American Gun: A History of the U.S. In Ten Firearms (38 page)

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Authors: Chris Kyle,William Doyle

Tags: #History, #Non-Fiction

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for rifles, 32, 34
Rocket ball, 35
as same for rifle and revolver, 96
size of, 126–27, 195, 228
on Smith & Wesson M3 revolvers, 68
“Spanish Hornets,” 116
for Springfield M1903 rifles, 126, 137
for 338 Lapua Magnum, 139
for Tommy gun, 175–76, 184, 186
for Winchester M70 rifle, 137
for Winchesters, 91
See also type of ammunition
Antietam, Battle of, 45
AR-1 assault rifles, 238
Ar-5 assault rifles, 238
Ar-10 assault rifles, 239–40, 274
AR-15 assault rifles, 240–41, 251–52,
, 254–55, 274.
See also
M16 rifles
Argonne Forest (France), 143–46, 147–48
Arisaka Type 99 (Japanese rifle), 196
ArmaLite, 238–39, 240, 274
Army M24 Sniper Weapon System, 137
Army Ordanance Corps/Department, U.S., 121–23, 169, 174
Army, U.S.
AR-15s and, 240–41
basic/official weapons of, 65, 151, 196
Colt Revolvers/pistols for, 65, 68, 69, 71, 149, 151, 223
and handgun face-off, 150–51
Indian Wars and, 100
M1 Garands and, 196, 202
and M4 Carbines, 246
M14 rifles for, 239, 241
Maxim guns and,
modification of Springfield 1873 Trapdoor carbines by, 102–3
in Philippines, 149
Rangers in, 192, 198–200, 201
and Smith & Wesson revolvers, 68, 69
Springfield M1903 rifles and, 269
Tommy gun and, 176
See also specific person, battle, or war
arsenals, U.S., 121–23
assault weapons
ammunition for, 237, 239–40
cartridges for, 239–40
definition of, 237
evolution of, 237–41
German, 237
scopes for, 238
as standard military weapons, 236
in Vietnam War, 236
weight of, 237, 238
See also specific manufacturer or model
Atlanta, Battle of, 45
Springfield M1903 rifles
Springfield M1903 rifles
Austin, Stephen,
Auto-Ordnance Corporation, 175, 176, 178, 183–84
automatic weapons, 55, 209.
See also specific manufacturer or model
Ayoob, Massad, 79, 157
Baggett, Owen, 160–61
Ball, Charles, 87–88
“Banana Wars,” 157–58
bank robberies, 85–93, 181, 183, 252, 254
aluminum, 238
of AR-10 assault rifles, 239
on carbines, 44, 248
on Colt Revolvers, 58, 71, 224, 225
and double-barreled shotguns, 80
of Gatling guns, 171
and gun-making in revolutionary America, 3
of Hawken rifles, 96
of long rifles, 3, 5, 6, 7
of M4 Carbines, 248
of M16 rifles, 246
of Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle, 251
of muskets, 3
of Sharps Big 50, 98
of Sig Sauer 516s, 255
of Springfield M1903 rifles, 126
of Tommy gun, 184, 186
Barrett, Paul, 230
Basilone, John, 158
Batraville, Benoit, 157
Battle of the Bulge, 205–8
bayonets, 8, 19, 21, 124, 126, 134, 208, 248, 274
Bean, Roy, 69
Beaufoy, Henry, 10
Belleau Wood, Battle at, 128–29, 131–36,
Bemis Heights, Battle of, 10
Benet guns, 173
Benet, Stephen Vincent, 123
Bennet, T.G., 153
Berchtesgaden, Germany, 208
Berdan, Hiram,
, 44
Berry, Ben, 133
Billy the Kid, 69
bird guns, 24
Birdzell, Donald, 216, 218
Black Hawk Wars, 34
black powder, 5, 6, 41, 61, 66, 106, 107, 116–17, 124, 147, 224, 259
Black Rifle.
M16 Rifles
Blakeslee cartridge box,
blowback breech system, 175
“blunderbuss” muskets, 24
bolt-action weapons, 116, 123, 124, 137, 202.
See also specific model
Bradley, Omar, 136, 206
Bragg, Braxton, 45
breechloaders, 29, 42, 45, 48, 52, 54, 100, 122.
See also specific model
Enfield muskets of,
Koons medal from, 200
Lee-Enfield rifles of, 201
M1 Garands and, 200–201
in Revolutionary War, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 13–16,
, 18–23
Revolutionary War era guns of, 7
Tommy gun and, 184,
Vickers guns and, 173
in World War I, 128, 129
Broadwell, Dick, 87, 90, 91
“Brown Bess” musket, 7, 24
Browning, Bruce W., 153, 155
Browning, John Moses, 151,
, 153,
, 155, 156, 161, 173, 195
Browning, John (son), 151–52
Browning Auto-5 Shotgun, 153
Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), 153, 182, 186, 271
Browning Hi Power pistol, 153
Browning M2 machine gun, 153
Browning M1900 pistol, 155
Bruce, Robert, 53, 54
buffalo hunting, 98–99, 100–101,
Bull Run, Battles of,
, 45
Bullard, Robert Lee, 136
Burgoyne, John, 2, 3, 10–11, 12,
Burma: M1911 in, 160
Burnsides, Ambrose,
definition of, 6
See also specific model
California Highway Patrol: shootout with, 227, 228
“California Joe” (aka Truman Head),
Cannae, Battle of, 21–22
cap and ball pistols, 61–62, 74
percussion-cap guns
Capone, Al, 165–66,
, 168, 178
for cavalry, 24,
, 44
in Civil War, 44, 51, 52, 102
during Civil War, 44, 51, 52
on frontier, 44
lightweight, 190
rifles compared with, 44
in Texas Wars, 24
See also specific manufacturer or model
Carlson, Evans Fordyce, 186
Carlson’s Raiders: in World War II, 186
Carson, Kit, 65–66
Carter, Jimmy, 220
ACP, 153, 175–76
for assault rifles, 239–40
black powder, 107, 116–17, 124
for Chauchat machine guns, 174
Colt Single-Action Army Revolver as first Colt pistol to use, 68
copper, 35
for hunting rifles, 99
for M14 rifles, 210
for M16 rifles, 245, 246
metallic, 99
for muskets, 7
Pedersen’s design and, 195
post-Spanish-American War design of, 124
and redesign of Mausers, 123
rimfire, 35, 40, 222, 266
self-contained, 222
for semi-automatic pistols, 228
for Smith & Wesson .357, 228
for Smith & Wesson M3 revolvers, 68
smokeless, 107, 118, 124
for Springfield M1903 rifles, 126, 127, 269
for .338 guns, 139
for Tommy gun, 175–76
for “Union Repeating Gun,” 169
for Volcanic repeating pistols and rifles, 222
for Winchester M1873, 96, 106
for Winchester Magnum, 137
See also specific gun manufacturer or model
Cassidy, Butch (aka Robert LeRoy Parker), 69, 71
Catlin, Albertus Wright, 113, 128, 129, 132, 133
carbines for, 24,
, 44
in Civil War,
, 44, 47, 48–50
handguns for, 58, 150
at Little Bighorn, 102–6
muskets used by, 7
in Revolutionary War, 7, 19, 21
Spencer Repeaters for, 55
See also
Rough Riders
Cemetery Ridge, Battle of, 48
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 54
Charleville muskets, 7
Chattanooga, Battle of, 45
Chauchat machine guns, 174
Chicago Tribune:
Hickok-Tutt shootout story in, 75
Churchill, Winston, 184,
Cicchinelli, Joseph M., 207, 208
Civil War
carbines in, 44, 51, 52, 102
cavalry in,
, 44, 47, 48–50
civilian gun ownership and veterans of,
Colt Revolvers in, 65,
Enfield muskets in,
Gatling guns in, 105, 122, 169–71
gun manufacturing during, 44
muskets in, 41,
Ordnance Corps decisions during, 122
Ripley actions during, 40–42
Sharps rifles in, 41, 42–45,
, 52, 98
sharpshooters/snipers in,
, 44–45
Spencer Repeaters in, 31, 38,
, 40–42, 45–48,
, 48–50,
, 51–52, 53–54, 55, 95
Springfield carbines as recycled from guns of, 102
Springfield muzzle-loading rifles in,
“Union Repeating Gun” for, 169
See also specific battle
civilian gun ownership
of AR-15 rifles, 252
Civil War veterans and,
Claiborne, Billy, 83
Clanton, Billy, 77–81,
, 83
Clanton, Ike, 77–81,
, 83
Clapp, Wiley, 143, 149
Cody, Buffalo Bill, 69, 74, 267
“Coffee Mill Gun,” 169
Coffelt, Leslie, 218, 219, 220
Coffeyville, Kansas: Dalton gang robbery at, 85–93
Collazo, Oscar, 215–16, 218–20
Colt, Samuel, 57,
, 63,
, 65, 66
Colt .32 Revolvers, 221
Colt .38 Long Revolvers, 149
Colt .44 Revolvers, 89
Colt .45 Automatic Pistols, 143, 150–51, 233.
See also
Colt Single-Action Army Revolvers “Peacemaker”; M1911 Colt Pistols

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