An Alpha's Trust (10 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: An Alpha's Trust
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Jake was in trouble. She was so fresh and, almost, innocent. She probably didn’t understand the needs of his beast. He sensed her sensuality and wanted so much to strip her, flip her and mark her. She was playing with fire and would end up being scorched, but sated. Could she handle his shifter side?

They walked hand-in-hand down to Trevor’s room, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Hell’s bells, how was she going to find him in this ginormous house? She started calling to Trevor back down the hall. When Jake’s lips twitched, she said, “What, gotta better idea?”

Jake tapped his nose and started down the hall back towards the kitchen. He heard a mumbled, “Damn shifters,” as they entered the kitchen. Shana turned and told Trevor, “We’ll have to get you a GPS for when your da— Jake’s not here to find you.”

As her gaze settled on Trevor, she saw he was talking to someone. A female someone, who was very...cute.

“Mama, this is Tara. She lives here too.”

She could hear the excitement in his voice at makin’ new friends.

She came around the counter and held out her hand. “Hello, I’m Shana. This is my son, Trevor. We’ll only be here for a couple days and then you can have your home back.” She was jealous. Green-eyed demon just wouldn’t let up. Why was this cute young little girl living with Jake? It was none of her business. But why?

Tara took in a great big gulp of air and suddenly looked fearful. She backed away, looking down, and started to stutter and put her hands to her slightly rounded abdomen. “Uh, I...I should go, I mean, Um, well, good to meet you but I...”

That’s when Shana noticed it. Shit, the cute girl living with Jake was pregnant. Was it Jake’s? He could have told her.

“It’s okay, Tara. Shana and Trevor are new to all this shifter stuff and I’m sure they don’t know how it all works,” came Jake’s calm voice from behind Shana. He put his hands on her shoulders. “Tara was from another pack that doesn’t allow true mates. They want you to mate with any available male, as soon as possible, to continue the species. Tara came to us because she no longer liked how her pack was handling the females. She lives here because I am pack Alpha and protector. I open my home to those in need. I, however,
do not
take advantage of them.”

Bending down to whisper in her ear, he added, “She can smell your jealousy and thinks you’ll harm her, or her cubs, which are not mine by the way.” He kissed her lightly on the jaw line.

Why would she harm anyone? Oh, with wolves there was that whole territory thing. She was learning. Shana walked over to a cowering Tara and put her hand to the woman’s abdomen. “Is it a boy or a girl?” she said in the softest voice possible.

“Uh...I think it will be twins. It smells like a boy and a girl.” She gave a tentative smile, which looked more like baring her teeth, and then immediately lowered her head in a submissive pose.

Shana turned to Jake. She didn’t know what to do or how to make her more comfortable. “I’m very sorry. You’ll have to excuse my behavior. I didn’t intend to upset you. I’m new to the shifter way of life. I know that it’ll be wonderful to have you around. You’ve already charmed Trevor.” She smiled. “And it’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to see a woman grow with child. It’s such a wonder.”

Tara sat back down and looked tentatively at Jake. “Hello, Alpha.” She tipped her head down. “Is it okay if I remain? I see things have changed; I’m sure you and your mate would like the run of the house.”

“No, please don’t go. This house is super huge and there is enough room for us, and more. Stay.” Why did she feel like she was pleading?

Tara looked briefly to Jake. At his nod she lit up the room with her smile. She looked truly beautiful and Shana had a sudden longing to be close to this girl. They both had been through bad pregnancy situations, but now she had a chance to help this young woman.

Jake studied Shana; by her smell she was no longer jealous, but he couldn’t identify her scent. She was an amazing woman. To go from jealous to protective in a matter of a minute. He was in awe. He couldn’t wait until the day Shana grew round with his child. Oops...there went his uncontrolled boner again.

“Let’s get cooking. We can continue the tour after dinner or maybe tomorrow, it’s been a long day.” He pulled Shana into his arm and held her close. He didn’t make any advances toward her. He wanted her to know how proud he was of her.

Trevor poked him in the leg and whispered, “Come on, dad. I’m hungry.” And his little hand rose to pull him toward the grill.

Shana heard Trevor c
all Jake dad, but she didn’t have that instant bolt of fear pass through her. She wanted so badly to be accepted into this large family, but was unsure where to begin.

She grabbed Tara’s hand and pulled her out to the porch. The grill smelled fabulous, but the scene surrounding it was even better. The guys were drinking beers and flipping the steaks while laughing and making fun of each other.

When she stepped outside, it was to a few new faces. Jake made introductions and the sudden silence became alarming. One of the guys stepped forward and said, “So this is her, huh?”

She held her head high and said, “Yep, what of it?”

His name was Lorenzo but everyone called him Tinker, go figure. “Did you...really give food?” He punctuated the statement with bits of laughter.

She put on her bitchiest expression and said, “Yep, they ate every bite too.” No apology in her voice. She was trying to be hospitable. “By the way, you’re welcome.”

Tinker laughed and the rest of the pack followed. She felt foolish, but not enough to apologize. She was going to be Alpha female to this...frat house. Life was not fair.

Tinker handed her a beer named Blue Moon, ironic. “Welcome to the pack,” he said as he dipped his head. He explained his name was Lorenzo but they called him Tinker because he was the town mechanic.

She felt at home. Comfortable, accepted. She felt loved. She looked over at Jake playing with Trevor and felt her heart swelling with love. She knew without a doubt she loved Jake.

Jake must have sensed a disturbance in the force. He looked at her, his grin making her panties wet and her nipples hard.

Jake sauntered over to her, sniffed her neck and noted the scent of gingerbread, the scent of love. He took her into his arms and said, “Finally.” Tipping his head down, he took her mouth in a kiss that rivaled no other. As they lost themselves in each other’s kiss. She heard hoots and hollers with one little voice saying, “Yucky, ma.”

It took all of her willpower to pull herself away from Jake’s tight embrace. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw everything she’s ever wanted. Love, trust, safety and security. She had accepted him fully, and couldn’t wait for tonight. Because tonight, she was going to mate with her wolf, and rock his world.


Chapter 17


Where the hell is she?
” bellowed Ryan. He’d broken into the school, gotten her contact information, and staked out her house. He’d broken into her house, but no one was there. It was a ghost town. He didn’t understand. He saw her enter the house after school, and hadn’t seen her leave. He did see a man leave and wondered if she went with him. He’d have to find out.

He called her cellphone and it rang with no answer. He was furious. He went into her room and rifled through her drawers. He smelled her panties, threw them all over the bed. He found her purple vibrator in the bedside drawer. Maybe she wasn’t a whore. She must have been waiting for his return. He stripped naked and lay in her bed, smelling the sheets.

He picked up her home phone and tried to call her cellphone with it. This time she answered on the third ring. “Hello.” She sounded confused. After all, who would be calling from her own home?

“You coming home anytime soon, love? I’m waiting for you. You still smell the same Shana, but your taste in lingerie has definitely improved. I can’t wait to see you in the red silk.” He began to stroke his rigid shaft.

“What are you doing in my house? Get out now or I’ll call the cops. Never mind, I’ll call in them anyway.
Get out!

She was shaking with fear and had lost her appetite. She’d been sitting, talking with Tara about her pregnancy. When the phone rang her scent must have changed because Tara ran off.

“Come home, Shana. I’m waiting on you; I’m ready for you.” He let loose with his release all over her sheets and said, “I’ll find you, babe. Don’t worry. You’ll be mine again. I know you’ve been chaste; I found your toy. It tastes just like you.”

Bile rose in her throat and she hung up. Running to the bathroom, she barely made it in time to throw up her dinner. She could feel big warm hands at her nape, and knew Jake was at her back. She felt how tense he was just from the way he held her hair back. She vomited again, and again, until her stomach had nothing else and still she continued to dry heave.

He was shaking with rage after Tara found him and told him of his mate. Her fear and anger. He ran to Shana just in time to see her disappear into the bathroom and become ill. Paul was already on his way to her house after the silent alarm was triggered, and he hoped that Paul caught the bastard. He was ready for a little pack justice.

When it appeared that Shana was done, he scooped her up in his arms and headed to their room. She tried to talk, but he couldn’t understand between the hiccupping sobs. “Shh, it’ll be okay. I’m here with you. You’re safe, love.” He laid her on the sheets and came down next to her. He held her and stroked her back until she quieted.

When he felt she was calmer, he got up and brought a warm rag to wipe her face. He stripped her naked, and put her in her jammies. He hopped under the covers with her for comfort. She snuggled up next to him and promptly fell asleep. When he noticed the change in her breathing, he gently got out of bed and went to his pack.

He approached Conner, who was pacing. “Where is Trevor?” He knew he was on edge and needed to deal with lil’ man before he lost it.

“Tara bathed him and he’s waiting in bed for his story. He wanted you. I’ll be here when you get back.” Jake could tell it was bad by the way Conner was holding his beast in check by a thread.

Jake walked into Trevor’s room and noticed he was looking down at the book he held. When his eyes met Jake’s he put on a small smile. “Mama is gonna be fine, Jakie. It’ll be over soon enough.”

Jake went to the bed and took the book from Trevor. His eyes misted with tears that he refused to let fall. This little boy had known such hardship. The book was called ‘I Love You, Daddy.’

Jake read the book and when he closed the back cover, Trevor’s little voice said, “We’ll be happy, Jakie. I know it seems all bad now, but we will be happy. Mommy too.”

He tucked Trevor in and then went to his second to get a report. Conner looked briefly alarmed at the rage in Jake’s eyes but held firm.

“It’s bad, Jake. The guy is a lunatic. How could they have let him out of prison?”

Jake just stared, waiting.

“He broke the front window; easy fix,” Conner said. “Paul’s putting a board up.”

“Get to the point, Conner. I have little patience. I’ve spent the last couple of hours comforting my mate and an innocent child.
Out with it!

Connor winced; he really didn’t want to be the one to tell him. “He went straight to her room and picked through her...uh, underthings. He got in her bed and…” Oh God, this part was bad. “He got himself off. It was all over her sheets and her...panties. It was his intent to claim her, keep her. He had no interest in the boy. His scent was nowhere near his room.”

They both heard a small gasp from the doorway. It was Shana and clearly from her expression she heard everything. Damn. Jake rushed to her side. “It’s alright. Shh, don’t cry again. We’ll get him. I promise.”

Conner made a small coughing sound to interrupt. “Uh, he was gone by the time Paul showed up, but we’ll track him. He won’t get away.”

Jake nodded his agreement and scooped Shana into his arms.

“I can walk, ya know,” she said saucily. “I’m stronger than you think. I’m sorry for losing it earlier, but...I was...I dunno, shocked. I knew what he’d done because I heard him on the phone. It just made me feel dirty and disgusted.”

“I know, honey. You’re a very strong woman; I would never question that. Let’s just get you to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day.” And he had prey to catch.

He carried her to their room and they stripped naked. They both knew that they needed comfort tonight, no playing. Jake held Shana in his arms and when she woke with nightmares he soothed her with soft words and a gentle touch.

By morning, he’d be in a rage. A quiet rage that had his beast demanding resolution, pack style.

Shana woke slowly that morning wishing it was her day off. She wanted to simply stay in bed accepting Jake’s comfort. Through the night he held her and offered the only things she needed: love, comfort and safety. She had come to the realization last night that she could not live without this man. She loved him with everything she had.

Rising from the bed, she went into the bathroom. Brushing her teeth, she realized she hadn’t checked on Trevor, and this was his first day in a strange new house. She rinsed, spit and put on a robe. She went quietly down the hall not wanting to wake anyone.

She found him sitting up in bed reading a book. He had memorized the pages and was flipping through them with a grin on his face. She entered his room. “Morning, lil’ guy. How did you sleep?”

“I sleeped good; I like it here. There’s lotsa people to play with. I’m gonna get ready for school. Jakie said yesterday that Tara could go to school with me.” He seemed excited to have another friend at school.

“Sure. Do you want me to take the day off work and go with you?” She wanted him to know that if he was upset she’d stay with him, in a heartbeat.

“Nah, it’s okay. Tara is nice to me and I like talking to the babies.” He hopped out of bed and went to get dressed.

Uh, she wondered if he was really able to communicate with the babies or if he meant, he liked to talk to Tara’s pregnant belly. Oh well, she’d find out later.

She went back to her room and Jake wasn’t in bed anymore. She heard the water running and went to him. He was at the sink wearing only a pair of sweats hanging low on his hips. Damn, if he wasn’t the sexiest man alive. She went to him and hugged him from behind. Running her hands up his naked chest, she felt his sharp inhale. He was so toned with a sprinkle of hair on his upper chest and some leading down into the front of his sweats.

Nummy, she was thinking about licking her way down his chest when he said, mouth full of toothpaste, “Morning. Going into work?”

“Yeah, gotta keep truckin’. I hear Tara is going to school with Trevor. Is that okay? I can go; I don’t want to upset her day.” She didn’t know Tara well, but she seemed nice.

“She has a better nose. Paul brought over something Ryan touched and she’ll be able to smell him if he comes for Trevor at school. She’ll protect him. A pregnant she-wolf is better than any of my men.” He turned his lips upward in a half-smile. “Wanna hop in the shower while I make coffee?”

“You are a dream, ya know that?”

“Yeah, I do.” He smacked her butt as she removed the robe and got in the shower. “And you are perfection.”

When Jake dropped Shana off at work, he informed her, “Someone will be with you at the hospital at all times. If you need me personally just call my cell. I’ll be near.”

That was her mate, dependable.

She wanted him to know that she was ready. She wanted to take the next step-bond-mate. She felt a bit nervous at how to tell him. She nibbled on her bottom lip...

“It’s all right, babe. No one can get to you. Don’t fret.” He hated to see her unsure and if he never smelled her fear again it would be too soon.

She took a deep breath. “That’s not it. I just wanted to let you know that I’m ready...for us. I want this-super bad. I want us to be a couple. His and her. Mom and dad.” She looked pensive again. “If you’re still agreeable and all that. I know we have a lot of baggage, but—”

She never got to finish. Jake’s lips and hands were all over her. He was in a frenzy of need and emotion. “Of course I still want you, still love you. Nothing will change that. You sure you don’t want to stay home today.” His eyebrows rose and fell in a ‘convince me’ fashion.

“Easy there, wolf. It’s only a couple of hours. I want it all though. The mating, you, the pack, family. The whole shebang. I’ll see you soon.” She winked and walked away putting extra sway into her hips. She was finally decided.


* * * * *


“Little hussy,” Ryan whispered to his passenger. His plan was in motion. He would wait no longer; five years was long enough.

He twisted in the seat and gave the final instructions to his old cell mate. “Did you see her? Take her any way you can; she deserves a rough hand. We’ll meet at the drop off and I’ll give you the other half of the money. I want her to know that you’re my man, though, and she’ll be coming to me.” His grin was brutal and cruel, perfect for how he felt toward that bitch, Shana.

“Sure ‘nuff, boss. I’ll make it clear that you’re the mastermind. She’ll never see me coming. See ya in thirty minutes.” He got out of the car and went to the emergency room entrance.


* * * * *


Shana went in to assess a new patient that was presenting with stomach flu symptoms. She pulled back the curtain and was met with a man who looked nefarious. She couldn’t put her finger on why, but she got a tingle in the back of her neck. “Sir, you’re supposed to put the gown on so the doctor may assess your...issues. I’ll come back when you’re done.”

“No, don’t go yet.” There was an edge of desperation to his voice.

“Is everything okay?”

“No, I’m afraid of the hospital. Am I going to die?”

Was she misreading him? She thought he looked like trouble, but maybe it was a severe case of White Coat Syndrome.

She closed the curtain and began to explain; sometimes when people became ill they felt like the world was ending, but it was only fear. “I haven’t lost a patient to diarrhea ever. Let me get the doctor.”

Shana was hit from behind, her arm hitting the tray setup with intravenous supplies. She didn’t have time to scream when a stinky cloth was shoved onto her face.
Damn-hell-shit-fuck, not now.

Her last thoughts before she lost consciousness were of her son and Jake. At least they would have each other and hopefully they’d be safe with her gone. She was resigned to her fate; she only wished she hadn’t sent her protector on his break moments before.

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