Amy's Advantage (23 page)

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Authors: Eve Jameson

BOOK: Amy's Advantage
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Instinctively, she dug her nails in to hold him in place and
the corners of his eyes tightened the slightest bit in a wince. “Where are you
going?” she demanded.

“I thought you wanted my pants off.”

She blinked and then uncurled her fingers. “Oh. Sorry.”

He stood and a flick of his wrist had the belt undone and
off. Next he dealt with his boots and finally he was shucking out of the rest
of his clothes in one fluid, but expedient motion. “Oh wow,” she said again as
he straightened and she got her first naked look at the man she’d been
fantasizing about for some time.

The man was made of rock—a very large, very aroused rock.
Every part of him looked hard. An erotic pleasure god built for days of sex at
a time, his muscles were sharply defined and corded his arms, shoulders, legs
and across his chest. The only flaw in his image of immortality was the
numerous scars scattered around his body, some old and some fairly recent, that
spoke of a hard-lived life.

He moved to the bed and the mattress dipped as he kneeled
beside her. With a kind of reverent fascination, she wrapped her hand around
his erection and gently squeezed. It was so hot in her hand, so smooth and
hard. She moved her hand up and down, then rubbed the small indention on the
underside of the head with her thumb.

With a groan, Jordyn removed her hand and stretched out
beside her. Sliding one arm under her shoulders and the other around her hips,
he rolled her toward him and pressed her full length against his body, his face
tucked into the curve of her neck. He cradled her in his arms as he took a deep
breath that expanded his chest and flattened her breasts. When he exhaled, he
released her enough to be able to look down into her face with an expression
that was both fierce and tender.

His silver eyes darkened to a flint-hard pewter with emotion
swirling in their depths. Underneath the blatant desire was something there
that told her this man would do everything in his power to keep her safe, keep
her protected. She reached up and pressed her palm against his cheek, prickly
with a day’s worth of stubble.

“Would you like me to shave?” he asked softly.

She just shook her head. She didn’t want him going anywhere.
Lifting her head from the pillow, she kissed him. Lightly at first, a simple
brush of her lips across his. And then an invitation. Opening her mouth just enough
to run the tip of her tongue across the seam of his lips. Retreating when he
opened for her.

When his tongue licked inside her mouth, sparks rained
through her body and simple, light caresses were no longer adequate. She slid
her arm around his neck and pulled him closer, opening wider for his kiss. He
rolled her back, using some of his weight to sink her into the bed as he used
his tongue, lips and teeth to take and give until she was shifting under him
restlessly, trying to press more of her body next to his.

His hand found her breast and his fingers traced the outside
curve before lifting and squeezing. Rotating his palm over the nipple, he sent
strips of blazing heat lacing a carnal pattern of craving straight to her pussy
and a low, hungry sound came from her throat.

There was a sensual control to his actions that allowed him
to read her responses and build on them, each touch, each kiss multiplying the
threads of fire weaving together and wrapping around her until she was caught
completely in her own net of need. When his hand moved between her legs and his
fingers slid over her panties, she tore her mouth from his in a sharp gasp of
surprise at the sensation that rocketed through her as his fingers found the
sensitive nub there.

“Your panties are wet,” he whispered against her neck,
kissing his way to her shoulder as his fingers stroked deeper between her legs.

“Why aren’t they
?” she moaned as she squirmed
beneath him, trying to get closer and spreading her legs further apart at the
same time.

Further complaints flew out of her mind as Jordyn slipped a
finger under the lace and inside her. “Oh
” She grabbed his
shoulders and arched against his hand as he flexed his finger.

Suddenly everything went incandescent white. Ecstasy
exploded through her as a flame finding a pocket of pure oxygen in a fire. The
orgasm was fast and bright, a blinding flash of biting pleasure that shot
through her before she could even catch her breath and cry out.

When the haze cleared from her eyes, she found herself
looking into Jordyn’s eyes, darkened by desire to a deep charcoal gray. As her
body regained its normal senses, she realized that except for her panted
breaths and his controlled breaths, neither one of them was moving and she was
digging her nails into his shoulders again. Licking her lips and unclawing him,
she let her hands slide off his shoulders and land with soft thumps on the bed.
“Sorry about that.”

Amusement flickered in his eyes. “Sorry about what?”

“I didn’t mean to come so fast. I should have waited for

This time, the amusement lifted the corners of his mouth as
he flexed his finger deep inside of her, sending tiny ripples of sensation
through her pussy. “It’s not like we’re done, honey. You’ll have other

Surprised, she blinked up at him. “You called me honey.”
That astonished her almost as much as the climax had.

His eyebrows rose
“Does that offend you?”

“No. Not at all. I just didn’t realize endearments were a
part of your vocabulary.”

“They’re not. Normally.” Before she could comment further,
he slid another finger inside of her next to the first one and turned his

Still extremely sensitive from her climax, her entire body
reacted with a carnal version of the Hallelujah Chorus and her inner muscles
gripped his fingers tightly. Her hands dug into the bedspread, and for a
fleeting moment, she was glad she wasn’t hanging on to Jordyn and gouging him
with her nails again. Then he scissored his fingers inside her and every
thought she had zoomed in to focus solely on the sensations rocking through her

Jordyn twisted his fingers slowly, testing, stretching,
teasing. Leaning over her, he watched her face with such intensity that it
might have flustered her if he hadn’t begun unraveling her again. She tried to
keep her eyes open, to keep centered on the intense, silvery-gray gaze that had
her heart skipping through a frenzied set of acrobatics, but what he was doing
to her body was an unbelievable opiate to her system, a sensual undertow
dragging her into the deep.

When he started to circle her clit with his thumb, she gave
up and closed her eyes to simply focus on the sensations. It was too much, too
soon to try to reconcile what she felt when looking in his eyes and what he
could do to her body at the same time. Hell, if she kept to her agreement not
to let him break her heart, it would always be too soon. Better to ignore the
emotions and just enjoy the sex. Something he apparently knew how to do very

Amy arched her back, pressing against his hand. His fingers
scissored, slid out and then in again as he lightly brushed the pad of his
thumb over the tip of her clit. She bit down on her bottom lip to hold back a
needy moan as he continued to work her pussy until her whole body was craving
again the peak she’d just scaled.

The slight stretching of her opening as he pushed his
fingers in deeper had her thinking that waiting for him was overrated. She’d
forgotten what it was like to have sex that she wasn’t in total control of. And
dear god, it was
At least it was if someone like Jordyn was in

His fingers spread inside of her, stretching her more as he
pulled them out. He slid them around her opening and labia, spreading her cream
and making her slick for his fingers. He pushed them back in and his thumb
circled her clit, sliding easily around the nub now that it was wet. The padded
comforter twisted in her hands as the moan she’d been holding in slipped out.

“That’s such an amazing sound,” Jordyn whispered next to her

Another moan followed the first as he flexed his fingers
deep inside of her and started rhythmically tapping either side of her clit,
close enough to the tip to turn her liquid inside without touching the peak
that was still extremely sensitive. He found and then rubbed the front of her vagina
in that one spot that had her moan turning into a gasp.

“Oh god,” she whispered, letting the heat roll through her
as another climax started to ignite. Jordyn’s mouth came down on her breast,
his teeth clamping not quite gently around her nipple. The sharp tug on her
breast sent a lightning bolt straight to her cunt, which was already starting
to throb and pulse.

She cried out as the currents of light and sensation slammed
together, clashing in a magnificent display of pleasure and color. Stronger,
deeper than the first, this climax took hold, stretching her skin tight and
spinning through her body in spirals of ecstasy, unfurling as long banners in
the wind. Snapping and shimmering together in a beguiling and mesmerizing
dance, they drew out the moment in beauty and bliss.

It took her awhile to recover from this climax, her muscles
trembling as she tried to level out her breaths. A tingling sensation pricked
her skin and damp curls stuck to her face. She released the bedding to push her
hair back and took a deep, shuddering breath. When she opened her eyes, she saw
that she’d bent her knees at some point and brought her feet up on the bed
almost to her butt, spreading her thighs embarrassingly wide.

“What’s that look for?” Jordyn asked.

She shifted, bringing her legs together, though not
completely, since Jordyn kept his hand right where it had been for her last two
climaxes. “I’m not a prude, but I’m more of a lights out, under the covers
person than a spread them wide and scream person.” She could feel the heat of
her blush creeping up her neck as she spoke, until by the time she’d finished,
she knew she must be bright red.

Jordyn grinned down at her. “Modesty didn’t really seem to
be your top concern this afternoon,” he reminded her.

“I was horny. Sexual frustration can make a person go to

“And now that you’re not sexually frustrated?” he asked, his
grin fading as the expression in his eyes became distant.

She knew he was giving her the chance to back out, even now.
She reached up and pulled him down for a kiss. It was long and sexy and
thorough. When it finally broke so they both could breathe, she said, “Now I’m
becoming a little more comfortable with extremes.”

Chapter Thirteen


Jordyn allowed the tension her previous statement had caused
to roll off him as he found neither regret nor shadows in her face to belie her
statement. Even after he’d taken the gnawing edge off her desire, she still
wanted him. Wanted, at least right now, whatever was between them to continue.

He thanked any and all gods listening to his prayers.
Because after watching this woman come apart in his arms twice, he realized
that he wasn’t close to being done. Forever wouldn’t be enough, let alone three
days. But considering that up to an hour ago he’d believed he’d never have the
chance to touch her other than a hand on her back or arm as he guided her to
another portal, three days was a lifetime of dreams tied up in a single wish

“Good to know,” he said, kissing her nose, lips, chin. He
worked his way down her neck to her breasts, not lingering in any one place.

“Where are you going?” she asked as his hands skimmed down
her hips and his tongue traced a line down the center of her stomach.

“It’s about time these came off,” he replied, hooking his
fingers around the lacy panties and pulling them down her legs.

She nodded and pointed her toes when he got to her ankles,
pulling her feet free with much less drama than she had tried to free her hands
earlier. By the firm, but tolerant way Amy dealt with Chloe, one would expect
patience to be one of her virtues, but it most definitely wasn’t when it came
to sex.

He sat back on his heels, circled her ankles with his
fingers and spread her legs. Desire slammed into him at the sight and scent of
her dark-pink, swollen flesh. She’d shaved all but a neatly trimmed triangle on
her mound, leaving her entire pussy uncovered for his gaze. Ultimately it
didn’t matter to him whether a woman preferred shaved or natural or anything in
between, but he did love how bare, wet pussy lips felt against his mouth.

Amy levered herself up on her elbows. “There’s…umm…condoms
in the middle drawer.”

The blood was running so hot through his veins, it took a
minute for her words to connect to meaning in his brain. He dragged his eyes up
to meet her gaze, but didn’t release her ankles, keeping her spread before him.

“I can use a condom if you’d prefer, but all Ilyrian
soldiers are shielded before each mission. We don’t leave children behind.”

“Shielded? Like a vasectomy?”

He shook his head. “More effective and easily undone once we
return home.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

He paused. Looked at her closely. “Are you sure?”

She met his searching gaze head-on with an unwavering
certainty. “Yes. Completely.”

A shudder went through him at her words and his control slipped.
Tugging her legs even further apart, he leaned over her, his hands on either
side of her as he fit himself between her thighs. The head of his cock pressed
against her entrance and the feel of her heat, wet and giving to the pressure
of his invasion, shattered any remaining restraint he’d managed to hold onto.
Suddenly he didn’t care about Royal propriety or prophecies. His entire
universe came down to this one woman at this one moment.

Her body opened for him, as with one long, heavy thrust he
sank into her as far as she could take him. “You’re tight, honey,” he said,
pushing back the rolling wave of ecstasy at finally being inside of her to form
coherent words. Frowning, he realized she was holding her breath. “Are you

“Just adjusting,” she said, her jaw clenched.

“Take a deep breath,” he instructed. When she drew it in, he
pulled almost completely out. When she released the breath, he pushed in again,
deeper. “Better?”

She reached up and spread her hands over his chest, most of
the strain gone from her voice as she said, “Oh yeah. Do that again.”

He did and this time her eyes fluttered closed and she
arched up as he pushed in, a ripple of her inner muscles around his cock
sending electric flares down the length of his spine. The third time he
repeated the process, her fingers curled against his chest. As he lowered
himself to his elbows so that his body pressed against hers, her hands slipped
up around his shoulders.

He needed, absolutely
to touch her as much as
possible. If he wasn’t afraid of crushing her, he’d lower himself completely to
feel the seductive press of her skin against his.

With her wrapped around his cock, all heaven and sweet heat,
all doubt that paradise wasn’t real was erased from his world. It was real and
it was here, in Amy’s arms. He rocked his hips forward slowly, stretching her
further. When he first started to move in deeper, she gasped and her hands
tightened on his shoulders, but then she sank her nails into him, and with a
soft moan, drew her knees up to oblige his demand on her body.

He’d never know if it was the sting of her nails or the
sultry moan that slipped his control totally off its leash. Both were
incredibly erotic and together they pushed him straight through to the
primitive part of his nature. He’d wanted to savor the first moments of being
inside of her, the feel of her adjusting to accommodate him. It wasn’t a
civilized response that had engulfed him when he slid balls-deep inside of her.
It was an absolutely visceral reaction of triumph and conquest.

When she shifted position to take him in and yielded her
body to him, a wave of possessiveness crashed through him. His mind might argue
later that she was not, nor ever would be, his. That considering a woman
was not an acceptable, modern idea. But right now, any civilized part of
his brain had been completely subjugated to the primal taking of a mate.

Amy must have sensed the change in him. She opened her eyes
and met his gaze. Her eyes widened in surprise and her mouth opened to say
something, but he didn’t give her the chance. He leaned down and captured her
mouth in a kiss that was demanding and consuming. With a knowing precision, he
swept away all traces of hesitation on Amy’s part, overwhelming her senses and
bringing her to a place of absolute surrender.

Even before he ended the kiss, he started to move inside of
her, rocking and grinding against her until her cunt started to clench around
his cock, until the soft whimpers at the back of her throat turned desperate
and she wrapped her legs around his waist, hooking them at the ankles to hold
him to her. He broke the kiss to increase his angle and depth of penetration.
He thrust into her deep and hard, slamming against her body as she held on and
released herself to his taking.

Almost always he let the woman set the pace. But not today.

She’d opened up some primitive level inside of him that
, her submission. Pressing her breasts into his chest,
she threw her head back and closed her eyes as she accepted him, timing the gripping
of her inner muscles around his shaft with his thrusts.

Proprietary satisfaction surged through him as she matched
his rhythm. Immediately, he switched the depth and length of his strokes,
forcing her to adjust again.

Having his woman beneath him, willingly gratifying the
dictates of his control filled a dark, deep place within him that had lain
hungering and hidden for years beneath an impregnable wall of discipline and
restraint. He knew himself enough to be well aware of this part of his nature, had
felt it yawn, stretch and call at different times through his life. But never,
had its maw opened so completely and devoured so quickly. And never had it been

Until now. Rising and roaring, it reached for its mate,
demanding and driving him to claim her.

Through the sexual tempest, a warning that this was not a
good thing skulked at the back of his mind. He silenced it with the reminder
that sex with Amy was casual and temporary. She was not
woman, not
his mate. Regardless of the barbaric mandate issuing from the center of his
soul to claim her, he could not.

Amy might think she wanted him now, but her desire was
rooted in naïve innocence. She didn’t know, nor would she ever know, who he
truly was or what lay in his past that still lived deep within him and defiled
his soul. He knew she would allow him to mark her as his
didn’t know.

Opening her eyes, Amy looked up at him with wide green pools
of hope and desire. Her open acceptance of him in the face of all the
ramifications he knew would cause chaos and hurt in her life struck into the
center of his being, steeling his determination not to let her make that

With absolute finality he leashed and locked any and all
hope or pursuit of mating rites and claiming. That beast would not be loosed
again. He was known for his control and he had not gained that reputation
undeservedly. He brought his focus back solely to the wet cunt squeezing his
cock. This was not mating. This was fucking. This he could do.

Closing his eyes, he forced the final raging echoes of the
agony of denial from his mind and slammed into Amy again and again. He heard
her cry out as her body climaxed around his, finally, thankfully, pulling him
with her into the abyss of sensation that muted all but the physical explosion
of ecstasy.


Stretching her limbs in languid satisfaction, Amy rolled her
head to look out the window beyond the curtains. A deep cobalt seeped between
the buildings that marked the city skyline. She glanced at the clock on the
nightstand. Good lord, over three hours had passed since Jordyn had come back.
She started to stretch, but was hindered by the arm around her waist and the
leg pinning her thighs to the bed.

“Are you awake?” The low voice rumbled from directly behind
her head and the leg slid off her, giving her the ability to roll over and face
the man who had been responsible for sending her into a sex-induced slumber.
Though his eyelids were half lowered, the gaze behind them was sharp and

“Yes. Sorry about just dropping off like that.”

“No problem.” He shifted to lean up on an elbow. “You’ve had
a rough few days.”

“I think my nap had more to do with three outstanding
orgasms than a little tumble down the mountain.”

A slight tension pulled at the corners of his mouth as he
gently lifted a thick section of curls off her forehead to look at the bandage
she still wore there. “How does your head feel?”

“Fine.” Her answer was accompanied by her stomach, which
growled loudly.

Jordyn beetled his eyebrows. “Hungry?”

“A little. I was too nervous to eat lunch.”

Instantly Jordyn’s demeanor became intensely serious. “What
happened? Did someone try to contact you or come to the door?”

Amy blinked up at him in disbelief. “Noooooooo,” she said,
shaking her head. “I was nervous about seducing you.”

Now it was Jordyn’s turn for disbelief. “Why?”

“Why?” Amy popped up on an elbow to look at him eye to eye.
“Are you serious?” She threw her arm wide in a sweeping gesture that
encompassed the entire room. “I was parading in front of you in see-through
lace and three-inch heels and you still argued with me.”

Jordyn’s focus dropped to her breasts. When she’d swung her
arm around, the sheet that had been covering them flew back and settled around
her waist. “Had to try,” he murmured, his hand coming up to cup one of her
breasts. He flicked her nipple back and forth with his thumb and she could feel
it down to her toes as it pulled tight and puckered.

“Why?” she asked, trying to ignore the sensual pull his
touch was having on her body.

“Doesn’t matter now,” he said.

She didn’t believe him. She knew it mattered a great deal to
him. But before she could dispute his statement, his hand slid away from her
breast, down her waist and under the sheet until it rested on her hip. He used
it to roll her onto her back, his focus never wavering from her chest.

Instead of a clearly stated refutation of his stance, the
only sound that came from her mouth was a low moan as his mouth sucked in the
nipple he’d so expertly roused to a sensitive peak. He pressed it to the top of
his mouth and rubbed it with his tongue before releasing it through his teeth.
The slightly rough scraping jolted a surge of heat under her skin that was
magnified by the hand that had slipped between her legs to press against her

Quickly, his fingers parted her labia and he pushed two
inside of her. She wasn’t lubricated well yet, so she felt every inch of the
brusque invasion. He pulled his fingers out and then drove them back inside.
The force of his entry startled her, since she knew he had to feel that she was
mostly dry and her pussy was resisting the insertion. It didn’t hurt—not
really, just stung enough to shock a gasp from her.

“Soften for me,” he commanded.

His voice was low, but fierce, laced with erotic command.
Again, he drove his fingers harshly inward. This time, his finger pushed in a
bit easier and she realized that her pussy was indeed beginning to soften and
cream around his fingers. An arrogant tilt lifted the corners of his mouth as
he drove inside of her again, this time harder and deeper. Every bit of ground
she gave up, he took and demanded more.

She’d seen the autocratic side of his nature revealed in
security situations and it shouldn’t have thrown her to see it come out in bed
as well. But it did surprise her almost as much as her own reaction to his
carnal challenge. His domineering actions stirred something deep inside of her,
rising along with the pleasure he was exacting. She pressed her thighs
together, squeezing his hand.

An unmistakable flare of lust flashed in Jordyn’s eyes. He
pushed a knee between her legs, forcing them apart again. She twisted her hips
and pushed at his shoulders, meanwhile her pussy started to cream in earnest as
his fingers played inside of her. She pushed harder against his shoulders and
he loomed over her, using his weight to hold her still as his fingers pistoned
in and out.

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