An Everlasting Bite (13 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Vampires

BOOK: An Everlasting Bite
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Warwick nodded through the tears. “Yes, I do.”

Briggs didn’t waver, his rage poured through their bond and caused Rynn’s stomach to tighten from the force of it. “If it was my choice, I would kill you where you stand. I would rip into you for every tear she ever shed.”

Warwick gave him a speculative glare. “Who are you to her anyway?”

“Her husband.”

“You got married?” Tarina whispered. “We didn’t know.”

“How would you know?” Briggs growled. “You’ve been strung out and living like rats. How do you know anything that has happened to her?”

Tarina’s sobs grew heavier.

The last strands of Rynn’s strength waned as she listened to her mother’s pain. She wanted to hug her, tell them she forgave both of them and understood. She stepped forward, only to stop in her tracks when Briggs growled and snapped his gaze to her. She swore she even saw bared teeth.

“Do not even think of it, love. These two do not deserve your kindness. They don’t deserve your forgiveness when they have done nothing to earn it.”

She stood frozen. His tone and look had stopped her. It was more than just a word thing, it was a wolf thing. He was an Alpha male—her Alpha, and that clipped tone to his words commanded her to respond instantly. The power of it washed over her, and it took everything in her not to lie down before him. Might be a wolf thing to submit, but she’d fight against that instinct.

Briggs’ gaze fell back onto her parents and he leaned in close. “Now you listen here, you’re going into that building, you’re going to suffer through the withdrawals, and clean yourselves up to get well. If you don’t, I will hunt you down. When I find you, you will wish I hadn’t.”

He cocked his head. “Do you believe any of what I’m telling is not the truth?” Her parents said nothing. Briggs leaned in closer came nose-to-nose with her father. “I will do anything for her and having you in this state is not good for her. If you choose not to get well, you will leave me no choice. At that point, she will be free from you. There is only one sure way to do that. Now again I ask, do you believe me?”

Rynn did.

Both her parents visibly gulped. They were scared and why shouldn’t they be. Briggs looked pretty damn scary right now. Rynn had never seen him like this, he was always so soft, sweet, kind—this was a whole other side to him. Through their bond, she felt his revulsion and anger at her parents but also the deep love he had for her. While she had started to weaken moments ago and she should be angry with him for stopping her, she knew he was only trying to protect her. Briggs loved her unconditionally. Her own parents had never done that. Rynn’s devotion would always remain with her husband.

After a moment, her parents nodded.

Briggs glanced at Rynn, his eyes barely even saw her, anger within them so deep.

“Stay with Dante.” With that, he dragged her parents with him toward the building. The second they cleared the door, Rynn gasped. She stumbled back, but Dante caught her.

“All right there?” he asked.

Words were stuck in her throat.

Dante pulled her into the backseat where her mother had just been, and the second she sat, the world spun. She bolted from the car and threw up in a potted plant in front of the building.

Her body was sickened from the sight of them in such filth, the pain in their eyes, but more so, the reminder of her past.

She retched continuously until her sides were sore. As her stomach heaved for the last time, a hand ran along her back. She wiped her mouth and looked up. “Better?”

Briggs asked, no hint of his anger remained in his gaze.

She nodded, wiped the tears away that streaked her cheeks from vomiting. “I think so.”

Briggs wrapped an arm around her waist, nearly carrying her to car. He helped her into the backseat and slid in beside her. He gave Dante a nod after he closed the door, and again, they were driving down the street. Rynn attempted to reconcile what had taken place. It all happened so quick.

“Are they…” she started.

“They’re in good hands. The Doc will be in contact with us weekly to keep us updated. We won’t get the first one for at least two weeks.”

That didn’t settle her. “You’re sure they’re…”

Briggs interrupted her with a pat on the thigh. “They’re fine, love. This place is nicer than they deserve. If it were my choice, I would’ve brought them home, strapped them to the bed and made them suffer through the withdrawals that way. The pain would be good for them.”

Dante gave a sharp nod from the front seat.

She took a few minutes to process it. A nagging thought wouldn’t leave her mind.

She glanced over at him to find him already watching her. “You wouldn’t really have killed them?”

“I meant what I told them.” He brushed his hand along her cheek. “I would have killed them where they stood, if you had not been with me.”

She backed away, horrified by his admission. “What?”

“They have hurt you.” He took her hand, pulled a little so that she was close to him again. “That does not sit well with me.”

Okay, that was sweet and all. He was being protective, she could understand that, but he didn’t understand the disease. “You’re being hard on them. They can’t help it.”

Briggs snorted and glanced out the side window. “In your eyes, darlin’. Only in your eyes.”





Chapter Thirteen






Back at the house, Valor gave Rynn a knowing look, his lips lightly arched up.

“Since all seems well, I take it you didn’t shift?”

Briggs wondered what his speculative gaze was about. Once he pondered it for a few moments, he understood. It surprised him he hadn’t thought of it.

Rynn had stayed in control of her wolf even when she became distressed. The control she looked for, she had found.

Her eyes were wide and shock filled her beautiful gaze, her silver eyes twinkled at him. “I didn’t shift.”

He kissed her cheek, more than proud of her. For him, it ran deeper than her just gaining control, it meant she accepted this new life of hers. That pleased him most. Her wolf settled within her. “You’ve done it, darlin’.”

Valor gave a firm nod, appeared just as happy with her accomplishments. “When this is done, Briggs can take you to see your Grandfather—your control is there and there is no need for you to stay away any longer.”

Rynn’s face completely lit up with happiness, everything about her glowed. Warmth filled Briggs. Her Grandfather is just the type of man he wanted her to associate with—

kind and loving. Not those two fuckers who were supposed to be her parents. Those two, he could have lived without. If he thought Rynn would forgive him, he would have done just as he said—rid her forever from the likes of them. But he knew she wouldn’t understand his vengeance. Therefore, he took the only alternative he had—to get them well. He only hoped they proved to be worth it. Those hopes weren’t high.

“We must join the others.” Valor tilted his head toward the living room. “Rainer has called for Cashton from his pack to join us in hopes he can shed some light here.”

Briggs nodded, took Rynn’s hand and led her down the hall. The second they cleared the entranceway into the living room, pure fright engulfed him. His breath inhaled deep.

His gaze snapped to Rynn’s, searched for understanding.

As suspected, her gaze was frozen in fear. He followed her gaze to see she was looking at the man on the couch, who Briggs could only assume was Cashton. He couldn’t understand her fear though.

Cashton looked as most wolves did, especially ones from Rainer’s pack. Around his own age, properly dressed, dark short haircut, yet lacked a style. Of course, he looked like he needed a shave, a shadow surrounded his jaw line, but his dark eyes were kind.

She should not fear him.

Needing answers, he looked back to her, nudged her arm. “What is wrong, Rynn?”

Her reaction only deepened in intensity. Her body shook, tears began to fall down her cheeks. Briggs could take no more. He grasped her arm and gave her a shake. “Tell me, now.”

Without looking at him, she whispered, “It’s him.”

Rage roared through Briggs. Those two words made him understand completely and his sense of control vanished in a need to kill. He removed his hands from Rynn, turned toward the guy on the couch who gave him a curious look. In one powerful move, Briggs held Cashton by the throat as he pinned him against the wall.

“What…” the guy started, but Briggs’ tight hold didn’t allow any more words to come.

“Rynn, what has Cashton done?” Valor’s voice was sharp and commanding.

“That’s him,” Rynn squeaked. “The guy who attacked me.”

Briggs was too focused on the wolf in front of him to see her expression, but he heard and felt her pain. That was enough to slaughter this wolf. He had enough sense to realize something was wrong, but his rage wouldn’t allow him to make sense out of it.

All he wanted was this wolf’s heart in his hand.

“What is this about?” Rainer demanded.

He wasn’t surprised to see that this wolf’s Alpha had come to his aid. It didn’t matter. If he had to kill him too, then so be it. “This wolf is on his last life that’s what.”

he growled, tightened his hand around the wolf’s throat.

“What has Cashton done?” Rainer demanded.

“It can’t be him. Briggs, let him go.” When Briggs didn’t comply, Valor growled, deep and low. “Now.”

Briggs gritted his teeth, annoyed. The command was clear and he couldn’t disobey it.

His mind clearing, Briggs realized Valor made a valid point, it couldn’t be him.

Resolved, he let Cashton drop to the floor, blue faced and gasping for breath.

“What the fuck was that for?” Cashton shouted, pushed himself up off the floor. “I am here to help, asshole.”

Hearing that didn’t calm him. If Valor hadn’t interjected, he doubted the man would still be alive.

“This cannot be him,” Valor told Rynn. “The wolf that attacked you is dead.”

“It’s him. I swear it is,” She retorted, tears in her voice. “I wouldn’t forget his face.”

“I’m a twin,” Cashton said, gave his neck a good rub with his hand. “And my brother, Dathan, is dead. You must be talking of him.”

The fear that engulfed Rynn stayed with her, but sadness began to steal all and every emotion in her body. She began to sink to her knees, but as she did, Briggs caught her in his arms.

Her body trembled and he couldn’t even begin to imagine what facing this would be like for her. He had an idea since he sensed her troubled emotions, but still, he wasn’t quite sure he’d ever understand.

Everyone remained silent while Rynn cried. Of course, they’d all realize how horrible this would be for her. For that alone, Briggs could kill Cashton because he had the same face as her attacker. Regardless that it wasn’t him, she shouldn’t have the reminder. Feeling her heartbreak and pain as she just barely hung onto reality, he was on the verge of snapping.

Briggs held her tight and waited—gave her time to accept this. Rynn eventually quieted, but stayed in Briggs’ arms and never once looked back up. Instead, her eyes stayed on Valor.

“What did Dathan do?” Cashton asked, his tone gentle. “Judging by this reaction, it was something bad.”

Valor glanced at Rynn questioning. His eyes asked permission to talk about it. She gave him the nod to go ahead and he looked to Cashton. “Your brother attacked our Rynn here when she was human, then raped and turned her.”

Cashton’s eyes went wide, his face paled until nothing was left but pasty white skin.

“He did what?”

“You heard it.” Briggs growled, a sound that came out exactly as he meant it, a serious threat. “Do not make him repeat it.” His rage still boiled.

Rynn on the other hand calmed, steadied her emotions. She backed away from Briggs’ arms and glanced at Cashton. “Sorry…”

Briggs’ deep growl interrupted her. “Do. Not. Apologize.”

She sighed. “He’s not at fault here.” She nodded toward Cashton. “He’s not him. He can’t help that his twin did this.”

“You were upset,” Briggs retorted, his jaw clenched. “He was the cause of that. That alone is reason to be angered.”

Rynn gave him an appreciative smile, brushed her hand along his tight jaw. “I’m fine now.”

Briggs let out a deep breath. With the release of her emotions, plus the calm that lay in her smile, his mind relaxed.

He’d almost killed a man who he knew had no part in her attack. At the time, his rage couldn’t see past the heat egging him on to hurt anyone who caused Rynn pain.

“You’re bringing out the Alpha in me.” He gave his head a shake to clear the rest of the anger within him. “I’m not used to feeling this.”

Valor gave him a slap on the back and wore a shit-eating grin. “It’s not uncommon for a newly mated Alpha to be consumed by the need to protect his mate.” He slapped him again, harder this time and laughed. “I am enjoying this side of you, Briggs.”

Briggs snorted. “Glad to amuse you, boss.”

He wasn’t sure he felt the same. Of course, he wanted to protect Rynn, but he wanted his wits about him too. Losing his mind in anger would not keep her safe. Valor taught him that strength would only take you so far. It was a lesson he believed in. One, he needed to learn again it would seem.

Cashton stayed quiet, but then, looked up at Rynn with soft eyes. “Did he really do
to you?”

She nodded but said nothing. The simple gesture, the truth in her eyes—no one could debate her honesty.

Cashton’s expression tightened, his eyes fell to the floor as he took a seat on the couch. “I would apologize, but that wouldn’t be enough I fear.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s good he is gone then, if this is what became of him.”

Briggs nodded in total agreement.

Rynn approached Cashton before Briggs could stop her. She knelt beside him and he raised his head, eyes full of tears. “It wasn’t really his fault. He wasn’t himself.”

Briggs growled again, but she ignored him and a sense of calmness spread through him. She needed to do this, for reasons he wasn’t quite sure. Resolved in her needs, he forced himself to remain mute.

Cashton wiped his tears, his expression curious. “What do you mean, it wasn’t his fault?”

Briggs was glad Valor stepped in to answer. “From what we’ve learned from the Otherworld, a rebellion in the Underworld led to Black Magic Witches who were bewitching wolves to kill human women. They were stealing their virginity to give a pure strength to their magic. Dathan was one of the wolves they took.”

“That is unbelievable,” Nera exhaled.

“Believe it,” Rynn retorted, her voice carried no emotion.

Briggs suspected from all she’d been through these past few days, that event must have felt like a lifetime ago now. He couldn’t disagree, the events that led to finding his mate he couldn’t regret, but reliving it was nothing he wanted to do.

Cashton sobbed a little, drawing Briggs away from his thoughts. “This all makes sense now. The brother I knew would never have done this to you.” He glanced at Rainer, imploring. “You knew Dathan, he would never have done this.”

Briggs followed his gaze to Rainer’s sad eyes. “You are right, Dathan was a good soul. It was hard to believe he would have done such a thing without the Black Magic.”

His gaze fell to Rynn’s. “Never would he have harmed you.”

Rynn studied him a moment. Briggs would have given every dollar he had to read her mind. Where had her thoughts taken her? He could feel her strength build as the minutes passed. A moment later, determination sped through him. She got up from her knees and took a seat beside Cashton on the couch. “Can you tell me about him?”

Cashton looked taken aback. “You want me to tell you about the man who assaulted you?”

He wasn’t the only one surprised, Briggs was floored. What did she want to know about the man who raped her?

“No.” She shook her head, shuddered. “I want to know about the man that was stolen that night.”

Cashton glanced at Briggs, asking for permission. Briggs still hadn’t reconciled all this and what it was exactly that she needed for this conversation, but he wouldn’t question her motives. Instead, he took a seat next to her on the floor, held her hand and nodded at Cashton.

“He was a pain the ass.” Cashton laughed softly. “But he was kind and gentle. We grew up like any wolf that lived in Rainer’s Pack. Raised by two wonderful parents, educated, and had begun to settle into our careers. But just last year, Dathan started to get restless.” He winked. “We both like adventure.”

Hearing that didn’t surprise Briggs considering the trouble Cashton had been in lately and why he was here sitting on the couch.

“With Rainer’s consent, Dathan left the pack. He wanted to seek and discover the world. He always said there was more to life than living in Great Falls.”

“You didn’t feel the same?” Rynn asked.

Cashton shook his head. “I’m loyal to Rainer. My home is with him.”

Rainer acknowledged his loyalty with a firm nod.

Cashton drew in a deep breath. “Dathan kept in contact—always phoned to tell us of his adventures. He loved life. Loved living dangerously and on the edge, and traveled around the world to see all that it offered. He backpacked in Asia, sailed across the Mediterranean sea—just enjoyed life.”

Briggs’ promise to remain silent deflated. He was curious. “How did he end up in back in Plymouth?”

Cashton shrugged. “The last conversation I had with him, he said he returned to the United States and making his way across it, back home to Great Falls.” His face fell desolate. “It was four days after that call when I knew he was dead.”

Surprise filtered through their bond, Rynn’s expression equaled it. “How did you know that?”

“We’re twins,” Cashton answered. “We shared a deep connection. It was strange, really. Everything just felt wrong. I was so unsettled that whole day. Worried, although, I didn’t know why, except that he was somehow involved. I tried to call him but he didn’t answer his phone. I finally went to bed, but later that night, I awoke and knew he was dead.”

“You felt it?” Rynn asked, her tone hushed with despair.

Cashton inclined his head. “The bond was broken—gone.” His eyes welled up and his lip quivered as he looked away. “Only one thing could do that.”

Rynn sighed deeply, a rush of understanding and acceptance rose within Briggs’

soul. “For the first time, I’m discovering a reason for all this.” She reached out to Cashton, took his hand, and he glanced at her.

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