An Ordinary Fairy (40 page)

Read An Ordinary Fairy Online

Authors: John Osborne

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Fantasy, #Suspense, #Fairies, #Photographers

BOOK: An Ordinary Fairy
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I love fairy fragrance.

He stopped to pull them off and climbed again. Two steps later, a small pair of white panties hit him in the face. Willow’s poorly stifled giggle sounded above. He removed the panties and proceeded to the top of the stairs. She was leaning back against the loft rail with her arms stretched out to either side. Excitement and uncertainty showed in her eyes. Noah had never seen a more beautiful creature. Her wings sparkled in her light: she was all aglow, her face, neck, shoulders, and breasts, and to Noah’s surprise, light radiated below her belly.

“My goodness,” he said. “Fairies glow lots of places.”

Willow grinned shyly. “When properly motivated.”

Noah smiled and unbuttoned his shirt. He slipped it off, but not his pentacle necklace.

“You look good with your shirt off,” Willow said. “If I’d seen you bare-chested before I’m not sure I would have challenged you to arm wrestle.”

Noah slipped his pants off as she said this. “This isn’t the best time to remind a guy of that little episode,” he said. He finished stripping and turned to face her.

Willow’s eyes grew round and she took a deep breath. “It doesn’t look as if it’s hurting your confidence,” she said and giggled. “I will say I’m impressed you’re still around. Most guys wouldn’t be after getting their butt whipped at a man’s sport.”

Noah moved slowly across the room toward Willow. “I enjoy taming wild things,” he said. He stopped at the foot of the bed and looked her up and down. He felt her heat rise. “Should I be worried about protection?”

“No, I won’t hurt you,” she said, grinning. “Actually, I’m beyond getting pregnant.”

Just how old are you?

“Okay. You don’t need to worry about HIV, either. I was tested after my last relationship ended in … we’ll call it disloyalty.”

Willow’s look told him she hadn’t thought of this. “I’m okay, too,” she said. Her face colored. “It’s been such a long time I know it’s not a problem. Since before there was AIDS, I think.”

“I thought you met a guy at Rowan’s a few years ago.”

“Yes, and he was pleasant enough. A fairy, actually, but we never … consummated.”

“Oh.” Noah stepped closer. He felt the paradox of her heat and her apprehension. She bit her lower lip.

“I hope I can remember how to do this,” she said.

“I’ll help you.” He admired her tiny form and smiled. “You are so perfect.” Her upturned face blushed again. Noah put his hands on her shoulders. She was shaking, the deep, unseen tremors that rattle the soul. “Sweetheart, are you alright?”

She nodded, belying the evidence. He pulled her close, cradled her head against his chest. “Willow, we don’t have to do this.” Her quivering weakened, stilled.

She released herself from his comforting grasp. “You really mean that don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.” He sat on the bed and drew her toward him.

You act like you’ve never done this before.

“Willow, I will never ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said in her little voice. She bit her lip and continued. “Noah, right now, could we stop analyzing and start … consummating. I really want to consummate.” Noah laughed. “I really
to consummate,” she said, her voice growing confident and husky. “Would you please consummate me?”

“With pleasure,” Noah said, as he pulled her down onto the bed.

“I certainly hope so.”


When he awoke hours later, Noah lay on his back with Willow draped over him. She enjoyed the deep sleep of exhaustion and satiation, with her head on his chest, tucked under his chin. Her mouth was open and she breathed softly at the same slow pace Noah did. Arms and legs lay loosely on each side where she straddled him. Her wings stretched out in flight position but lay limp over them. Both sweet and musky fragrances drifted from her. The cottage was cold now, the fire unattended, but Willow’s fairy warmth kept Noah more than comfortable. He gently stroked her hair.

What took place in Willow’s bed had shocked them. Noah was careful, tender, sparing Willow as much discomfort as possible. Her own heat and desire overcame the rest. Once joined, enchantment seized their passions, melded their emotions into a single awareness that soared beyond, blending physical sensations between them. Willow’s climax burned through Noah, as his own pulsed through her. They had stared wide-eyed at one another, unable to stop until exhaustion forced them.

Noah’s lover stirred in her sleep. Waking slightly, she vigorously scratched her nose for a few seconds, then dropped her hand to Noah’s chest and patted it. Soon she slept again. Noah kissed the top of her head.

“Sleep well, little fairy,” he whispered.

Willow’s mouth curved in a small smile for a few seconds, and her cheeks glowed.

Noah drifted off again.




oah listened, eyes still closed from sleep, to gentle snoring. Images of the night brought a smile to his face. Then his ears picked up something else: Willow’s voice as she sang in the kitchen below. He opened his eyes to find himself nose to nose with a large black Labrador retriever who had appropriated Willow’s warm spot on the bed and lay sprawled with his head on Noah’s pillow. Shadow’s tail thumped madly against the bed.

“Sorry, boy. You’re not my type.” Noah attempted to roll backward off the bed but something small and soft snuggled up to him. Willow’s black cat, Raven, lay there. The cat had studiously ignored Noah since his first visit. Noah scratched her chin and elicited a loud purr.

“So now that I’ve made love with your mom I’m okay, huh?”

“Who are you talking to?” Willow asked from below.

“My bed partners. I should say my unexpected bed partners.”

“Shadow! You know you’re not allowed on that bed!” The big dog’s ears dropped and he slunk off the bed and curled up on the floor, with no apparent intention of facing his mistress. He attempted to make himself as inconspicuous as possible, not easy for a one hundred twenty pound dog.

Noah climbed out of bed and pulled on his jeans. He couldn’t find his shirt; he was positive he took it off upstairs the night before. He gave up looking and walked down the stairs.

Willow appeared below as he walked down, wearing only his shirt. Unbuttoned, it hung on her like a tent, past her knees, and she had rolled the sleeves up so they reached her elbows.

“There’s my shirt,” Noah said. He stopped a few steps from the bottom to admire the view.

“I borrowed it,” Willow said. She flashed a flirty smile and modeled it for him by sweeping it back to expose herself. “Does it fit okay?”


“I love it.” She pulled the collar up to her nose and inhaled loudly. In a dreamy voice she said, “It has that wonderful wicked photographer fragrance.”

Noah laughed. “What were you singing? It sounded foreign.”

“It’s an old Gaelic tune.”

“You were singing in Gaelic? I’m impressed.”

Willow bowed her head and smiled. “Thank you.”

Noah reached the bottom of the stairs and started to hug her.

“Wait,” she said and shrugged the shirt off to the floor. She raised her wings, fluttered them in a flirty fashion, and pressed herself close to him for a long morning hug and kiss.

“I’m going to take a bath,” Willow said. “Care to join me? The water’s warm.”

“Sounds great. Do I smell coffee?”

“Yes. I’ll pour you a cup while you brush your teeth.
brush your teeth.”

Noah completed his morning necessities. While in the bathroom, he searched out the pitcher and stripped off his jeans. He reached the poolroom as Willow entered the water. He held up the pitcher. “May I wash your hair?”

“That would be fantastic.”

Noah found the pool wonderful. Both the water and the company were warm.

After finishing with Willow’s hair, Noah leaned back against the side of the pool and pulled Willow into the same position against him with her head resting on his chest, being careful with her wings as always. He encircled her in his arms, rested his hands on her smooth stomach and let out a long sigh of contentment. The sweet aromas of bubble bath, shampoo and Willow’s own fragrance surrounded him.

“I love you,” Willow whispered. She laid her hands on top of his on her belly. “You’re still inside me, Noah, what you gave me last night. You marked me as your woman, as only a man can do, and I like that.”

I’ve never thought of it that way. I gave you part of me. So natural, so simple.

“You’ve left a mark on me, too, little woman. Deep in my heart. As only a woman can do.”

She patted his hands.

After several minutes of serene quiet, Noah felt Willow’s breathing grow slow and regular as in sleep, matching his rhythm.



“I think you’re the oldest woman I ever had sex with, but you seemed like the youngest.”

Noah expected her to squirm, but Willow giggled instead. “I feel younger than I have for years.”

They lay in the water in silence, but Noah felt Willow’s mind churning.

“Noah,” she said, “I’m much older than you.”

“I figured that out already. You may look thirty-five, but if that were true, you would have been five when your parents disappeared. That can’t be right.”

Willow sighed. “I’m fifty-six.” Apprehension flowed from her.

“So when they disappeared you were twenty-five.”

“Twenty-four. My birthday is in September.”

Noah had made love with a woman his mother’s age. He had suspected, but wanted to believe otherwise. Lying here with her sleek, silky little body pressed against him, he grappled with his feelings.

You probably lost your virginity before I was born.

Silence ensued for a time.

“Does that bother you?” Willow asked. “My age, I mean.”

“I don’t know how to answer that. It changes how I perceive you. You’re not who I thought you were.”

“Do you still love me?”

“What?” Noah sat up quickly, pushed Willow to a sitting position in front of him and spun her around by the shoulders to face him. Surprise and fear were on her face as she knelt before him in the water. He took her face in his hands.

“Never doubt my love for you. I told you my love would never change.” He lifted her by the waist and pulled her close to straddle him. Willow wrapped her legs around his waist and brought her face close to his. They kissed gently.

“Okay,” Willow said. She laid her head on his shoulder. They sat for a moment caressing, and then Noah leaned against the side of the pool again. After a few seconds, Willow began blowing bubbles in the water. Noah had submerged her face when he leaned back.

“Oh, gosh!” he said and quickly sat up. Willow exploded into cackling laughter, which Noah did not appreciate. He took her by the waist again and threw her backward across the pool, sloshing a good amount of water onto the floor. She came up laughing but stifled it long enough to speak.

“You’re so romantic,” she said and burst into more laughter. “A girl needs a helmet and a snorkel, though, for your romantic gestures.”

“You are bad. I’m hungry, aren’t you going to feed me?”

Willow grinned wickedly. “If you dry my wings and brush my hair.”

They toweled each other dry, causing passions to stir anew, but they stifled them long enough to think of breakfast. Noah pulled on his jeans and Willow retrieved his shirt. Soon they sat down to hot oats and quiet conversation. Willow as usual finished first and watched Noah.

“Noah, you made me feel inferior.”

Noah raised his eyebrows. “When?”

“Last night. In bed. You’re a much better lover than I am.”

“I wouldn’t say—”

“Yes, you are, Noah. I’ve been with several men before. Human and fairy.” She blushed at this admission and reached her hand across the table to stroke his. “And you’re the best. I’ve never been with such a gentle and sensual man who could make me so hot. You know, I wanted you almost from the start. The first time we went to my parents’ room, I didn’t emulate your feelings. That was all me. I think the enchantment Mother and Father left on that room was an honesty spell. When you’re in that space, you’re compelled to reveal your deepest feelings. Think about our second visit. Did you plan on saying you loved me?”

“No, it just popped out.”

“Same for me. I didn’t want to hurt you with what I said but I had to say it.” She paused for a moment, seeming to reflect. “I’ve loved you ever since that rainy day when you told me you saw me fly. You were so gentle that day. You told me I was beautiful without even using the word. You made me
beautiful, and something awoke in me. I didn’t think I could ever love a man again, so I’ve fought my feelings for you. You’ve been patiently making love to me all along, getting me ready.” Her eyes twinkled. “Last night my apprehension was overcome by my horniness.” They both laughed. “I love you, Noah Phelps.”

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