An Alpha's Path (2 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

BOOK: An Alpha's Path
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He practically prowled through the room drawing the attention of almost every woman and even some of the men. An almost animalistic wave of seduction ebbed from him.




Please, if there was a God, let this be the mysterious Kade Jamenson.
. Larissa didn’t give her a picture or description of his looks as she said it would ruin the moment of first meeting. Melanie hadn’t agreed when she read that, but if this were Kade she would take back anything bad she ever thought about her best friend.


His nostrils flared as if he were taking in a deep breath, then he smiled a truly feral and triumphant smile as he came to the head of her table.






The both laughed quietly at the sound of them talking at once.


“Would you like to take a seat?” She was the one who spoke first. Well, the alcohol must have gone straight to her head because that never happened with men. Especially drop dead gorgeous men.


He smiled again and sat down gracefully in the seat across from her. She could’ve melted on the spot under the intensity of his gaze.


“Yes, I am Kade Jamenson. It is good to meet you Melanie Cross.” The way her name roughly rasped through his sensuous lips sent shivers through her. “May I order you another drink?”


It took her a moment to drag her eyes from his lips to answer. “No. No, I’m fine at one drink. It seems to have gone straight to my head.” She could feel the heat creeping toward her cheeks as she shyly bowed her head. Gawd, why not just tell him you are a light-weight before he takes you up to have wild and steamy sex?


Well, she guessed that didn’t sound so horrible. Exciting, but not horrible.


He laughed at her remark. “Sounds reasonable, water it is. Then how about we order something to eat while we talk and get to know one another. I don’t know about you but I was nervous as hell before I walked into the bar and saw you across the tables.” He shook his head and chuckled under his breath “I know I shouldn’t say that because now you think I am some loser, but I can honestly say I’m not nervous anymore. I’m happy I said yes to this date.” He smiled at her just as the waiter came to take their order. “Ladies first.”


“Um. Okay.” She stumbled a bit as she opened her menu. Try as she might, she couldn’t get her hands to stop shaking. It’s been so long since she’s been out. But none of those other dates could have prepared her for the example of sexiness sitting across from her. She sighed inwardly
. He is knock-dead gorgeous.


Melanie quickly glanced down at the menu and chose the first thing that seemed edible. “I will have the Glazed Apricot Chicken with sautéed green beans and a side salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing please. Oh, and another glass of water please.” The waiter nodded while he took her order and menu before turning his attention to Kade.


“I will have the porterhouse – rare.” Kade smiled at himself, as if what he said was funny. “Also a baked potato with the works. Thank you.” He gave the waiter his menu. “Would you like to start off with an appetizer, Melanie?” His eyes implored her to do whatever he wanted. She shook her head to rid it of that odd and irritable notion.


“No, I think my dinner will suffice. I suppose you’re a meat and potato type of guy since you didn’t even bother with a vegetable.” She shut her mouth quickly with an audible snap.


“Sorry. That isn’t any of my business. Eat what you want. I’m going to shut up now.” Her face was so warm that if her cheeks were any redder she would be a tomato.


Kade just threw his head back and laughed loudly, drawing the attention of a few of the nearby tables.


“Don’t worry. Say whatever is on your mind. I don’t think we need to keep secrets from each other.” An odd flash of something passed over his eyes, but he quickly hid it. “But yes, I seem to be a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I’m not a huge fan of rabbit food and tend not to order it if I don’t have to. It just seems like such a waste.”




Oh yeah. That PhD was really shining through her vocabulary tonight.


“So tell me about yourself, Melanie Cross.” He took a drink of the water in front of him and leaned toward her as if he didn’t want to miss a thing she was saying. “Jasper told me some things, but that was just facts and figures. I want to know more about you and learn it from you.” From the way he looked at her, he must be serious.


“Well, I’m sure you got most of this from your brother, but here it goes. I’m a twenty-five year old single chemist. I just finished my thesis and am on a break before I start my next job. I’ve spent way too much time behind a lab bench, with my nose in chemical journals to date properly according to my friends. Hence, the seemingly last ditch effort in relationships known as a blind date. So here I am.” She spoke so fast that she sounded almost shrill and defensive. But she was terrified of what was supposed to take place that evening – even if according to her friend she didn’t have to see his face after tonight. Although, with a face like that, it was unlikely that she would ever forget it.


“So what about you?” She wanted the spotlight off herself as soon as possible. For a woman who could talk in front of four hundred chemistry freshman or seven of the meanest and smartest professors in the field without breaking a sweat, she was slowly going crazy and incomprehensible sitting in front of this one man. One very hot man.


“Well, I’m a contractor and architect outside the Seattle area. I live near my family and we like the woods, and lack of crowds and large population noise. I own a contracting company and mostly build residential and small businesses. Sometimes I do special projects, like you friend’s parents’ greenhouse. I don’t date all that much because I too am busy with work. I was seeing a woman for… a bit before we broke it off.” His face didn’t reveal anything but she thought she saw an odd expression flicker across his eyes before he blinked it away.


“Was it serious?” She couldn’t believe out of all the things he said that was the one thing that popped into her mind. And frankly, did she even want to know? This was a first date for crying out loud.


“It could have been, but it just didn’t work out. She is with someone else, and I am free to pursue other… avenues.” He kept pausing before some words as if he were trying to decide what to say – as if he were keeping a secret from her.


“I’m glad, however, that things took this turn because now I’m on a date with a lovely woman.” He flashed her a wicked smile right as the waiter brought their entrees.


“Enjoy your meal, Melanie, even though you have more rabbit food than meat.”


She laughed, enjoying his odd sense of humor. They quieted while they began to eat.




A few bites in, Kade noticed that Melanie barely touched her food. Nervousness emanated from her skin. Fear even. He, on the other hand, fought his wolf to tone down their hunger for something other than their meal.


The honey vanilla scent sat across from him. His wolf was beyond pleased and ready to jump across the table and mount her.


The man however, was a little more cautious. Relief flooded him when the sweet honey vanilla scent radiated from the beautiful goddess from the photograph. He was on a blind date with his future mate.
How fucking awesome was that?


His brother and Larissa were either sneaky geniuses or very lucky. They both were scary beyond all recognition sometimes, but amazing nonetheless. He owed the matchmaking duo an apology, but later. First, he had to get to know Melanie and get her upstairs. Even if they didn’t have sex tonight and only talked, he would be fine. Because they would have hundreds of years to get to the dirty fun part.


And yes, she was his mate. The mating urge rode him harder than anything he ever felt. Kade was not letting this one get away. He’d do anything in his power to make the blond pixie in front of him want to spend the rest of her soon-to-be-long life with him.


With that goal in place, his wolf subsided a bit.


Don’t screw this up. This is the one, Kade.


Kade just smiled at his wolf and brought his attention back to his date.


“Are you done eating? Or would you like some more time?”


She bowed her head again, as a cute and damn sexy blush rose to her cheeks. He wondered if she blushed like that everywhere. She was wearing a sexy black silk and lace number that only accentuated her slightly curvy figure. She was a tiny thing that he knew could fit against him just right.


He could only imagine how she would look with her pale, creamy skin against his darker, bronze skin. Watching her lashes brush her cheeks as she glanced down at her barely touched meal he knew he wanted to kiss any fears or anxiety she carried away.


Mate? I think it’s time to go upstairs. Don’t you?


He couldn’t agree more with his wolf. But he didn’t want to rush her. No matter what happened tonight, they would be going upstairs – that was a guarantee. What they did once they arrived however – was up to the woman in front of him.


“You look as if you have the same appetite as me.” At the sound of his voice, her head popped up from whatever deep thoughts she was thinking. “What do you say we take a walk around the property?”


“Oh, okay. I guess I am just not that hungry tonight.” She smiled sheepishly as she set down her fork and any pretense of enjoying her food.


“Let’s go then, the check is taken care of, so we can take our time tonight.”


She smiled timidly again and grabbed her wrap and black, beaded bag. He fluidly rose from his seat and offered her his hand.


“Where would you like to walk to?” Kade, again, toned down his wolf and waited for Melanie’s reply.


“Our room?”


Her face was still stunning with the shade of beet red it became at her surprising, yet not unwelcome, announcement.


His wolf growled in agreement and preened for attention.


He gave her a smile that promised sinful and wicked deeds.


“That sounds like an outstanding idea, Melanie.”


Chapter 3


Kade led her toward the elevator through the atrium, with his hand against the small of her back. The warmth of her delicate body radiated through her thin dress and with to his wolf senses, he felt her heart pounding and her breath coming in almost shallow pants. She was aroused, but also succumbing to nerves and fear, the scent wafting from her skin. The need to reassure her pounded through his body, and even though his wolf practically begged to have her, he agreed.


Kade clasped her small, silky soft hand in his larger, more calloused one and entwined their fingers together before giving it a comforting squeeze. Mel smiled up at him and warmth bloomed in his chest. She was so small, so fragile. His.


The elevator chimed and a couple walked out. They eluded sex and drowsiness, and he wasn’t the least bit jealous. He was about to be in the same room as his mate.


As the elevator rode up to the twenty-first floor, he tried to make small talk but neither of them was interested. He chuckled under his breath, feeling like a teenager again. Too bad it was almost a hundred years since he was one.


They finally entered their room, aptly named the Dreams Room and closed the door with a resounding click behind them. The room was draped in white and cream silks. There were linens surrounding the open and airy bedroom with candles barely lit where the linens gaped open. The bed was almost bare except for fluffy white pillows and a luscious white comforter. That was good; he didn’t want his claws, if they did make an appearance, to destroy too much.


Once they both took in their surroundings, Kade led Melanie toward the center where she abruptly halted and turned around.


Her eyes were huge and she was barely breathing when she spoke hurriedly.


“I changed my mind. I don’t think I can do this. I mean it’s not you. It’s me. Oh hell!” She slapped her hand to her forehead then covered her eyes. Kade bit the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing. She was really too cute with her deep blush and the way she bit into her plump lip.


“I mean, you are great looking. Fabulous in fact. But I’m sure you know that. You must have woman throwing themselves at your feet in droves, but I don’t think I can do this. I don’t know why I even signed up for this, let alone tell you we should come up to the room.” If she continued to talk, she would rationalize herself right out of the room and out of his life. His wolf and he snorted silently.
Yeah, like that’s going to happen

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