We had been: W. Somerset Maugham The Razor’s Edge 89
(Talking, talking: John Gardner Grendel 8
It seemed that: AA Bronson Lana 149
“This traffic jam: J. G. Ballard Cocaine Nights 11
Outside, the land: Italo Calvino Invisible Cities 14
“What seems beautiful: Charles Burkhart The Art of I.
Compton-Burnett 66
Something lovely happened: Justin Spring Secret Historian
There was zest: Jean Rhys After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie 37
A policeman entered: Daniel Kehlmann Measuring the
World 11
With a stick: Danilo Kiš A Tomb for Boris 9
Here he drank: Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure 119
“Are you trying: James Joyce Dubliners 119
“I came here: Daniel Mendelsohn The Elusive Embrace 62
He bowed and: Jorge Luis Borges Collected Fictions 383
And that was: Thomas Bernhard Frost 11
And then there: Virginia Woolf Diaries Vol V. 359
Silence is a: Susan Sontag Styles of Radical Will 18
I have a: Jean-Christophe Valtat 03 82
I am writing: Jean Genet Funeral Rites 13
And I’m still: Giacomo Leopardi Canti 21
Always alone: James Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man 196
This is a: Daisetz T. Suzuki Zen and Japanese Culture 232
I move books: Brane Mozetic Banalities 8
Our solutions are: Adam Phillips On Balance 272
Man has become: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 56
How did we: Giacomo Leopardi Canti 149
As the activity: Susan Sontag Styles of Radical Will 4
This is, as: Roland Barthes Critical Essays 12
The only good: Jean-Christophe Valtat 03 48
It is endless: John Daido Loori The Eight Gates of Zen 44
Forget it; forget: Jean Rhys After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie 28
Zee End: James Joyce Finnegans Wake 28
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