Amandas's Mail Order Cowboy: The Story of A Mail Order Bride and Her Mail Order Husband (Mail Order Brides Book 14) (10 page)

BOOK: Amandas's Mail Order Cowboy: The Story of A Mail Order Bride and Her Mail Order Husband (Mail Order Brides Book 14)
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chapter Twenty-Two

The Surprise


The doctor confirmed Amanda’s diagnosis. “You can continue your normal activities,” he said.

“Tell my husband,” Amanda said.

The doctor laughed. “It’s like that with most first time fathers. She’s not crystal, son. She won’t break. Just don’t do anything stupid.”

“I have to write Mama and Papa and tell them they’re going to be grandparents,” Amanda said. “They will be thrilled to death.”

It was a perfect pregnancy. At each three month checkup, the doctor pronounced her healthy.

The baby’s moving…

Amanda and Rance were in the bed. She felt something in her belly. She grabbed Rance’s hand and placed it on her belly. “There. Did you feel that?” she asked She moved the hand slightly. ‘How about that?”

“I felt it. I’m actually feeling our baby. It’s incredible,” he said.

The next day, she was lying on the bed with Amanda. She pulled her dress up and bared her belly. “Watch honey.” Her flesh bulged and moved. See? She took the small hand, and placed it in the same area. That’s your little sister or brother. She’s moving around.”

“How did they get in there?”

Your papa and I did it.” Amanda said, unable to think of anything else to say.


“It’s our secret,”

“How will she get out?”

“When it’s time, a lady will come help get her out.”

“Oh,” Abby said.

After the sixth month, the doctor saw her monthly. At the end of the seventh month, he said, “You should abstain until after the baby comes. Don’t be alarmed, nothing wrong, it's just a precaution.”

“I recommend Mrs. Calder as a midwife. She has delivered more babies than I have, and does not need my help unless something very unusual happens.”

“At church that Sunday, Amanda was talking to Jennie Pierce. Do you know Mrs. Calder?” she asked.

“Get her if you can,” Jennie said. “She delivered Becky. She stayed with us the two weeks before Becky was born and a week afterwards.”

Amanda told Rance about the conversation, and he made arrangements for Mrs. Calder to move in with them.

The Friday before her due date, Rance said, “I have to go into Cheyenne. I don’t think you should go. I’d hate to have to deliver Miss no-name myself.”

“I’d hate for you to have to,” agreed Amanda.

Three hours later…

Amanda was sitting in the living room, her eyes closed, and her head pushed against the back of the divan. She heard the carriage come into the yard. “Abby, Papa’s home,” she called out.” Abby ran to the door and waited.

Rance came in, “Where’s Mama?” he asked. Abby pointed to the living room. Rance picked her up and carried her into the room..

“Did you have a problem?” Amanda asked.

“No, the train was late, is all,” he said.

She turned, her jaw dropped when she saw who was with him. “Mama, Papa. What are… how…, You did this for me.”

She stood, put her arms around him and hugged him as close as she could with her large tummy. “Isn’t he wonderful?”

Her mother stood there and looked. “You look wonderful, honey.” Her father made it a group hug.

“How did you arrange all of this?” she asked.

“I sent them a letter a couple of months ago, then I got a letter from them sent to Clem and Margaret’s, then I wired the money for the tickets, I’m very pleased with myself for managing to keep it a secret all this time. I didn’t even tell Consuela.”

“It’s the best present you could have given me." She put her hands on her belly. “Well, maybe the second best.”

“I’m so glad you and Papa could come,” she said. “It means so much to me, having you here for the baby.”

“We added on to the house when we found out. We’re going to really need the space now, with you and Mrs. Calder here.

“Mrs. Calder is the midwife. She’s going to be staying here until the baby comes, starting Monday,” Rance explained.

“Mama, let me show you our house. I just love it, Amanda said.

Abby tugged at her grandmother’s dress. “Come see my room.”

Abby led them down the hall and into her room. The ceiling was painted light blue with puffy white clouds floating around. The walls were papered with a decorative wallpaper. There were prints of animals framed on the walls. “Mama did it,” Abby said.

“Why it’s beautiful, just like you,” Ellie said.

“I know,” Abby said.

“You are a precious little girl,” Ellie said.

“I’m a big girl. Mama said,” Abby said.

Two weeks later…

With Mrs. Calder, Ellie, and Consuela in the room, Laurie Kendall announced her arrival with a loud cry.

Ellie came out, and told Rance, “You have a beautiful, healthy baby girl.”

He picked his surprised mother-in-law up and swung her around the room. “How’s Amanda?”

“She’s tired, and sleepy, but she’s fine. Consuela’s cleaning the baby up; then you can go in,” Ellie said.

Rance turned to Albert, and shook his hand. “Grandpa, what do you think about all of this?”

“I can’t begin to tell you how much this means to Ellie. When Amanda left Elmira, we honestly didn’t think we would ever see her again, and here we are with our granddaughter. You made it possible, It means a lot to me, but to Ellie, it means the world.”

“I told you when we left; I would take care of your daughter. I meant it then and I mean it now. She is the most compassionate, loving person I’ve ever met, and she could only get that from her parents. She’s my world. It’s that simple.”

“Have you told her that?” Albert asked.

“On a regular basis.”

“Good for you. You two are lucky finding each other, living a world apart,” Albert said.

Ellie came back out. “Go in, she’s awake.”

Standing by the bed, Consuela said, “The Señora worked hard, Señor Rance. The baby és perfecto.”

Rance walked immediately to the bedside. His wife’s smile was tired, but wide.

“Did you see her yet,” she asked. “She’s beautiful.

“No, your mother said she was perfect, and I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you,” he said.

“I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you,” she said.

“I’ve told you before; I could never be disappointed in you.”

Ellie came over, holding the baby in her arms. She pulled the blanket from the sleeping, red faced newborn girl, her tiny fingers clutched in a fist. She had hair, so light, it was almost invisible. “Here’s your daughter, Rance. She’s beautiful. I think she looks just like Amanda did when she was born.”

Rance stepped aside, so Albert could see his granddaughter. Ellie placed the baby by Amanda on the bed.

“She is perfect, and she’s beautiful, honey,” Rance told his wife. “I’m going to get Abby. If she’s still asleep, I won’t bother her.”

Mrs. Calder came to the bedside. “Amanda has worked hard and is tired. She needs to get some rest now.”

Rance returned to the room carrying Abby, who was still half asleep. He held her over the bed. Amanda peeled the blanket back.

“”You’re a big sister now. Isn’t she pretty?” Amanda said. “Give me a kiss, and then I need to take a nap.

Rance held Abby where she could kiss her mother.

Rance, Ellie, and Albert stood together outside the bedroom. “A beautiful, kind, and caring wife, two daughters, what more could a man want. We are truly blessed.”



Amanda and Rance named their new addition, Laurie Ann.

Fascinated by her new position as big sister, Abby watched Amanda feed Laurie. She allowed her dolls, Sarah and Mary to watch, and explained what was going on.

Typical of most new fathers, Rance became adept at changing diapers, and when Laurie grew older he participated in all aspects of her care.

Both parents were careful to include Abby and made sure not to neglect her.

Abby grew to be a beautiful young woman. After Rance gave Amanda a piano for Christmas, she began teaching Abby the fundamentals of music.

Abby attended the Cheyenne Public Schools as did her younger sister, and graduated from the University of Wyoming. Amanda’s mother wrote them about a new music conservatory called Julliard, opening in New York. It was founded by the godson of Franz Liszt, Abby applied and was admitted. She would go on to be a renowned pianist.

Laurie also attended the Cheyenne public schools and the University of Wyoming. She followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a teacher. She would marry the youngest son of Cal and Jennie Pierce.

Amanda and Rance were allowed to adopt Abby, with the final papers being signed by the court in 1882 when she was four years old. Amanda wrestled with the decision on pursuing the identification of any surviving relatives of Abby. She and Rance agreed it would be the right thing to do.

After dozens of letters, she located the sister of Abby’s mother, who lived in Germantown, Pennsylvania. She provided the sister the details of the death of Cora and her husband.

The sister filed a lawsuit, seeking the parental rights to Amanda and the control of the trust established in Abby’s name and will be part of the plot in the next book in this series.

Rance lived to the age of ninety two, and was followed in death by Amanda, at the age of ninety four. They were buried in the Kendall Family Cemetery, on the Lazy K Ranch, now run by their son, Michael.

If you enjoyed Amanda’s Mail Order Cowboy, please share with your friends. Above all, please consider leaving a favorable review on Amazon. A link to other books in this series:

Click here for other books by Susan Leigh Carlton


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A Note From Susan


Gentle Readers

I monitor all of the reviews and comments, left on Amazon or sent directly to me by email. I particularly treasure the emails from you. I revise my writing process and style accordingly. Writing is still a learning process for me and I love every minute of it.”

I appreciate your taking the time to read my books. As an avid reader myself, I will read several books during the time I am writing this one. Our kids love to read. In fact, one year, we gave our ten year old son, his own subscription to Readers Digest because he kept taking ours.

For those of you who email me about the plots and the style, I thank you. For someone to have the interest and take the time to email… well it makes my day and you have a special place in my heart.

I had an email from a gentleman who lives in the area I used as the setting for ‘In Search Of Love’. Since I research the geographical setting of all my books, the names of the trails, creeks and towns were familiar to him.”

Another reader emailed a picture of her great-great grandfather after she read ‘The Widow Finds Love’ which is based in part on my great-great-great grandmother and her 1888 trek from South Carolina to Utah.”

When you visit my website, you will see a form on the right side of the page. It is a sign up for my mailing list. There is no SPAM and NO ads. You can opt out at any time.

When I start a new book, I send out an unedited portion of the first chapter. If you have suggestions for additional books, I would love to hear them. Email them to me or enter them as comments on the website.”

If you enjoyed Cheyenne Mail Order Bride, please share with your friends. Above all, please consider leaving a favorable review on Amazon. A link to my other books:

Click here for my other books.


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About Susan

Susan lives in a gated community just outside Tomball, a small Texas town, 26 miles northwest of Houston, with her husband; two toy poodles, Bobby and Charlie; and Lissie, the cat.

“Amanda’s Mail Order Cowboy” is her latest book to be published by Amazon and marks a return to the Mail Order Bride Series as the thirteenth volume.

Thumbnails of the covers of her other books are on the pages following this one.

If you enjoyed Cheyenne Mail Order Bride, please share with your friends. Above all, please consider leaving a favorable review on Amazon.



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Susan’s Other Books

Susan's Other Books


Cheyenne Mail Order Bride


Kyle's Modern Montana Bride



Cody's Montana Sweetheart


Charlotte's Mail Order Husband


The Montana Rancher's


The Montana Doctor's Bride


Texas Oilman's Bride


In Search Of Love


The Widow's Mail Order Husband


Yankee Mail Order Bride



Not Quite A Mail Order Bride



Tainted Mail Order Bride
  ***Amazon Best Seller Book***

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