An Improper Proposal (The Distinguished Rogues Book 6) (29 page)

BOOK: An Improper Proposal (The Distinguished Rogues Book 6)
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The woman squinted at her, suspicion clear on her face. “Why?”

“Well, you are the most important woman in my daughter’s life right now. I can learn a great deal about her from you.”

That brought a smile to Mrs. Blake’s face. “She’s an appetite, this one. And a temper. Always hungry when I come.”

Iris frowned. “I thought you would have lived in.”

“I could if it were offered.” Martha glanced up at Mrs. Hughes with a scowl and received one from the housekeeper in return.

Iris noted the friction between the women and wondered at the cause. “Perhaps tea for us both, Mrs. Hughes, and for Lady Heathcote while I become better acquainted with my daughter. And biscuits if you have some, thank you.”

Although Mrs. Hughes appeared hesitant to go, she did as asked and retreated toward the kitchens. Left alone with Mrs. Blake, Iris made herself comfortable and glanced about. The mourning colors were absent from this room. “Lovely.”

“It’s too gloomy elsewhere.” Martha patted her frizzy locks self-consciously and threw a pained look in her direction. “Mrs. Hughes’s beau doesn’t like me for saying so.”

Iris laughed softly in response. “At least the child is too young to notice colors but it seems she likes you very much.”

The babe had released the woman’s nipple on her own and was staring up at Mrs. Blake with a sweet smile.

Martha cuddled her against her chest. “And I like her, too. She’s such a good girl.”

Although she ached to ask for the babe, Iris held back. “Do you leave because you have children at home to look after?”

“I did. They’re gone now. My husband sent them away to his family.”

Iris’s heart ached. “That’s horrible, and where is it that you live?”

“Southwark. It’s good money coming here.”

As far as the Marshalsea, in fact. “But a very long and tiring walk to make several times a day.”

“Sometimes I wander round the fine homes during the day and peek inside the windows instead when Mrs. Hughes doesn’t want me around.” Martha stroked the child’s head with a gentleness that surprised her. Martha must have come to care for the child as if she were her own. Iris smiled in approval. For an illegitimate child, this girl already had so much love.

The child’s immediate needs were important so she decided to ensure the girl’s happiness and health were assured. “Would you be willing to stay here at night, too?”

“Mrs. Hughes won’t like me underfoot. She doesn’t think I’m good enough.”

Mrs. Hughes returned, arms laden with tea and biscuits. “It’s your husband I don’t care for, Martha.”

Iris winced. “Mrs. Hughes, I’m sure you will agree that the child requires a stable environment. I should like Martha to stay close to the child and take over as many aspects of her care as possible.”

Mrs. Hughes stiffened and almost dropped the tray to the tabletop. “Are you unhappy with how I run this house, my lady?”

“Of course not. But the child does need a nursemaid too. That is not a job for a housekeeper. Your time and experience is better used on other matters, where firm decisions are required for the running of the household.”

“And she’s supposed to be getting married soon,” Martha said quickly. She glanced down at the bundle in her arms, and awkwardly buttoned her bodice one-handed. “Would you like to hold her, my lady?”

“Thank you. I would love to hold her.” Iris took the babe and settled the child in her arms. Gently she caressed the child’s face and smiled down into her sleepy eyes. “Such a precious girl. I will have to scold your papa. He should have chosen a name long before this.”

A pair of dark eyes fixed onto her face a moment then moved on to follow the light dancing into the room from a fluttering curtain. “Violet. If he will not choose, then your name will be Violet I think.”

Mrs. Hughes sank to a chair. “Her mother’s name was Vivian Rose.”

“Violet Rose. It has a nice ring to it. Like a sweet wine or a perfect day.” She hitched the child in her arms and leaned back in the chair. “I could stare into this sweet face all day.”

“I fear we all have that thought,” Mrs. Hughes murmured with a shake of her head.

Iris glanced at her. “Is the gentleman who answered the door your intended? I remember him from the park that first day we met. He seems very nice.”

The housekeeper nodded. “He agreed to wait on account of the little girl.”

“Ah, that is so good of him. When will you wed?”

“I don’t know. He’s been none too pleased with this situation but I could not leave the little one with things so uncertain. Lord Louth has not approved any candidates for my replacement so far.”

Mrs. Hughes set a cup of tea within reach and then served Martha.

First he cannot name the child, and then not find a replacement housekeeper. She’d not imagined him indecisive before but perhaps this situation was one he’d never considered until now. Iris, however, knew exactly what needed to be done. “I think you might feel comfortable making your plans to marry now if you wish, Mrs. Hughes. I hope to take Violet home soon, so a replacement housekeeper will be unnecessary.”

Mrs. Blake fidgeted. “Am I to go with her?”

“I had not meant to startle you with the change but if you would be willing to come, I would be grateful. I cannot, of course, feed the girl myself. She needs you.”

The wet-nurse licked her lips and then grinned, her eyes lighting up at the news. “I’m not fool enough to say no to a better situation.”

While she sipped her tea, Iris studied the wet-nurse’s manner. A little coarse, but she did make an effort to mimic Mrs. Hughes after a quick glance in that woman’s direction several times. She could make a perfect nursemaid with the proper guidance. A bit of polish to smooth any rough edges and Iris could be content to leave her future children in the woman’s care too without any hesitation.

The child grumbled and Iris lifted her to her shoulder. She patted Violet’s bottom rhythmically. The child pulled her knees upward and cried as the sensation of breaking wind reverberated against Iris’s palm. She glanced at Martha and Mrs. Hughes and pressed her lips together. The other pair laughed softly and she joined in too. “Now I feel myself her mother.”

“She needs to be changed soon,” Mrs. Hughes suggested.

Martha sat forward, hands outstretched. “That’s my job now.”

Iris smiled softly. “Perhaps for today you would allow me the honor. I cannot always be here and I’ll not have another chance for many days to come.”

Having gained her staff’s agreement, under their watchful eye, she moved to the baby’s room and changed her daughter’s garments for the first time with a wide smile plastered to her face.

Unfortunately, as much as she might wish it otherwise, she could not stay all day. She had responsibilities at home. Her father’s declining health needed to be discussed with Martin. He’d wanted to talk to her, but Iris had been at a loss over how to explain his contrary nature.

She wasn’t sure she knew what to do anymore.

She took a long goodbye, kissing little Violet’s cheek gently, and then set off for home with Esme.

Talbot’s boy, a child of no more than a dozen years that she’d noticed too often this week lurking around her new home, was waiting at the corner. He trailed her as she pulled a note from inside her glove and let it flutter from her fingers. She didn’t look back until the front door was closing behind them. The note, and the boy, was long gone by then.


Martin tossed his boot aside carelessly, switching his attention from the closed door to his wife’s bedchamber, and back to the mantelpiece clock. He could hear her in there, talking with her maid while she changed out of the clothes she’d worn to dinner and readied for bed. He’d never expected to be so eager to meet his wife each night but then again, he’d never seriously considered himself a married man. He’d discovered that being apart from Iris made him anxious.

As soon as the door between their bedchambers swung open, he was on his feet and across the room. Gods, she was beautiful. Her dark hair spilling across one shoulder, her feet bare under her robe. “You were very quiet tonight at dinner.”

She closed the door behind her firmly, her expression tense and uncertain. “I can’t help but worry for the future. I have a lot more to lose now than I ever had before.”

“Don’t worry about Talbot. I have Meriwether’s assurance that you will be protected from prosecution no matter what he might say. Do you remember the quip you made to Lady Heathcote about being invisible? Well, that is nonsense of course, but the comment inspired her and Meriwether to concoct a rather believable excuse for your involvement, if it’s discovered. As far as anyone knows, Meriwether recruited Lady Heathcote, a woman renowned for her intelligence and ability to uncover any scandal within the
She has been collecting any information relevant to the robberies for him and that is how your involvement began, as her confidant and second set of eyes.”

Iris rubbed her brow. “So I’m still a spy.”

“For the right reasons this time.” He set his hands to her tiny shoulders and rubbed through the thin robe she wore. He bent and pressed his lips to her soft cheek. When she sighed with pleasure, he continued to stroke the column of her throat and then kissed her collarbone. He’d not been intimate with her since the wedding, allowing her time to adjust to being his wife and everything else. However, he did want to try again tonight. The release might just do her the world of good and settle her nerves ahead of tomorrow night’s confrontation with Talbot.

They both wanted it over and for Iris to be safe again. Meriwether had assured him the plan to catch Talbot red-handed would work but he would not breathe easy yet.

“Waiting is very hard. I feel like everyone is watching me.” Iris pushed his waistcoat aside, her hands eager as they swept around his chest to embrace him. She brushed her body against his groin and although the action was probably innocent, it utterly inflamed him.

“The only eyes on you tonight are mine,” he promised. He tugged on the tie to her robe and undid the simple knot. His breath caught as the silk gaped, revealing his wife had come to him utterly bare beneath. It seemed he wasn’t the only one with pleasure on their mind.

He shrugged out of his waistcoat and dragged his shirt over his head. Iris swirled the tips of her fingers around his navel and then kissed his chest. When she licked his nipple, Martin groaned then swept her up into his arms and carried her the few steps to his bed.

She curled her arms about his shoulders and wriggled until her legs wrapped about his hips. “Make love to me.”

“I’d intended to.” He cupped her bottom and squeezed. “If you’re agreeable.”

Iris nodded and kissed his neck. When he felt the nip of teeth, he laughed and reached to snuff the candle on the side table. He climbed onto the bed, resting his back against the headboard, and brought Iris onto his lap so she straddled him. There was enough moonlight that he could see her face clearly and she appeared excited by the position. She eased down his body, her lips tracing fire over his skin. He unbuttoned the fall of his trousers to give his growing arousal room but didn’t expose himself.

Iris glanced up, a teasing grin on her face as she traced his outline through the garment. “I need you inside me.”

She moved up his body and claimed his lips in a fiery kiss that obliterated any possible denial. He would still be cautious. Telling her so didn’t seem likely, given her ardor, so he stroked her bottom lip with his tongue, gently biting the pink flesh as he held her against him.

She rose to her knees and brushed her nipple across his lips. He took the bud into his mouth and sucked hard, earning a desperate moan as repayment. He pushed her soft silk robe off her shoulders slowly and swept the barrier away.

She shuddered and pushed her breast harder against his face. He widened his fingers on her lower back, urged her quim against him and increased suction of his lips. She gasped softly when he switched breasts, scraping her nails over him. He teased her until she was moaning in a near constant stream.

He loosened his grip and while he continued to worship her breasts, he slid a finger along her opening, finding her damp and hot already. He slowly prepared her to be claimed once more. It did not take long for his insistent touch to provoke her to bear down on his fingers. When she groaned and tipped her head backward, Martin replaced his fingers with the head of his cock and pushed up.

Iris met his gaze, a wild look in her eyes. She rocked against him, pressing down a little at a time so he began to enter her. He cupped her breast and squeezed the tip, even as he held his cock steady. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she gasped as he slipped almost all the way inside. He was a bit surprised by the ease.

“Slowly, love,” he warned, holding back the urge to surge upward.

Heedless of his warning, Iris lifted and lowered much quicker than she should. Her lips parted and gasping. He gripped her hips firmly and slowed her down. Iris brushed his hands aside and set hers to his shoulders, undeterred by his wishes for a careful pace. Her eyes fluttered shut as she rode him, taking him deeper with every descent, her face a picture of concentration and pure joy. She paused only when he was fully seated inside her tight, blistering heat.

BOOK: An Improper Proposal (The Distinguished Rogues Book 6)
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