American Fighter (5 page)

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Authors: Veronica Cox,Cox Bundles

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Single Authors, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: American Fighter
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Dorothy sat down exhausted, resting herself on the soft grass. Walking all day long was taxing on her, and her companions were all tired as well. Dorothy and her three friends were out walking all day, enjoying the sights and sound of the electronic music festival, Yellow Brick Carnival.


Dorothy wore her favorite blue mini skirt and  a white tank top which was damp from the water that was sprayed on the crowd. It was the middle of July, so even when the sun went down the temperature remained in the upper 90s.


“I’m so tired,” Dorothy complained to her group of friends. None of her girlfriends wanted to go with her, so she brought along three guy friends, Carey, Lionel, and Tink.


Carey was a thrift shop worker who would shop where he worked, keeping his eyes peeled for gems being brought in for donation. His wardrobe was heavily inspired by earth tones, if one could imagine a hipster farmer, that was Carey. His personality was fairly stereotypical, intelligence matching his straw colored hair.


Lionel was a powerlifter who competed and crushed many state and regional records. He was a powerful man, with shoulders resembled concrete filled balloons and traps that nearly touched his ears. Wearing a bright colored tank top, he showed off his muscle mass in the hot summer sun. Although he was nearly six and a half feet tall and over 275 pounds lean, he was a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt a soul. Not because he was a pacifist, but because he was too timid and intimidated by conflict.


Tink worked long hours on the oil rigs in Texas. He would be gone for a few months, then come back home for a few weeks with pockets full of money that he would spend at the bars. Tink being a player was an understatement, easily pulling groups of girls back to his beach house and having his way with them. Tonight was going to be no different, his fingers working hard texting a bunch of girls he met earlier in the day.


“The night is hardly over,” Lionel said, glancing at his cell phone. “It’s barely 1 yet. There are still a few more acts playing too.” The music was still playing off in the distance. They could all feel the bass rumbling the ground under their asses.


“I definitely wanna go back out there.” He looked at the other three lounging in the grass. Tink was busy mashing buttons on his phone, preparing for a hookup. Carey looked like he was already asleep in the grass. Lionel raised his eyebrows and motioned with his hands when he made eye contact with Dorothy. She looked into the sky, thinking for a second, before smiling and jumping up.


“I’ll go with you, but only if you give me a piggy back ride the whole way there,” she said with a smile, knowing Lionel would agree. He looked at her and grinned ear to ear before turning around allowing her to jump on him.


Lionel made the short trek back to the main concert with Dorothy on his back. The temperature was in the mid 90s, but all the bodies bunched together made it feel a dozen degrees warmer. The temperature mixed with the ever present scent of marijuana in the air made it hard to breathe in the sea of people, so the two stayed in the far back of the crowd.


Lionel bent down to let Dorothy down, who started dancing frivolously. Lionel couldn’t dance very well do to his mass, so he just fist bumped with the music, trying his best not to look awkward.


He looked at Dorothy dancing, every so often her skirt would ride up and so off her healthy ass. She had the kind of flawless ass that had no dimples or anything. Lionel’s mind raced as he watched her, his brain making him nervous as he started to get a little hard.


Dorothy backed up on to Lionel and started grinding on him, enjoying the music.


Oh shit, I’m sure she can feel me Lionel thought, sweating from the weather and the situation. She could, but didn’t mind. Her body continued to gyrate in front of Lionel, every so often grinding her ass hard into him. Dorothy turned around and faced Lionel, putting her hands around the back of his neck and twisting her body seductively on his front. She started high then worked her way down, until she was face to face with his cock and started popping her booty.


Lionel couldn’t help but look down at her ass, flexing himself forcing blood into his mushroom tip. Dorothy noticed the movement in his cargo shorts and rose back up. At she was near standing erect, she jumped on Lionel and wrapped her legs around him. She started dry humping him, still dancing and enjoying the music, holding one arm around his neck and the other arm high in the air.


Dorothy let out a triumphant scream of joy, wooing at the music. When she finished screaming she looked Lionel in the eyes and kissed him on the lips.


Lionel was so shocked at the action he nearly came right there from excitement.


Dorothy hopped down off of Lionel, still smiling and looking him in the eyes. She pinched his ass and took him by the hand, leading him into the sea of people.


When she stopped walking they were surrounded on all sides by people enjoying the music. She took his hand and and placed it on her stomach before dancing on him close. There was no choice but to do it with limited amount of space available.


What’s going on here? Lionel’s mind was racing, unsure of what exactly was going on. Why did she kiss me? What’s she doing with my hand now?


Dorothy took his hand and moved it farther down. He could begin to feel the short stubble from her three day old shave. She began grinding harder into him, as he was getting harder and harder the whole time.


She pushed his hand further, until he was able to feel the moisture from her pussy. He could feel that she was already soaking wet, so he worked his hand down until he had a finger inside her.


Dorothy gasped at the penetration, craned her neck back and started kissing Lionel again. All the while he was wiggling his finger around inside of her, trying to get her off. He had one hand in her skirt and moved the other one from the fist pump to her stomach, wrapping his arm around her.


All the while his eyes were open, still afraid of being caught. He was unsure what would be the consequence of them being caught in this promiscuous situation, and didn’t want to find out.


Lionel’s cock was as erect as it could be, still being constrained by his cargo shorts. He felt a hand unzipping his shorts, and the same hand reaching in and touching his pecker.


He looked down and saw that Dorothy had arranged her skirt to cover her hand playing with his cock.


Oh shit, oh shit. I can’t be doing this. We’re going to be caught. Fuck. Lionel’s mind continued on, and he was scared. He thought people were looking at them, when in all reality everyone was too focused on having their own good time.


Lionel couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled his hands out from Dorothy’s panties, pulled her hand out of his pants, and zipped his shorts up. Dorothy turned to him, mouthing the words “what’s wrong?”, looking confused. That was the last thing Lionel saw before he turned around and walked straight through the crowd of people, with Dorothy on his tail the whole time.


Dorothy managed to stop Lionel long enough to begin asking him questions. They were far enough away from the crowd to hear each other, and secluded behind a row of food trucks.


“What’s wrong?” Dorothy pleaded.


“I don’t like doing what we were doing!” Lionel had damn near started to have a panic attack. “What if we get caught.”


“We aren’t going to get caught. No one is paying attention to us,” Dorothy reasoned. “Besides, no one can see anything anyways. I have my skirt on remember?”


Lionel started to contemplate the consequences of his actions, and weighing out the pros and cons. He knew it had been months since the last time he had any sexual encounter with anyone, and this would break his dry spell.


“Plus, what are they going to do if they catch us? Kick us out of the festival? It’s over tomorrow!” Dorothy did have a good point.


She walked towards him and gave him a hug, looking up into his eyes before saying “you don’t want to fuck me?”


Not only was Lionel being talked into doing this in public, he was being talked into fucking her as well.


Oh shit
thought Lionel.
I don’t know if I can do that.


“Come on Lionel, everything will be alright. Just get a little courage in you, ya big pussy.”


Lionel didn’t expect that to come out of her lips, and was on verge of tears. Here he was, standing nearly six and half feet tall, muscles that could compete with Greek Gods, and scared of a little affection.


“I just don’t want to get caught doing something I’m not supposed to be doing,” Lionel whined. Dorothy knew she could get him to do it now.


“We wont get caught, I promise you that. Now stop being a big baby and let’s go enjoy the music.”


Dorothy stuck both hands into his shorts and started rubbing on his cock. She could feel the sticky tip moisturizing her hands. Looking into his eyes, she started to bend over, once again being face to face with his crotch.


“Wha-what are you doing?” Lionel was pushed into a temporary mental lapse, unaware of what was happening.


Dorothy didn’t reply, only pulling down his shorts and pulling his cock out of the whole in his boxers. She inhaled deep when she saw the length and his dick.


Lionel was nearly six and a half feet tall, and his cock was proportionate to his size. Dorothy looked on at the nine foot monster that stood erect before her.


“Holy shit.”


Lionel started smiling, acknowledging the fact that she was admiring his giant cock.


Dorothy began pumping his penis with two hands, trying to get mentally prepared for this. She pointed it to the sky, licking from the balls to the end. She could barely take any of it into her mouth, so she maintained pumping while flicking her tongue at the tip.


She only had it in her mouth for a few seconds before she heard Lionel breathing hard. Continuing to pump harder, she could taste the cum already.


Lionel let out a loud grunt before shooting his first rope into Dorothy’s mouth, followed by a dozen more. He was literally coming buckets as Dorothy stayed there pumping and sucking, never missing a stroke. He was finally done coming as he watched as her eyes began to water.


Lionel pulled out his dick and watched as a waterfall of his cum shot out of her mouth. Dorothy’s chin was completely covered in his glazing, and she looked up at him with a confused look on her face.


“How the fuck?” was all she could get out before more started falling out of her mouth. It joined the waterfall leaking from her chin onto the ground.


“I haven’t came in months,” Lionel told her. He was laughing a bit nervously, expecting some kind of backlash from her.


“God damn!” she exclaimed. Dorothy used her hand as a squeegee to get a majority of it off of her chin. There was still quite a bit, so she took off her panties and used them to wipe the rest off, before throwing them inside one of the food trucks open windows.


“That’ll be a surprise for them in the morning,” she said with a smirk. “Let’s get back out there now.”


Lionel had to jump over his pool of cum before Dorothy took him by the hand and led him back to the concert.


Dorothy led Lionel right back to where the pair danced earlier, in the middle of the concert surrounded by fans.


As soon as they stopped Dorothy started dancing seductively again. Her flirt would rise every few seconds, forcing her to pull it back down when she remembered. There were moments when he ass was exposed up to her lower back dimples, giving everyone surrounding them a full moon view.


Lionel was still nervous about the whole deal, but after busting that first nut and seeing Dorothy’s smooth ass. He started loosening up and started feeling the music, dancing with his hands in the air showing off his strong arms.


Dorothy backed her ass up against Lionel, grinding herself on his legs, brushing his dick every so often. It quickly started getting erect, forming a large bulge in his cargo shorts.


She quickly turned around again and put her hands inside Lionel’s waistline. It only took a second before she was playing with his cock right in the crowd of people.

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