Amy's Advantage (18 page)

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Authors: Eve Jameson

BOOK: Amy's Advantage
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She hadn’t told anyone. Ever. And they had still taken away
her sisters. She had failed her mother, her sisters and herself. And then
suddenly there was Lala in Siriyn’s hand.

Every breath she inhaled drew in more anger that she had
been lied to, deceived yet again. Every breath she let out released gratitude
to a thousand gods, both here and on Ilyria, for Lala’s life. Both reeled
through the turmoil of her mind, a turmoil that was maddened by a strange
desire to hold on to denial and disbelief.

Amdyn’s fingers dug in more firmly, finding a spot that made
her tilt her head sideways and close her eyes. “If you want me to,” he
whispered, “I can relax your mind.” The nudge against her thoughts was the push
she needed to get herself out of her swirling head.

She spun around and spread her hands across his chest,
pushing him backward until he hit the wall. “No. I don’t want to think and I
don’t want to talk. And I do
want you roaming around in my head.”
Her hands slid down until her fingers brushed over the waistband of his pants
and then around to grip his ass. Stepping into him until her hips pressed
against his, she said, “I just want you.”

God, the man had gorgeous eyes. When he wanted her, the
light blue of them gleamed as hot as the deep part of a flame. He wanted her

“Can you handle that, Amdyn?” she said, drawing his name out
and ending it with a kiss along his jaw. “I don’t want you in my head. I don’t
want to talk. I don’t want to think.” She squeezed his ass.

His eyebrows rose. “Are you asking me to make lo—”

“I’m telling you I want to fuck. That’s it.” She arched
against him. “Don’t try to make it more than it is. Not tonight.”

Amdyn’s eyes narrowed and Ellen instinctively jutted her
chin up at him. “If you can’t handle it,” she paused and bit down on her bottom
lip for a second, “I’ll find another way to release all this built-up tension.”

A low, dark growl rumbled out of Amdyn’s chest and Ellen
wondered if she hadn’t pushed him just a little too far. As a velvet silk
ribbon being drawn across her skin, a thrill slithered through her at the
thought of pushing him, angering him, making him jealous and possessive.

She leaned in and kissed his neck, sucking the warm skin
between her teeth. With a soft hum, she ran her tongue down to his collarbone.
“I could go for a midnight jog, I suppose. But you
right here. And
to be quite honest, I’m more in the mood for sex than a run.”

Amdyn gripped her hips when she began to rock against him.
Lifting her chin once again, this time in challenge, she asked, “So can you do
that?” Her lips curled in a tempting smile. “Can you just fuck, Mr. Amdyn
Kilth, First Heir to the First House of Ilyria?”

The anger in his eyes fused with a desire that hardened both
Amdyn’s expression and his body. He would want more from her. He always wanted
more from her. But tonight, he had one choice. Her anger surged as he
hesitated, searching her face with a concern that was both arrogant and

Her smile disappeared. “Fuck me or leave,” she demanded.

Another dangerous growl rolled out of Amdyn just before his
eyes narrowed to slits and his arms wrapped around her tightly, keeping her in
place. With one large hand splayed over her lower back, he pressed her body
fully against his. With the other hand, he held her head, tightening his
fingers in her spiky curls to tilt it back until her mouth was below his.

As a storm that had been brewing on the horizon finally
striking land in all its fury, his kiss broke against her and she returned it
with all the force and frenzy the years had built up inside of her.

For long moments their mouths melded as each took from the
other what they wanted, if not what they needed. Losing herself to the dictates
of lust, Ellen tangled her tongue around Amdyn’s, pushing in deeper and
demanding more. At every turn she challenged him for control, refusing to cede
to his domination. Her mind blanked to everything but desire as she immersed
herself in the lust he fueled in her body.

The responsive force of his kiss bent her backward, pressing
the hardened length of his cock against her stomach. His grip on her body was
so steady she could have completely released her hold on him and not feared

She kissed him hard, gripping his ass with both hands and
grinding against him. When he lifted his head for a breath, she ran her teeth
and tongue down the side of his neck. The heat and salt of his skin fed her
hunger, made her want more.

Standing up on her tiptoes, she tipped her hips forward,
lining her clit up with the stiff ridge of his cock. Even with the layers of
clothes between them, the thrilling sensation of rubbing against the length of
his erection had her shivering in his arms.

Amdyn cursed and pushed her back far enough to pull her
sweater off over her head. Her bra and his shirt immediately followed. She
reached for the front of his jeans, but before she could get farther than
snapping the button open, he picked her up and turned around so her back was
propped against the wall and her breasts were even with his mouth. A mouth that
was hot and fierce as it worked her nipple, sucking it in deeply, pressing it
against his teeth, circling it with his tongue.

With a groan, she raised her legs and wrapped them tightly
around his waist. He turned again, carrying her to the bed, his mouth still on
her breast. She gasped as he suddenly released her nipple and tossed her
backward onto the bed. Leaning over her, he unfastened her jeans and yanked
them down her long legs, stripping off her boots and socks along with them.

She sat up, reaching for him, but was quickly toppled back
as Amdyn kneeled on the mattress between her legs. Pushing his arms under her
thighs, he lifted her halfway off the bed. Her arms flew out and pressed into
the mattress for balance as he draped her legs over his shoulders, bringing her
open cunt closer to his mouth. Keeping her legs pinned in place with his arms,
he reached around and pulled her pussy lips apart with his fingers.

The scent of her arousal wrapped around them as the cool air
teased the wet heat Amdyn had exposed. For a moment, he simply stared down at
her open cunt, his face set with the harsh lines of lust, the blue gleam in his
eyes sharply focused on the center of her sex. The warm light of the bedside
table lamp washed over him, giving his golden skin a god-like glow. His
white-blond hair spilled over his powerful shoulders and around her thighs as
he lowered his head to take her into his mouth.

As soon as his lips touched her, even the ridiculous
gorgeousness of the man couldn’t hold her attention. Arching her neck in an
instinctive bid to press closer, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to
the devouring desire that swallowed her whole.

Keeping her labia spread, he licked the inside of her pussy
lips and then with the tip of his tongue, traced ever shrinking circles that
closed in on her clit with a precision that had her holding her breath in
anticipation. When his tongue finally laved over the tip of her sensitized nub,
a streak of fire blazed from her cunt and across her skin. With a hiss, she
tightened her thighs around his head, pressing harder against his mouth.

Amdyn lifted his head, and from the look on his face, she
knew he wasn’t going to let her come that easily.

His hands clamped hard on her thighs, stilling her
movements. Slowly, repeatedly, he flicked the peak of her clit with the tip of
his tongue. He kept up the steady assault until she was writhing in his hold,
her entire body straining for release. She rose to the edge of orgasm again and
again, spinning from frustration to anger to desperation.

Her pleas became ragged as her muscles tensed each time her
need was driven up but not over the peak of ecstasy. Her body began to shake
with the effort, yet she couldn’t quit as Amdyn once more pushed her to the
brink with his wickedly talented mouth.

She was so close this time that when he pulled back, it took
a moment for her vision to clear. Closing her eyes, she fisted her hands and
arched her back, vainly pushing the limits of her strength to close the final
gap that stood between her and the sweet oblivion of climax. Damp curls stuck
to the side of her face as she glared up at him. “God damn it, Amdyn,” she
rasped, her voice hoarse and gravelly.

Holding her immobile and completely open to him, his eyes
swept down her body from her cunt to her face with an arrogant possessiveness
that belonged to an ancient time and not here, in the middle of modern civilization.
A warrior confident in his victory even while the battle raged, he received her
anger as if it were high praise, her struggles as rewards.

It pissed her off. All she had wanted was a simple fuck—

Suddenly, Amdyn dropped her legs. His jeans scraped along
the inside of her thighs as he positioned himself over her, pushing her legs
further apart with his own. He lowered his zipper and with a quick shift of his
body, the broad head of his cock pressed at her entrance, its heat and hardness
finding a welcome place against her slick cunt.

His fingers slid through her hair until he cupped her head
firmly enough to keep her from turning away from his consuming gaze. Once more
the power of his possessiveness seared through her.

“There is nothing simple about what is between us, Ellyna.”
He lowered his head until his mouth was a breath from hers and whispered, “Even
this.” His lips sealed over hers, capturing her cry as he drove into her,
filling her, stretching her, taking her. Possessing her.

Ecstasy exploded in Ellen as all the conflicting emotions
from the day collided in the frenzied maelstrom Amdyn had so expertly fueled to
life within her body. For one beautiful moment, everything in her world
shattered into mindless bliss, and finally freed to fly, she wrapped her arms
around Amdyn and held on as she soared into the stars.

* * * * *

Amy tugged on Chloe’s hand to get her moving again. Her
daughter was not being the most cooperative this morning as they trudged up the
steep path toward a portal that was supposed to be opening in less than an
hour. Whoever chose portal positions obviously didn’t consider the difficulty
of trying to get to them with a child in tow.

Once she’d made the decision to return to Ilyria and the
whole mating business with Siriyn had been cleared up, she had slept as soundly
as Chloe and woken feeling lighter than she had in months. Earlier, she’d
actually been looking forward to climbing up a mountain and stepping into a new
world. However, the excitement of climbing in the snow had dropped off
somewhere around the first ten steps out of the Jeep.

At least this side of the mountain could be accessed by a
narrow road most of the way up. But of course, a portal right next to the road
would have been too convenient, so they were hiking. With a grunt, she picked
up Chloe and settled her on her hip, deciding that snow was much more fun to
play in than to walk through. Carrying Chloe improved the rate of her forward
progress fractionally, but it was awkward and tiring.

Chloe had caught her excitement immediately this morning,
especially when she found out she was going to be seeing her aunt again. She
even had insisted on carrying her own little backpack she had helped stuff with
her most treasured toys, including Mr. Pink, and a couple of mementos of her
dad that Amy had tucked in. But somewhere along the way, enthusiasm had
metamorphosed into impatience and crankiness. Two feelings Amy could definitely
relate to at the moment.

When Chloe squirmed in her arms, Amy sighed and plopped her
down to stand in front of her. “We’re getting close, sweetheart, but you’ve got
to keep moving. Try to catch up with Jordyn.”

Chloe twisted around until she spotted the man about ten
feet in front of them. He’d stopped and looked back, waiting for them.

They’d started out with about ten men altogether, Jordyn and
Amdyn along with a small group of Ilyrian soldiers she didn’t know, and at
first, several had taken on the job of toting Chloe along when she lagged,
handing her off as one by one, they peeled off the direct path they were on. To
do what, Amy didn’t know, but she’d been glad she hadn’t had to carry Chloe the
entire way. Amdyn was somewhere behind her now and the way the trail had
twisted around, she could only see Jordyn ahead and one other soldier directly
in back of her.

When they reached Jordyn, he said, “We’re close. You need to
hold Chloe’s hand and keep her to the inside of the trail. There’s a drop-off
to the right just ahead.”

She suppressed the now almost predictable fluttering
sensation that startled to life every time the man looked at her. Stupid man.
Even from behind his dark sunglasses, she could feel the intensity of his gaze
on her.

Well, shit. No matter the stupid feeling that the stupid man
gave her, she wasn’t going to continue knocking on a door that had been firmly
slammed in her face. Besides, she had a world to get to.

Tilting her chin up, she narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine.”

The muscles around Jordyn’s mouth tightened, but he only
gave her a curt nod before he turned and started up the path again. Windswept
rocks were marginally easier to navigate around the turn in the path and she
and Chloe were able to keep up.

Peeking over the side she was keeping Chloe away from, Amy
was surprised to see just how far up they were. The drop-off Jordyn had
mentioned was really a series of jagged cliffs that appeared as if some
primordial creature had tried to escape being buried under the mountain by
punching through the rock. The cliffs jutted too far out for her to see the
bottom, but it gave her the shivers nonetheless.

Quickly, she backed up, took a tighter hold on Chloe’s hand
and picked up the pace. Just beyond the bend in the path, a small shimmering
circle suspended several feet above the ground blinked into sight. Jordyn
scanned the area and then glanced back at her. With a single nod that said more
than an encyclopedia of words, he turned and headed straight toward it,
unaffected by the tremors suddenly splitting apart her world right beneath her

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