Amy's Advantage (25 page)

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Authors: Eve Jameson

BOOK: Amy's Advantage
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Jordyn’s hands flattened over her breasts, his palms
pressing her nipples as his fingers encased the curves. He squeezed and she
moaned, whispering his name as his mouth moved on her neck. With his tongue and
teeth, he left a trail of fire that seared her from just under her ear to her
collarbone as his hands continued to mold and cup her breasts. He pressed them
together and his tongue traced the cleavage he created. Just when she was about
to ask, he lifted one breast and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

She couldn’t restrain the soft cry as he tongued the lace.
So soft before her nipples had been brought to such sensitivity, now the
material felt coarse against her skin and she resented even the thinnest of
barriers between her and Jordyn’s breathtaking touch.

“I need to touch you,” she said, leaning forward and
straining against the cuffs.

He ignored her and switched his attention to her other
breast. Applying the same swirling pressure to this nipple as to the other, he
sent stream after stream of incandescent pleasure spinning low though her belly
and inner thighs. She squirmed against the back of the chair as he hooked his
thumbs in the lace and pulled it down and under her nipples, tucking it under
her breasts.

Not being able to see what he was doing left her free to
imagine Jordyn as hungry for her as she was for him. She could picture the
silver shards in his eyes darken to a steely flint-edged gray with a desire
completely focused on her.

Jagged pleasure connected the twin peaks of her breasts as
he twisted one nipple between his fingers and dragged his teeth over the other.
When he sucked the tip in deep and pressed it against the roof of his mouth,
the pleasure shot straight south. Her back arched sharply as her thighs
contracted, squeezing in hard against his legs and bringing her ass completely
off the chair for a moment. A warning rumbled from Jordyn that vibrated from
her nipple across her chest, feeding the carnal need growing high and hot
within her.

He kissed the curve of her neck and feathered his fingers
over her nipples. After twisting them into tight points again, he smoothed his
hands down her waist until they cupped her hips. His forearms rested on her
thighs as he shifted position, bumping the inside of her knees.

“Now what are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting comfortable.”


“Mmm hmm,” he hummed, his mouth on her inner thigh. His
thumbs traced the bottom edge of her panties down toward her pussy. He nipped
higher up on her thigh and his chest brushed her leg.

Oh dear god. The man was kneeling between her legs. Suddenly
her imagination went into overdrive with the anticipation of him moving his
mouth up her thigh another six inches or so.

His hands slid from her panties to her inner thighs, fingers
splayed in a firm grip as he opened her as wide as she could go, her outer
thighs pressing against the armrests of the chair. With her arms still cuffed
behind her, she had little choice but to remain immobile. The lube he’d dripped
between her legs had warmed somewhat, but was still wet and kept the material
of her panties cool against the heat of her pussy.

She felt exposed and sexy and vulnerable and more than a
little naughty. For a minute he held her in that position without saying or
doing anything else. Squirming a little under his hold, she asked a little
breathlessly, “Now what are you doing?”

“Enjoying the sight of your open pussy.”

Oh god.
The man was going to make her come just by
looking at her and she couldn’t even see him looking at her. More than anything
in this moment, she wanted him inside her, touching her, taking her hard and
long, but having him use her for his viewing pleasure made her feel wildly sexy
and incredibly powerful.

His hands tightened on her legs, his thumbs sweeping upward
until they were rubbing the sensitive indention at the top of her inner thighs.
Her breath caught as he skimmed his thumbs along the outside of her pussy lips
and then released in a quiet hiss of air when his thumbs moved down and away
again. The image of him between her legs like this, stopping to stare at her
spread out for him, was an incredible turn-on, but good lord, she needed the
man to

Dropping her head back, she asked, “Jordyn, can you do me a
favor?” The shredded sound of need in her voice didn’t surprise her, but the
sultry purr that surrounded it did.

“What’s that?”

Her heart stuttered in her chest at his words. The man was
close enough for her to feel his breath on her pussy when he talked. “Touch me.
Please. Touch me.”


Enthralled, Jordyn stared at the beauty before him, begging
for his touch, responding to every little thing he did to her body. He gently
scraped the edge of his thumbnails over her pussy lips, watching as the soft
flesh gave under pressure and then plumped back up. The action pulled them free
of the lace, leaving the material covering her clit and opening only.

He skimmed his hands along the inner face of her thighs
until they were at her knees. Holding her there, he soaked in the sight,
letting his lust build as Amy whispered his name, her voice filled with the
same longing her body trembled under his hands with.

Though he kept a standard of discipline in his life that
others often found intimidating, he’d never bridled his enjoyment of a woman,
even during what he thought of as his dark time. Women’s bodies had been an
escape and he’d explored that particular recreation thoroughly, fucking nearly
every second not devoted to fighting, training or sleeping—and sleeping rarely
trumped fucking.

The number of women he’d seen, touched, tasted all fell to
insignificance when he’d first seen Amy. Knowing she was categorically
off-limits hadn’t changed the way she’d affected him and he’d fought it as best
as the man he’d become could. But she’d offered herself with the understanding
of temporary and he wanted her with a driving need that was as fierce as it was

He’d hoped that once he’d been inside her, the need for her
would disappear or at the very least dull to an easily ignored ache. But the
gods enjoyed their games and even after he’d had her, beyond the reason and
discipline and duty that drove his life, he still wanted her.

Laid out before him as his personal courtesan with her head
thrown back, her hands bound behind the chair and her body open to him, she was
granting him more of herself than he’d ever imagined.

Though Amy was petite, she wasn’t skinny, and the black lace
emphasized the natural curves of her body. His hands, sun-darkened along with
most of his body from days exposed to the elements, looked rough and possessive
gripping the white silk skin of her legs.

Her pussy was half hidden, half revealed by the strip of
black lace that was wet from both the strawberry flavored gel he’d dripped on
her and her own juices. The thong she wore was just wide enough in the front to
cover the thin, closely trimmed triangle of curls, while still riding several
inches below the shallow dimple of her navel.

Her belly was softly curved and was the perfect counterpoint
to fit the indention of her waist. Her breasts were full and swelled above the
lacy bra he’d pulled down. The twin globes were still rounded with arousal,
their pink nipples pulled tight and glistening from his mouth.

With her head thrown back and her legs pressed wide, she was
bound and surrendered to him and for him. Completely captive to his desires,
his choices, his lust, she created a picture he would carry with him always.

He kissed his way from the inside of one knee to the bared
pussy lip plumped up against the strip of lace. Licking it, sucking it between
his teeth, he let it go to repeat the action, starting with her left knee this
time. After he’d teased all the way back to her labia, he ran his tongue along
the line of lace from where her ass pressed to the chair to the top of her
slit. As her own cream mixed with the strawberry gel, a hedonistic ambrosia was
created that was both sweet and earthy in taste and scent.

When he passed over her clit, Amy’s legs tensed under his
hands and she pushed against his mouth, lifting slightly off the seat. Moving
his hands higher up on her thighs, he kept her in place as he went to work on
the sensitive little nub, laving with his tongue and scraping with his teeth.
Because her clit was still beneath the material, he played a little rougher
than he would have otherwise, though he used the lace to add to the sensation.

The hint of strawberry teased him with its candied flavor
and he sucked and licked with a focused attention until all that was left were
pussy juices and a begging, twisting woman on the edge of climax.

Her cunt was hot against his mouth and her body was tensed
for release when he pulled back and stood up. Amy’s head jerked forward,
sending coils of burnished curls cascading around her face.

“Wait! What are you doing? Where are you going?”

Jordyn ignored her panicked questions. He slid his hands
under her arms and lifted her from the chair. Her knees wobbled and she swayed
with the disorientation of sudden movement while still being blindfolded and
bound, but he steadied her against him. Her mouth opened on a gasp and he
filled it with his tongue, kissing her with heat and passion and insistence.
The hint of wine that was still in her mouth melded with the flavors that were
in his—strawberry and Amy’s pussy.

The combination was erotic and intoxicating. He wrapped his
arms around her to hold her body fully against his, tilting her head backward
with the force of his kiss as he took more and drove their shared need higher.

Just as she caught her breath, pressed in and started to
make demands of her own, he broke the kiss and turned her around. Her surprised
squeal was cut short as he wrapped one arm around her waist and placed the
other between her shoulder blades.

“Bend over,” he instructed.


He didn’t explain, but put firm pressure on her back and
lifted her up until just her toes were on the carpet. Off balance over his arm
and her hands unable to help compensate, she did indeed bend over. She fell
forward over the pile of pillows he’d stacked at the end of the bed, leaving
the tips of her toes grazing the floor and her ass in the air. If he’d thought
she’d made an alluring picture in the chair, bent over the bed, she was a
fucking work of art.

“You might be getting more out of this if I could touch
you,” she said, her voice low and cajoling.

A rough sound came from the depth of Jordyn’s chest as he
stepped back to get two more items from the top of the dresser. “Unlikely.”

Placing the items on the bed beside her, he leaned over her,
his legs on either side of hers, pressing them together. The hard ridge of his
erection beneath his pants rode against her hip as he smoothed her hair back
from her face and made sure the blindfold had stayed in place. Then he ran his
hands over her shoulders and down the length of her arms, stopping at her
wrists to test the security of the cuffs, more as a reminder to her than for
his sake.

Straightening, he splayed both hands over her ass, squeezing
the firm curves and brushing the tips of his thumbs into the crevice between
them. Hooking his fingers into the lace of the thong, he pulled her panties
down over the cheeks of her ass, leaving them in place over her the top of her
thighs. Squeezing her bottom again, he pulled her cheeks apart this time,
revealing the small puckered opening of her ass. When he brushed the tip of his
finger over it, Amy tensed and lifted her head.

He reached for the warming lube he’d laid beside her, put
some on his finger and circled her asshole with slow deliberation. “Have you
ever been fucked here, Amy?”

“Yes.” The word was choked out and she swallowed and licked
her lips once before she continued. “I mean no. Sort of.”

“What does that mean?” he asked, pressing on the edge of her

She shivered. “One guy. Asked. When I finally said yes, he
got excited. Came when he pressed against me.” Her stilted words spilled out in
bursts rather than her normal, nervous rambling.

He circled her anus again. “He didn’t get inside you?”

“No.” Her answer was a softly breathed exclamation.

Though he waited, she said nothing further. “You’re
unusually quiet at the moment.”

“I—” Her voice cut off as he inserted the tip of his finger
into her ass. She released a sharp breath when he didn’t press in further. “I
can’t seem to think.”

“You seemed to be thinking a lot when you ordered these
toys.” He supported his weight with his forearm beside her on the bed as he
leaned forward to kiss her shoulder, keeping his finger in place. “You have
several anal toys in that drawer.” He pushed his finger in a fraction more and
nipped her shoulder.

Her voice quivered. “I was curious.”

“Do you have any idea how sexy that is?” He kissed further
up her shoulder.

“What? Anal sex?”

Jordyn smiled against her skin. “Well, yes. That. And your
willingness to try new things. That’s very sexy.”

“Oh my god. Do I need a safe word?”

“Do you want one?” he asked, easing his finger in further.

“Popsicle sticks!” she said, jolting at the pressure.

“Popsicle sticks?”

“Yes, that’s my safe word,” she said, her words breathy and
a little shaky.

He pushed his finger in up to his second knuckle and pressed
against the tight sphincter muscle. “Are you using it?” he asked.

She paused and wiggled her butt a little. “No.” She blew out
a breath. “But I am ready for you to fuck me.”

“Well then,” he said, scraping his teeth over her shoulder
before straightening and withdrawing his finger. “Let the fucking begin.”

Chapter Fifteen


Slowly, Jordyn pulled the lacy thong down enough to bare her
cunt. Since her legs were still together, the panties stayed in place high on
her thighs. Bent over as she was, her opening was just a shadowed indention,
but the sensitive nub of her clit had swollen with arousal and was poking out
from between her pussy lips.

Spreading her ass cheeks with one hand, he used the other to
squeeze the bottle of warming gel, applying a generous line of lubricant from
her asshole to her cunt. When it dripped over her clit, Amy murmured
indecipherably and shifted her legs apart.

“No,” he said, tossing the bottle onto one of the pillows
and then pushing her legs back together. “Keep them like this.”

“First time a man I’m sleeping with has wanted me to keep my
legs closed,” she muttered.

He picked up the anal toy he’d set beside her on the bed.
“There’s a first time for everything.”

Holding the thick end of the butt plug between two of his
fingers as he would a cigar, he parted her ass, revealing the puckered hole.
With the finger that had already been inside, he worked to loosen the tight
muscle at the entrance, using the lube to ease and quicken the process. When he
pressed in a second finger, Amy squirmed and bit down on her bottom lip, but
didn’t complain.

Once he had loosened her up, he switched the butt plug to
his other hand and slowly started to insert it. He kept up the pressure until
he heard her draw in a sharp breath as the plug widened to a width bigger than
his two fingers had been before. Pulling it back out slightly until the tension
along the muscles in her back released, he added a bit more lube and pushed it
in almost the entire way.

Amy gasped and her fingers went rigid. When she lifted her
head off the bed to take in a deep breath, her back bowed in an elegant line
that ended at the top of her ass and was broken only by the cuffs keeping her
hands caught together behind her back.

He smoothed his free hand over her hip and waited for her to
adjust. “Easy, honey,” he said. “You’re almost there. Breathe out slowly and
put your head back down.”

As soon as she obeyed, he pushed the little plug in as far
as it could go. Immediately the muscle tightened around the base and lodged it
in place. Holy fucking gods, the woman was breathtakingly sexy. Tension
vibrated through her body with the novel invasion, yet she still submitted to
his commands. Her reactions drew on him as fiercely as any drug, luring him in
and becoming instantly addicting.

With the hand that had teased her asshole earlier, he
squeezed her bottom, settling the plug in even firmer. The other hand moved
down to her cunt to play and tease. She was hot and wet and his fingers stroked
her there until they were coated with the lube and pussy cream. He slid them
between her labia and circled her clit over and over until he could feel the heat
building in his hand.

“Ohhhh…god, that feels good,” Amy whispered.

Jordyn pushed two fingers deep into her cunt and twisted the
butt plug before he unfastened his pants. He’d been teasing her for a long time
and knew he wouldn’t last once he actually got inside of her. Fully ready to
fuck, his cock thrust out from his body and bumped Amy’s ass. Briefly he
considered pulling out the plug and replacing it with his dick, but she’d need
more time to adjust to his size than he was willing to give tonight. Since he
didn’t want to hurt her, he’d save that pleasure for another time.

Amy’s soft moan floated back to him when his shaft landed
against her ass, spiking the lust already scorching through his veins. He
tugged and twisted the anal plug and then reached under her hip to stroke her
pussy. It wasn’t long before she was moaning his name in a sweet, whispery
voice full of need. He increased the tempo and the pressure on both her clit
and ass and was rewarded with a fresh gush of cream spilling around his fingers.

“Now. Please, now,” she whispered.

In no mood to wait himself, he let go of the butt plug and
wrapped his fist around his shaft to position the head of his cock against her
entrance. The feel of her soft, slippery flesh parting for him slammed
innumerable and unnamed emotions through him with a hurricane force. Previous
experience with Amy left him not entirely surprised by the onslaught, though
the unrestrained power and depth of the emotions nearly knocked the breath out
of him.

What it was about this woman that made him want, made him
need, that laid bare all his raw, uncut desires baffled him. She undid
something that had been tightly bound and deeply buried, loosing memories of
the day Scythra placed their baby daughter in his arms—and the day they both
died. The old memory flashed and held its shape one moment only to disintegrate
the next, as a paper that has been devoured by a flame sometimes still appeared
whole until touched and then crumbled to nothing more than a fine gray ash.

There’d been years and a determined force of will to leave
that all behind him. The memory found no place to land, and just as the powdery
dust of the burned paper dispersed on the smallest breeze, the spectral image
dissolved as Amy’s heat drew him from the shadows of the past and fully into
the fierce passion of the present. He shook his head to clear all lingering
traces of memory, forcing himself to focus purely on the physical sensations.

Amy pushed up as high on her toes as she could and rocked
backward, pressing her sweet, welcoming body against the head of his cock. Need
seared across his vision, flashed through him and struck at the underpinnings
of his control. He grabbed her hips to still her progress and regain his

Blinking, he looked down at the perfectly rounded ass
between his hands and used his thumbs to part her cheeks. His gaze slid from
her virgin little asshole clutched around the anal toy to where her tight cunt
parted at the insistence of his cock.

One moment was all it took to imprint the scene in his mind
forever and knock out the remaining supports that had been holding his lust in
check. The next second he was buried balls-deep inside of her. Amy gasped at
the force of his thrust and then her cunt was contracting around his shaft as
she flew into a fierce orgasm. She cried out his name as her entire body bucked
and bowed. Her body gripped him with a rippling hot hold that turned his need
to liquid fire.

As he pulled back, the warm cream of her pussy slid around
him and annihilated all but the animal instinct to take and conquer. He could
do nothing but slam back into her, his entire body rigid and fierce as he took
his pleasure from the woman bent over in front of him, arms straight and bound
and fingers splayed with the tension of muscles locked in the ecstasy he’d
driven her to.

The harsh sound of his own breath sawing in and out of his
lungs eclipsed her softer cries as electricity raced over his skin, gathering
at the base of his spine and driving him in deeper. His thumbs dented the soft
curves of her ass as he held her in place, thrusting in once, twice more before
the heat building inside of him drew his balls up and his climax exploded
through him.

As hungry flames reaching out and finding a field of
drought-dry grass, carnal pleasure flared with a sudden and consuming
intensity, devouring and racing ahead. It blazed through him, turning his world
inside out with a savagery that for a single moment stripped him of all
pretenses and every last defense.

Ecstasy burned through him, vaporizing the logic and
argument and understanding that had kept the deepest emotions for Amy locked
down save for the moment he saw her go over that cliff. That instance he had
justified as fear-driven and nothing more. But this, this was more. Full and
complete and encompassing. It drew on every element of his body and soul and
reached for her, needed her.

Jordyn cursed as the final waves of his climax rolled
through him. A low, ragged groan rumbled out of him as he emptied himself
completely into the woman who had just unwittingly decimated the world as he
knew it. He slumped forward, catching himself with his hands on the bed before
totally crushing her beneath him.

Taking several deep breaths, he willed strength back into
his muscles and struggled to rein in those defiant emotions that kept lucid
thoughts at bay.

Slowly, he straightened, and with a quick flick of his
wrist, he released her hands from the cuffs and then gently removed the toy
from her ass before sliding the wet tangle of lace down and off her legs. Amy
mumbled something unintelligible and pushed the blindfold off her head.

“Stay put,” he instructed. “I’ll be right back.”

He took the toys and the panties and dropped them in the
bathroom sink, took a minute to clean himself and then returned with a warm
washcloth to do the same for her. After tossing the washcloth in the general
direction of the bathroom, he settled onto the mattress and pulled her up
beside him. While he brought the pillows back to the head of the bed, she
unhooked her bra and dropped it over the side of the bed. He pulled the sheet
up over both of them and Amy snuggled up next to him, eyes closed, but with a
smile flirting over her lips.

He drew her closer, and touching the corner of her mouth, he
asked, “What’s the smile for?”

Her mouth stretched into a wide grin. “I was just thinking
about how good dessert was tonight,” she said.

“Dessert,” he said without inflection, sliding his hand down
to squeeze her ass.

An impish deviltry glinted in her beautiful eyes as she
looked up at him. “I just can’t get over how good the carrot cake was at

“You didn’t have carrot cake at dinner.”

She frowned. “I didn’t? Hmmm. Well, it must be something
else then.” She ran her hands up his chest and then wrapped her arms around his
neck, leisurely arching her body against his with a low, sensual sound that
could only be defined as a purr of pure sexual contentment. “That really was

He kissed the tip of her nose. “So, what did you think about
the butt plug?”

Amy’s cheeks turned bright pink. “I liked it, but it was
pretty intense.”

Jordyn skimmed his hand over her back and up her arm to pull
her wrist around to where he could see it. Turning it over, he noticed light
red chafing from the cuffs. “Are you all right?” He brushed his thumb over her
wrist and then dropped a soft kiss across the marks. “Did I hurt you at all?”

“No. I’m fine.” She pulled her arm back and wrapped it
around his neck again. “More than fine. Perfect.”

With her hair curling wildly about her head and shoulders in
a sex-mussed mess, her breasts and legs pressed against his body, Amy smiled up
at him with the open look of a well-satisfied woman on her face. Holding her
close like this was so easy, so natural, that he wondered how he’d managed to
resist this long. One thing was clear to him now, though. Once he got her back
to Ilyria, he’d never be able to see her again. Not if he wanted to maintain
any form of sanity.

Amy’s hand cupped the side of his face. “What’s that look
for?” she asked.

“What look?”

She ran the tips of her fingers over his brow and cheek.
“You just suddenly looked so serious.”

Pushing away the looming future struggle for his sanity, he
concentrated on the present and the woman in his bed. “Just thinking about how
one might improve on perfect.”

With a grin, she wiggled against him. “You think you can do
better the next time?”

He rolled onto his back and took her with him so she was
sprawled across his body, both of them tangled in the sheet. “I have two more
days to try,” he said, then lifted his head to stop her laugh with a kiss.

* * * * *

“Shyrana, what the
is going on with you?” Kayn
grabbed her by the thickly padded coat she wore and hauled her off the ground
to a standing position in front of him. Shy’s dark-blue eyes were nearly black
with shock and pain as her head rolled unsteadily on her shoulders.

“I’m fine,” she said.

“The hell you are,” he said, unable to uncurl his fingers
from the death grip he had on the front of her jacket.

She closed her eyes and held onto his arms as she tested the
strength of her knees. “I just fainted. It’s no big deal.”

“You’re by yourself in the middle of the forest, standing on
the edge of a lake. You could have been hurt when you fell. You could have
landed in the water or cracked your head on a rock.”

“Or been eaten by a bear. I get it.” Shy took a deep breath
and opened her eyes. Her gaze was clear. “I’m less than a mile from the house,
you’re with me and I wasn’t hurt.”

“How often is this happening?”

“Not enough to worry about.” She dropped her hands and stood
stiff and straight. “Let go of me.”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

Her response was so quick, it caught him completely off
guard. Her hands came up between his forearms with such severity and force, it
knocked his grip loose. Immediately she stepped back out of his reach.

“Fuck off,” she said. With her blue eyes blazing, she moved
to walk around him.

He stepped into her path. “No.”

“Get out of my way, Kayn.”

“You’re either going to tell me what I want to know or
you’re going to have to kick my ass to get around me.”

For a minute, he thought she was going to fight. Her gaze
darted around him, gauging the openings between rocks and trees and distance to
the house. He could see her mind churning and didn’t want to give her too much
time to think. “I suppose I could just tell Amdyn you’re under too much stress
and that you’re starting to black out regularly. That would be enough to get
you a full-time guard at the very least.”

He had her. He knew it. Whatever was going on, she was more
afraid of Amdyn finding out than him. Of course, Amdyn had the power to send
her home.

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