its just a joke that's gone too far that's all, listen I better go I'll see you tomorrow night" I said snapping my phone shut and walking back to the bench, everyone was staring at me with wide eyes.

I sat back down and took Clay's hand squeezing it gently until he looked at me with a fake smile and sad eyes. "Enough now please?" I begged, he just nodded and squeezed my hand back.

"So who was that on the phone?" Terri asked giving me a sneer obviously thinking I had been caught out at something.

"Blake Chambers" I said with a shrug, all the girls at the table gasped and immediately started asking about him and going on about how hot he is, all talk of Clay and I were long gone thank God.

I looked at Clay he just looked so sad and hurt, I slung my arm around his waist easily and leaned against him. "I'm sorry, I'll stop now" he muttered.

I turned and kissed him on his cheek "I love you too by the way" I whispered honestly, which made him beam at me melting my heart.

"Sweet or Salty?" Clay shouted from downstairs shaking the two packets of popcorn.

"Err you choose I don't mind" I shouted as I stared at my wall of movies. I settled on The Final Destination and stripped off my top and jeans standing in my underwear, I lent over to grab my pyjamas when the door opened and Clay walked in.

"OH SHIT! SORRY!" he said blushing and turning around quickly.

"Are you blushing Clay Preston? Seriously?" I said with a chuckle, "Honestly its ok, it's only like seeing me in a bikini right? You've done that hundreds of times" I said shaking my head at him, jeez he's seen hundreds of girls in less clothes than I'm wearing. "Err my pyjamas are on that side there, would you pass them to me?" I asked pointing at the drawers next to him, I turned back to the movie and skipped through the trailers.

As I turned back Clay was closer than I thought and I bumped into him loosing my balance, his hands shot out and grabbed my waist to steady me then he quickly pulled away like I had burned him. My sides were tingling where his hands had touched, I blushed at how close he was, his chest was pressed against mine. I looked up into his eyes, he seemed to be torn about something, he looked like he was trying to solve a really hard math problem. Then he closed his eyes and stepped away holding out his hand to pass me my pyjamas. I got dressed quickly and climbed in the bed. I discretely watched as he slipped his clothes off standing there in just his black boxers, the muscles tensing in his back while he folded up his jeans.

Oh Jesus he is so perfect and beautiful, honestly I think God outdid himself when he made Clay. I bit my lip to stifle the moan of need that I felt as I raked my eyes over his whole body slowly thinking of all the things I wanted to do to him, making my body tingle with desire. Suddenly he snapped off the light putting an end to my ogling. I sighed, I really need to stop lusting after my best friend jeez what's wrong with me?

He handed me a bowl of popcorn so I started eating to take my mind off of how close his hard sculptured body was to me, "You went for sweet then?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I made you sweet and I've got salty because I know you'll want to swap in a while so you can have both anyway" he said nudging me in the side.

I smiled and watched the film, God he knows me well and he is so damn sweet! He's really going to make some lucky girl a great boyfriend when he decides to finally choose someone. I pushed away the jealousy I felt at the thought of him actually being serious about someone, I had no right to be jealous he wasn't mine, we were friends that's all. I snuggled closer to his side and sighed happily as he put his arm around me.

Chapter 6

Clay insisted on being there when Blake picked me up the following night, much to my embarrassment. He stayed downstairs while I got ready, I didn't know what we were doing tonight so I went for a denim skirt that cut off at mid thigh and a fitted black button-down shirt with a red lacy bra underneath that you could see a little if you looked closely enough which I assumed Blake would do. I went for ballet flats tonight in case we were walking anywhere. I put half my hair up and curled the rest. I was ready early so I went downstairs with Clay. As I walked in his eyes went wide and his mouth popped open for a split second before he re-arranged his expression and gulped.

"Do I look that bad? Should I change?" I asked looking down at myself.

"No you look beautiful Riley, it's just you should put on a different top, you can see your bra in that one" he said frowning and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I laughed "That's the whole point! That's how you wear it, you've seen this before" I said shaking my head at him.

"Yeah well I wasn't trying to get into your pants like he will, he'll see that as an invitation!" he shouted then immediately looked apologetic, "Sorry didn't mean that, I'm just a little worried that's all" he said looking me over again slowly.

After a couple of seconds he didn't speak and I started to feel a little uncomfortable, why the hell is he looking at me like that? His eyes lingering over my breasts and legs, holy crap is Clay lusting after me? "Clay, are you checking me out?" I cried a little shocked, oh God please say yes and kiss me again!

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