Amazonia (10 page)

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Authors: Sky Croft

BOOK: Amazonia
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Shale’s jaw clenched as the
compress was placed on top of her knee, but she showed no other sign of
distress. “Thank you.”

Blake studied her. “You look

“Last night was the first
proper sleep I’ve had in a while,” she said. “I bet Kale was glad for
a bit of peace.”

“Kale doesn’t have the

“No. She’s got a stronger
mind than I have,” Shale said selfeffacingly.

“She’s not stronger, Shale.
You just have more compassion,” Blake said. “And that’s certainly nothing
to be ashamed of.”

“I’ve never thought of it
like that before.” Her lips curled upward. “I prefer your way of

A small smile. “Now, lie
down. You’re going to get some more sleep.”

“I don’t think I can. I tried
while you were gone, but my knee keeps me awake.”

After removing her boots,
Blake clambered in beside Shale. “Please?”

Shale shuffled down the bed,
smiling as Blake leaned over her.

“Comfortable?” Blake asked,
her voice suddenly husky. She could see the longing in Shale’s eyes, and
knew the look was reflected in her own. Her heart skipped a beat.


Blake lay on her side,
propping her head up on one hand, and began to slowly stroke Shale’s hair.

Shale made a small contented
sound, and soon her eyes drifted closed. “You’re cheating,” she mumbled.

Blake’s mouth turned upward.
“A good princess will do whatever is needed to get the job done.”

“Blake?” she whispered.

“Yes, Shale?” Blake leaned
closer, straining to hear her words.

“You’re...a good...princess,”
Shale murmured, before falling asleep.

Blake’s heart swelled,
Shale’s opinion meant everything to her. She lightly kissed Shale’s cheek.
“Thank you.”

KALE HOVERED AT the bottom of
Blake’s cabin steps. She really wanted to see Shale. She hated that the
last time they’d spoken they had fought.

“She won’t bite, you know.”

Kale turned at the sound of
Amber’s voice, and smiled as she approached. “What?”

“Blake. She won’t bite.”

“Maybe not, but it’s her
cabin. I told her to stay away from our camp, I’m sure she expects the

“Blake’s not like that.”

“Maybe not to you,” Kale

“To anyone,” Amber said.
“Look, Shale can’t come to you, so if you want to see her, this is the
only way. Unless you can wait a few days until Shale’s up and about?”

Kale didn’t like that notion.
Not one bit. Maybe she should come back later. Blake had to leave sometime.
As princess, Blake would have many duties to attend to. Kale started to
walk away, ignoring Amber’s frustrated sigh.

instantly alert.

“Shale?” a startled Blake
asked from beside her. She hadn’t moved from her position, and her hand
was still entangled in Shale’s dark hair. Blake wondered if she’d had
another nightmare.

“Kale’s just outside. By the
steps.” Shale immediately sat up.

Blake placed a restraining
hand on Shale’s shoulder, then got to her feet and walked to the door.
“How do you know she’s there?”

“I can sense her.” Shale
shrugged. “It’s a twin thing.” She paused, her eyes going distant for a
moment. “She’s walking away.”

Blake couldn’t stand the
unhappy look that crossed Shale’s face, and held up a hand to again keep
Shale in position. “I’ll get her.” She opened the door, giving Shale an
amazed glance when she spotted Kale, who was indeed walking away from her
steps. She called out to her.

Kale faced her, but didn’t
say anything.

“Shale would really like to
see you,” Blake said. At Kale’s hesitation, she added, “Hey, Amber, you
fancy going for a stroll?”

Amber made a show of looking
up at the sky. “It’s a lovely day for it.”

“Great.” Blake looked back to
a now smiling Shale. “I’ll leave you to it.”

Shale beckoned Blake to her.
When Blake was in reach, she grasped her hand and pulled her down onto the
bed, hugging her gratefully. “Thank you.”

Blake returned the embrace.
“You’re welcome.”

Neither hurried, both
enjoying the simple pleasure of holding each other.

“Take your time,” Blake
finally said, as she drew back. Her lips curled upward. “I know plenty of
long walks.”

Shale’s smile widened.
“You’re incredible.”

Blake turned somewhat
bashful, though she was delighted by

Shale’s comment. “I’ll see
you when I get back.” “I’ll be waiting.”

you, Blake,” Amber said, as they ambled through the surrounding forest.

“They need some time for just
the two of them. I respect that.” Blake hopped over a rock. They had
travelled west, and the terrain was growing steadily more mountainous.

“It sounds like you’ve given
this some thought.”

Blake didn’t pretend
otherwise. “I have.”

“You and Shale seem to be
getting pretty close.”

Blake smirked. “I could say the
same for you and Kale.”

Amber snickered. “Nicely

Blake chuckled. It wasn’t as
though she didn’t trust Amber, she did, but she had gotten used to keeping
her private life to herself, as her mother had taught her discretion at a
very young age.

“You’re not going to give me
anything, are you?” There was no resentment in her tone, and Blake knew
that Amber understood why she felt the need to keep the small amount of
privacy that she had.

Blake shook her head. “No.”

“That’s fine. No doubt I’ll
hear about it over breakfast tomorrow,” Amber teased, bumping Blake
lightly with her hip.

Blake grinned. “You probably
know more about my life than I do.”

Amber lowered her voice
secretively. “What do you want to know?”

Blake burst into laughter.
“Oh, no, I don’t want to hear anything.”

“Some of it is highly

“I’m sure,” Blake said dryly.

“Like for example... Don’t
worry, it’s not about you,” Amber said quickly, when Blake opened her
mouth to protest. “Or Shale,” she added with a smirk. “This is about me
and Kale.”

Blake remained silent, so
Amber continued.

“Apparently, Kale and I are
lovers, and we’re already discussing who should carry the baby.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Sadly, no. And the
decision’s been made for us, too. Because we’re both warriors, neither of
us are really suitable.” Amber giggled. “Good thing I never wanted any
kids then.”

Blake couldn’t hold in her
laughter any longer. “That’s ludicrous!”

“That’s gossip for you. Kale
and I aren’t even together.”

Blake had wondered, but
didn’t ask. If she wouldn’t share her own personal life, she couldn’t
expect Amber to. She was interested, she just didn’t like to pry. Like
always, Amber answered her unasked question.

Amber frowned, suddenly
serious. “Not from a lack of trying on my part. I’m not sure Kale thinks
of me in that way.” She looked to Blake for advice.

“Why don’t you just tell
her?” Blake asked, even though she knew it was easier said than done.

“Is that what you did?”

“I...” Blake caught herself,
then scowled at her. “Nice try.”

Amber grinned cheekily.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

Blake lost track of what
she’d been saying. “Where was I?”

“You were just about to tell
me about you and Shale.”

Blake shook her head in
despair. “Does Kale know how you feel about her?”

“I haven’t told her, but I
have been flirting with her.”

“She must know then, I’ve
seen you flirt.”

“Hey!” Amber said
indignantly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Blake chortled. “You’re
pretty blatant about it.”

Amber pointed at her. “I
resent that.”

Blake patted her arm.

Amber shrugged. “I said I
resented it, I didn’t say it wasn’t true.” She let out a breath. “But
that’s my point, if Kale knows, it must mean she’s not interested.”

“Not necessarily.” Blake
hated to see her normally upbeat friend unhappy, and searched for
something encouraging to say. “Maybe Kale wants to take things slow?”

“Maybe,” Amber allowed.
“Let’s hope she doesn’t hear those rumors then.”

“And she’s still settling in,
Amber. Don’t forget what she’s been through recently.” Blake remembered
what Shale had told her about the day they’d lost their tribe, and her
heart ached for them both.

“You’re right. It’s just...I
really like her, Blake.”

Blake nodded, she could tell.
And even though Kale was being awful toward her, Blake sincerely hoped
that things worked out between them.

descended the cabin steps before making her way inside. She immediately
took note of her surroundings, taking in the clean and snug cabin with a
keen eye. “I see that you’re being well taken care of.”

“Sure am.”

“Don’t go getting spoiled on

Shale patted the bed, and
Kale sat beside her. “I’ll try my best.” She enfolded Kale in a tight hug.

“I’m sorry we fought,” Kale
said, her arms squeezing Shale in an effort to convey her regret.

“It’s forgotten.”

“Take a look at this,” Shale
said excitedly when they parted. She pushed the blanket away, revealing
her grossly swollen knee.

Kale’s eyebrows rose. “I’m
impressed.” She examined it from all sides. “Colorful, too. You definitely
win on sparring wounds.”

That was another competition
of theirs. Shale had now beaten Kale for the worst sparring injury, but
Kale held the record for the worst injury received in battle—a short sword
into her lower back that had near fatal consequences.

Shale grinned. “Are you
managing all right without me?” she asked cockily.

“More food. Now I don’t have
to share,” Kale quipped.

“You’ll have to watch your

Kale snorted in amusement.
“You’re the one being pampered.”

Shale chuckled, then grew
serious. “Is Melaina giving you any trouble? I don’t like to think of you
out there alone with her.”

“She hasn’t had the chance,
I’m usually with Amber.”

Shale smiled. “She’s a good

“She is,” Kale said. “That
reminds me, Anikett and Lathana were asking after you.”

Shale looked surprised.
“Really? Well maybe we have made some friends after all.”

Kale sniggered. “Who knew?”
She suddenly slapped Shale’s arm.

“What was that for?”

“No one will spar with me at
all now, they all want to spar with you.”

“How come?”

“You’re the twin who stops
ribs from being broken, and I’m the twin who cracks knees,” Kale said.
“They can’t remember our names, but they can remember that.”

Shale laughed heartily.

“It’s not funny,” Kale
moaned, though her eyes sparkled in merriment.

“Technically, you didn’t
crack my knee.”

Kale gestured to outside.
“Tell that to them. They don’t believe me.”

“I will when I’m up and about.”

“So are you staying here for
a few more nights?”

A slight pause. “I’m not sure
yet. I’ll have to check with Blake.”

Kale’s mouth clicked shut,
biting off the retort before it emerged. Once her temper was in check, she
spoke up, “Let me know if it changes, I’ll come and get you.”

Shale smiled at Kale’s effort
to keep the peace. “I will.”

Chapter Six

it felt a lot better. Blake was right, the extra comfort of the cabin was
helping the injury to heal faster, though Shale suspected a lot of it had
to do with Blake’s near constant care.

It had been four days since
her injury, and she’d hardly moved from Blake’s bed. Blake popped in and
out during the day, whenever she could, bringing Shale story scrolls to
keep her occupied.

Shale was astounded by
Blake’s never-ending kindness. She had even told Kale she was welcome to
visit anytime, though Kale only did so when Blake wasn’t present.

Shale could tell Kale didn’t
approve of her staying with Blake, but mercifully she hadn’t yet raised
the topic.

She got out of bed and walked
around the cabin. Her leg hurt, but it was bearable. Decision made, she
put on her boots and ventured outside, heading straight for the training
ground. Shale certainly wasn’t up to sparring, but she intended to watch.

A pleased smile formed as she
spotted Kale sparring with Amber. She wondered whether Kale was even
conscious of her attraction toward the woman. She knew Kale restrained
herself against such feelings. Since Aeron, Kale wasn’t interested in
another relationship.

Kale suddenly looked up, her
sharp eyes immediately finding Shale. She jogged over, a grin on her face.
“I see you’ve escaped.”

“I wanted to make sure you’re
not losing your fighting edge without me around to kick your ass.”

Kale chuckled. “As if.” She
embraced Shale warmly. When they pulled apart, Kale glanced down to
Shale’s knee. “How’s it feel?”

“Still hurts, but it’s not
too bad.”

Kale nodded. “You don’t want
to stand on it too long. Come over here and I’ll find you a seat.” A smirk
appeared. “Do you want me to carry you again?”

Shale punched her arm
playfully. “No, I can manage.”

“Good, ‘cause I nearly
collapsed last time. What have you been eating?” Kale laughed when she
received another punch, this one much harder. Despite her teasing banter,
Kale still wrapped a supporting arm around Shale’s waist to help her.

“Hi, Shale,” Amber greeted as
they approached. “How’s your knee?”

“Better, thanks.” Shale
noticed that Kale was scanning the area, presumably for something for her
to sit on. “It’s been cleared,” she said. “Just set me down on the

“I can fetch you a chair if
you want?” Amber offered.

Shale shook her head, not
wanting to be a bother. “I’ll be fine on the ground.”

Kale chose a good spot for
her to watch from. It was close enough to get a good view, while being far
enough to not be in anyone’s way.

Once Kale and Amber began
their sparring, it didn’t take long for Melaina to come over. She planted
her bulkier form down next to Shale’s.

“I heard about your leg.”
Melaina examined it with a cold eye. “Used it to full effect though,
didn’t you?”

Shale looked at her in
puzzlement. “What are you talking about, Melaina?”

“You and the princess. It
didn’t take you long to work your way into her bedroom, did it?”

Bloody Amazons and their
gossip. “I did no such thing,” Shale said.

“Now if I’d known all I had
to do was play on Blake’s sympathy, I’d have done it years ago.”

“That’s not what happened.”

Melaina leaned closer. “So
come on, Amazon to Amazon, what was Blake like? Is she as good as she

Shale’s temper snapped, and
she grabbed Melaina roughly by her arm. “Now you listen to me, you need to
get over this, Melaina, I’m warning you. And if I ever hear of you referring
to Blake like that again, you’ll be sorry. Do I make myself clear?”

“You’re threatening me? In
your condition?” Melaina laughed, but it was devoid of humor. “Defending
your lover’s honor, how noble.”

“What’s going on?” Kale said,
suddenly beside them.

Melaina yanked her arm free
of Shale’s grip and stood, facing off directly against Kale.

Unfortunately, Shale noted,
Amber had stayed where she was, so Melaina was free to say whatever she

“I just don’t see it myself.”
Melaina appraised one twin, and then the other. “Blake must be attracted
to leadership, that’s all I can say. Then again, I’d have thought she
would’ve chosen someone more competent.”

“What’s that supposed to
mean?” Kale’s voice rose in anger, attracting several Amazons’, including
Aris’s, attention.

Shale started to get to her
feet, intending to get between them before things got out of control.

“Your entire tribe is dead,”
Melaina goaded. “Clearly you weren’t very good at leading.”

Kale struck Melaina hard,
flattening her with one punch.

Shale, who had finally
managed to stand, kept Kale from pouncing on Melaina and continuing her

Melaina smiled arrogantly at
them from her position on the ground.

Shale swallowed. Kale had
just played right into her hands. This was bad. She saw Aris striding
over, with many warriors in tow. This was really bad.

“WHAT IN HADES is going on?”
Aris demanded.

Melaina was all too eager to
point out what happened. “She struck me!”

Kale glowered at her.
“Melaina insulted us.”

Shale’s eyes narrowed as
Melaina made a show of getting up, so much so that Aris actually helped
her. Shale had to applaud Melaina for her cunning, as a stoic warrior who
didn’t usually show weakness, Aris was taken in completely by her act.

Melaina’s nose was gushing
blood, and Shale bit her lip to hold back a smirk. Kale had a wicked

Aris glared disapprovingly at
Kale. “So you hit her? That’s unacceptable, Kale. I can’t have my warriors
beating each other. I don’t know what your problem is with Melaina, but I
won’t have it. I warned you the first time, now you’ll have to be
punished.” She pointed to the stake at the far end of the training ground.
“Take her,” Aris ordered. “Don’t resist, Kale. It will only make things

Two warriors took firm hold
of Kale. She went with them reluctantly, but didn’t put up a fight.

Shale tried to stop Kale from
being taken, and had to be held back. “Aris, don’t do this,” she begged.

Aris showed genuine regret.
“I’m sorry, Shale, but Kale’s behaviour cannot go unchecked.”

Shale watched desperately as
Kale was tied to the stake. Her blood boiled at the injustice of the
situation, and Melaina’s smug face sent her over the edge. “I won’t let
you touch her!” Shale shoved the nearest warriors away from her. She got
into her fighting stance.

“Shale, don’t!” Kale yelled.

“Keep her back,” Aris said,
then turned to Melaina and lowered her voice. “Shale did nothing wrong,
use restraint only.” She headed for Kale, leaving Melaina in charge.

Shale knew Aris would be the
one to deliver the lashes, and didn’t wait a moment longer. She attacked,
taking several Amazons down with quick jabs and punches. She pulled her
blows though, not wanting to really hurt them. After all, they were just
following orders. She also knew that her kindness wouldn’t be repaid, they
wouldn’t be as gentle with her.

“Get her!” Melaina shouted,
failing to mention that they were only meant to restrain Shale.

AS SOON AS Amber realised
Kale was going to be flogged, she set off to find Blake, using the
commotion for cover. She knew Kale was hot-tempered.
She didn’t hear the exchange between
Kale and Melaina, but she suspected more was going on. She wasn’t about to
stand by and let Kale be whipped.

Unfortunately, Blake wasn’t
in her cabin. Amber sprinted toward the main lodge, praying that she was
inside. She burst in, her state of urgency overruling common protocols.

“Amber? What’s wrong?”

“Blake, come quickly. Kale’s
in trouble.”

Blake didn’t hesitate. “Excuse
me,” she said to the counsel members before hurriedly leaving the lodge.

The princess running through
the village caused quite a commotion, and the look on Blake’s face told
the Amazons it was something serious.

If Blake were to glance over
her shoulder, she would find most of the village following in her wake.

capable warriors quickly, even with her bad knee, and was soon only
surrounded by the five women left standing.

Unfortunately, these were the
best fighters, and Shale doubted that she could beat them all at once if
she was healthy, let alone with her leg in such a state.

Melaina grinned at her, she
was loving every moment of this.

Anataeus lunged at Shale, who
dodged and threw her into Lathana, sending them both toppling to the

A foot grazed Shale’s
shoulder as she tried to twist her body out of the way of a kick, then she
delivered a back fist that connected solidly with the side of the
culprit’s head.

Melaina waited for her ideal
opportunity, then struck, lashing out with a side kick to Shale’s weak
spot—her injured knee.

Shale cried out in agony at
the blow, a bolt of fire coursing through her entire leg. She heard Kale
yelling her name as she fell, and wondered if Kale’s punishment had
already begun.

Melaina gave Shale a swift
kick to her ribs, the force flipping Shale onto her back. Melaina pressed
her knee into Shale’s chest to hold her in position, and repeatedly struck
her in the face.

“She’s down,” Lathana
protested, sharing disturbed looks with the others. When the second in
command didn’t desist, Lathana forcibly pushed her off Shale. “Melaina!”

Shale greedily gulped in air.
Melaina’s weight on her chest had made it difficult to breathe.

Melaina glowered at Lathana.
“And now she’ll stay down.”

Lathana didn’t reply, knowing
better than to argue with Melaina.

“On her front,” Melaina
ordered the warriors. “I want her to see her precious twin as she’s

Shale spat out a mouthful of
blood in Melaina’s direction. She struggled as much as she could, but was
soon face down in the dirt.

Melaina grabbed Shale’s hair,
pulled her head back, and forced her to watch as Aris raised the leather
whip overhead.

“I order you to stop this
right now!” Blake’s authoritative command rang through the air. Everyone
halted, even the wind had a sudden lull.

Shale closed her eyes in
relief. She knew Blake would sort this out. Shale trusted her implicitly.

Amber, who had arrived with
Blake, went to stand beside Kale at the stake.

Blake walked purposefully
over to Aris, looking at her expectantly for answers. “What’s happening

“With all due respect,
Princess, the situation’s being taken care of,” Aris said. “These are my
warriors, and I will deal with them.”

“I’m overruling you,” Blake
said firmly, and all so simply, she took control. “Now tell me why Kale is
about to be flogged.”

“She struck Melaina. I can’t
let that go unpunished.”

Blake’s green eyes landed on
Melaina unflinchingly.
“Why did
Kale strike her?”

“I believe Melaina insulted
them,” Aris said

“And I’m assuming Shale tried
to stop you, and that’s why she’s restrained?”

“Yes, Princess.”

Blake moved toward Shale,
with Aris keeping pace beside her.

“Get her up,” Blake

Melaina and Anataeus hauled
Shale up roughly, and Shale tried to take the weight off her left leg,
which was throbbing painfully. Melaina was having none of it, pulling
Shale onto her bad leg and keeping her there with a firm grip.

Shale knew what Melaina
expected, what she wanted to happen, but Shale would be damned if she’d
give in that easily. If she lashed out as Melaina intended, Blake would be
put into a position where she had no choice but to punish her, or she
would appear weak. Melaina was clever, using her own warrior’s pride
against her, knowing Shale would never willingly ask for mercy.

Blake’s face hardened when
she got a good look at Shale, her head snapping to the side to regard
Aris. “Did you order her beaten?” she asked in a clipped tone.

“I did not.” Aris glared at
Melaina. “You were only supposed to restrain her!”

The warriors gave Melaina
mixed looks at that knowledge— surprise, anger, and betrayal. Lathana in
particular seemed distressed, honest remorse evident on her features.

Aris’s jaw clenched. “You
didn’t tell them, did you?”

“She put up a fight,” Melaina
said. “You’ve seen how dangerous she is. We had to stop her.”

“You’re right. Shale is
lethal.” Blake looked each of the warriors over. “So how come you’re all
virtually unscathed, and she can barely stand?” Blake paused, her fury
evident. “If she wanted you dead, you would be!” Her voice rose on each
word. Blake stepped forward, getting into Melaina’s personal space, taking
in her heavily bleeding nose with little sympathy. “Don’t lie to me,
Melaina, or you’ll be joining Kale on the stake.”

Shale was impressed. From
this close distance, she could see the fierce glint in Blake’s usually
warm eyes, and Shale was glad she wasn’t on the receiving end of her
glare. But in spite of that, she still found herself thinking about how
beautiful Blake was.

She also realised how patient
Blake had been toward Kale, Blake didn’t allow anyone else to talk to her
with such disrespect. Shale was incredibly grateful to Blake for that, and
wondered idly why she had done it.

The pain in her knee was
starting to get to her, and if things took much longer, Shale might have
to give Melaina her wish. As if hearing her thoughts, Blake’s steel gaze
locked onto hers, and it softened almost instantly.


“Yes, Princess?” Shale
responded dutifully, giving Blake the respect she deserved. Though Blake
was her friend, and requested she call her by her birth name, Blake was
also her leader, and that’s who Shale was talking to now.

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